The Buffalo Times from Buffalo, New York (2024)

-Do yoi mt your to resell every placa la Wsfa Kei Yen Us3 "ICES." THE BUFFALO TIMES: MONDAY, JANUARY .27. 1890. Uw3 Lu3 Eo yemnt a cocl ROOSEVELT'S REPORT TR-E. a VASfDUSEN. dentist, corner Msln and THE FAMOUS BBAKD OF PURE RYE WHISKIES Recommended by the Medical Fraternity of the Country.

Belle of Buffalo, Belle of Tennessee, Queen City. Monogram, Old Rip Van Winkle. S. A A WJbLOIiESAT-iIS STORE, 238 EAST SENECA STREET. conspiracy to tieiame Uie characters of their wives to tile infittence of persons interested in the Beecher trial and have already the names, Martin asserts, of several tnea and women et high social and political standing, who are pro-red to be in the crime.

The motive it has not yet been discovered. Tbe first clue to unravelung the mystery was obtained through Mrs. Clara B. Warner, who saps that she is a female physician of Elizabeth, K. and was an inmate of a temperance hospital in Hamstead road.

Word was brought to Mrs. Martin that this weman had uttered tie proawst libels about hex and, with Mr. Martin, she called upon her at the hospital. Mrs. Martin discovered that Mm Warner was laboring under the impression that Victoria Woodhull had alienated the affections fWl Goods Sold in Quantities to Suit Purchasers.

JMIJ IEE I-RTH pBBO Manufacturers of. HAYS' PATE NTT SKY-LIGHT, Under License Iron Cornice, Window Caps, Cast-iron Cresting and Finals i Tile, Slate, Tin, Iron, Asphalt and Gravel Hoofing. 92-94 Broadway, Buffalo. N. Estimatesrurnished on aipioatlon.

3 1 BOARD'S Hi ERB immediate consideration. When it is reached some day will probably be set far its consideration. No days for fixed speeches have been set aside, but tt ia possible that Senator Call will addres the senate further on his Florida Swamp Land bilL Senator George, too, may address toe senate at some length, in reply to Senator lagalla. Ia his speech on the race question last Thursday, the Kansas senator quoted from a letter in which it was said that two of Senator George's sons were among tbe "Swamp Angela" charged with terrorising toe negroes in a recent Mississippi election. Senator George's friends have suggested to him the necessity of replying to Senator In-galls' attack on the Democrats of Mississippi and on his family.

Should Senator George consent to do this, toe audience which was disappointed in toe absence of personality and invective from Senator lagans' speech of Thursday, may have an opportunity of hearing the Kansas senator in his more familiar role. The senate coinmrnittoe on territories will not make a report on the Idaho bill this week because toe supreme court has not yet rendered its decision in the "test oath" case. This matter was under discussion in the supreme court consulting: room Saturday and an effort will be made te get a decision a week from to-day, when the court will adjourn over for a month. The norninations of Indian Commissioner Morgan and Superintendent-of -Indian-Schools Dorchester, will likely be disposed of in toe secret session of the senate during the coming week. They -would have been taken np before, but the public printer disappointed toe senate in the matter of toe testimony taken before the committee on Indian affairs, which was to have been laid before the senators in printed form.

It is thought that both these nominations will be confirmed. Great doubt is expressed in regard to the fate ot ex-Governor Warmoth of Louisiana, collector of the port of New Orleans, whose case is in the hands of toe commerce committee, and against whom there is a strong array in toe ranks of his party. ait Eicmsa TQ11S KXraCTKD. The house is likely to have a very exciting time during the coming week. Monday will be devoted, as usual, principally to the call of the roll by states for toe introduction of bills.

Tuesday the committee on elections will attempt to call up toe first of the contested election cases that of Smith vs. Jackson from the Fourth district of West Virginia. The Republican majority of tbe committee on elections has made a report in favor of unseating Jackson, Democrat, and seating Smith, Republican. The Democrats have determined in caucus to resist the effort of the Republicans to call up and consider election cases before toe house has adopted a full code of rules. They claim that it is the policy of the majority to unseat as many Democrats as possible, working under general parliamentary law, so as to increase their majority to a safer number.

They will resort to such filibustering as is possible under the ruling of the speaker and when all other methods fail they threaten to leave the house, hoping that with toe death of Judge Kelley and the absence through sickness of other members on the Republican side it will be impossible to secure a quorum without them. PURIFIES AND ENRICHES THE BLOOD. FOR SALE BY fill DRUGGISTS OR SENT ON RECEIPT OF FRICZ. $.00 PER BOTTLE OA SIX BOTTLES FOB $3.00. IB BARD HERB EXTRACT 26S WAD ASH AVE CHICAGO, ILL, i- Mas.

J. Hibbard, President, FETThe people of Chicago and vicinity can onsnlt Mrs. Hibbard any dsy by calling on her at ZI8 and 263 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, I1L Advice free, or write and describe your case, fcand lot Gtncuiar Wonietiul Cmnu. A SHORT HISTORY OF MY OWN CASE. Forty-five years ago I caught a most severe cold in my head and throat.

After recovering! folt a small lump in my mouth, this gradually grew larger until it broke and made a running sore. Then It commenced eating and in the course ot four years my nose, roof of mouth, palate and upper lip ure entirely consumed by what the best medical adviser, called Carcinoma, Cancer tr iuxir-leut tondUion or the blood.) My husband took me to all the doctors around in hopes of their giving me some help. Nothing seemed to stop the ravages ol the disease. In the four years It had left me very weak. Every day was expected to be my last, and my parents came every morning to see il I had Uvea the night through.

This was my condition when one of my sisters who was stopping at my house was taken ill. We sent for my mother and the Doctor. She came but the Doctor wu away some one mentioned that a physician had moved in our village lately, and suggested that he be sent tor. Ho came, made the sufferer easy, and was leaving when he noticed me on my couch near the window. He innuirerl ailment ...4 InfArml Kim that wa arnnf.

hpvond hi. skill and Was dailv expecting death to end my suffering. He came to history ot my case word for my husband to call sa-, they could cure me, but none eould even check ps fine and commanding presence, his elegant hardly wait until my husband returned, so eager and was favorably impressed, but the Doctor was hnna. mv hu.Hanri trotting. Kim was i cine for my use.

He was so successful that in three months time pronounced me entirely cured, and I have from that time to this had no return of the disease. We always gave the Doctor a home with us, and when he died, in 1S50, he rave nwthe formula of the remedy. After my husband died at the close of the Civil War, I was thrown on my own resources, and as I previously had many calls from sufferers to furnish them the medicine, I commenced the manufacture and sale of the 'Herb Extract" which had already obtained Quite a reputation as a specific for rn diseases arising from an impure state-of the blood, and I can point with great pride and satisfaction to the wonderful cures the remedy has made. Up to a year ago I wa. able to personally attend to the business, but my advancing years, and the tremendious growth ot the demand for the remedy, made It absolutely necessary for me to retire from the active direction of the business, and my three sons, (all born since 1 was cured) now carry on the active management of the company ot which I am the President and advisor in all difficult cases of long standing.

