The Guardian from London, Greater London, England (2024)


METAL MARKETS. LO.tDOlY, iJ52. 17. 6d. caiU and '53 three months.

Tin steailv; lUfAttt H. cash and 90. 10s. to 90. 12s.

6d. three muhtiis; Chglish Ingots, 93. 10s. Spelter. 22.

17s. Gd. to 23, naniih lew! firmer at 12. 12s. Ed.

waukee. ami Ktf: Conleba Central 5 per eeatdebm tures (Central Northern Mexican. 394 48, 54. 54. 'A, 0.

Ii. 'A, 34 Mexicin Central 1 per cent gold bonds. 73:4: Nashville, Florence, and Sheffield first mortgage bonds. 102)4; New Eork. Ontario, and Western, IS; Norfolk and Western preferred.

54)4. Oregon and California first morreaee bonds. 9834: Unnrimv tur rirnt iiniriMl. S4 Visit. Eit Chilperfc.

10 to 1 agit Primm. ami 109 to 8 mgtt any other. Primuf msde bU the running, and won in a canter by five leiigtht'; length and a half between second and Chilpcric wai fourth. Flving Cloud fifth. Dulverton ilxth, and Thalab last.

The wfnuer was sold to Mr. A. Bay for 360 guineas. The TRIAL PLATE of 103 weight forage; penalty and maiden allowance. Oue mitp.

Mr. H- HMiman'i Tnniahen. bT Baliol Humilltv. 4 Vrs. beat Jean tfacconochie.

Phoebeuto ran a bye (Gladsmuir being drawn), and Thimble beat Kate Cuthbcrt. The COVINGTON PLATE, for 32 All Ages, at 3. ICS. each. First Ties.

Mary Harding beat Glentrulm, Douglas Halt beat Diversion Carmrl Bill beat Rubicon, Artful Card beat Jury Box, CouDtess of Stratford beat Secretary. Naivete beat Dark Blossom, Jerriswood beat Flying Spur, arid Mervyn beat Risk and Hope. Second Ties. Mary Harding beat Douglas Hall, Carmel Bill beat Artf'jl Card. Naivete beat Countess uf Stratford, and Mervyn Jerviswood.

The PETTINAIJ1 STAKES, for 16 All Ages, at HZ. 10s. each. First Round. Mr.

T. Graham nd Bounding Wave beat Mr. Hutchison's Clyde Needle Mr. Pow nd Rnguerv beat Sir W. C.

Anstruther's Assessor Mr. Wilson's Wicked Belle heat Messrs. Thompson nd Banquet Mr. Smith's Colonel Kimberley beat Mr. Wood's Ilirnaui Wood Mr.

Stirling's Smile lieat Mr. line's Dore Mr. Adanis's Flying Dart beat Mr. W. Paterson's Milady Mr.

Valtance'a Ranting Robin beat Sir W. C. Anstruther's Antguul Mr. R. Paterson nd Diablerie heat Mr.

Watson's Thistle II. SHOPS, GOOO'vVTLI. TS TEAJB, VICTIMS and Business for JL S'h. nell established: goodjKwitlon: lugging low, je 22. Manufacturing article daily JLi patented: 4C3.

Johnstone and limited, Cardifl. Wpl" -a Opening. To be Sold, as a going oou- lO Water Business: established 15 years-S169. "AON'riiCTlONliRY Business to be Disposed of: oven, and fixtures at valuation. 569, itochdale lioad.

OLU-RSTABLI6HED Baby UnenaldWies 'u-ntliv TO RE SOLD, witb or without stock-It. i-urrXir of natures, go-jjwtil. Ac 8. London-street, SouthporL. XKIiKNGKUCERV, Fish, Fruit, and Potato V3T with Cob.

Harness. Kishcirt, and Astitou Cart, oi "ej-arato. 57. Higher tJrniOfid-stn'et, pUNVRUTiOXKKY BUSINESS, situate in uxlor.l Koa-l: handsomely fitted with evi-y ivqulnitp: capital fcUu-i: ro lug to practical conr 71. rSOHACCOMS'I'S: excellent TtandTgood all- iL truly; ensy rent: kochIayUI and fixtures lull nire clianc--.

Ail.iress e9, at ttie lirititerj. SALE, Heady-money CiUUCKRY and ursiNESS; takintra upwrirds or 20 weekly: rent J.VJ. 200, at Hie printer's. G1 MJOI) FUG IT. FlSK, and POULTRY BUSI- MS.

ihorouirhfiirQ: cannot attend to it on account of c.tti.t.,-. lt tlils week. A ilc re 3 ii 168. ul Hie priitW's. 1.UOUKKY PROVISION BCtUNKSS FOR ri.I-K; returns uvor wvtk cash: about full p.irtlcidari.

35, at piinterV. SHARE MARKETS. The following were the 4 SO p.m. prices of the principal stocks and shares, together with the inakiDg-up prices at the last settlement: Stt.lemt. Tiv.saav.

Yesterdav. ilar.23. 2i p.c (Goschenl, mouev 96s 9S3, 564... iJo. account 93f, 96JJ 96f, Two and a Hilf dm Cents S1i 94s S4ja Local Loans 3 p.c 102j 1024...

India 454 D.c RupM Papar 76J4 77 7GK 76)J Do. 4 p.o. Rupee Paper 75 74J 7-T4X Do. 3'A p.c. Stock lOajj 1C83 3 p.c.

Stock 87)5 UK 97W 9JJ4 Canada 3JS p.c. 103 10S ...103 105 Cape p.c. Inscribed 93'Z S9J4. 93ii 995.. New South YMes3'A p.c.

Ius.101!, 102)4 New Zealand 3)4 p.c 97 98 97 93 Queensland 3)5 974 935 97)4 South Australia 3. '4 p.c. Idsc. 98 S9 98 99 10334 9Sfi 102 97 98)4 76 5S) 42 Victoria 3)4 p.c. Insc 89J4 100J4 99J4 100J4.

75J4 644 42 Argentine 5 p.c IS83 7G Do. 414 p.c. sterling 55 l)o. 3)4 p.c. External 42 XJo.

National CYUuias, 2) Do. Provincial 13 jj Brazilian 4 p.c, 1889 73) Chilian 4)5 P.O........,...,.,.,...,. 8tl Egyptiau Unified 4 p.o iSll 7SJ 55 76 44 13... 74 68 'A 9SJs 44 27 2iH 27 14 74 Ji lZft 74 73), 89 67)4 94 94J-, 104 ..103 94 89 94)4 103 944 104)4 Do. Freuuli 3 p.c.

Rentes 94)J Do. u.c. Rentes 104' 1U3 ...104 105 German 3 p.c 83)5 Greek 5 p.c. 1884 89)4 Do. 4 p.c.

Monopoly 71 ii Do. 4 c. Rente C9J4 Hungarlau 4 p.c Gold 92)4 Itihan p.c 1U01 833i 83K 90 71... 90 71H 70 9214 91 '4 89)4 71 69 Ji Wi szys 91 89J4 77)4 69)4 92)4 64 9l 10M 29)4 100 77J4 994 103)4 14 244 IBfc IBM p.c, koio 31 Peruvian Uoro. ord Do.

preferred Russian 4 p.c. Itmi Spanish 4 p.c 10K 10S47. ioiZ 29J 89i 9914 103 ii 76,3 J7A JGli fir 99)1 99 I'urUiah 4)i p.c. 1871 SS4 10U Do. 5 p.c.

187, Defence 103' 103)4 1U5X Uroup I. 4314 44 ii 13X 44X 21)4 HI 18 IV. 18(J Uruguay dulled 5 p.c 54 Do. p.c 60 United States 4 p.c.1907 U3 ilH 2454 24H 19 19 54)4 60... 126 IBfS 54:4 60J4 125" 531 59)1 54 60 Caledonian 117J4 117J4 Do.

preferred 75)4 76)4 Do. deferred 40:4 11 Great Eastern 955 96J4 blreac Northern prof, ord Ill 122 Do. def. ord 73)4 80 Do. A tSriwt Western 159j4 159J4 Hull and Batnslev 36 36)4 Lauculura t.iw Yorkshire 113 114 London aud Brighton 1S2 1G4 76 96, 964...

112 79)4 80 79 Bl 36 ...113 114 ...163 165 ...15454 116 76 40 96)4 I ")i 79)4 B0 159)4 36 113 161 155 18)4 103 17414 158)4 72 34 77)4 uu. n. lavi Loudua, Ohac. and Dover 13)4 19 Do. oreferenoa 107m 108! 103W London and florfh-Wester 174)4 1744 170) jjouuoa ..158 160 ...158 163 ataiicnestcr him Shuitiold 72 34 74 36)4 79 30 73 3454 7i 75 73 UU.

A. Metropolitan Do. District la 30 33 30)! 23 Midland N'lrtli-lSitsleru cunsoii 150 15J)4 148)4 .16254 1624-s 162,7, 163s 162 Nurth British ord. 08 63)4 67)4 6S 66J4 41)4 122 12S 95 uo. ordinary def.

North Stu.tordshlra 43 11 4341 43 121 123 ...121 I2S 127 ...125 SS 95)4 95 123 127 65., Do. A Atchison shares 27)4 27)4 27)i 44 Ji 784 2S)s 57) 17)4 26 5744... 26 43 29)4 55)4 Uo. a p.c. income 44)4 45)4 Canadian Pacific S100- nhares.

78v; 79 Central Pocilie 29), 29 Chicago, Alii, and St. Paul 56) ueuver shares 1714 1714 Do. preference 594 60 17J 59)4 95)4 112 74)4 18)4 101)4 31)1 till 97 Illiuuis Central 96)4 S7J4 Shore 112 112)4 33 11254.. 75J, 19 19Ji Louisville and Nashville 75)4 75)4 New YTork. Laics Kriu.

i. West. 1CJ4 18J, uo. tna inort 101 102 N. i'orlr.

P. Ohio 1st 31J4 31)4 Io.v lorlc Central shares 104)4 101)4 31)4 101)4 104J "Winn anu VTcfStarn 61)4 61)4 64)4 54)4 UOCEilY and MiQVlSlUS BUSINESS FOR Ai.i:, with posTitisstun: in truing rem, witti tor giving: a bargain. Apply at printer's Zd 1 KtO.UY and 'iMiOViaiONaest stand in TT Kl gtKJ ci-h trade: rent law; sooj rcaun i'lt leuviug: ei.v.ii-; nw goudwiil; ulimice met with, a 12. iHLLS, MAinJPACIORIES, WOKKS, iV ALL, Large LOOM SHKD, 400 looms: own rights: near Genre Sale. -X afc'Sabderi, TO'Bii SOLi looms; or sult.tble for dyevrorks: unhmliod a-roiary.

3, Js'orlolk-straet. 5 'l'Uli rfALE by Private Truaty, as going concern, TfjK JC Country KAVlNU SliilU. Luums, Iteamine', riaiues, wita ail i.eceary atijuncts; rent oi iuodu-i-a 73. at tbe printer's. 0 oE China and Karthenware and JZ.

i uitiif China U'uy. Volt SAl-E. by a. St. AusteU, Cornwall, a soin and vdituble ci.i:.

rn. Kur particulars lo MoiiGAN rJtlCtIami 31 1: US. wliltor. 3i.Oid Xiroad-jilreet, Lomluii. C.

MILL ON SALE, as a going concern, I wirh a cood connoctlou. '-ar to tbe Maucl*tMer iixchangur ji ineludu one irouj engine, one liMiue, sinl-; doul lrJ.ui'j. by one circulitr saw Hin. pulley baud saw mac tune, uue vertical spindle hu.u:mj; It 86, at tha prlmerV. iltClv WOiiKS.

A a a going concern, Valuable c-nuuliy siiuuted In e-t private railwuy rcclay. mid wairanton pitunises alo coal now worked r--r fcliu: freoiioid tuid j.irtiy leasaboIJ, 40 years to rin al Kin and i-wyatties. Tbe woiksaiw flttc-d with tltlclonc an: icainry. wltn good sheds heated by exliaut steam, and 1 i coiisld-ia'jly tJtteiwloo. for farther particular-: Rpply iiANNKK a.

SOJi, Norm Liverpool. If LAND AND BUHVDIKGS i3 bo Sold, Block of Cottages, near "Yhit- T7orkj.Op'jnstiav.-i.':02ttfterchim: otlerwanted. K208 1 i i'l AL-iKS, suitable for workshops, near London jutioiii H'. ii. KOISlXioS.

JMdge-atrucc OLii: High-street: 350 yards. Apply William and cnarurei accountants, 8, Manchester SHOPS in Hulme, cheap: only 100 cash jjj quired. H. K. Corporatiou-streel Itj, Plymouth Orove TO UK SOLD, or LET.

Appf r. Oil SALE, SEVEN iiOL'SES, near llyde Koad, 71)4 72)4 71)4 "7134 try 174 16)4 17 52)4 53 52)4 52)4 15's 15)4 15)4 1554 49)4 55)4 t0)4 4S4 45)4 45)4 46 45 18'4 19 18J4 18)4 32)4 33)4 31 32 32 84 8 m. ny, 72ft 72H 71)4 biy, 57)4 57)4 57 374, 3774 37)4 37 20J4 20)i 20)4 20)4 llHi 11)4 11 4... HJs 40), 40H 40)4 4)4 120 121)4 73)4 71)4 73)4 71 "34 115 MJf 134 Northern Pacific pref mid Mississippi ordlU.i feiiiieylyauia shares I'hiladel. A Readiug shares Do.

1st income Union Pacilia. W.UMih and St. Louii prof. Do. debentures Grand Trunk of Canada ilo.

4 u.c. Do. lsi, preroranoa Do, 2nd ureferouua Do. 3rd preferoitco Loiubardo-Vonetiaii Mettcan ILtitway stojtt I)i. 11 nrttfiireiii: Do.

2nd preference Kitrate Railway Imp. Ottoman Bank, 10 1474 AugJo-Aiiiorican Telegraph 47)4 National Telephoue 4)4 Bell's Asbestos 12), AUsopp urdiuary 41 fiuiuudss ordi.iary 30-J Eastmans 104 Hudsun's Buy, 14 18 Oceana British South African 2 Pr vitiva Nitrate 9 Sues dual 97)4 City aud Suburb in Gold 4)4 De Beers Diamond 15fJ Goidlieidsof Suth Alrica 3)4 Lsnloate (iold 3)-4 Afosou and Barry Copper 6j4 Mj'sore Gold Si i Riu Xiuto Copper 23, Tharsis Copper 6)4 to 12. 15s. English, 12. lSs.

tol3. Scotch pig Iron lower at 42s. rash and 43s. Id. one month.

Quicksilver unchanged. GLASGOW, JJ4rkec weak, with a good busi ness. Scotch done at -43s. Had. and 12s.

I0d. cash, also at 43s. 42s. 43s. one munth: closing buyers at 42s.

lQJ4d. cash, sellers ask more. Middlesbrough close with burers at 3Ss. 6d. cash aad 38s.

fxl. one moutii. sellers aslc l4d, more. Uematlte done nt 47s. 8.1.

end 47s. 4 Jjd. cash, also at 47s. Sd. one mouth; closing with buyer at 47s.

4d. cash, and 47s. Gd. one month, sellers ask Ad. mail.

WOLVfiKUAMPXON, WKiXKSDav. The holidays and adverse Scotch and Cleveland reports bacl a quietening effect today. Added to this was the decline In co*ke prices, the quarterly meetings, fixed fur April 8 mil 9. and the expectation that Iron-' workers' w.tge will be reduced to-morrow in Birmingham as a result ot the accountants' declaration. Prices weak, aC 7 eay for sheets, singles, ajid 7.

5s. double; best bars, senond inn rite I sort, 7. 5s. irO and common, to G. 5s.

InijKirted M.idtaud pigs 45s, to aui common Suffordsblie 33s. to 4Ci. LONDON CORN MAKKE'ft Wbd.vbsdat. Wheat cirgoes have ruled llrm, rtth few sellers In tha market, but trade proved quiet and dlsip pointing, and although, oilers Iiavu not increased, the general position Is less Siitls factory. There is, however, very littlo Australian Athedt nveiUble, and Lav Pinta is scarce.

No sales have transpired to-day. but lata yesterday Oregon, shipped early February, changed hands at and 40s. was paid for 11 arch shipment Australian. Call-fornian prompt would come at and March-April Australian at the sairia price. Choice Chilian, April-Mnv.

la obtainable at 38s. and for choicti La Plata, March-A'pril, 40s. Sd. Is asked. Kast Indian wheat parcels are weak or, with values lHd.

to 3d. worse. Xu. 2 club Calcutta to London May-Jutie was done at 37s. -iid.

to 37s. 6d. AUibara on passage to Hull realised 36s. 3d. London futures continue quiet, and the changes in value arts.

Very slight. Contracts regiitered, nil, states that accounts or l.tie wheat crop Franca are still unsatisfactory. The persistant cold father is detri-mental, and with the anticl pated shcrt yield and the deficit in the area sown a crop 25 to 30 per tent below average seems prubabte. IL is nuvv confirmed that the autumn crop In Belgium has been seriously damaged Maize hiui had a strong market, but closes rather quieter at tho imptovetitent. May-June, 27s.

prompt. 27s. 9d.i I'oti, pnnnpt, Galatz f*ckanian. April-May, May-June, and June-July, 27a. 'td.

London nmfze fixtures are Inactive, and bids are fid. worse for Juuw delivery at 26s. September, buyers, 2s. 6d. Contracts registered, nil.

iiarlev values firm, and business hai been done at 3d. ad vance. Pour cargoes or Azoff, Marc i-April and April-Mav. were sold ab 23s. and Danube, March-April, on sample at 23sT 3d.

9U8t JU6 March-April, Mllerst Oote steady. Archangel first spring shipment 16s. 9d. Beans quiet. Morocco stamers foirshipment 23i.

6d. At Mark Lane the attendance was limited, as is usual oa Wednesdays, and the market could only be called nominal. English and foreign wheat found Mondav's prices, and closed quiet. Flour was In slow request on previous terms. Maize was linu, in unison with tbe cargo tradv, and Jn some cases rather dearer.

Barley was in fair demand at -Monday prices, and occasionally mere money was paid. Oats were firm and tho turn clearer. Beans and peas unchanged. Arrivals last week-. English wheat, 330 quarters foreign.

39.269; Hour, 31,900 sacks; maize. 3,820 quarters; hurley. 3.000; oats, 43.820; beans, pais, 200. LIVERPOOL CORN MARKET, Wkdxjcsday. On Friday next (Good Friday), SUurday, and Monday this market will he closed for Easier holidays.

The reaction in American markets caused buvers of spoti wheat to pure ha-o sparingly, but with tbe small stock her holders have shown no desire to realiie, and yesterday's prices are steadily mainraiued. No. 1 Califondan options under the same influence as spot, opened extremely quiet and lower to sell, but with tha absence of pressure on the part of si tiers the market hardenrd somewhat, and the businesi, which is small, has been done at. Kd. per cent Hi under yesterday's closing rates.

Sides 5.000 jny d. fta.t ju.vuu juiio sj. 3U. ta Bo. Auguab 88..

and bcplemhcr 8s. 2d. Call prices Uol.vflrioj. Nc. 1 Ualirornlan per IMiO.

To-day. lievIousdar. Bii er. e. J.

8 4i 4s 8 31 8 2k 8 2 8 2 SelMrs. it. d. faetiers. x.

d. 8 6 8 bt 8 4 -1 8 4 8 3i 8 34 8 3 s. li. 42 March AoiU May June July August Ucptember 7 4i 8 i 3i 8 3j 3 8 2 22 8 24 22 8 2) East Indian futures sbdy at about late rates. In.

No. 1 Bombay 200 tons March imipmcnt sold at 203 Mv-Juii9 7b. 200 soft white Delhi April-May 7s. SCO soft white Ktirrache-a March-April 7s. Gd.

to 7s. ana 250 June uiy is. u-ju. SUlptusuts via Canal). Soft White soft nt Kurrsahas.

To- lrtr. No. 1 Bombay. I'o- ifrtv. USlIlL Kurrachoo.

To- Pwv. To- ttw. day. day. dv dsv.

dar. day. dav. s. d.

n. s. (L b. d. s.

d. ..7 6 ..0 0 t. d. 7 6 0 0 0 0 7 4 0 0 a. 7 4 0 0 0 0 7 2 7 1 i.

(1, 7 4 0 0 0 0 7 2 0 0 1 8 1.. 0 0 00 Apl-Mar. 80 80 .00 00 Mny-Jiie. 7 11 11 0 0 0 ..0 0 oo oo. .03 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cariroes have been less active.

7 4 7 4 ud yesterday's prices am barely Sales confined to April Oregon iron, per Medea, at 41s. and Jlprll-May Walla Walla at 38s. lOHtU iur ouitLiucuii uiruvf. advices fiom the States hod an adverse infiu-enco ou thu maize market at the opening, but the eaay feeling subsequently disappeared. Amerlcimsynixed tin the spot brings recent improved prices, at which juata moderate consumptive) business has been put through.

European and ICiver Piute firmly held owing to tho continued scarcity. Options were fd. to under last night's final rates at opening, but with anticipations of flight shipments fur ensuing week the decline was recovered on good buying, especially for tlie near months, and tho market lit now better than yesterday, aided bv America ihowing strength. Sales i 50.000 April ats. lld.

to 6s, 90.GCO May at is. 11'd. to 6. 30,000 June at 5s. to 6s SO.OOO July at 5s.

ra 6s. 25.000 August nt 6s. to 6s. and 15,000 September at6s.to6s.03fd. "Call" prices To-day.

Previous day. s. d. 5 101 5 1U .60. 5 lit .80 0 Of Bellsra.

a. tl. 8 0, 6 0i 6 0i 6 0) 5 Oi 6 0t Buyers, s. d. 6 II 5 Hi 5 Hi 5 Hi 5 111 5 lli .60 Sell era.

s. d. 6 it 0i a 8 6 C. 3faruh April Way June July A U2 (1st So ptei nber 6 Cargoes steady with a lair business passing, which Includes foxanian arrived out per Helen Otto a nt 29n. 7d.

May-June Giuatz foxai.Ian Bessabarlan at Sd. and April-May, May-June, and uiy-Aujfust st 27s. 4i U. Potl April bringing und due out. per Hot) in a 27s.

A fair consumpt ive business hon len put through In flour at tbe recent Improvement. Beans emtio ue to harden and ntn are In moderate request, with the tendency ot prices still in so. Wheat lfUlb. s. O.

a. I FJo-jr 30WI. ji. rf, tt d. Duluih, No.

1 9 KsdVinter.Westvaro 8 Uo. Steamers 0 Californtan, No. 1., 8 A.Una 7 Ohlrka 0 feu-olrl 0 Xo. new 6 Boans-LVpUSatdl qr. 28 a i winter raioni 31 6 33 8 ft rr, Jy 6 31 I rum's J5 8 81 I Cal fornian 2d 8 2 I Indian Corn lDQlh.

3 8 31 0 0 American old 6 0 6 Ofc 0 0 I Bo. new 6 0 0 0 0 I Amarlnan whits IS 3 I Odessa new so a a I UlvBrPUtelmiierfect 5 a 9 tfmprts of Aa. (In osnUlsj, TcWlay 20.938 49 61S 28,240 TliiBwes 163.340.. 111.491 70,654 This yr 2,605 575.. 691,175..

20873 Lastyssr 3,09347 700,430 147.819. 274.181 CORN MARKETS. CORK, Wednesday. Jllack oata, 6s. to 6s.

seed oats 6i. 4d. EDINBURGH, WsDViaoAT. Wheat la. per quarter dearrr.

Barley slow of tale and prices In buyers favour. Oats 6d. pec quarter dearer. Beans sc Id at the full rates of last week, GLASGOW. WjfDXfiSDAT- Maricet buoyontall roimd.

owing to the advance In Indian corn. Midze was Sd. up on the week price 16s. 9d. Flour also Sd.

higher; millers are well emploTedJ although tlie markets are firm in America, on the Continent, and In England; Scotch bakers not Inclined to for distant future. Oats and peas 6d. higher. Beans alio that amount up: grinding kinds 17s. 6d.

NEWAUK, WKDNiiSiJj.Y. trade Is. dearer. Barlev quiet. Beans and maizd ls.

dearer. Rod, 33. to white, 3Ss. to malting barley, 28s, to feeding barley. 26s.

to oats, 19s. beanii, 31s. to 33s. CATTLE MARKETS. EDINBURGH, Weoni3d A.Y.

Ft cattle, 38. A full seasonable average as loquai and a fab-demand. J5.itremtop, 7s. secondary, 7s, inferior, 6i. Ed.

per stone! Fat sheep, 1,472. Over an average as to quality and a moderate) demand for shop sheer. Extreme top. current. 7d.

middling, inferior down to 6V4d. per lb. Dairy short horns, 16 to Ayrshirea, 15t20; young pigs. Si, to 13s. each.

WKOESOAy. Sui'Dly of cattle. 816? lWr. 064. Prices ceuerally cheaper, thi arrivals beint lartr, nnri thm bad weather keeping biwk buyers.

Scotch commnndMi onlv Irish, 58a. States, Qotwithstindint! numerous offprint. Hearst 54s. to per cwt. Sheep wern'alaree show, nrfma aulraals being liberally sunt forward: however price were 2i, per iiw ui'-ni on txmi(My yvu per iu LEEDS.

WaD-XEfiDAT. There was wtv trnnA r.f cattle aud sheep at market to-day, but buyers did not go in wim juuuu ajjuMM uu ih iduib ruieo stowaoa rattier less money was mode. There were also several calves on offer. Ouotatlons: Beasts. 5d.

wnniv RVM k.A ditto jhoni. Sjfd. lambs. Is. to 18.

Id. psr lb. WAhfarir-bLJ, wtPf fcsDAV. was c-Iargeattendanco of buyers, and, as Is usual at the market preLeding the Easter holidays and festivities, brisk demand for hunband fat calves, but the inquiry for beef ud mutton was rather slow, and prices bad a downward tendency. Tbe best lamlta sold at from 83s.

to 65s, each, and smaller and Interior made from 35s. to 5Se, each. There was an un asnally laiga show of Danish fat calves. aud they mot with a good demand. The best sold at Bd.

per and secondary and Inferior lots mode 6d. to 7J4d. English fab calves were lo very ofE-ed, and rfl)scd ldgl prices; the best making fully lOd. per and other sorts 2d. to 9Jd.

About 1,750 fat beaiits were on offer, and the display include! some very prime heifers and choio; bullocks. Trade ruled heavy and prices were a shade easier. The best quality sold at from to seconasry sorts, 5d. to and rough and heavy animal 5Jtfd. There wer 5,274 sheep on offer, and they moved off slowly abut the following prices Choice small hozzets.

to Slid, ner cood strom? ihf.n 7ii and fat ewes and heavy tups, ltd. to 6Jd. Milch beasts wero ireeiy ouereo, uoy uwimsj waa qniet, and prices were reported to be from 1 io 1. IDs, per hood lower; or from 14 to 24 each. A good supply of loan beasts, but trade sluizelsbi at from 9 to 14.

Alout 870 jjtg? met with a steady sale at last Wednesday's rates. CLYDE CRUSHED SUGAT1 UAHKKT. Vr- Large baslnss done at steady official report states: Bta-idy market, snd good business done. Market and stores will Vie closed, on Friday. CUKtt.

BU'iTBK AliLtthJST, rV ED5T-STJAT. In market. Itl firkins, classified aa follows; Pints, 11; seconds, 51; thirds, 76; fourths, Uue, mill, mibrauded, 15; there wero also keg. The quotations ware FlrtU, soconds, thirds. kvcm.i luurbtus.

khc.s. liiiiius, uue, m.lU, liO. UUaDOH POTATO Wesxuciy. Valr surli. suul trwde moderately mtztAv.

best qoalitic raaialas: full Insurance: Commercial Union, 335 Lancashire, 8,4 Liverpool and and Globe Fire and life, 5154. London and Lancashire Fire. 2154. 54. jj.