I am always pleased to hear of new cures made by our remedy, and I often feel that my life was spared that I might establish this remedy for the benefit of humanity, and Its nam never oia, but that it be banded down to posterity as the greatest discovery of the age. MRS. HIBBARD I consider vour remedv urea rtrsmiu to humanity. I have WHAT "THE THIES" WILL 0. Do yon want Apmt T)o yon want a Situation? Ixj you want te buy anythlni Ioyon want a Hnbnd or WiM IO yon want Boarrtora or Lodgers? Jo yoa want any "Help" male or female? J'O yoa want pupil? Do yoa want a partnsr JJoyon want Servants, Clerks or Mechanic? Io yoa want to rent a Boom, Houss or Store wat to buy ornU Hors Wagoa or any Una of Vehicle? Doyo wanj to rent or tell your Boms.

Office, E-tore, LoiorFrm? Hay. you Lost 0( Found any. Do yon want te sell your Good-will and Fixtures? Have yoa any 8eoond-and goods of aoy kind that yoa wish to ru or eiciunt If so; TbiTikm will nil any or aUof tbe above by a wakt il which costs yoa only OKI ckht A wobd. Old advertiser who bare tried all ay that 'fm Timks uvea tti bigKeat return, of aay rper PnfTalo. EIE MILLION JVVVJ Readers a HELP WATKi HaLb ANTED City canvassers, at room 11, American block.

Call forenoons. HUH Mlal7t t0 In sdvanoe, Allowed v)J each month. Steady employment at bora, or traveling No soliciting. Duties delivering and tasking collection. No postal cards.

Address with stamp, Hafer A Co Piqua, Ohio. dec7 feb7 taes th sat son WANTED Men and women to attend Wllron'e sale to-day, 68 Seneca street. 18t25 ANTED His Ills Insurance 120 Pearl UECP ASTKli-FEMAJ-E. ANTBD- Small German girl at Sll BUIcott 24t25 street. "Y7ANTD Ladies to call 33J Swan street where yoa can engage cooks, dining room, general honseworfc girls, hooekeepei.

and laundreesrs, French Employment Bureau. 25K8 ANTED grrls at York's, 41 West Chippewa street. ifir fcJXUA'l'IO liAMlUll-rEMALK WANTED Situation by a good competent girl for housework in a small family of adults, Westaide. Address Letter Carrier 84. AYOTJNCr WOMAN wants position as companion or nurse to-invalid lady; addres T.

Times oitiee. 2H1 SITUATIONS TVANXKO UAtE, ANTED A poMtion as Address 5, Times omoe. ssou SITUATION WANTED By young man a. assistant book keeper or in offloa, A 1 references. H.

W. H. 171 8. Division strert 26127 WANTED Position In olty or conntryprlntlng office. 8JS years experience; addres H.

693 Jefferson street, city. 24t27 CIVIL ENGINFER, temporarily disabled, want. position in omoe of any kind; will furnish best of references. Eugene Wlllard, Coudereport, Pa. 23t28 "WfANTED By young man as night watchman.

or as porter, or general work around a store. Address J. P. Times ofTine. 20t25 AOKNTs WAJrritr WITHOUT THREADING Astonish address fori mem.

rjauipie iiacxatre, nssortea, dv aiau to any rloc W'hiton Novelty INDUCEMENTS to Call Michigan street. 7tf AL AlUtK. FOB 8ALE Village property cheap, owner wishing to go farming a one aore lot; all kinds of fruit, at Wilson, N. Y. Boose, barns and blacksmith shop.

Address A. 0. Bowman, Youngstown, N. Y. 26t28 HOWARD near Emslie 88 feet front, 2,100.

tfl Emslie near Howard 30x106; all improvements, Apply to P. G. Moor, 399 Km alia treet Mt26 T)EAI. ESTATE Geo Weller, 260 Clinton XX, street, 36 Walden avenue. 12tf PETER Q.

MOHB Real estate and insurance, 399 Emslie streeu Land in all part of the city for Bile: tax and title search, furnished. Jan9Jul)l 37OR SALE Farms of every description In Central and Southern Michigan. Ireland A Co, gents. Battle Creek. Mich.

4t30 THE! property situated on the southeast corner Rhode Island and Plymouth avenue ia oflered very cheap. Hume A Choate. 308 Main street. 2atf WANTED Thirty families to fonn and tak. up farming lands in South Carolina In 100 sere Jots; price, S8 per small pnymenta; easy terms; best of lands; along tbe railroad depot on the land; healthy; can raise two crops per year.

For particulars address or call on Richard H. Ferguson, room 2, Hayen city. Nov. 23-tf tny lot 6x130 on Grand lslsnd.nearPedel tZZiV) ferry landing. Sell A Ely, 30 Eagl.

street UUSINKSS CUAiNCJES. "OR ALE Grooery store on west side at a bargain; good location. Inquire of D. Del shunt, 329 14th street. 22tFebl FOR SALE Old established meat market, one of the best in the oity; satisfactory reasons for selling Address Meat Market.

Times office. 22t26 IpOR SALE Store, stock of goods, fixture, and dwelling house, located in a beautiful village in woatero New York. (Groceries, Boots and Shoes and Dry Goods.) Address J. 8., Times office. 21tl THE largest wholesale and Retail Jewelry business in Buffalo offered at a bargain.

Apply Hum. A Choate. 806 Main street. 29tf PARTNER WANTED To bny an interest la a well established printing house, fully equipped to do all kinds of printing and binding. A practioal printer preferred.

Address PRINTERS', this office. 24lf BOS to LUAS. MONEY TO LOAN Both large -and small amount, at 6 per cent. Administrator, Times office. 23130 ONEY TO LOAN Large at 5 per cent on oity property, iixecutor, Carrier to.

lDtZQ MONEY TO LOAN on real estate, any amounts, John A and Jacob Stein, 60 Niagara street, corner Eagle. Nov27tMay26 1 OnOn TO LOAN on Teal estte. Eell 4 Ely. 311 Esgle street. 14tf.

"IKE lOAf BERG, licensed rvv broker, 14-1 6 West i ngle street. Special rales given on ranch cilice the city. All business strictly conii-rlential. HEOA8BERG, pawnbroker; entire first 10,12 West Kohawk stieet; lean, money on watches, diamond private rooms For Tstrons. n-3tf IUAIti AND iooais.

Month! ased it In my family with the best results, and know personally of some of the cures it has accomplished. Would recommend It to alldesirinn a thorough blood purifier. REV. R. W.

BLAND. Faster Oak Park, (III.) M. E. Church. CPRnnil DEAR MRS.

HIBBARD I do not know how to express to you what your uullul Ws-n remedy HERB EXTRACT has done for I have doctored all my life for Scrofula and White Swellings andwas constantly racked with pains and could not stand oh my feet. Now the pains have all left me and I am free from them, and 1 feel every day that I am still improving, and shall continue to take your HERB EXTRACT for some time to come. 1 have recommended the medicine to a number of my friends, ana they have been greatly benefitted by it, and think, as I do, that 'tis the most wonderful medicine in the world for rheumatism and all diseases ariaing from impure blood. Most truly yours, MRS. T.