Mines: New Gnston, 70s. 70s. xd and bt Rio Tinto. 23'4. ft.

Miscellaneous: Brunner, Mand. and Co. new issue. 2S54 Canada Co. 504; Consolidated Bank, 6c; R.

Evans and Co. debentures. 102 Globo Telegraph and Trust, 9ft; Liverpool Corporation 3(4 per cent, UOHi Liveriiool United GasB, 153)4 Liverpool United Tramway and Omnibus, 111a; Runcorn Soap and Alkali, 24 Salt Uuiou, 8ft; Trustees, Executors, and Securities Insurance Corporation, S3S; Odd luf A hyphen between two fractions signifies that the transaction ti at the mean price. GLASGOW, VVkd-Vesdxv. The following transactions are reported In the Glasgow Sharo Market-.

115)4 ditto preferred. 34 defrd. 40ft. J4 Canr.diau Pacific, 78JS; Cassel Gold, 40s. Eastmans.

Grand Trunk of Canada third preference, reat North of Scotland, 5934 34; London, Brighton, und South Coast. 154)4, Marbella Iron, 863, Mextaan, 4054; Mysore Gold, 120s. New York. Ontario, aud Western, 18: New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio first mortgage. 3154; Niddrie TI, 35s.

North British, 4354. 54; ditto preferred. 68, Ji; l'ollok's Patent, 16s. 6d. COMME RCIALi MARKETS.

THE LANCASHIRE COAL TRADE. MANCHESTER, WttlSt51A.T. Generally a steady business is reported throughout the coal tradti of iliis. district, and with thti exception of sumo or tho inferior descriptions of engine fuel the picaent output of tho collieries is moving away without difficulty. Duriui; thu irust week there lias been nu extra amount uf buying with tt view of getting in supplies prior to the holiday stoppages of the pits, which ia most will extend over three or tour days, and this has given a temporarily iucrcuaed activity to the market.

I'he better qualities of round coal suitable for house-fire purposes have been iu brisk demand, and in many cases the output of the collieries lias been barely sufficient to meet requirements. Common round coal, although only in moderate request for iron-making and stuim purposes, has also been moving away without difficulty, anu for uil descriptions of round coat prices ura fully maintuIneJ at lata rates. At the pit mouth best coal still a ventres 12s. 6d. per ton, second qualities lCs.

6d. to and common round coal 9s. to 9s- Gd. per ton. Engine classes of fuel have also been moving away more freely o.vhi to increased buying fur mill requirements during tlie stoppages of the collieries, aud although common slack is still plentiful it is not being pushed for sale nt quite such low figures.

At the pit mouth burgy averages 7s. 6d to 7s, 9d good qualities of slack Gs. to 6s. 6d. with special sorts quoted at and common slack 4s.

6d. to 5s. per ton. In the shipping trade business has been rather Blow, but prices remain without quotable change, and go-id ordinary qualities of steam coal delivered at ports oa the Mersey still average about 10s. 3d.

to lCs. Gd. per ton. LIVERPOOL ritOVISIOLY MARKET, Wednesday. Easter holidays will extend from to-morrow (Thursday) evening antil the following Tuesday morning.

The uocon market Is hardly so strung as at the close of yesterday, still buyers have to pay full prices la order to effect pnrcliases, in fnct Sd. advance Is asked for short rib, Stafford-shire, and Cumberland, the supply of latter being now In email compass. Frlcjs of other descriptions remain unaltered with a fair trade put sing. Hams meet moderate consumptive inquiry at recently enhanced rates; the supply of shortcut is poor. move fairly into consumption and prices of all kinds tend against buyers, squares being raised Gd.

per ewt. Cheese remains strong, and finest displays a hardening tendency, though uo further advance can be reported. Butter firm at full quotations. The break in Chicago caused an easier feeling in lurdi aud during Mm morning there were sellers at 3d. tn 6U.

under yesterday, but operators purchasing more freely cuused the market to stiffen, and with America opening dearer the decline is now partially recovered. A good business has been done in futures, 33s. 3d. paid for April, Sis. Slay, 3as.

July-August, and 35s. Cd. to 35s. August-September. Nearest values: March-April, April-IMay, May-JuQe, 34s June-July, 34s.

9d, JJeef iirm, with a good tradiug passing, l'ork still lirmly held, but hardly so buoyant. sudcigiuu Bear, per30.Il. India msi3a et FUta a 5 Bacon, per 1121b. Jjong clear Short Short rIL Cumberland cut Ss-ur. cut Bjima.per 1121b.

Ins ilt, long cut Short cut ShouMnrs Pork, per 2301b. Priiuo me.49 d. d. LirJ. cue 1121b.

f. 1. 9. J. 34 3 34 6 G7 6 UnitaL titatei 51 I good to Alio lOUdSsa, p-r 1121b.

iz. quality una new Good to tine Ordinary Butter, per 1121b. U. S. Canada finest Good to lino Tallow, ner 1121b.

iV. American 8. ditto beef B. ditto mutton 42 6 53 0 Impnrts of To This year. 135,261 6,403 23,230 212.515 44,798 18.033 13,707 Iist 138.207 day.

2,602 1C0 2.723 5BS 483 267 weak. 5.423 593 20 4,950 1,465 1.073 491 Bacon boxes Heel t'uiree Umber packages Cheese boxes Hams boxes Park b.irrels Lard tons 253.374 40.5S4 17,287 9,231 LIVERPOOL PRODUCE MAR RET, Wkdmksdat Easter llolidavs. The colonial and ueiieral i rod uue marketa will be clused trom Thursday afternoon the 2Gtti until the foIlnwiniT Tuef duv mornintr. the instant. Supar.

There is more inquiry for spot parcels, and a fair anion nc oi wis mess uone ul sLeauy prices, inciuuing osu win Java urst ruuinns, no. ua, at itis. tu. uags, Peruvian concrete nt 12s. and svruus at 14s.

Cd. to las. per cwt. iJset quiet, and yesterday's quotations are barely maintained, larcii, value; Apr u. us.

setters; May, 15s. value; June, 13s. buyers; July, 13s. value; October-December 12s. buyerj.

Hum. No sides. UoKeo remains very steady. Ccoa. 90 bugs African at and 25 hags Guayaquil at 65s.

per cwt. nice. Verv firm market. Linseed scarce and firm. To arrive, 200 tons 4 per cent Calcutta, Januury-Februarv shipment, via Canal, at 43a.

per 4lGlb, Bcnnvseod. G2 bags Sierra Leonu yesterday at 47s. 3d. per 3641b. Canaryseed.

300 bags Turkish at 31s. per 4641b. Cotton Cake. 200 bags Peruvian sold at 5. Si.

per ton, ex ana v. Oil cakes firm: supplies are nit her more ilberat. and there is an active demand at full prices. Prime Western American linseed 6. 15.

to JUG. 17s. closing at the latter figure, Liverpool-made 7. iOs. to 3.

according to brand; American decorlicated cottonseed cakes scarce and firm at 5. 7s. Cd. to 7, Liverpool-made rather firmer at 4. 3s, 9d.

to '4. 15s. for un Jecorticatfd and 7. 5s. per ton for decorrie.itl.

Ground Mits. 320 bags uambia un decorticated sold at 13 to 13. 5s. per ton, Piassava. 578 bundles African sold at and after auction yesterday at 62 to 70.

5s. per ton. Dyewoods. logwood mceLs with a moderate inquiry at late rates. Fustio is quiet, with only a small business doing.

A mall lot of half jack camwood sold at auction at 11. 2s. 6d. per ton. uuil oi sate; pot zes.

ana pean ms. tu. per cwt. Bark unchanged. Bcrriea.

110 bags common yellow Persian sold at late rates. Castor Oil, The market is verv steady, both on snot and to arrive, with very little offering; good seconds Calcutta. 3d. to and French 3d. to 3d.

for second and 3d. to 3 Ad. per lb. for first pressure. t-utcn sceauy, anu lurcucr sacs mnae ac zcs.

w. per cwc. Gambler. Block continues verv firm on snot at 23s. 6d.

to 23s. 3d. per cwt. for arrival tho murket is fairly steady for near but rather weaker for distant. Gum steady at previous rates.

Nitrate of soda continues iirm on spot at 9s, 3d. to 9i. Cd. per cwt. Sumac firm at lis.

to 12s. Cd. per cwt. far good to fine Palermo. Tartar.

Cream steady at ICGs. per cwt. India-rubber. Para continue stronir. and a irood business done In soft brown euro during the pasi few days at 3s.

9d. per lb. At the African auctions yesterday 98 tons were offered and eight- ton sold at fully late rates. Since the auction a moderate inquiry has been experienced, aud the sales include Gambia nigg*rs, 2s. Sierra Leone nigg*rs, ls.

2Jid. to 2s. Shrrbro nigg*rs, 2s. Grand, Is. 7Wd.

to 94id. i.Tongue, Is. 10 and Cameroon, ls. 10S4d. to Is.

11 d. per lb. Lard. here is a fair inquiry, but yesterday advanced quotations are not maintained. On Epos 33i.

9iL to 34s. 3d. is tlie nearest value; April, May. 31s. June, 3i.

July sold 35s. August. 35s. 3d. to 35s.

Gd. per cwt. uiis. met marKec continues nrra. out tnere fs not much business passing, owing to the small quantity available: Lagos sold at L'ZG, aud soft oil at 25 per ton, transit.

Olive: Market firm at 39 to 40 per ton for Candla and Levant; sales include 75 barrels of Levant. Linseed is steadv at 23s. 6d. per cwt. In export casks.

Kape linn; rei'med Stettin 34s. to 34s. English 31s. and French 32s. Sd.

per cwt. Cottonseed firm at 21s. Od. to 22s. 3d.

per cwt. for Liverpool refined. Petroleum without change; American refined to as In quality, and Bus3ian per gallon. Tsillow iirm and unuhanire'l North American 25. RA.

to 27s. Gd. as in quality, and South American beef held for 29s. Ed. per cwt.

Besin. Market firm, with a falrinaulrv. csneclall? for nala descriptions, at fully late rates. Spirits ot turpentine steaay at 30s. per cwt.

LONDON PRODUCE MARKET, Wednesday Suirar. The market for beetroot was Quieter to-dav. with only a small tpeculative demand at slightly easier prices, and the sates in 83 percent include March at April at 13s. less li. May at 13s.

10 June ut 13s. nlus iC. and July less 'A f.o.b,; new crop October quoted at 12. and AovemPrr-uecemDer ids. aa.

i.o.o. cane Kinas are very nrm, huh uiu.i unniu sujiiics uucriiij(. iivaiVQiy atxiub 1,020 bags co'stallided Trinidad and Daroorara sold at 16s, Xd. to ISs. In the refined market pieces were disposed of readily at full to firmer prices.

and stored goods met a good demand; Tate's cubes, So. 1 20s. So. 2 19s, crushed Hn No. 1 crystals 18s.

d. and ISs. No. 2 17s. and Ko.

317a. Martlneau's No. 1 cubes 20s. No. 2 ies.

and ti tiers 18s. 9d. and 19s. Lyiers granuutod les. UL.

No. 1 crystals Zs No. 3 yellow crystallised 17s. 6L, aiui 17s. 3d.

Fowler's golden syrup, 15s. Conee. idire quauLibies at aucLion went, ou siowiy ana prices generally further declined fully making 2s. to 2s. 6d.

fall for the week. 10,214 bags 414 casks and barrels were offered and the bulk sold, small to fine bold Ceylon at 104s. to peas at 132s. to small to fine bold East India 103a. to lias.

choice up to 120s. peas at 116s. to pale to coloury Jamaica at 87s. to foxy Nicaragua at middling to fine bold Guatemala and Salvador at 102a. 6d.

to small to fine bold blue Costa at lOCs. to 109s. peas at 103s. to 119s. and good hard grey New Granada at 104s.

Santos ou quav terms only a small part sold. Futures continue dull; September Bio told at 74s. 3d. This market closed to-day for tbe taster nouaays, reopening on nmrauay, apnt c. Tea.

Tue small supply oi jii fiaii-cnetts Aioyuaes soia wicn- out change. Gunpowder, medium to fine ls. 0S4d. to Is. Imperial 7d.

to young uyson reoium ls. choice and Hyson ow goo-l Is. 4Jfd. to ls. 5i4d.

171 naif-chests common Moning Congou sold 5Jid. to 5J5d. Bice remains nrm ont quiet. Arrowroot firm. 474 packages Bt.

Vincent sold at 2Hd, to cases Z'A- nago ami. xine nnsn norignc in ac us. aa. Tznioca easier. Good fair to eood SincuDore flixc lMd.

to seed pearl 13s. 6d. to and bullets 17s. Ga. dPices.

Cloves lower; sellers fair, Zanzibar. 4d. Pepper lower: fair Bingapore held for Alleopv sotd at 5d. white Fiiaang solUaC sjia. to andSiamU 7yl.

to 7d. CocIah cinder oHered; Jamaica sold at 63i. bold, c9i. KatxAegs slow; medium Bombay. Zs.

small, 2s- 5d- juace steauy muaaimg xwrnoay, a. ba. imenxo earner ordinary to good, 244L to ZA. Hemp. At auction, 1,000 bale Hew Zealand, were all bougnt m.

jute quiet, ao saies. OIU. LItixeed dall; spot, 22s. May-August, 23s. 1546.

Hull, spot. 21s. May-AuirasU 2ls. lOUd. Bane steady KmSiish brown, 28s.

refined, 30s. Cottonseed firm st 19s, refined, 22s. 9d. Petroleum dull at 5fid. to 57d.t and Eussian to 5 Via.

Turpentine. American snlrit, 29s. 3d, to 30s. Tallow very firm. per cwt.

IS 14, "ft 47)4 47)4 47)4 D4 4)4 4)4 12ft 12)4 43 40 42 41)4 308 ...306 308 308)4 11J4 10ft "11 1S14 IB 18)4 18)4 5) 4 5J4 bn 54 2K 2A-. 1H 9)4 9 8)4 97)4 97J4 98 4)4 4)4" 44... 1ft 15f 15)4 15ft 3)4 3)4 3)4 3)4 3A 7J4 6ft 7)4 7 6A 6 6J4 23)4 23)4 23)4 6) 4 6)4 6)4 Forth Bridge 4 p.p. 123 Gt. Western' rentchorge" con.

5 p.c. 157, ft, SJ4 London A North-Western can. 1 p.c. 129 J4 London South-Western con. llanehests Sheffield South Yorkshire perp.

127 Midland 1 p.c. pref. 12854. 54 Went Hartlepool, 127 Nurth Staffordshire 5 p.c. 20.

4 p.c. 128 ii)4 PREFERENCE (Dividends contingent). Great Eastern 4 p.c. redemp. London North-Westem 1 p.o.

1BS0. 121); Do. 1831, 12054 Great Northern 4 p.c. perp. 126.

54. Ji Great Western con. p.c 15554, X. 64. 554 Lancashire anil York, 4 B'A Manchester and Sheffield 5 p.c.

convert. 1672, 145 Do. 1874. 113)4. Do.

1876. 1444 Do. 187S-, 142)4 Metropol. District 5p.c.66J4, 71. iki Afldlnlnl ivm.

4 Mfn. 197iy London Brighton 5 15454 North British Edinburgh and London, Chatham, 454 p.c. 11191 Glasgow. 13314 ivGa North-Eastern, 1876, 126, INDIAN RAILWAYS. Bengal A 1C6J4, 54 Indian Midland guar.

4 p.c Bombay, Buroda, and Central 11854 India, 188 Madrss guar. 5 p.c 153, 234,354 Southern Mahrutta guar. 4 p.c. East Indian anu. U.

284, 8 1890, 114)4 Da. def. ann. 11954 Nizam's State Railway guar. 5 Great Indian Peninsula guar.

d.c. 122 5 p.c. 175, 3 West of India (Portuguese) 5 p.c, deben. 102 BRITISH POSSESSIONS. Canadian Paolflo 3 p.c 79, 54.

8ft. 9. 8)4 Grand Trunk of Canada con.8) Do. guar. 4 p.c.

7254, 34 Do. 1st pref. 57ft, 8, 734 34,54 Do.2lld.37ft Do. 3rd, lOJi, Do. 4 p.c perp.

deb. Do. Great Western perpet. 5 p.c deb. 121)4 Ontario and Quebec 6 D.c.

cap. stock, 143)1 Do. 5 p.c. perp. deb.

12554 Qu'Appelle, L. Lake, and Saskatchewan 1st mort. 10154 Tcmiscouata 5 p.c. 1st mort. Do.

sterl. 5 D.o. 1st mort. 11554. Do.

3)4 p.c. 50-year land grant bond. 97)5 Do. 3)4 p.c. insc 97sg, 54 Do.

4 p.c. cou. deb. 101 Do. Souris brauch 1st mort.

99)4, )4 Do. Columbia and Kootenoy 1st mort. 9954 Sew Zealaud Midland 5 p.c. 1st mort. 93, 254 ueo.

3a AMERICAN RAILROAD SHARES. Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. New York. Ontario, and West. Paul com.

56)s com. 18 7ft Cleveland and Pittsburg 850, Norfolk and Western pref. 545f. 77)4. 4.

J4. a. Denver 4Rlo Grande com. 17 r. North.

Pacific pref. Illinois Central com. 9654. J4 Pennsylvania Rail. S50, 5234.

)4 Louisville Nosiivllle, 753J, 34 Pittsburg, Fort Wayne, and New York, Lake Erie, andWest. Chicago guar. 7 p.c. 154 54 19, A Wabash deb. bond 32, IK.

25 AMERICAN CURRENCY BONDS. Chicago and North-West. sink. New York Central and Hudson fund deb. 110)4 River mort.

12S AMERICAN RAILROAD GOLD BONDS. Alabama Midland 1st mort. 96 Missouri, Kansas, and Texas Atchison, Topeka, and Santa 1st mort. 7954 Je gen. mort.

80 Do. 100-yenr income mort, 1454 55. ii New York, Lake Erie, and Western 2nd con. mort. 102 New York, Ontario, Western' 1st mort.

99)4 Norfolk and Western general mort. 125 Do. Improv. and Exten.11334 Philadelphia and Reading 1st oraf. 50)4 Do.

3rd, without option of conversion, 25 Ticksburg, Shreveport, and Pacific prior lien mort. Bait, a Ohio South-Western 1st mort. 99)i Central of New Jersey gen. iuuiu. c-uupon, 11.1 Denver and Rio Grande 1st con.

mort. 8514. 5 Mexican Central mort. 74. Mexican National 1st mort.

Do. 2nd, 29)4 104,5 AMERICAN STERLING BONDB. Chicago and Alton con. mort. Pennsylvania con.sinkin: -fund 118)4 moit.

119)4 FOREIGN RAILWAYS. Antofa*gasta (Olilli) Bolivia, Cordoha Central 5 p.c debf. (Cen. North see.) 66)4 ex cash and funded bonds Dunaberg and Vitebsk, 21)4 Great West, uf Brazil, 20, 1554 Inter-Oceanic of Mexico (Aca- pulfo to Vera Cruz) mort. uebs.

104)4 xd La Guaira and Caracas, 10, 10)4 Do. 5 p.c. deb, 100 Mexican, 39J4. y. 34.

10, 39ft. 40)4. 54. 3934, 40)4, yi, ft, Ji. 54.

Do. 1st pref. 119)4, 54 Do. 2nd. 7354 34, 34 Mexican Southern 6 p.c.

mort. deb. 8914 xd Minus and Rio guar. 7 p.c. 1954 Nitrate Railways, 145S.A.

Argentine 7 p.c. pref. 354. 34 Rio Cinro Sao I'anlo deb. 108 South Austrian, 1154 Southern Brazilian Rio Grande do Sul 6 p.c.

irre. deb. 9 11U) Bahia and Son Francisco guar. 17 Buenos Ayres Great Southern, 133 xu Do. p.c.

1894, 10, 13f 54 Xd Do. prof. 55 Do. 4 p.c. 104.

3 Buenos Ayres and Pacific 7 p.c. ueo. 1.1, 4, ij Buenos Ayres and 135 Do. 7 p.c. pref.

10, 14 Do. Tucuinau Exteu. 10, 11 rs. 34. Vixrt Do.

10A xd Do. 4 u.c. deb. 92 14 Buenos Ayres Western, 9ji, ft, Do. 4 p.c.

deb. prov. certs. S15 Central Argentine, 76, 4, 5, 8, J. Vi.

SJ4, 6, )4 Do. new, 2J4, 5, FOREIGN OBLIGATIONS. Costa Rica 2nd reir. 89 South Italian 3 o.c. A to Leopoldlna (Brazil) 6 p.c.

90 1254 Austrian p.c u)4 west. 01 is. Ayres p.c. more. uo.

101, 13's aeD. 9 BANKS. Agra, 9ft Imperial, 21 Alliance, lBfc, Imperial of Persia, 9ft Anglo-Argentine, 3)4 Lloyds, 27)4 Anglo-Egyptian, 4ft Loudon and County, iiauK 01 Australasia, 1D1)4 London River Plate, 32 and London Westminster. 71 54. 1 Bank of N.

Zealand new. 9, 8ft Loudon Joint-stock, 38)4. 54. ft nana 01 -rarapoca London, national 01 fietv Zealand, iy Capital and Counties, 40)4 National Provincial of Eng iseuirai oi London, 1154 City, 22)4 Colonial. 5054, 2)4 Consolidated.

7ft English, Scottish, and Austra land, 12 paid, 52 54. 354 Do. new. 2S31. J4, 54 Queensland National, 9)4 Union of Australia, 6G54 Do.

insc stock deposits, 105 Union of Loudon. 41, 1054 Union of Spain and England, lian unartered, 33 Hong Kong und Shanghai. in. ft BREWERIES AND DISTILLERIES. Allsopp and Sons ord.

4254, 34, Guinness (A. Guinness Son. z. 1U, 1ft Do. cum.

pref. 82 Do. t'A D.c. deb. 965.

7 and Co.) 5 d.c deb. 12334 Indianapolis Breweries, cum. pref. 9 Jones (Frank Jones) Brewing cum. pref.

9)4 New York Breweries, 12), Parker's Burslein Brew. 13)4, ii Barthoiomay Brew. ord. 12)4 Do. cuin.

oref. 124, J4 Bass, Ratcliff, aud Uretton pref. 116 Beickert's Brewery, 11)4, 1 uo, cum. pref. 11)4 Bristol Brewery, Georges and St.

Louis Breweries 19A cum. pref. 14A Do. cum. prcr.

1054 San Francisco Breweries, 7, ft Do. pref. 3A. 54 United Suites Brew. Com.

11)4 Do. cum. pref. 10)4, City of Chicago Brewery and Malting cum. prer, 10)4 Denver United Breweries, ord.

1054 Glllman and Spencer, 454 CANAL3 AND DOCKS. East and West India Docks 12 MiRwal! Dock 5 p.c. perp. pref. London St.

Katharine Dock 112 14 P.c. pref. 102 COMMERCIAL. INDUSTRIAL. Sc.

Aerated Bread, 6vr, 54 A. Hansard Publishing Uu on. 2 i. 54 xd Harrison, Barber, and Co. 6ft Artisans', Labourers', and Gen.

Hotchkiss Ordnance 5 p.e. mort. deb. 66, 34 Hnmber and Co. 4)8, 54 India-rubber.

Gutta Percha, Tel. Works, 19)4. 54, 54 Lister and Co. ord. 9)4 Lon.

Produce Clearing-house, 5 M'Lellau (P. and 1st mort deb. 105 Naval Construct, and Armaments, 3 New Tamarugal titrate 1st mort. deb. 70 Bio de Janeiro City Improv.

25)4 Royal Aquarium Summer Winter Gardens, 2)4 Salt Union, i-A. ff Do. 7 p.c. prjf. 12 Spiers aud pond, 1654 xd Tele.

Construe, and Main. 15)4 Walerlow, 19)4 Walford A Sons, 2ft, 4, ji, ft Dwellings, 10754 Australian Pastoral cum. pref. 3J4 Baker (Chas.) I Co. 1, 5, ft Bodega, Brooke.

Simpson, and Spiller 1 Bryant and May, 13ft, 4 Buckuall (H.) and Son, 654, ft CantarieraWater and Drainage 5 p.c deb. (2nd iss.) 94J4 City of Sautos Improv. pref. 1554 Coats (J. A cum.

preL 12 J4, 34 Dormer, Long, and Co. 5ft, A Eastmans. 11 Eley Brothers. 4254. 34 Frascratid Chalmers, 3ft, 34 Greenwood and Bailey.

1154 Hammond (G. and Co. cnni. pref. 6)4 COLONIAL AND FOREIGN CORPORATION BTOCKS.

MeIbourneTramwaysTrust4)4 Montreal (City) 5 sterl. p.c. debs. 11154 1874, 105)4 FINANCIAL. LAND, AND INVESTMENT.

American Freehold Land Mort, English and Scottish American of Loudon cum. pref. 116)4 Mort. and Invest. 1 Australian Agricultural, 8954.

National Miscount, iliT 9, 90 Oceana Transvaal Land. 5ft Bank ot New Zealand Estates Peruvian Corp. 1st mort. bds. debs.

82)4. H- 3 MX British North Borneo, 20, Scottish Australian Invest. 203, 2054 54 54. 199. 203 Buenos Ayres Harbour Works South Australian Land Mort, Trust trust certif.

and Aeencv. 34. J. Canada Co. 50 Canada North-West Land, 11 Debenture Corporation 454 P.c.

1st (3rd iss.) 103 Bastern Mort. and Agency, 154 Trustees. Executors, and Sec, Ins. Corp. SX, United States Dcbent.

Corp, acct. 3A, 3 Do. 454 p.c irredem. deb. 102 FINANCIAL TRUSTS.

Army and Navy Invest, pref. 105 Do. def. 95 Foreign, American, and Gen. Invest, pref.

108)4 Glode Telegraph Trust pref. 15 Industrial A General pref. 8 ft Do. def. 3 International Investment cum.

pref. stock, 103 MercanttleXnvest.and General deb. 104 Railway Investment def. 21ft Submarine Cables Trust, 116 S. and S.

American Invest. Trust def. 7454 GAS AND ELECTRIC LIGHTING COMPANIES. Gaslight co*ke A ord. 239.

40 Gaslight and co*ke deb. 117, S. Do. C.D.tE 10 p.c pref. 25054 7 INSURANCE.

Alliance Assurance. 10ft Commercial Union, 33)4 Eagle, 4)4 Indemnity Mutual Marine, 954 Liverpool and London and Globe Fire and Life, 50)4 London and Lancashire Fire, British and Mercantile. 59 Ocean Marine, 14 Phtsnix, 286 5 Royal Exchange, 372, 3, 454 Universal Life, 3354. 54 Universal Marine, 6)4 2054 COAL, IRON, AND STEEL. North's Navigation Collieries, 4 South Hetton Coal, 130, 3 MINES.

De Beers con. 15 Mason and Barry, 7ft Mysore Gold, 5 A Xamaqua Copper. 2J Ooregum Goldof India def. 2 Bio Tinto. 234.

54 Do. inort. 103 Siiati River Gold and Pros. Yankee Girl Silver, 1ft, 54 SHIPPING. Cunard Steam.

20 paid, 15H Peninsular Oriental Steam General Steam Navigation 5 def. 205 p.c. pref. 1877. Iloyai Mail Steam.