J. FLINT, 1383 West Madison SCChlcago. HATARRrl I prescribe your herb XT VAIAnnn LOOF, North DEAR MRS. HIBBARD Four bottles of the throat. I consider it a wonderful medicine.

aixio. i. iuddaiui, nicairo, ju. Dear Madam I was afflicted with Hip Disease, after going on crutches for ten years and tryinj on crutches for ten vearl and trvin nine different Physicians, six bottles of your RACT me and engaged me in conversation, and got a on him as he conld help me. I had had so many the disease, and 1 was about discouraged, but language and easy sympathy won me 1 could I to have him go fe Dr.

tie did, poor, and It resulted In his being taken in our frnra which to nreoare the medi act for Catarrah, Tho cures it has effected are East, Erie Co. Pa. your HERB EXTRACT cured me of Catarrah of Very truly yours, HERB EXTRACT completely cured me. This 1 BUFFALO BUSINESS MAN. that he knows the contents of said statement, and Robert I.

Storv. liSS. Chas. CMUMFORD, Commissioner of Deeds. Buffalo.

N. Y. OSHKOSH, April idiu, imt VftiiT 14 fYTP A f.T ruredma nnft rftmeav. our sucn 13 llic use uu AWu icuMy- BISLURCK HOPEFUL He i3 not Discouraged ty Saturday's Defeat. Socialist Leaden Pleaiel at tHa GDvernment'i Arrogant Polioy.

Tbe Princa of Wales CiagTxstcd. London, Jan. 27. Nuineroua Bociallstio meetings were held throughout Germany yesterday to celebrate tbe defeat of the anti-Socialist bill in the reichstag. Dispatches describing these gatherings state that they were mostly of a restrained and moderate great hilarity or rejoicing was BOticeahle, and the general opiaioa manifested was that the victory tbe reichstag; was only a nominal one.

Prince Bismarck evidently feels sure of his ability to secure a majority in tne neat reichstag for tbe measure, else the gorenuiaeat -would net hare con-stnctednhe campaign in tb body jne dissolved se- tamely. The real fight i. to come at the polls, and tt will be a serious struggle. At yesterday's meetings the proceedings were largely derated to preliminary plans for the coming battle. The leaders ef toe' (Socialist party are secretly pleased at the present attitude of the government, because of its ertraragance.

The proposal to erpel all Socialists from the country at will is so extreme and harsh that the full strength of the Radical free thinking part of the population can be relied upon to unite against the gorernment So long as Prince Bismarck confined his hostile measures to minor states of siege and the occasional suppression, at a newspaper, whQe on the other hand he was doling out glittering inducements to contentment in tbe shape of worldngmen'f insurance bills, eta, the Socialist leaders found it difficult to rowse the people to a sense of the alleged dangers of despotism. Now tbey hare another string to play upon, and they express considerable confidence in being able to so increase the Socialist representation in the new reichstag as to cause the abandonment of part of the government's program. What the Socialists aim at first is to secure strength, enough for a coalition in the reichstag whereby they can compel the government to grant more freedom to the press. They claim that this is all that is necessary to enable the people to discern the way out of bondage. TWO CASES OF SNOBBERY.

The Prince of Wales went to open a hos pital at Bournemouth, the fashionable watering place from whose balmy air Secretary Daniel Manning derived such benefit that the inhabitants maintain he would be alive now had he not prematurely returned to America. The prince has returned utterly disgusted, for there are degrees of snobbery and flattery at which even he draw the line. On one of the triumphal arches at Bournemouth was an inscription likening him to the Savour, and the prince couldn't stand that. Less com plimentary, but almost as original in its way, was the conduct of the clergy at the principal church in town, who received the prince at tbe door in surplices and with the ceremonial observed at the reception of a corpse. It is understood that the clergy meant well, but the prince fled and Boorae- mouth will see him no more.

HOPEFUL GLADSTONIANS. There is a probability of the Oladstonians winning the seat at Glasgow made vacant by the death of Mr. Craig Sellar. They have selected Sir Charles Tennant as a candidate, and he avows himself as an out and out supporter of the Grand Old Man's home rule policy, while theTorey candidate, Mr. Parker Smith, believes Balfour infallible.

The fight will be a hot one, but Sir Charles Tennant's popularity, as well as principles, ought to stand him in good stead. INCREASING THE NAVY. Secretary Tracy's scheme for making a navy for the United States is attracting a good deal of attention here, and was referred to by Mr. Gladstone in his great speech at Chester. The Grand Old Man seemed 'to be rather grieved that America should commence to copy the Old World's bloated armaments, but the general opinion is that a' powerful United States navy would be better for the world in general and England in particular.

The admiralty here are very busy just now. By 1891 the present gorernment will have added to the British navy 21 iron-dads, 21 protected cruisers and 56 other vessels of war; and by 1894 8 additional battle-ships, 43 protected cruisers, and 18 smaller vessels will have been completed. The chief and abiding cause of anxiety is that tbe manufacture of guns and supply of stores do not keep pace with the ever-growing needs of the royal navy. AOSTA'S FOBTUJTK. The Duke of Aosta has left a fortune of 20,000,000 lire, of which he received 12,000,000 with his first wife, the heiress of the noble, but not house of Cisterna.

HARDS SALTON'S GOOD LUCK." Marie Halton has purchased the American and English rights in Edmond Audraa's latest operatic success, "La Cigale et la Fourmi," and is negotiating for the lease of Her Majesty's theatre, where she proposes to open either in April or September. She showed the correspondent a letter from Audran in which he says: "I leave my opera entirely in your hands. You have exactly the face, figure and the art for the part, and you have also the dramatic instinct that is essential to the highest success of the piece." Consequently Marie is in a' state of entire contentment with herself and the rest of the world, except that the thought of the awful Aronson and his contract interferes with her return to America for more than a year. Marie is living in much splendor in a suite of rooms on the first floor of the Hotel Victoria. She sports a swell brougham and has so many diamonds that at the Haymarket theatre one night last week, where she sat in a box next to that of the duch*ess of Fife, tbe admiring audience thought she was the royal young lady, and paid her the devoted attention that English people lore to lavish on their hereditary betters.

Mr. Burnond, editor of Punch, is now translating "La Cigale et la FournuY'and before she engages a company and begins rehearsals Marie and Lewis will go to the Riviera, where fashionable Europe is at present assembled and the season at its height. THE WOES OF THJC WOODHTJLLS. Sir Francis Cook and John Biddulph Martin with their respective wives, known in America as Tennie C. Claflin and Victoria WoodhulL after undergoing years of prosecution at the hands of hidden enemies, have determined at last to hunt these enemies down.

In addition to an advertisem*nt in The Times offering 1,000 reward to any one revealing the names of the persons engaged in the conspiracy to defame Lady Cook and Mrs. Martin, and 30 for the name of the printer and the author of the leaflet, "The Sexual Problem," there has been issued a circuhxr headed: "Victoria Woodhull and Tennie C. Claflin, a Revival of a Page of American History." Tbe circular begins with the offer of the rewards made in The Times, but giving in addition to the address at Hyde park gate, 143 West Seventeenth street, New York. The circular quotes a number of newspaper articles from the New York Sun, Evening Post, Times, Herald, and other newspapers of 1873 in which the acquittal of the sisters is published, and a letter of Mrs. Woodhull to the editor ef The Sun dated April 14, 1886, all tending to refute the accusations made against the two ladies.

It was only after much persuasion that Mr. and Mrs. Martin cauld be induced to speak about the matter, sltheugh they had themselves made it public, but they were finally prevailed upon to reveal such information as would not tend to defeat the discovery of thoir traducers. Martin evidently intends to make it very warm for somebody. He says he and Sir Francis have determined to leave no stone unturned to bring the guilty ones to justice, and thai say have every prospect of suceeedirig, only a few link being wanted in the chaia of evidsnca.

Thtj- attribute XJ Genesee-, all work guaranteed first-class; moderate prtoes. Vitalized aur, chiorolorm or ether admin- isierea. una TVOEMAN, the veteran coal dealer, 1465 Main street Keeps notbm? out ary ana ciean coat; no matter what the weather, as for quality it has no equal; I have another lot of that nice, large, dean, dry pea coat. i-tn MACHINE-MADE and plain stitching. Wheeler ft Wilson, office 31 Eagle rt.

JaStf UPHOLSTERING Address "Upholsterer," 441 Vermont any upholstering yon want done HOTEL HURON, 636 Main street. Rate, per day $1.60 and $2 00. Special rates for permanent boarders. First-class table. Give them a call.

STOP at tbe New Continental, adjoining Erie and Central depots. New In all appointments. Rate. fi per day. Bryant Miller, Props.

0BBIN8 A PAGET, manufacturers ot carriages, wagons and tleigh of .11 kinds. Repairing specialty. 295 Exchange Btreet. TANTE13 Girls, three to flv. dollars per week.

fe.mployr.ept rJareaniao gwan street, l'ius IF yoa want a good smoke, call at A. W. Schlatter's. 16 W. Eagle or la E.

Swan street. He has one line of cigars. Try A-Nlckle-In. AUCTION end commission house, 56S Washington street; household good bought and sold, T. Williams.

JOSEPH METZ. Planlnsr mill, contractor builder and lumber dealer, No 292 Elm street. Estimates cheerfully given. All order, promptly attended to. HOTALING The ortgT North River blue stone cor Niagara Virginia.

Sidewalks a specialty. FISHER A only manufacturers of wets, beer in Buffalo. Fisher, bottled lager for family use, the best and cheapest in the city, No 736 Exchange street. UICK laundry, first-clas. work, short time, tel Ainne, proprietor, Main street.

QOOD teeth $3. Dr. Clark, 401 Main street. S' TORE" and peddler, supplied with Gaston's gen-I nine New York old fashioned molasses and chew- lag candy. 181 East Genesee street.

IQS and beards hair goods, pang cutting, rreaeriots, atain street. MANUFACTURE screens, lattice, grille work and wood carpet. Also order work. 203 Broadway. 1 tr YEARS with leading press M'fs, New Yoik olty, ortotln? and repairing printing machinery; Driseoll A Fletcher, 60 Washingtoa street.

PALACE CAFE For ladles and gentlemen, open all night, 287 Michigan, Henry A Hoppa, proprietor; fintt-claa. meals. Oyster, and clam, a specialty. ASON'S Photograph Gallery is th. largest and beat In this city.

Call and see udidIm and compare prices. 403 Main street. NOTICE-Uw the White Lily brand, pur lof liwwft. Ana wmsstra let 1 V- wut wnu mnw tt yupr, una lima limh S175 WILL boy fine upright piano almostnaw, n-uuu ae ia oeocon nreec noauti DELAHUNT AND BAILEY, 03 Lloyd uh tunier. none, ana muiea.

01 OLD, silver and nickel plating, also re-plattn Jewelry repaired. O. Rnsbrldge. 14S0 Niagara at All. KINDS saloon fixtures, counters, back bars, ice-boxes, etc, on hand and mad.

to order. 71? street. marl3t PKKSOSAJ. LADIES USB "WTLOOX'S 1 TANSY COMPOUND PILLS." Perfectly safs Always elfoctuat Send 2o stamp for "WO MAM'. Safe Guard." WELOOX SPBOIFIO OO, Phila, sat-sun-t( TO the St John's house.

Rates $1 to 82 per day. 89 E. Swan gtreet, Try it. Jan261yr PERFECT fitting patterns out to order with the French bias dart; 31 West Eagle street. janzjti PERSONAL French dress cutting taught In flv.

davs. No dranlna- tancht perfectly. 648 Main street. 8tf WATCHES Repaired and Warranted Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded. 134 Seneca, opp.

Broezel House CNOWFLAKB bread, made hf George MugrldeeA fm. Selling everywhere; ask your grocer orbakar ItirJcowflake bread; 11 costs no mora than eommoa ire.d and Is delicious. )ulyl(t-ly LADIES AT H8 Turkish, Russian, Medloaesl, safe, certain and la all diseases. 120 Peri treel itinetf lOlt 8 A rt. NEW RAMBLER SAFETY for flOO.

Addres. Cut Rates, Times office. 23feb2 poR sale-two street evening dresses. 2Z7 Pearl 21127 it JJJj property for sale or rent D. O.

Jackson, J.T.S. Aiaen, in. i. 21128 FOR BALB All kind of unredeemed goods at auotion sale to-day; Wilson's, 68 Seneo. street 18t25 MlSdULLANKOUS.

CBILDRENS' dresses made at 430 Elm street 29t2S TTT O. new Wonderland, 134 Oanal it street. GREAT bargains, 208 Main street administrator. Bale of new and elegant ladies' cloaks and mantels. jaOtf A SPLENDID start offered to party desiring to handle one or more established medicines.

An-ply Hume A Choate, 306 Main street 29tf BE your stoves in good repalrr If not call on G. A H. Donaldson. 16 South Pivisionstreet AUCTlONj AUCTION. W.

WILSON CO The Seneca street pawn-j it broker, will commence their regular monthly auotion sale to-day and continue th. balance of the month. Watches, clocks, diamonds, jewelry, silverware and a thousand and one artioies on whieh we have loaned money will be sold to the highest bidder regardless of value, B. B. Wade, auctioneer, 68 Seneca street.

18t26 musical xnstkcmkifts. on easy payments, at 677 Main street de2tf CLAIRVOYANT. MADAM REE, life reader. Division street Ladle. 23C 72 North 28t27 MRS.

F. J. HOLTZ Psychometric reader and business and predictive clairvoyant, 181 Oak street. janl8tfebl8 Telegrapher Kill. Manufacturer, United Press.

Augusta, Jan. 25. A. young man named Worrall, telegrapher at Mldville, on the Georgia Central railroad, 8 hot Jesse Thompson to-day. Two shots entered the stomach.