62, 5 2Tew Zealand Shipping, 4 Shaw, Bavill and Albion, 9 'A TEA. Assam, ZZft TELBOSAPH3 AKD TELE PEON Anglo-American pref. 4,5 Eastern Exten. AuaLralasu Brazilian tiubinnrine, 12 xd and China, 15 Commercial Cable, 108J Xo- 4 p.c debs. 105 Jl Vvcect United 8tatei Cable, Indo-Kuropfian, 39, 10 1877, National Telephone, 4 Exatem, THAHWAXS A5D OMNIBUS.

Belfast Street, 15K London Gen. Omnibus 189,93 Bordeaux Tram. nimbus, 3 xondon noad Car, 94, 9s Dublin United, 11 Ji Street, Liverpool United Tram, and North Metropolitan. 13 Omnibus, Provincial cum. pref.

London, 15 Wolverhampton, 5tf WATEBWORKa City of St. Petersburg new, Lambeth max. 10 p.c. 253 2Ji, JB LIVKRPOOL, WminrSDAr. The following transactions are report ea in tne Liverpool cuiare iaarifet: uminary stocks Caiedoninn.

115K. M. ditto deferred, 402 Great North of Scotland. 60. lA.

V. X. X. 60. 59 Great Western.

ISO: London and Briirhtoa deferredL 15454. i4 M. S. W. 5.

4K': Midland, 155 i-r-c. 54: Sorth Brttish, 3, 2.3. Vk. ditto preferred 3 per cent, 68. Preference: Gnat Western ner cent consolidated guaranteed.

157: Lancashire and Yorkshire 4 ner cent oernetual 1S82. 123 Wc. The Heath. Ladies' Boarding School. Misses BRAMLEY.

Eat TERM. Way 4. ELOCUTION, Oratory, Drama: eminent pupils In escry profession. Prof, jjaysack. 13.

BANCING. Private Lessons at any hour.Ciaases Dally. Manchester Academy or Dancing, fid. Upper ilrook-st SCHOOL, YOKES. An EX AMI I X.Vl'IOK for will be held on April 9 and following days.

For particularn apply to the Bey, the Head Master. C1 ILAKEMOXT COLLEGE, BLACKPOOL. A successful boardlnt? school: iroaDectus aud exaiiiinatlon iiw on application. Principal, Iter. J.

LUCAh. H.A. TOBJi DlSPOS'ED OF, SCHOOL for GIRLS and lilSUEKGAKTEN. In manufacturing town in Yorksblrij;" average Address attfao printer's. ilSLEY.

PK 1 IS GF1E LJ) LADIES' HOARDING PitEPARAiOltY CLASS fOIft HO VS. the Mbsea llA.tVKY. 7A0.VNCIES for BOARDEIU5 in a Ladies' Schril at Eccles. Terms moderate. Jhrospectus on application, lieech lioue School.

PARK HOUSE SCHOOL, Hale, Peel Causeway. Vrincipal, Miss MILLS. Bracing air. Thorough teachinif. lams.

VaciinciBS fortordcrsl e.W TRM April 6. 'GAL DON'S JilDlSG SCHOOL, liUKLINGTON-STltEET. MANCIIKSTER. Apply 3r. ChambLTlain of narkersj or ilr.

Theodoras, itidin WritingAcademy, 49, Blaekfriara- JB strdt't. Deansgste. Tuition In Writing, llookitfeiii. Shurt-baud, 'typewriting, Youllu prapiuredfor iiulneis. lrospct.ia trea SAL A 1 TIN A OA M.

Unriva'led for Individual and Systematic Tuition In WIUTIXG, AUITHMEITO, iJUOKKKHl'LNO, 4c. Kiuauiits are receiveu uany at lirowii-Arcei, jiamci-sLrust. E' CUE Prcpara.ory fori he Public School-. Good l'laylmf Field and C.vrpeutri, Shoi-. NKXT iKUM May 5.

Address the Kov. F. W. MUZLCY as above. ODERN SIDE PREPARATION.

Beat Public School. Preparatory Traditions, with special attention to modern languages and uaudcrait. Limited numbeis. Inclusive terms i55. Lartfe (p-oumld, cricket, loftbaU, fives cnurt, jryrnuaslum.

Auuress ueau jtasLur, ujcKenuan. vjuhk, ilmuluui, UDOR HALL COLLEGE (for Ladies), Forest Hill, svdtfuham. S.E. 33 years). Principals-, Mrs.

TJ1I und itfT. J. V. TOUU. U.L- Ue id Misi TOWU (Girton), Ciuibridge.

Professors Seeley, Churtou Coilius, Garcia, Xitehl. Loman, Duicken. L'trpent. Qvmnasiuin, tennb courts, swiunnUiff. riding, iriuciput canoe wltli in Manchester.

SCHOOL. liUYS earefullv and thorouirhK- trained, with much individual auei.tluu, i or proititMOitai auu com iiivrciai uaiwura a pivuMiiti situated house, vritu extensive views, fitj-Jthy, well appointed, exception il urraiiK'mefiifl for the comfort 01 pupils preparation lor ex-aniinationi: excellent diet prospfccius and photo, on application. J. BttOWN -1TI1S, U.A. A ER SUPPLIES.

ARTESIAN ROitl.YGS. Of anv reauirud (liamuter aud deDtn. executed By CUAltLKs Cli.VP.MAN, iinlueer and Contractor, Broughtou Road, tea.tord. Manchester. iN ITj7U MEDICINE.

BEECHAM-S PILLS, A Are admitted by thousands to be worth above a GUINEA a BOX for bilioiu and nervous tllurders. sucli InJ pain In Loinach, sick headache, giddiness, tuluess und swelliug aittr uieaU. ulzJness and druwslneu, cold chills, flushings of boat, lots of shortness of breath, costive now, scurvy and blotches on ue sleep, frixuzmi dreams, and uU Ucrvuus und trembUiJ sensations, Kvery sufferer is earnestly Invltad to try one Box of these Pills, and they will be acimowleded to be WOitTtl A GUINEA A BOX. For Feaialcs of all ages tnese PilU.are Invaluable. iN'o female should bo them.

Thcrt' is no medicine t- be found to equal Beecham's i'ills lor removing tiny oostructions or irregularity of thti syiuui. If taken according to the directions given With each box. tiiev will soon restore females of all ages to sound and robust health. For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all disorders of the Liver ttiey net like MAGIC," and few doses will be iound to work wuuders upon tbe must iiULortant orpins In the human luacliine. Tbey btrtiibthen the whole uiuscular system, restore ttie long-lot cotiiplexiou, brin back Uiu keen ede oi appetite, and arouso into action, witli the 1:0 lit of health, the whole physical energy of tut human frame.

1 areKACihadmitted by ail clashes of socclj. and oue of the best guarantees to Uie Nervous and Uebllluived ls I5eecham's Pills. Tney iiave the largest sale of any Patent MedlCiue In the world. Prepared only by the Proprietor, T. BEECHAtt, Chemist, St.

Helens. Lauca-tilre, in Boxes at ls. and 2s. Sd. eacn.

Isold by all Patttnt Medicine Dealers In the United Kiugdom. N.B. Full directions are given with each box. advt.J IxFLrEXZA axd Rheumatism. Barclay's fDr.

iiuieoian'jj) Pectoral Drops are heid ia high estimation, curing pallia in ibe lliabs and joints, luduciug gentle perspiration and pre-ventiiiir fever. Barclay and fc-oos nauie on Government stamp. Oi uil chrmits, Is. ljd. aud 2s.

9d. per bottJe. SPUKT1NG INTELLIGENCE. CITY BETTING (London), Wednesday. Wngering proved quiet at the chief City rendezvous to-day.

Ncverthe.eds, Le Nurd was on the up iine tor the City und Suburban at 7 to 1, while Vasistas caihe in for attention ul 10 to 1. Lord George proved in good request at 1U0 to 9, and 100 to 8 each was recorded to Fataer Confessor and Workington. L'Abbesse de Jouarre and Nunthorpe ligurud at 100 to 6 each. As regards the Kompton Park Jubilee "staked, Corstorphiue was backed at 10J to 7, aud for thu Derby 100 to 11 was written to Cuttleatone. Quotations CITY AM) SUBURBAN HANDICAP.

(Run Vedneday. April B. About lin. 2fur.) yuowuotu. Atrs it jo Trainers.

7 1 taken and 4. .8 7 ifavhoe 10 to 1 taken and 5. 3 Porter to tax en 5. .9 100 to 8 taken 6. .9 Norton 1W to UUkU 5..

7 12 Knocn 100 to 6 taken 5. .9 4.1t. sheiwood 10J to 6 Jji Xord Lord George Faiber Cuuiesor Workington L'At'bdae Stuuhorp PAliK GREAT JVlilLKE STAILES. (iimx fraiurday, Jday S. uue imle.j Corstorphine liO to 'taken 3.

.7 pawson THE (Run Wednesday, May 2.1. una mile and a half.) Cuttlestone 1W to 11 taien Wadlow HUJBST PARK CLUB SPKLNG SIEETING, WEDNESDAY. But for a smart shower just after racing commenced the weather proved fine aud bright at liurst Park on the inuugural day of nut racing. A strong cold wind, however, blow across tha course and into the stands, making matters anything but pleasant. The at ten dunce all ruund was a good one, the majority of ttie London division of racegoers putting in au appearance.

An in-tercsung card hud been issued, and as good htrids turned out tlie sport proved of an excellent character. A good start was ujatAi when fifteen turned out for the Inaugural Plate, lor wtiioii JKough and Jieady, who had been well tried, -was all the rage, Villcjust boui next in demand. Backers begun well, as the tovouxitu won easily. All tho eight enured lor the Palace Plate met their liability, the Liverpool disappointment, St. Luke, being again installed favourite; but he failed to get placed, Kose Field, who was well backed, winning cleverly from iVIordure.

Of the five contesting the Hampton Court Plat Crime was a strong tip, though Golf Juan was also greatly fancied. Tiie race produced an exciting finish, Crime and Abstiueuce colt ruuuing a dead heat, with Goil uan beaten a hea.l, but the stakes were subsequently divided. Dulvertonaad Pierrepoat were in most demand Sor the Tedding ton Piute, but they both went down before Primus, who won in holiow fashion, and was then purchased by Mr. A. Day for 330 guineas.

Innisheen, who ran fast in the Liverpool Spring Cup on Saturday, left off with juat the call ui" Sweet Vernal for the Trial Fl.ite. Tht pair had tho issue to themselves, Innisheen winning cleverly by a short head. Another close finish resulted in the concluding race of the afternoon, the IthtlJen Handicap, in which KngadJi, the outsider, beat Jiero, the favourite, by a neck. Details appeuded: The INAUGURATION PLATE (handicap) of 200 penal- t.e.s; the second ro receive 6 sovs. from the plate.

Six t'ur- luIltJS. Coloiii-1 North's Hough and Ready, by Quicklime Kufford Maid. 4 yrs. Sst llb (car. 6st.

Ulb) v. Wood 1 Sir. U. M'Calmont's Vruu d'Or, 4 yrs, 6st I01b Chaloner 2 Mr. 11- Christopliers's Alastor.

5 yrs, fast iOib li. Chal-ner 3 Mr. L'psel. aed. 7st iiib iJarrett 0 W.

G- Joimsou's St. Petei, yrs, 1st Kawlinaoa 0 Mr. Dover's Urucea. iy, 7st ilb (car. 7st Woodburn 0 Mr.

ft. Marsh's 5 yrs. 7st Bib C. Grey 0 Mr. A.

Day 'a Motto, 5 yrs. 7at jib (car. 71b) T. 3Inlieii 0 Sir R. Pilgrim, yrs.

bst V. Allsopp Mr. F. AitJJtauders CanaJj. 4 rrjf.Cst 121b 11.

CartJede 0 Vr D. O. Greig's Vihejust. 4 yrs, 6st loib F. Peake 0 Mr." S.

J. Ualier's lialph Nerdle. vrs, bst 101b Wheeler 0 Mr. J. Porter's Be-JIurd lilue.

3 yr, 6st 51b ilake 0 Mr. C. llibbeit's Chicken yrs. 6st 3lb F. Pache 0 Viscount d'llarvourt's ReJciie, 3 yrs.

est W. Dradford 0 Ueltiug: ii to 2 ast lioiiih and Jti-ady, 7 1 aiist Villejust, 1C0 to 12 agst Hrucea, 10 U1 each agst Upset arid Motto, and 1J0 to 7 each agst St. Peter, Alastor, Veau d'Or, Chicken Hazard, ad Itedciiffe. Alter slight Ieiay the flag fell to a good start, and St. Peter made plav ou tiie iuside.

fallowed by CUickeu Hazard, Ued-chffe, aiui Upset, with Motto, Veau dOr, liruceu, aud Villejust tho head of the others, tbe whipper-in being Canada. Ouarter of a mile from home it. Peter and iirucea were beaten, and Sough and Ready drew out, followed by Upset and Veau d'Or. The latter challenged1 at the bait distance and drew up to the head of Hough and Ready, but immediately shut up In the most cowardly manner and was beaten length and a half; bad third- L'pset was fourth. Bungalow fifth, t.

Peter sixth, Kedclifffl seventh, aud Canada last. The PALACE CELLING PLATS or ZOO weight for age; allowances; the to receive 5 sovs. from the plate. One Mr. A.

Cooper's Kose Field, by Town Moor Gardenia, 3vrs 6st 13lb G. Chaloner I Mr "ii. Monerieffea Mordure, 3 yrs, 7st 21b IE. Chaloner 2 Mr Sibarv Zoto, 3 yrs. 7st 2 lb W.

Illake 3 Mr. J. Lowei Cwiccuelm, aged, Ssl 13ib P. Webb 0 Colonal Dansev's Atbcarvati, aged, Sst 131b J. Watts 0 Mr K.

Thirlwell's 6 yrs. Sst 101b J. Liddiard 0 iieasujun'i. it. Luke, 3 yw.