Thompson is a prominent lumber dealer and manufacturer of. Augusta. ADVICB to mothers, Mrs, Winston's Soothing Syrup should always be nsod for ohildren. It soothes the child, softens the earns, allays all pain, onres wind oollo, and Is the best remedy lor diarrhoea. Twenty-five oenta a bottle.

JSr. nun Absolutely: Pure ve -lunuc, never a nivvat 01 puntr, strength and whole.omene More economical thaa lieuiuinai-y kinds, and cannot be sold in oomoe. titioa with tiie multitude ol low test, short weight ium powdeis. only in iiAJkUau Po mm tonrAXi, li N. On His investigation of the New York Custom House.

Ha Finds Coercion in the Hatter of Contributions to Campaign Funds Prevalent In AH Departments Washington, Jan. 27. The report of Civil Service Cornmissioner Eoosevelt on the results of his recent investigation into alleged violations of the civil service lays ia the New York custom house, is made public Mr. Roosevelt reports that in the surveyor's office he found that large numbers ef temporary assistant weighers were carried en tbe rolls, and employed irregularly, and after being once sworn in are considered as being always in the dropped from the rolls for a day or for months. As a resort of this no new appointments of assistant weighers have been made recently, there being so much old material to draw from.

Same of the temporary assistant weighers are engaged at clerical work, while other persons are appointed as laborers and detailed as darks. This is all, Mr. Eoosevelt claims, in violation of civil service law, and should not be continued. The whole case emphasizes in the strongest manner the need of a complete re-classification of the customs service. atttit HOT IN FLTJEWCXD.

Mr. Koosevelt's investigation into the collection of political assessments prior to the presidential election of 1886, covered the cor duct in this respect ef the offices of the collector, surveyor and naval officer of the port of New York. In the naval office, under Mr. Burt, he found that the law was observed absolutely, both in letter and spirit There were ne collections made for political purposes, in any shape or form, and nothing like political coercion was tolerated; each employe was left entirely free to contribute to whichever political party he desired, or not to contribute at alL if he did not wish to. TBUD TO EVADE tin LAW.

In the collector's office, under Mr. Magona, he says, there was apparently widespread, but not universal, and by no means always successful efforts to. evade the law by persuading or forcing toe Republican clerks to contribute. FOBCID TO PAT VP. In the surveyor's office, under Mr.

Beattie, the contributions, as far as is shown by the testimony of the twenty-eight witnesses examined were universal: The Democrats generally gave their money of 'their own accord; but all the Republican clerks were practically forced against their will to pay what were in reality political assessments for the benefit of toe party to which they were opposed. This was accomplished by a very ingenious and widespread system of veiled threats and oorert intimidation, so well carried out that it was completely successful. Every method was resorted to to extort tbe contribntiens, while at the same time avoiding tbe aotnal demand of money. By these various means so much pressure was brought on the employes- that in the end they all succumbed and paid their money. A LACK Or VIQILAWCaL 1 Mr.

while not charging the head ox me omce, mr. jseattie, with complicity in this wrong doing, says the fact remains that these acts were committed in the office under his oontroL Such widespread and far-reaching evasion of the law, he observes, speaks but ill for the vigilance of those whose duty it was to see the law enforced. The contrast in this respect between the surveyor's office under Mr. Beattie and the naval office under Mr, Burt, he adds, reflects credit on the latter and does not reflect credit on the former. In some general observations on the collection ef political assessments Mr.

Roosevelt MB. BOOSBVELT'a CONCLUSIONS. "It ia worth while saying at the outset that experience in a number of investigations of this sort has convinced me that the talk so of ten heard about the in justice of not allowing clerks to make 'voluntary which the law in no wise prevents, is all nonsense. Government employes do not as a rule contribute simply from desire to help the political cause in which they believe. The so-called voluntary contributions' are nine times out of ten made from either the hope of being retained in office, or else with toe object of gaining some advantage over the other clerks.

In other words the employes are coerced into making them for fear their positions will be jeopardized if they fail to doso. It is probably safe to say that 90 per cent, of the money collected for political purposes from minor governmental employs represents simply so much blackmail. "This particular species of robbery is mean enough at best; and one of its meanest features is the fact that the men most apt to contribute money, tbe men most susceptible to pressure are those of opposite political faith te the dominant party. Those who agree in politics with the party in control feel some assurance of protection if they refuse to be coerced into parting with their money; but the unfortunates of opposite political faith, feeling they have no power behind the throne on which to rely, are nervously afraid ef giving offense and yield helplessly when threatened. A PERFUNCTORY DCTT.

"Another fact to be remembered," he adds, "is that verf much of the money so oollected Is never turned into the party campaign chests at all, being kept for their own private uses by the jackals who have collected it. If the head of the office is determined to have his subordinates contribute, the latter soon know it, and the fact that they must pay becomes common talk among them. Ia some offices the system of making political assessments has obtained steadily for so many years that many ef the clerks have come to regard it as part the established order of nature, against which they do not think of rebelling, but, whatever their own politics, regularly pay their contributions into tbe campaign chest of tbe dominant party. As one of them expressedit, 'they feel that the desk, not toe man at ii, owes just so much to the party in "Many politicians take this view as a matter of course. One of the witnesses in the present case, a strong Republican, who was holding office under the last adniinistration, testifies that he was advised to contribute to the Democratic campaign fund by one of his friends, a New York Republican district leader, as being toe only thing to do if he wished to keep his place." Work in the Senate Moving Kapidly.

House Rule. WASHiKGXOjr, Jan. 27. Tbe senate made such good progress with the consideration of bills on the calendar during the past week that senators are quite in the humor for continuing on it for a tone, and, therefore, much of the week to come will likely be devoted to the consideration of unobjected measures already reported from oommitteea. The record made by the senate during tbe past week was as follows: Monday, three bills passed; Tuesday, eleven; Wednesday, fourteen; Thursday, eighteen; total, forty-six bills.

If this record could be kept up to the end of the session, toe senate would far transcend the efforts of any of its predecessors. But beginning with toe first week in Feb-i-oary the Blair educational bill will be taken 0p, and the calendar is likely to be neglected, after that in favor of disputed measures. The first bill at toe head of the calendar now is the bill to further provide for the disposal of certain public lands in the state of Alabama. This bill has ten debated and it jw holds its place at toe head of the calendar by unanimous consent of toe senate during the absence of Senator Morgan- When he returns it will be taken up and disposed of. Tie direct tax till is near the bead of the calendar, but It kifet likely iVsrabs pressed to Known by nearly every one in our little town where your remedy is universall praised.

Respectfully Magglb Kestkl, Lenox, 111. Will Co. MRS. J. HIBBARD, Chicago, m.

Dear Madam. It is with much pleasure I am able to inform you that your remedy, HERB EXTRACT entirely cured my husband of Catarrh of the head. I consider it an article of genuine merit, and gives me much pleasure to have my husband's name added to the list of your many wonderful cures. Very truly yours, Mas. Thompson, 414 Graylock near School St-Chicago, f.

t)ftiMm March; 19. 18S9, Belchertown. Mass. MRS. J.

HIBBARD.The Herb CAA fJIlKUllJ Extract I received from you gives perfect satisfaction. I prescribed it for a gentleman in the city of Worcester, Mass. He came to me with his h.nds enclosed in bandages. I found it to be Salt Rheum of a severe nature. He had been troubled with it for years.

After trying one bottle, being so well pleased with the results, he ordered a half dozen bottles. Soon after reported he was at his place of business as usual. I am prescribing HERB JmXJjbY MRS. J. HIBBARD My dear friend.

That others may hear to their benefit, I must let yoa know what your great remedy, HERB EXTRACT, did for my sister-in-law twenty years of ajre. She had suffered all her life, even in infancy, from Salt Rheum, or Ec zema. Each of her fingers had to be done up separately, they were so sore she had not been able to have her hands washed for a great length of time, and she suffered dreadfully, when. I am so happy to say, some one recommended to me vour HERB EXTRACT, the Great Blood purifier, and I CM RHEUM got some of it for her use and its action was wonderful, for in six months she was entirely cured. I willingly give yon this testimonial, that you may spread the fame of your wonderful remedy, and go on with your noble work of helping and curing suffering humanity.

Very truly yours. WM. 655 Lake St-, Chicago, 10, P. S. My sister-in-law's address is Mas.

Gko. Piatt. Montana. SCROFULA, DISEASE OF THE BLOOD. Mentor, O.May 1st.

1889. MRS. J. HIBBARD Dear Madam. I received a letterfrom you dated April iKth, asking my opinion in regard to your remedy, its merits, in reply will say that I have no opinion to give but what I know from its use I will freely give you.

As I said in my last letter I was well to all appearances, and that your XT ACT is thebest blood remedy I have ever found for the last twenty years. I still have reason to say the same now. I have a little of the medicine left and am leaving off Its ue by taking it once a day. Now to say that I am entirely well would be saying a great deal more than 1 once thought I could say, but such is now the case. I was afflicted with three or four different diseases.

1 have had the Scrofula since I was a boy. and have been afflicted with the disease of the Urer and Kid of her husband, and when she gave her grounds -for this belief names were mentioned that corroborated some suspicions of Mrs. Martin's and furnished a clue to work upon. Mrs. Warner, feeling that she had done Mrs.

Martin grievous wrong, made a full confession, implicating many persona who were prominent in the Beecher trial This confession Mr. Martin now holds. Mrs. Martin, who wept while her husband told this story, declares that she never knew Mr, Warner, nor ever saw sach a person to her knowledge. Through Mrs.

Warner, Mr. Martin was able to trace a woman who has confessed that she was hired to come to England and traduce Mrs. Martin and Lady Cook, and gives the names of her employers. This woman has had some connection with the press. Upon one occasion Mrs.

Woodhull was enabled to render her assistance. Her return for this has been to do all in her power to ruin her benefactress. 1 Some time ago she went to a benevolent society and represented that Mrs. Martin owed her a year's salary under an, agree-, ment There was no truth in this statement, and Martin was greatly annoyed through the letters he received from the secretary. This woman has made a complete confession, a printed copy of which Martin held in his hand while he talked.

He also read portions of it aloud. The confession Is ot a rather hysterical character, but it clearly incriminates, Mr. Martin says, several well kaown persons. From these the writer of the confession received instructions to concoct slanders and libels concerning Mrs. Martin and Lady Cook.

She acknowledges authorship of several articles which have appeared from time to time in various American newspapers, and which were designed to ruin the reputation of the sisters. These, be says, were written under instructions of her employers, and sometimes they were returned to her for alteration on account of not being strong enough. The latest outrage which these alleged long-suffering women have to complain of is the dissemination of a leaflet entitled "Sexual Problems." This leaflet contains what purport to be extracts from "speeches delivered by Mrs. Victoria WoodhulL and containing utterances of a gross and immoral character. The language attributed to her was never used by Mrs.

Woodhull, nor did she ever speak on such subjects. The copy of this disgraceful publication was forwarded to the secretary of the hospital of which Mr. Martin is life governor. The leaflet bore the name and proper address of Mrs. Martin, with whom the readers were invited to communicate, and it was by this means that the existence of the tract was made known.

Mr. Martin and Sir Francis Cook are both very wealthy men and are in for a fight to a finish. They advertise through their solicitor for Mrs. Warner, who has left the hospital, and expect that she will furnish them with other valuable clues. Mrs.

Martin is greatly broken down in health, and is only now con valescent after an attack of congestion of the lungs. BISHOP O'DONNELL ASSAILS DAYITT. The Catholic bishop, O'Donnell, has written an open letter to Mr. Michael Davitt, maintaining the necessity of private ownership of land, and assailing Mr. Davitt's ideas of land nationalization.

The Times bitterly condemns the English merchants of Lisbon who appealed to Mr, Gladstone to use his influence for arbitration and peace, and says they are cowards who prefer their pocket books to patriotism. The admiralty has ordered a re-survey of the channel in the Mediterranean where H. M. S. Sultan became stranded.

The Austro-Hungarian Railway com Dairy- is about to issue 3 per cent, debentures to the amount of $100,000,000. A GREAT HURR1C1.NE. Severe Damage in Sou hsrn England. Sailor Drowned. London, Jan.

87. The heavy gales pre- valent in England for the past two days have increased in violence, and a hurricane is causing much damage in the southern portion of the island. The Menai strait is impassible owing to the furious gale. Many sailors have been blown overboard and drowned in attempting the passage. The parade ground at Sand Gate has been almost ruined by the storm.

The ship Irex from Greenock, for Rio, was wrecked on the Needles Saturday and several of the crew drowned. The survivors clung to the riggings twenty-four hours. The life boats made several daring but fruitless attempts to rescue them. Finally a rocket was successfully fired over the wreck, and by the line thus conveyed the men were brought ashore late yesterday afternoon. The steamer Yorkshire, which has arrived at Liverpool from Boston, had a tempestuous voyage.

Three of her seamen were blown from the rigging into the sea, and two were drowned. The steamship tJmbria from New York. reports the voyage the roughest ever experienced by her officers. were thrown down and some were badly bruised. The officers prohibited any one from coming on deck for several hours.

Rioting In Portugal. Lisbon, Jan 27. Riots have -occurred at Lagers, in the province of Algarve. It is reported they are hi the form of a Republican uprising. The Dia denies this, and asserts that the trouble was caused by some insubordinate soldiers who forced the gates of the barracks in order to take part in a popular demonstration agamst the British ultuuaturn.

A Strike Postponed. Berlin, Jan. 87. The coal miners of the Bochum district have resolved, on account of the approaching elections for the reichstag, to defer their rtrmnnA rmtil March 1. KoiibtMi it A'oetollioe.

Albtjequeqtjz, N. Jan. 87. Three masked men entered the postoSlcft, locked the clerk in th closet and took 1300 from the safe. The contents of six registered pouches, one of them containing Lincoln county bonds with coupons attached, and valuable letters were also taken.