71b F. Alisopp 0 Mr" vrs, Sst 1310 J.Ware 0 Beitin: 2 to 1 ast St. Luke. 100 to 30-agit Ilose Field, 6 to 1 ozsi Mordure, aud 3 to 1 each agst Cwiccheim and Zoto. Ziito settled down in front and made play from Juliet, thcarvn.

and Mordure. with St. Luke next, and Kose Field iait uutH quarter of a mile from home, when Mordure drew out a clear iead. and looked al over a winner; but he was e-iufht in the last few strides by Kose Field, who wou by a head- had mini. Atbgarvaa was fourth, St.

Luke filth, Cwicchelm sixth, and Goldwater last. Tlie winner was sold to Mr. Azey for 22i) guineas. The HAMPTON C'OUJiT PLATE of 500 added to a sweep- stake-f of 10 sovs. each, for two-year-olds; colts, 8st 12lb; ri Hies and geldings.

Sst 91b; penalties; tlie second to receive i rum the stakes. About five furlongs Mr. II. Milnrrs Crime, bv Isonomy or Mac heath Marie Smart, fist Sib J. Ilddiflrd Sir 13.

CUrtwvnd' bv Peter Abstinence, Sat Webb 1 Mr. W. Low 6 Golf Juan, st ttlb G. Barrett 3 Capiaia Mches ar Cloud. Sst 121b J.

Watts 0 Mr. J. Wallace's Cambushinnie, Sst 91b F. Barrett 0 2 to 1 agit Crime, 3 to 1 agst Golf Juan, 7 to 2 agst Cainbushinuie, 5 to agst the Abstinence colt, and 8 to 1 agst War Cloud. Crime settled down with a slight lead of War-Cloud and Golf Juan, with Cauibushinnie aud the Abstinence colt close up, to the dlstiiice.

wiiere War Cloud and Cambuhinnte were beaten, and the other three rau a line race home, the result being a dead heat between Crime and the Abstinence colt, with Golf Juan a head only behin them. Carabushinnle was a good fourth. The stakes were subsequently divided. The TEDDINGTOX PLATE'of 203 weight for age. Five furlongs.

Mr. C. Sheppard's Primus, bv Discord Early Bloom, yrs, lCst lib A'ightingall 1 MV. H. Smith-Turberville's Present Alma.

5 vrs. lOst lb G. Barrett Mr. R. W.

Armstrong's Fierrepont. aged. 10st 4lb Webb Mr. T. Stevens's Cuilperic, 6 yrs, 13st lib J.

Watts Mr. G. Mai term an Uulrertoti, yrs, lOst Mr- Abingtoa General Owen Wiiiiams Thalaba, 3 yrs. Sst 31b Barrett Mr. W.

Mumfords riving Cloud, 3 yrs, Sst Woodburn Mr. P. Henfrew's South Shore, 3 yrs, Sst 31b J- Llddfard -Mr. Cnns'i 3 vrs. 9t If.

Gannon Belting: 2 to 1 Dulverteo, 5 tg 1 florrepoat. to I 9st 7lb J- Watts Lord Gerard's Sweet Vernal. 3 yrs. 8st 2lb M. Cannon Mr.

C. cmapland'tj Rhyme, 3 yrs, 7st 81b Mullen Mr. W. Slbaryln Delaral, 1 yrs. 9st 71b A.

Ntehtlneall Mr. T. Bherwood'i Orgoglio. 4 yrs, 9sfc 7lb V. AVinglield Mr.

H. Warinu's Truepenuy. 4 yrs, 9st 7ib F. Webb Mr. J.

U. Htirton's Stamford, 1 yrs, 9st 2lb VV. Wooa Mr. W. Bur ton's Ovliiidrioal.

3 vh, 7st 131b U. Barrett Ucttmjr; 2 to 1 agst inuitinecn, atos aRst owcei vernal, to 1 ayst Truppenuy, and 10 to 1 agst Detaval. OrKoelio ret used to start, and vras left a long way behind when the Hag fell, and Sweet Vernal made play. 1 olio wed by Irini.sheen and iihynie. with Cylindrical and Uelaval next, to the dintnnce.

Here Inniaheen challenged, and although Sweet Vernal swerved on to hirn fifty yards from home the favourite got up again and won by a short hiuid; bud third. Deiarul was foiirl h. Truepenny Orogllo last. The MALDKX HANDICAP PLATE of penalties; tho second to receive 4 sovs. from the plate.

One mile. Mr. C. Slieppard'B ncaadi. hv Maalt CnifiaUe.

vrs. 9st O. Kawltit*on 1 2 3 0 0 Mr. Abington's Kero, 3 yrs, Bsf. 31b (car.

Sat 41b) Barrett Mr. Iiohertaa Fringe, 4 yrs, 8at21b G. Cliatoner Captain Ishenvood'a Ambassador, A yrs, Est Llddinrd Mr. J. Davis's 4 yrs, 8st 31b.

J. Woodburn Mr. P. Renfrew's Dover, 5 jts, F. Allsopp 0 netting: litoiu aSL ern, to agst ringe, to agsi.

Dover, and 10 to 1 ngst Engaddi. 3Jero jumped away iu iront, aud was followed by Dover anil Fringe for a furlong, when Fringe sottleJ down in front, Ambassador going on second, with Julia and Dover next, and Nero last. So they ran into the straight, but when half way up Eugaddi and drew towards the leader, and Engaddi, getting the best of it at the distance, won very cleverly by a neck head between second and third. Dover was fourth and Ambassador last. ORDER OF RUXXiyft FOR IHlS DAY The Auction Two-v ear-old Race 2 0 The Riverside Plate 2 30 The March Helling Handicap Plate 3 The Hurst Park Spring Handicap 3 30 The Ferry Plate 4 0 The Club Plate 4 30 ARRIVALS.

Abstinence colt, Alastor, Athgarvan, Bass Rock, Bedford Blue, Bungalow, Cambushinme, Chilperic, Chicken Hazard, Crime, Cwicchchn, Frintre, Goldwater, Golf Juan, Julia. Juliet. Mordure, Motto. Orgoglio, Pierrepont, Pilgrim, Present Alms, Primus, Redcliffe. Rose Field, Rough and -Ready, Sweet Vernal, St.

Luke. St. Peter, Tabby, Upset, Veau d'Or, Villejust, War Cloud, and Zoto. Additional Arrivals. Mortaigne, Engaddi, Old Coin, Dare Devil, Westminster.

Nuttka, Royal Grace, Conway, Kullianus, Dover, Teestiale filly, Stamford Develin. libyine. Absolution, Chandelier, Bashaw, Dorset Lass, Twilight, "Lady Grey, and Rilluwen. MANCHESTER EASTER MEETING. MON'DAY, MARCH 30.

ACCEPTANCES for the LANCASHIRE HANDICAP STEEPLE CHASE PLATE of 1.000 sovs. the winner after the iK-clara-tion of the weights of a steeple chase (selling races excepted) Slu, twice or ooe value 400 sovs. 101b extra: thu second to receive 100 govs, out of ttie plate. About three miles aud a Quarter. Age st lb 7 Age st lb Battle Royal 12 Harlequin .10 7 Why Sot Ilei Koman Oak (Sib ex.) Eskeveke Dominion Lord Chatham a.

..12 6...11 6 5 0 0 Edie Urunswick .10 3 2 Munstead a ..10 0 Baccy Aladdin 12 I Lux 0 Veil 6...10 12 Leap ear 0 ACCEPTANCES Tor the HANDICAP HUUDLE RACE of 300 sovs. penalties the second to receive 25 sovs. from the Two iniics. The highest weight accepting being 12st. it has been raised to at no, ana tue in proportion.

Aire st lb Affc sfc lb Henry George Bt. Crispin Ashplatit Sir John Hversiield Meadow 7 n. ..12 2 a. ..11 11 11 9 0 Brown Boss 13 Flint 6...10 13 Macintyre 5...10 12 llappy-go-LuCKj ii- Trevelvau 6...10 10 Ifed Anchor Ladv of the Glen St. Wilfrid 5...10 9 5...10 7 4...10 7 0 Reefer 5...

11 0 Quictsand 13 10E3DAY. ACCEPTANCES for the JUBILEE HANDICAP HURDLE (AC of 1,000 the winner of a hurdle race (selling races excepted) after tbe declaration of the weights 51b, twice or one value 20) sovs. 101b extra; the second to receive ISO sovs. out of the plate. Two miles.

Age st ID Age st lb Dornoch 6. ..12 7 Benburb 7 Monkshood Carthusian Yarra Golden Gate Everett Alachltyre Transept Fringe Orlgetl Lux 1...10 6...10 4...10 5...10 1...10 1...10 4...10 Alcatus 6.. .12 4 Tummy Upton a. ..12 1 Theopllilus 1 Freemason 5. ..12 0 Bartizan 6.

..12 0 Henry (icorge .11 12 Cinrlaverock 6...11 9 Father Ambrose 4. ..10 7 ACCEPTANCES for the EASTER HANDICAP STEEPLE CHASE of 350 penalties; the second to receive 50 sovs. from the plate. Two miles. The highest weight accepting being 12st 21b, it has been raised to izst uu, anu tuu otuers in proportion.

Age SL ID Age st lb 6...11 7 2 5...10 10 5...10 Hettie Tyke Terror 12 7 Cyclops Ucefiir Grey friars Queen of the Leap Year Chivalry .1...12 5 0 Alexander a. ..12 0 Castanet a. ..11 11 Brown Bess 6...11 LEICESTER SPRING MEETING. FRIDAY. APRIL 3.

ACCEPTANCES for the LEICESTERSHIRE SPRISG HANDICAP PLATE of 500 penalties; the second to receive ZD sovs. out oi tue plate, uae nme. Age st lb I Age st lb Yarm 6.. .7 0 Rejected 10 0 Theophilus 5...9 Uereliam 3... 6 Dare Devil 3..

.6 Develin 3.,.6 Court Baron 3. ..6 Gay Bob 3. ..6 Epaulette Phoebe Athol colt 3...6 Triumph (uartus 5.. .8 True Blue II Old Coin 4...7 Pinzon 5. ..7 Yorkshireman 1...7 SANDOWN PARK CLUB SECOND SPRING MEETING.

THURSDAi, APRIL S. ACCEPTANCES for the PALL MALL HANDICAP of 200 penalties; the second to receive 10 sovs. from the plate. Five turnings. Age st lb 4.

..9 0 5...8 12 Age st lb 9 Lactantius (JalloDluz Queen Wimborne Janet Dunbar Iloule d'Or Ralph Seville Fleeifoot Procida Oroya Hear Hear Huguenot Hearthstone 11. Floss Bay Leaf 5...0 4...6 3...6 Lady Yarmouth 5.. .8 9 Upstart, .8 2 Magistrate 4... 8 1 Hiss Ethel 9 Rough and Heady (7lb) 4. ..7 8 Scotch Earl 4...7 6 Massacre 3...7 2 White Star 4...7 0 Villejust 4...6 9 Kedcliffe 9 SATURDAY.

ACCEPTANCES for the GREAT SANDOWN HURDLE RACE (handicap) of 300 penalties; the second to receive 20 sovs. from the plate. About two miles, over eight hurdles. Age st lb Age st lb Benhurb 6...12 7 Golden Gate 4...10 7 Bartizan 6. ..12 4 Lenwade 5..

.10 8 Franciscan 6...12 2 J.P. 5 Theosophist 6.. .11 11 Carthusian 4. ..10 2 Ciimea 5 Onsen 4...10 2 MasterCharlie(lOibx) 5...11 2 Anaconda .10 2 Ashplaut a. ..11 i Chevy Chase 4.

..10 1 Gav Hamnton 5.. .11 0 Frank 6...10 1 Maypole 5...11 0 Albertine 4...10 0 Vicar 6. ..10 10 ACCEPTANCES for the RAND INTERNATIONAL STEE PLE CHASE (handicap) of 330 penalties; the second to receive 20 sovs. iroin the plate. About three miles and a half.

The highest weight accepting being 12st 51b, it has been raised to 12SD .10, ana me OLncrs in proportion. Age St ID Age Et ID .12 7 Great Paul .10 9 Gameco*ck Bikh Tvke Battle Royal Waterwitch Lord Chatham 9 Jeauie .10 11 6...11 .10 Brunswick Baccy Munstead TheoJoric Fireball .10 DERBY SPRING MEETING. SATURDAY. APRIL 18. ACCEPTANCES for the DOVERIDGE HANDICAP PLATE of B50 penalties; the second to receive 50 sovs.

out of the plate, One mile. Age st lb 4 Age at lb 4...7 3 4...7 0 12 4. ..6 9 3...6 7 4 3...0 0 Wise Man Dearest Tedwnrth Cloudberry Ecuador St. Raphael Thurles Orpheus Triumph Workington 9 Mortaigne 5.. .8 4 St.

Benedict 4...7 9 Old Coin 4...7 7 Gavotte 3...7 7 SCRATCHINGS. Messrs. Weatharby officially notify tha following scratchinga Miss Dollar and Breach out of the City and Suburban. All Mr. L.

de Rothschild's hones (except Lady Grey) out of Hurst Park engagements. Cruiser aud Guardsman out of Manchester Easter engagements. Lady Careless out of the Taplow Welter Handicap at Windsor. All Mr. Tiernans horses (except Monksman and Little Widow) out of all engagements in England.

Ireland, Silver Sea, and filly by Petrarch II Segreto (2 yrs) out of all engagements. Unicorn out of the Two Thousand Guineas, Eempton Park Jubilee Stakes, and Epsom Grand Prize. CARMICHAEL OPEN COURSING MEETING. Judge: Mr. J.

Hedley. Slipper: T. Bootiman. WEDNESDAY. Visitors to Carmichael had an unpleasant experience to-day, the weather being -wretchedly cold and wet, and the sport, consequent upon the adverse conditions, was decidedly slow for a considerable time.

Upon the venue being changed to Grange, however, a change for the better took place, and grand sport being made late in the day the card of 44 courses was, after all successfully got through. Some interesting running was witnessed in the Carmichael Cup, aud the Scotch bitch Gwenna was seen to great advantage in each of her courses. She is going in such grand style that Sir R. Jardine looks like taking the pretty silver casket and goblets to Castlemilk. Another Scottish bitch in Regularity like Gwenna an ex-Waterlooer is also standing, the opposing pair, Lady Isobel and Tint, being English, so that we shall have two international duels in ti.

morning. Is the Westraw Furse a late Corrie winner, Braes o' Laddie, is running in beautiful style, and Colonel North looks like scoring yet one more success in the Covington Plate with his smart bitch Naivete. Details: The OaRMIOHAEL CUP, for 32 Ail Ages, at S. 10,. each, with cup value 25 added.

Pirst Ties. Tint beat Green Hedge, Pave the Road beat AU Asleep, Gwenna beat Arpasia, Burlador beat Katisha, lady Isobel beat Mock duch*ess, Regatta beat Just a Banshee, Regularity beat Mistress Judy, and Meolt Major beat Larrick. Second Ties. Tint beat Pave the Road, Gwenna beat Burlador, Lady Isobel beat Regatta, and Regularity beat Meola Major. The WESTRAW PURSE, for 32 All Ages, at 4, 10t.

each. First Ties. Bessie Landells beat Freezing Rut (1), Wardrew beat Clara Green, Braes o' Liddle beat Drumavon, Jean Mac-conochia beat Junior Warden, Phobeuto beat Maelstrom, GUdsmnir beat Recovery, Kate Cuthbcrt beat Awl, and Thimble beat Spreo Boy. Second Xiei. SeMle taadcili beat ffardreg.

Sou o' Kiddle FOOTBALL. NORTH CHESHIRE LEAGUE. At the artiourne meeting of this Association, Mr. E. J.

II. Turner presiding, Denton St, Lawrence's were awarded their protest against llatherlow, on the ground that the releree who acted was a member of the club. The match was ordered to be replayed at Denton. WILLS AND BEQUESTS. (1-ItOH THB ILLUSTRATED LONDON The will (dated August li, 18B0) of Lady Sarah Klizabeth Lindsay, widow of Lieutenant General the Hon.

Sir James Lindsav. K.C.1I.C.. late of 25. Portman Square, who died 011 December 16, at Brighton, was proved dh March 7, the value of the personal estate" amounting to 6.592. The will (dated SeDtember 23.

18S91 of Dame Dorathen Burrell, widow of Sir Walter Wyndham Bur-reil, late of Ockenderi House, Cucktield, Sussex, who died on February 8, was proved on March 11, the value of the personal estate amounting to upwards of 11,000. testatrix authorises her executors to expend 100 in defraying the cost of an east window for West (irinstead Parish Church; and she bequeaths 100 to the vicar and churchwardens of Cuckiield, to be applied in five annual instalments, in aid of the Cuckiield Curates Fund. The will (dated January 24. 1880). with niffht codi cils (dated January 3, 1883; March 17 aud October2S, 1884; June 13, 1885; June 22, 1886; February S3 and oeptemuer 2, ibof anu January J.B3B;, 01 air.

Charles Bamsden, D.L., lata of "48, tiros venor-street, Grosvenor Square, who died ou February 11, was proved on March 16, the value of the personal estate amounting to upwards of 255,000. The will (dated November 12, 1889) of Mr. Hamul William Denver, late of jEscnlus Villa, Hampton Road, Upper Teddington, who died ou February 7, was proved on March 13, the value of the personal estate amounting to upwards ot soa.uuu. The will (dated June 18, 1887), with two codicils (one bearing the yme date as tlie will and the other November 18, 1390), of Colonel PhilipStapletonllum- berston, Chester IBaa-bo, D.Li., J.f., formerly of Mollington, lianastre, Cheshire, and late of Olen-3'-wern, Denbighshire, who died on January 16, was proved ou March 12, the value of the personal estate amounting to upwards of 56,000. The testator bequeathe 503 to the Chester General Infirmary, 250 to King's School in connection with the Cathedral Church of Chester, 100 to the Blue Boys' School, Chester; the piece of plate presented to him after the visit to Chester of the Agricultural Society in 1858 to the Mayor and Corporation of Chester lor the use of his fellow-citizens, free of legacy duty; and, after the death of his daughter-in-law, Mrs.

Edith Caroline Humberston, 500 towards the restoration of the Parish Church of St. George, near Kinmel, Denbighshire, if he has not given that amount in his lifetime; and 500 upon trust for keeping in orderly condition the churchyard of Upton, near Chester; and numerous legacies to his own and his late wife's relatives and others. The residue of his property he leaves upon trust for his sisters and his nephews and nieces. The will (dated February 13, 1890), with two codicils (dited November 10 and December 4 following), of Mr. John Alexander Radcliife, late of Ordsal, Cob-ham, Surrey, who died on January 27, at 39, Cambridge Terrace, Hyde Park, was proved on March 7, the value of the personal estate amounting to upwards of 31,000.

The will (dated September 24, 1890) of Captain Alexander Bain Chisholm, formerly of the 25th Regiment, late of Strathglass, Manor Road, West Worthing, Sussex, who died on January 29, was proved on March 6, the value of the personal estate amounting to upwards of 15,000. The will of Mr. Benjamin Henry Walpole Way, late of Denham Place, Bucks, who died on January 18, was proved on March 12, the value of the personal estate amounting to over 12,000. The will and two codicils of Admiral James Chirles Prevost, late of 133, Ebury-street, Pimlico, who died on January 28, was proved on March 12, the value of the personal estate amounting to 3,272. A despatch from Madagascar received in Taris states that the French oBcial residence at Majunga has been destroyed by a tidal wave.

Jleuttr. Tun American Postal Service. According to a Washington tolegram, published by the l'ork Herald, the bulk of tha postal subsidy authorised by the late Congress will probably he employed, for the next year at least, in developing communication with South Ameriua. Mr. Wanamaker, the Postmaster General, has invited the representatives cf youth American countries to confer with him regarding the best way of carrying out this programme.

The telegram adds that no attempt will be made during tho coining fiscal year to obtain service from Americau vessels in carrying the mails to Europe. AU tho present steamer lines are owned abroad and sail under foreign Hags, and it would be impossible to put a new line into operation within a year, even if the amount of the subsidy warranted it. Iieuttr. Stockport Infirmary. The annual meeting of subscribers to the Stockport Infirmary was held yesterday morning in the boardroom at the Institution, 'i'he Ma3Tor (Mr.

William Lees) presided. Lieutenant Colonel S. W. Wilkinson, lion, secretary, stated in his report that next year would witness the close of a century since tlie Dispensary was inaugurated in a cottage by the late Dr. Briscall.

A Samaritan Fund had been established to aid poor peopl-s by sending them to convalescent hospitals, supplying them with suitable clothing and food, and the "late Mr. Allatt Marsland had bequeathed 500 to this fund free of legacy duty. Among the recent, gifts to the Infirmary was a framed portrait of Dr. Killer, one of the founders of the Infirmary. Mr.

Charles Earushaw submitted the financial statement, showing the income for the year to have been 3,647 9s. exclusive at' legacies, which had enabled tlie Committee to increase the assets by 3,516, these now standing at 41,000. In some departments of income there were slight decreases, and there was a larger outlay, but after making allowance for these differences there was a balance of income over rxpenditure for tiie year of 79. 6s. Id.

The number of cases treated during the year was 5,156, of which 1,339 were accidents. There had been 650 in-patients. The Mayor suggested that the income might; be augmented ii the practice of monthly penny collections was more generally adopted. Complaint was made b3 Nonconformist ministers present of inadequate representation on the Committee as compared with the Church of England and despite a protest from the lion, treasurer (Mr. T.

H. Sykes) and the hon. secretary these gentlemen pointing out that certain positions were reserved for gentlemen who had either made large gifta to the charity or given long service, fresh names were added to the list in tli'j direction indicated. The Proposed Incorporation of "Widnes. Vostprdav the Hon.

T. W. H. Felham. a commissinni.r appointed by the Privr Council, held an inquiry at tr TJU tUe OlUCll AUW1.

uiw a pcbHiuil Ul LIUi JUIiaOlb- ants and Local Board for a charter of incorporation. Mr. Squarey, barrister, Liverpool, put the case for tlie petitioners, and the only opposition offered was from the London and North-Western, Cheshire Lines, M. S. and and Midland railway companies.

It was stated that the population of Widnes' in 1881 was 24,913, in 1888 it had risen to over 29,000, and last year it was reckoned at 30,612. There are over 5,000 houses in the township, and the gross value in 1890 was 184,405, rateable 139,339, and assessable 114,449. There are Board schools providing accommodation for over 3,600 scholars, five denominational schools, and two unsectarian, the total school accommodation, independent of the two latter schools, providing for 6,992 scholars. The township has three political clubs, six passenger stations, five goods stations, six post-offices, a market, iree library, town hall, and drill shed. In 1867 the Local Board acquired both gas and water works, which are now profitable concerns.

Since 1865 tho Board has spent 43,301 on private improvements, and have obtained sanction to spend 3,000 for fire engine station and cottages. In case a charter is obtained, it is proposed to divide tho borough into six wards. Mr. Squarey referred to the rapid growth of Widnes as a chemical centre. He said that in 1847 chemical works began to be established there, owing to the excellent facilities for carriage by rail and water, and there were now fourteen alkali works, three copper works, three foundries, a large soapworks, and several other smaller concerns.

Widnes and tlie surrounding townships constituted a Parliamentary division, which Widnes was tho centre, and returned one member to Parliament. Widnes was represented on the Lancashire County Council by two members. There was an efficient sewage system, which discharged the sewage into the tidal part of the Mersey. Evidence was triven in support of tbe petition, and during the examination of Dr. O'Keefe the Commissioner remarked that it was usual to describe towns applying for incorporation as being tho most healthy in the world He had been wondering if the same would be said of Widnes.

(Laughter.) Dr. O'Keefe said that, considering the appearance of the place, the rate of mortality was really very low, and the Commissioner observed that he had been told that the mortality of Widnes was low because the doctors would not allow anvone who was ill to remain there. (Laughter.) Tlie representatives of the railway companies opposed the petition, oh the ground that their rating would be materially affected, and they would receive no lidvan-taoe from the incorporation of the town. They suggested that certain alterations ha boundaries would relieve them, and, failing that, said that if the petition should wish to have a differential The Commissioner said he did not think the nnnnfitinn -arnuld have much effect as regarded the granting of the charter, but of course the question of differential rating would have to be considered, Tha inquiry toes coociuoeo, lix dividend. The folio tin? tibles give the pricai at which transactions wjro rjcordel ia tha London Stock Exciiange Official List BRITISH FUNDS.

Oloiln Priues. Business Done. New 3)4 p.o. 1331 2)4 p.o. until 1993 Do.

account 2)4 p.c I3v5 2H pd. red. 1905 Do. Local L)ans 3 p.c. 100 102 I 96)4 95)4 96 96)4 98 93 94 S454 S4J4 91)1 102)4 10214 xd 34.

xd96J4, )4 xd934. 14, K. 54. 54.34 Xd944. a 102)5 101 102 1: a rei.tJJ alter Chlei price iii, pnnters.

i) 1 ESTAIEN T. Equity of 17 Tenanted ,,3 Housiis; income alter all pau.enu Jl'il price ijtau. S1S8 I Lis Four Cottages fronting turn-J(J 31i yards: chief 13s. 3 Sff9yeari. te liO.

'lixion. lho Oldliectory, nr. with yds. JJ laud. ilr.

tocu Uxrord-streeu i ESliU! Ii: near to Stockport. 1-ull-licensed -K, 7 acres of land: price 123. printer's. STiLMSLOW: Sunnycote. On Sale, Detached newly Ciected: 2 eult'rtalning.

bea rooius: audy situation. Apply J. K. L'OATKS, builder. SOLD, Commodious SHOP, house a-'tnhej.

in bav p.irt or Oxior i-stieet second. hand furutturo 125, at printer's. J71UTEF1ELU. TO BE SOLt), "Well-built lloL'SK, with (Mih aud outvide wash-nouse: iov n- rr.i- Aff1 TUOJJAs ItaddiUe i tj'J'lf jVeiachud HOUSE: price jCOoO: two MUini; and five bed rooms, i'or particulars address xQi, Liver- liiriCcialo. aouuiixjrl.

13E SOLD, or 'LET the SHOP, Ko. 31, a ArJ.rick, M-tucuestir. Apply to JuIlN yClNN i 2. Lrd-sJlitr-t. LlveDUnl.

FREEHOLD SHOP and UOTTaGK 'a? in Uuitite: price i.VU: suoh-s 13 jwr cwit after Aii.ii.rfa atUie printer's. 5 TO 13E SOLD, tei WiimCLuW Uu itua l. corner of Iliffti Lane: 'ft- a-' exeuilent site lor man: 3jd. yurd jL575. Hat, ltrown-strt-et Si-po RE SOLD by Private "Treaty," the' CKOVT Hoi ton, iuj oldlatiiilied, house, ono "Jiii itudyard station, on te iMartord nail way.

i'or VriiruUnaWMi- to J-Ht'iiCi': ItrtKjk-sirvet, Loub Katou. A 1' FIELD, near Ashbourne, Derbyshire. TO fiuLU by Private 'Ireaty, Siuli Country HUl'aK: free- rcO RE LLTf or J5LLi about square 3 inriiiiron-rtiiwt, Saliord. i.ear at muiuus inne iroiu mo mil I JL KEBSAi. IWElk Ker.a?uhs.a.

eldef only price 1.0W. Jo apl i. VlcTia-street. ULJirtON I'AliK, Ormskirk. TO LL rnMlVri cnirnlnWroom-.

ad nd nv an 1 lU lawn, Jtc. apply BAUl.lS SU-. il. John- Irnlils lawn. i-et.

l.lver;ol. 13 tvason. and Jluillnerj. I.and Aseuts. na.e UL1LUI LASH lo SW.1.

at Aruwlcfc. BaruKlulB, UramluJi. ilredoury.Dldsuury, i alloneld.ula;-S,;.l)Ur',l.veusliuiine..Vlarple.Mo...Side. fatrlcrult. lmddih.

sale, Suluion, Uruistou, ivithni(tan, ss. aad pi'iees ou application. SHAP.E3 ir-ljOUGLASSuspensioii Bridge. 190 Shares, 1, JLJ ml.L. 3, Croas-treet.

lHo. ON SALE, '20 sir Josepn wmtwortn, isijj ou Winter ci. 2C Southport 20 li'SO l-'ostfr. IVrter. and 100 -nyaoro llarnalli.

iteiVv" :2. 20 dltt' nreference. Spratt'a l'-J L.tuJlshlr- Trn-t. 7s. 60 Palace of VarieuM.