The total amount of the robbery is estimated at $10,000, mcluding the bonds, which, however, they will not probably try to negotiate. Fire fa Her Carjra. New York, Jan. 27. Fire in the cargo tin Bark Pythomene, from Calcutta, owned by Henry Fermie Sons of Liverpool, and consigned to Charles P.

Summer of this city caused a loss of $25,000 to cargo and Several of the men were made unconscious by the smoke and were token out with difficulty. To save the vessel it was necessary to scuttle her, and she now lies, submerged to the water line at Pierrepont stores, Brooklyn. Jfew from Brazil. Rio de Janeiro, Jan. 27.

A decree ha been issued by the provisional government establishing the validity of civil A treaty has been signed with the Argentine republic by which the dispute in regard to tLe' frontier of fee mission's territory is AW those rrofferin from hoffrsne, eolda or coughs should try Dr. EuLi- Cough Syrup, 2i eta. Mr. Charles F.aitb. Watch mater and Jeweler, Baltimore, Bttd Sriomit BeVitinaore, hiii fcuoo Oil Iqs iraeQmatic suiia." neys tor more than twenty years, ana aisoayspepsia.

inese inree iiiMuicumra uiu. my four years of hard service in the war. I am now sixty-three years old. and don expect to feel as ana spry asi once 01a. ouiiamiree irompain, ajru jramanof mvaire.

I want moreof your EXTRACT as I intend to keep it on hand in the young nectu house. in case I should feel any return of my old complaints. I shall send soon as I can. I never tnmurh in avnr nt an llTj na m.lin. tri oil rKrnnir tlifiAKA- Respectfully submitted, A.

-Asli DISEASES' OF THE LIVER. When the liver becomes disordered and diseased, the person so afflicted is indeed miserable. He suffers with dull pains in the sides, bad tastes in the mouth, spots before the eyes, flashes of heat irregularity of the bowls, piles, coated tongue, disordered stomach, heartburn, costiveness and pains in the head. He frequently has a dry cough, highly colored urine, yellow skin, and dull, sleepy sensations rendering him unfit for business or for employment. The hands and feet are cold, circulation the blood is sluggish the patient sufferers with vertigo, ringing in the ears, loss of appetite, nausea and sickheadach, heartburn, dry skin, etc.

The origin of this disease is Dispepsia. HIBBARD 8 HERB EXTRACT will remove the cause and the liver will then resume its natural functions, and good health will be the result. All diseases of the skin are blood diseasesrfor when the blood is pure, the skin must be free from all unhealthy eruptions. Pimples on the face or body, erysipelas, salt rheum, ulcers, sores, boils, car-bunkles, and every disease which shows itselt upon the surface of theskin, are caused by bad blood. Scabs in the hair, sore eyes, running from the ears, etc.

etc. are caused by vile humors in the blood, which can be speedily exterminated by the use of KIBBARO'S HEP.3 EXTRACT, SWORN STATEMENT OF A MURDER AT CrlNANDMGUjt ItEeialts from a Quarrel Between Two Drunken Msn. Cakattdaioua, i. Jan. 27.

John Cul-lane was murdered here at midnight Saturday night by Frank Fish. Fish and his brother John, together with Cullane, had all been drinking heavily, although not Very much intoxicated. At about 12 o'clock toe men stopped in front of a barber shop, and John Fish said that he was going in to have his hair cut, Inviting the other men to come in also. Cullane declined, saying that he was going home. John Fish and Cullane shook hands, bidding each other good night, but Cullane refused to accept Frank Fish hand.

This angered Frank, who after going up the street a short distance returned, and drawing his band from his pocket struck Cullane in toe neck. He then ran away, and Cullane, with the blood Sowing from his neck, started toward his own home near by. A friend helped him along a short distance, when he fell to toe ground. He was finally helped into the house, where he died in a few minutes. The murderer was arrested.

He is 26 years old and has a wife. The murdered man leaves a wife and three children. There was found on Fish's person a knife, such as is used in opening cigar boxes, which was wrapped In a handkerchief. On the knife and handkerchief were found stains of blood, and it was probably with this instrument that the killing was done. A Crazy Man Attempt.

Murder. Philadelphia, Jan. 27. During confirmation services at St John Episcopal church, corner of St. John and Brown streets, last evening, the congregation was startled by toe actions of an apparently demented young man who rose from his seat in the church and fired a shot from a revolver at Bishop Whit- aker, who was in the pulpit.

Immediately there was great confusion, but it was quickly seen that no harm had resulted from toe shot. The young man, who gave his name as David Alexander of 1330 Parish street, was taken into custody. He told a rambling story of a letter he had received which had induced him to make the attempt to kill the venerable bishop. He was locked up pending uii luveeftiigauiuu ui. LLio msurar.

A Horrible Disoovery. Newark, N. Jan. 27. The body of a S-weeks-old child, with all tbe limbs broken and th head crushed, was found in a barrel in the Congregational church building at Mont Clair.

There is no clue to th mur derer. Capt. W. Bead. Pead.

Mkbtdlut, Jan. 27. J. W. Reade, captain of the board of harbor masters of New Orleans, and a well-known Confederate naval officer did toi morning of pneumonia.

ABE TOP AFFLICTED! Kead What E. Baumcarstel Ha. to Say About Hi. Car at th Catarrh. Dispensary.

"I have spent a large amount of money without receiving any relief until I called on Dre. Clark Woodier it the Catarrh and Dyspeptle Dispensary, 605 Main street, this city." These were the words spoken by Emll Baumgarstal, whose home Is at No. 805 Byoamore street. "I had been Buffering with my head and stomach for years. My eyes were weak and watery.

There were ringing and buzzing sounds in my ears and I was very dull of hearing at times. My nose was clogged I had to breathe through my mouth and would have a disagreeable taste in the morning. I was constantly hawking and spitting a tough, nasty phlegm from my throat. I eould not sleep at night on account of the pressure in my head and the nillng up of my throat with phlegm. I eoughed a great deal, espeoially on lying down, My chest pained me all the time and I lost flesh rapidly.

and became so weak and run down that my friends thought I was going to die of consumption, I also suffered greatly with my stomach. Gases would form and I would swell to Hn enormous siza, whloh would cause belching for sometime afterwards. My appetite was very poor. The least little exertion would tire and make nt nervous. I was induced to call at the Catarrh Diapensarr.

and after being examined, was told that I was suuering from catarrh of the head and stomach. I placed myself under the treatment of these doctors, and In one week's time I noticed an Improvement In my condition. I soon began to sleep well, and have less trouble witn my head and stomach, and now I am feeling splendid. I eannot endorse these doctors too highly, for 1 am convinced that they are a success In thrt treatment of throat. lung and stomach troubles.

JbJIIL 13 AC K1 AKSTEL. Cure of Rupture. Dr. -lion f-n. specialty radical cure of rupture, reduailre reiereeces to physicians sad parents in I had no desire to sleep.

I had no desire to walk home from the factory. I had no ambition. I am grateful to say, after taking five bottles of your EXTRACT I enjoy my walk home more bad taste in my mouth, no more of that sleepy, drowsy feeling. I feel strong again and very greatf ul to you, and think your medicine should be better known. This statement is voluntarily given, and can be verified by calling at the following address: Yoursgratefully, E.

A. Fox (Story Fox), Show Card and label Finishing Co, Office and Works, 127 Erie Buffalo, N. Y. Erie County. Cixv or Buffalo, a' Robert I.

Storv.beinor dulv sworn, deoose and savs that be saw the foreeoinir statement signed, and personally knows A. E. Fox. who signed the same that the same is true to the knowledge of this deponent Sworn to before me this 19th day of September, MRS. T.

TTTRR A Madam rrivpr1 hnlfl of LI CEin PYTDsCTall ricrht. and nave gained in strength every day. Am much better than when I wrote you before, and have not had the Sick Headache since I commenced taking it. Inclosed please find for one half dozen bottles. Address Edna M.

Locke, Oshkosh, Wis. -pODGING and furnished rooms cheap, quiet doP Con.tttnttori. Jj clean, comfortable, 8. G. Sutherland, 111 Associated Press.

merciai street Coluhbus, O. Jan. 25. The two groat am AND 75 east EAGLB rooms miner orRanlzatlona ot the country, yester- 444 for light housekeeping. Boom, for gentlemen, day considered a constitution and it wag 20126 adopted section by section bat not without ICiQ W.

eaglb ST Furnished front room, gen- much discussion and stroui? teellnir. 4Q tlemen only. 24ti6 WiroSnZ SIS orntiSt SS Tell your drarght that Edward Dweyer Is locatiotu L. Times office. 23128 the general agent lor Sohrop's Triumph URNIHED front room, heated, use of bath for orl hav9 n.

two genUemen with or without board, 20 York be will take great pleasure in supplying street 22U6 your Wants. "IfT ANTED Day boarder, at 181 Plymouth ave; good table. dee3-tf Congested Liver Is Frequent in tlte Sprmg And is relieved by Caktek's Little Livn Ptlls. DEAR MRS. HIBBARD I suppose by this time yon have my letter ordering more medicine.

1 wonderful how much affliction there is in this world. The lady 1 spoke to you about is getting better very fast. She thinks there is no remedy like yours, after trying everything else. When she commenced with yours she eould not walk across the floor without fainting to-day she went to Terre Haute to visit her daughter. She is very thankful, and every time she speaks of you the tears come in her eyes.

We have established quite a reputation for your remedies in our city. God bless and protect you, my dear friend. Mas. Mary Jones, Paris, January 14, MRS. HIBBARD Dear Madam I write this In answer to your letter which I received yesterday.

I am well of that terrible cancer after four months' use of your medicine, HERB ET RACT. Last November I had given up to die, but through the kindness of Mrs. lone. I was persuaded to try yourremedy. which I found a cure.

1 am now able to attend to all my household duties. I believe that 1 would have been in my grave to-day if it had not been that I found relief with the use of your medicine. I am thankful I ever tried it it has proved a great blessing to me. You are at liberty to make use of this letter in any way which you may see fit. I am yours, dear madam, Mrs.

Euza Consxis, Paris, Ills. MRS, J. HIUBA'RD Dear Madam: It Is with much p'easnrelwrite to tell you that your medicine cured me of Female Weakness and General Debility of the system. I have tried many remed ies with no benefit, and not until I used yours 1 found relief; Sincerely yours Mrs. Mary Sabot, nt.

RHEUMATISM. Ttit*u a Rheumatism after everything efated. WPr m. MRS. J.

HIBBARD I have used your HERB EXTRACT fwMeum.tism In the back and found it a thoroughly successful remedy. I have no hesitancy recommending it to all persons whom 1 9meet is Ta suff ering condition. F. S. WILLIAMS.

Pastor BeUington, Minn. M. L. Church. I MRS.

J. HIBBARD I suffered terribly with FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. fOlt ltJKjj-r. npo LET Good stand for barber shop, 72S Clinton street. 36131 ANTED Rooms for light housekeeping by man and wife; location must be central.

L. Times office. 23128 "IT'OR REN I' Six house, on west side; nicely lo-X cated, with improvements; convenient to street cars; from $10 up. DcCEU A WEIDRICS, 158 Pearl street 20t25 67 PRATT ST Upstairs, four rooms. 18138 TO RENT Standing room only at Wilson's ano-tlon sale to-day, 6a Seneca street.

18t25 IO LET Three house, on Shield rent $8, 9 and flO. Inquire at 652 Wast Utioa street dec27tf TO LET 417 Swan street (in rear), fas and water. Inquire Peterson bros corner Exchange and Michigan street. LO-iT ANU1TOON1J. TOST Small female pug do, answers by name of i Baby, a little lame in hind return to 2fid N.

l-ivision street and receive reward. 23tS8 JU.M- warer spaniel aog namca uwiay, re-j ward of SS.OO will be paid if returned at once to 0 MiUrr, 2( 'i Pearl street 22 tl DENTIST. B. THOENER, dentist No 20 York ietween West and Plmoath avennes. LADY INVALIDS Madame Blausair, medical electrician and masseur has been engaged by I -r.

Eniriebart at bis medical and surgical institute, 1J0 Peirl street, to give special yatteution to lady I ttienta. i 25t31 FLIC ATE diseases, either sex. no matter how i caiise'Vreiieved at once and quickly cured. l)r. I ker, 14 West cwan street- l-24rfsl tlCli-Li' liL treatment, bota.

sexes; reasoenble ticet sue a' Wholesale by Powell Plimpton and The Moore Hub- oara urug v-o. by the Glenn estate, is about $75,000. Tha Henderson-Aohert company loa 100,000. Tbe total Iom estimated at anee about The fire started on the third floor, but toe origin is not known. AYTKB dtnn-r take one of Carter's Little T.WT pilxs and yoa wul fcs free from sur of iu4 from Ui iwamco.

rrj Uicru anil be convinced. "Guilty of Murder" Is ha tbat lata hl body die, whan F.ih hard's Herb Extract." boasetly will restore it to healES. People say ft is a woii derXul medlciue. Why not try It 1" Toyt sny cse of DervouRrwa, itwip SUmifttVa. iaii rettci liu in r-ter- iiVtQ i-tver i'liea.

Tire fa Cincinnati. United Press. 25 The Nevada building on the corner ol Fifth and Sycamore streets, a maguifloent new seven etory strnotore was completely gutted by Are to-night. The two upper floor, were occupied by the Henderson-Aohert Lithographing company. Among the other ooenpanta of the building wore Georg C.

Lapthorn shoe lag jweers; Faber A Duncm, manufacturers of tpr boxes; Hicks fc Farley, bard-ware II. B. Ecfcietaaa, shoe wanufacrnrr; Ebersoie A real estate acerjts Houston's printlnsr office; the Fraaklin laundry and Huffman's barber shop. Sli ios on ths buildiu, which' is owned.

The Buffalo Times from Buffalo, New York (2024)
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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Views: 5667

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (54 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.