2C0 Uion Hill. -2 Telephone, il. 12s. W. tO -Mant'hejtcr i llliaiv ill WA.N1KD.

illlners Safe, Manchester ueKpool aud Winters. Henrys. j'c'a'' 1)0. Inve-tnient lists tret. correspondence Invited.

1 LA s' NICUULSON i 20. Craii-idreet. ilancheitei. CYCLES. L'ADRANX CYCLES: nevv' patterns.

To be Q. jt-n at the tjuadrant Depot. 16. juancnestar. arlboro' Club Convertible Tandem Tricycle for Whv do Pbys'clans Consider COTTS EMULSlOaN OK COD LIVER OIL WITH HirurauM-nnu THF llFST AnEXT KOlt THE CCKE OK HBOMJHl'l'lS.

AND VII KOXIC lV JSU UlSUStS UK CUlLDItiLX. EilAClA- TlOX A.NI) PES SB.U, UEBlUTVy llecainjie they Kind T'S I in vi.v-(.-,.ine trim hai tllsil COT T's ii If J. I Is EMVHATICALLY COMMES1- IT AS AN IPEAL P1UJ; OK ALL WASTISU COsh*tIONS 1NL-I-CVlVl' ABOVE. ITS HEALING. ANJO ARE VEliY JIEMAJJK- A 11 1 1 Sie what Pb'icUuis uy airaut I JST.

York U.a4, S.VV. Gentidcaen. I have made e.U'.Misive trid. more especially witti nrumous ot your prearauoit designated b'miiicion LI'ver alf. -a the of and haru it r-adily taK-v- aud very Mi eiltrcis by its prolongud use.

iu JOHN C. IIICIIAKDSON, Ac. T'S 3 I S3, CwwiierCil iload. S.E.. April 23.

1SS5. sir. I consider "Scott's Emulii.v. a tlioroiiKiilv aud reliable preparation, it-liit; mosi pAltatilu and a.Mly digested, izi servievabte iho wasting dUeased kit cbiidren. A.

F. MAUCOR. M.l.. fcc. 8 2iL I A E.

A. Eodwae. M.D., Scott'. Is in op.aiou an excellent a-d vaJuaMe i have pveJi Co L.umpdve patients, and have been delighted with the obtained. It is pleasant to the taste, and can bo borne sensitive t-c 'nP I.UT.H OIL i WITH IIVPOPHUSKMIISS- be boucl.t of aay Crienalt, at id.


JilANSKAiiENT, NAiLEAL. and i.M JllTACLE. Sold Everywhere. OCKi'EK'S SULPHUR riAlK KE3XORER. THE stilKST, '111 A KEi 1 u.

fa. THE CHEAPEST. occYEirs sulphu*k-iiaik restorer produces a natuni cour. gradual cluuigo is certa.ii, and tor :e.uw-:ui the hair; c.vjftug it to giow wrtj.v-.tfr tia uoriTiUid. Large ti.

ev-Tywiiore. GOUT and RHEUMATIO PILLS CCKE GOCT. CCKE EHECMAI Sci3tlca, Lumhajo, and "ieuralcla. Tbacut. 14U1 Is duicnly relieved and cured inaxcw dav, tfii, CTloSaitad nioiiciiie.

601 fuiiic initj auritir in ft? -ivic i builalaris winch could be had with ii iW'. ine down; mere ulso an eicet- -1 TMl7SX. TO BE SOLO, InlK-i NOT SICKI-V THEUi PATIENTS LIKE THE PLAIN fiiLU IN VALlll CA-N lULEIIAfK 1TFW A LONG 1 SU Til AT I IS HEAJ.l.Mi ASI i.LItSARK 'TUXES UalESAcUltEAT AS THE PLAIN Exchiquer Bonds 2)4 99)i 10C541 Isleor.M.iu3iSp.c.debont. 99 101 Do. 3 ji.e.

95 97 INJ1AN l0EINdlt.Nl' alSJUluntia. India stocli 3)4 p.c Do. accmiut I Do. 3 p.c 1913 Do. account Do.4 n.c Rupee Enfacerl Do.

4S4 p.o. 13J3 108)4 1)9 108)4 1C0 97)4 98 9754 98 108ft, 4, 3i. ii I 9754, H- 97)4 17635. a 75 77 BUSINESS DONE. BRITISH FUNDS.

Exchequer Rills. June, 2s. Bank or England stock, shut Egyptian Gov. 3 p.c. 100)4 335)4, 4)4 for opening CORPORATION STOCKS UNITED KINGDOM.

Metrop. con. 3)4 p.c. 110)4 Middlesbrough 3)4 p.c. 1909, Do.

3p.e.l03j.4.)4, 34 104 "Leeds 3)4 p.c. 107ft Oxford 3 p.c. 97J4 Liverpool 3)4 p.c. 110)4 Wolverhampton 3)4 p.c. 10954 Subject to stamp duty.

COLONIAL PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. Cape of Good Hope 5 p.c. 10-40 New Zealand p.c bonds conv. leben. 104 54 1832.

11254 Mauritius 6 p.c. 1835-5, 106 New South Wales 5 p.c. 182B-1891, 101)4, 2 Do. lS95-I9i'2. 10354.

754 Do. 4 p.c. red. 1910, 106)4 Quebec (Province) 4)5 p.c. 102 Do.

5 p.c ster. 1912, 10354. Tasmanian 4 p.o. 1908, 103 REGISTERED AND INSCRIBED STOCKS. Canada 4 p.c.

reg. 1901-5-6-B, Queensland 4 p.c. insc. 109'a, 107)4 Do. 4 p.c red.

109 Da. 3)4 p.c. insc 98) Do. p.c. reg.

104 S. Austral. 4 p.c 1882.3-1-5-6-7, uapu ui uiwu laopo p.c. reg. 9954.9 Do.

3ii d.c Insc. 34 Natal 3)4 p.c. insc 95ft, 6 New South Wales 3)4 p.c Insc. 10254. 34 Do.

stock, 10IJ4. ii New Zealaud 4 p.c. con. Inio. 107.

6)4. 7J4. 6ft Do. i'A p.c. 97J4.

34, 54 Tasmonlari 354 p.c insc. 9754, 14. H. Victoria 4 p.c. loans of 18S2-3-4, insc 106F4, 54 Do.

1835, 108 Do. 354 D.C insc 100J4, 100 Western Australia 4 p.c. insc. lUOJS FOREIGN STOCKS, BONDS. 4c.

Coupons payable In London Argentine 6 p.c rail, loan, 1881. Greek 5 p.c. 1881, 89ft Do. Monopoly 4 p.c. 7154, Do.

p.c. 1884, 6054 44.54 Do. 6. 54. 6 Italian Irrigation guar, 6 p.c Do.

N. Central RaiL Exten. Gov. mort. G3J4 Do.

Treas. conver. 60ft Do. 4)4 p.c. bonds, 5454 Brazilian 454 p-c.

gold loon iss. in Brazil. 1879. SS Do. 18S8, 79ft Do.

4 p.c. bonds, 1B83. 7iH.M Chilian 154 p.c 1835, 88 7 Do. 138S, 8654. 34.

8 Chinese 7 p.c. A. 104)4 Do. 6 p.c redeem. March, 1895, 1C254 id Costa Rica bonds 724, 154, 2H Egyptian Unified Debt 4 p.c.

9854. 'A Do. Gov. 5 p.c. pref.

94, A. Do. State Domain, 103)4 Do. Daira S.inieli, 139:, 93)i Hungarian 4 p.c Gold Rentes, 1831. 92J4, )4 Japan 7 p.c.

1873. 1C8K. 10 Mexican 6 p.c 1883, Do. external loan, 90 Portuguese 3 p.c 56ft, 7, 54, Russian 4 54 p.c. 1850, 100J4 Do.

1860, 100)4 Spanish Quicksilver mort. 5p.c, 10354. 34 Swedish 4 p.c. 1880, 103 Turkish 5 p.c. 1354, 105 Do.

454 p.c. 1871, 99J4, 54,34, Ji, 100 Do. 5 p.c. 1877 (Defence) 1C3, ii. 2)4.

3. 2ft. 3, 2ft Turkish converted aerie, B. 18K, ft Uruguay p.c SVA, 4, in Do. 6 p.c sterling loan, 60)4, 60 FOREIGN STOCKS, BONDS, Ao Coupons payable abroad.

Austrian 5 p.c Paner Rentes, French 3 p.c ex 25f. 9454' 8254 Italian 5 p.o. ex2f. 93ft4 RAILWAY SHARES (Ordinary). Caledonian, 115)4.

54, 34 London South-West, 159)4, uo. prei. conv. 07a, 34 a e'fy, East London, 9ft Do. 4 p-c pref.

112)4, Glasgow and tsoatri-western, uo. del. 44 Mane, and Sheffield. 73, 4 Do. pref.

112)4. li Do. def. 35)4, 'ft Metropolitan con. 7854, 56-: Do.

surplus lands, 6654 Midland, HQhi.W.'A.H.H, 54, 34. hi, 54. 54. 54. Horth British old.

preL 68, 7ft, 34. 854. 54. 54. at.

Eastern, 9GJ4. li. 6, K. 4.,54, n.l'i. 7.

65s. 74 Ot. Nortnern pref, conv. U15ji Do. def.

eO, 79J4, 34. 9, 80. 79)4. JS Gt- Western. 159K, ft, 60, 54 Hull Barnslev.

36)4 Lan. and Yorkshire, 113)4, 54 London Brighton def. 154)4, 54. 3a. H.

5 London and Chatham, ISfi. ri London 174H 24. 554 1 Do. ord. 42 t.

354. 2K. 35. 3. 5.3i.z?i.3J4.H.H.K riortn-jastem consols, iw 35 N.

StafTorahlre, 12254. 2 South-Kastern. 125 SletropoUtan DUt, 3034. 54 Taff Vale, Aetof 1883,7454 LINES LEASED. Birkenhead.

12754 Colcheter, Sfcoor Valley, 101 Boyton. Hltchea, Shepreth, Nottingham A Grantham.12754 my, DEBENTURES. Caledonian 4 p.c. 128, 9, 8J Furness 4 p. 125 GU Eastern 4 p.c 129.

London, Chatham, Ac, erb. p.c. 135 (cm. and Xorttt-Westcra 4 px. Manchester, ShetBeUL ft Lin.

P-c isofi Metropolitan p.c 107X -Midland 3 p.c 100H, 100 North British 4 p.c 12 vaiuc. ivws. lu 90. to 60s. to French.

70s. to toa; forsixR. 3s. to 8d. perbmx.

uumsm run 2iAn.Ki; WEosEfmiT. A goat tapsiT with a very ttr ga dem and. Priiie Weber. Quotations i Brills. cu.

ir w. vumum, tn. per oos; coa iuve. ss.xo 1S soch; ditto (daJL. to 12a.

each; ditto (pickled). 37,. to 1. per ba.rel ditto (nit). Its.

to ISs. per cwt. coalBah. 20i. to torn, per sMxrei cooiinits, -en.

sc. per nox; confer eels, aft. to 7 1. each; crabs, 6s. score; catflati, 2W.

to 40k per score: 3a. to 2s. gd. per atone; gumeU, Ea, to Id. per box.

STOCKPORT HOESE AND CATTLE FATR. The: annual March fair was held in the Borough Yard yesterday. There was about the usual heavy delivery in all classes. onenfed auletlv in tbe forenoon, ana throaabotit the day was xuuiDUb ds. wj.

i s. i. per stooe; anio taeaai, b. to 7s. per atone: haddoeka cut), to 52.

(roand). 2ts. to ditto (live), to 2s. per box; ditto (HnaanX as. M.

per atone; hake, 3s. to 7a. eiich; herringa, 3, per I0f; kippers. 2ji, per box; HngfUim), Ssutollt. each: ditto (dead).

3s. to 9a. ed. each; lobsters, Is. sd.

to 2a. per crrater. (American), it. per 100; dlt (EnRliah), 7a. per 100( dlua (Heligoland), per 100; plaice, 3a.

to sa. Cd. per ltos reds. is. 3J.

per box: rolcer. It. to 12,. to la. Gd.

per dHo (ltraonl, b. pet itone; ahriropa (forelen). 3a. ti. per stone; sprat, (anciked), 6-1.

par box; imeUa. 2. pes basket; Mmon. -if. aturgeoa.

Ifa- pa, atone; akat. (lire), 4s. to 7s. Gd. eiohi dlttxi (dead), St.

Ufsuao: to la. 4d. per tasks. 20a. 35a.

per scon; hWnf (deattlV 2. to 3s. 8a. per afene; whilcbea. w.

to 6a, par toM.ptwiU. wanting In activity. VirsVclase cart horses were offered at 55 to 75 guineas; ordinary heavy cart horses from 30 to 40 guinea. Business hacks as low as from 5 to AUG each. There was likewise fine show ot valuable entires.

In the cattle deoirtmeiit mlleb and ealvlnc cowe the stock of whkh was lets numeroos than at last fair sold from 18 to 18 each; beet value 24. lvt. Store pigs In average supply, out slow Inquiry, uoo oyv hsa vany a ivw Tcmciea oa osntt.

The Guardian from London, Greater London, England (2024)
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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.