Tampa Bay Times from St. Petersburg, Florida (2024)

a a a the the TIMES PHONE 5-1111 PAGE FIFTEEN Kc. TIMES PHONES 5-1111 ST. PETERSBURG TIMES, SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, 1952 IDEAS WITH MEAT Try Liver For Tasty, Economical Menu During these days of sky rocketing food prices, tasty, economical menus are much in demand. A liver and rice casserole or a liver loaf are delicious main dishes that fit into this class. In addition to being economical, they require only the minimum of time for preparation cooking.

These main dishes are nutritious and substantial enough to meet the requirements for a meal-in-one dish. So, they only need to be supplemented with a salad, a dessert and a drink to complete the meal. Try one or more of these recipes. They will help you beat the high-cost of eating and at the same time help you feed your family well. LIVER AND RICE CASSEROLE One No.

2 can tomatoes (2 cups), half pound beef liver, 2 cups cooked rice, 2 medium-sized onions, sliced, cup unsulphured molasses, 1 egg, beaten, 2 tablebutter or margarine, 1 teaspoons salt, teaspoon black pepper. 2 siices bread, cut in cubes. Heat oven to 375 degrees. Drain juice from tomatoes; heat juice to boiling point. Add liver; reduce heat.

Cover and cook 5 minutes. Remove liver and put through food chopper, usinato coarsest blade. the and liver juice to use later. Arrange alternate layers of rice, liver, tomatoes and onions in quart casserole. Mix tomato and with molasses, egg, butter or margarine, salt and pepover liver and rice mixper; pour ture.

Top with bread crumbs. Cover and bake 45 minutes. Remove cover and bake 30 minutes or until done. In this meat loaf. the finely ground liver combined again with crumbs, seasonings and egg.

The loaf bakes with a nice moist and not-too-compact texture and slices equally well either hot or cold. Incidentally, leftover liver is marvelous meat filling for sandwiches. Grind with finest blade, then combine with onion and pickles, also ground, and mayonnaise. Season with salt and pepper to taste and spread between dark rye or pumpernickle bread. LIVER LOAF One pound liver, cup boiling water, 2.

cups soft bread crumbs, cup finely chopped onion, teaspoons salt, few grains pepper, 2 tablespoons drippings or melted butter bacon (bacon improves, the flavor), 1 egg, slightly liquid from liver plus evaporated milk to make 1 cup. Add liver to boiling water. Cover and until liver begins to lose simmer, color, about 7 or 8 minutes. Drain and save the liquid. Remove skin and connective tissue from the liver.

Grind the meat very fine. Add remaining ingredjents to the ground liver and mix well. Turn into a greased loaf pan and bake until brown (about 40 minutes) in 375 degree oven. There are some excellent cooking apples in market at present. Bake them at the same time and in orange juice and you have a dessert done with no extra BAKED APPLES Eight large tart cooking apples, cup sugar, teaspoon cinnamon, unsulphured molas1 cup orange juice.

(Concenses, trate does nicely, if you have no fresh oranges.) Heat oven to 375 degrees. Peel a 1-inch strip around the stem end of apple; core, being careful not to cut through the blossom end. Place in buttered baking pan. Mix sugar, cinnamon molasses; pack in center of apples. Pour orange juice over apples.

Cover; bake 45 minutes. Uncover; bake 20 minutes or until apples are soft, pasting occasionally. Serve either warm or cold. ThriftyNitty Helen Robertson Foulks 7-23 DON'T broil pork or veal. Both require longer cooking 4L Club Entertains With Stork Shower is calves' (or beef) liv- Method: Dredge liver in combined flour, Recommended today it's good for you, salt and pepper.

Heat pressure cooker and fat with herbs, not because but because it is as delicious as prepare. It takes no more time hamburger. Four tablespoons flour, teaspoon pepper, 2 pounds liver, thick, 3 tablespoons fat, cup teaspoon chopped parsley, 1 tarragon, 1 teaspoon chopped chives spoon lemon juice. it is easy to than a grilled. teaspoons salt, sliced inch white wine, 1 teaspoon chopped and 1 tea- PICK-UP QUICK CHARM PICK-UP By BETTY CLARKE.

AP Newsfeatures Beauty What can you do about an unexpected date when you are utterly exhausted? When you've planned absolutely nothing for an evening, and have been swimming, golfing, 'hiking or picnicking during the day, and get that sudden phone call asking for a date, it is hard to resist. Later, you'll get frantic as your physical exhaustion creeps up on you. But don't let it upset you. By working calmly and swiftly you will emerge lovely, relaxed and ready for an evening of dancing. Date dreams.

hazel pads on the eyes will give her a bright outlook for her evening of dancing. First, cleanse the face with leaving it on until after tubbing. Start the hot water running in the bathtub. Set your hair in large pincurls and put on a net. Lay out the clothes you intend wearing.

Jump into the tub, relax for no more than three minutes, then scrub with a brush and plenty of soapsuds. After rinsing in a lukewarm shower, splash yourself with a generous quantity of good quality witch hazel, rubbing it gently into the skin. It should help tone the skin and tighten the pores so that there is less chance of catching cold. Remove cream with a tissue, rinse face and neck in cold water. Wash face with mild soap and soft washcloth.

Rinse and dry. Dip cotton squares in witch hazel, lie down for five minutes on the bed with feet slightly higher than the head, and the pads on your eyes. Then get up and slip into your undergarments, with the exception of your dress. Tie a towel around your head and apply a light foundation and your makeup. Cream rouge will give you a glowing look.

Apply powder lightly. Apply lipstick with brush and fill in. Blot off excess. Finish dressing. Take the towel from your head and slip it around shoulders.

Remove hairpins and arrange your hair. Put on perfume. Apply your nail polish, letting it dry until the doorbell rings. This beauty refresher should take a half hour or longer than that if you like, depending on how long you soak tub and relax with your eye pads. The Woman's Exchange Exchange and brown liver cover on cooker; pipe and cook position.

Cool platter and keep to liquid left in condense. Pour give us some rummage. If they would call 79-2784, 79-6182 or 3-9762 we would be very glad to call for whatever they might care to give. Many thanks to all. (E.

M. recording secretary) Bicycle? Does anyone have boy's cycle stored away which they would give to a little boy, 12 years old, who needs it very much? This little a neighbor of mine and bouch a good boy and most deserving of any kindness offered him. My husband will make repairs needed if a bicycle is available. This wonderful column has brought comfort and cheer to so many heavily burdened. (Mrs.

W. H. 5001 24th Avenue South). The Times will run daily this column called The Woman's Exchange. Send in your full name and address with your letters and answers.

We will withhold both and only use your initials. Please address mail to Polly Pinellas, The Times, St. Petersburg. We will print your questions and leave it to our readers to answer. We answer no questions.

Views expressed in The Wom. an's Exchange are not necessarily those of The Times and since it is impossible for us to test all answers and recipes we cannot vouch for them. As this column primarily intended for the exchange of ideas, requests for material objects will not be printed unless exceptionally unusual or of general public interest. POLLY PINELLAS MONEY SAVING Philadelphia New Charter Leads Cities By ELEANOR ROOSEVELT HYDE PARK Those among us who think it important, because of the international aspects, that we in the United States remove as many racial tensions as possible, are a cou aged whenever we hear about something new working along these 1 in s. Therefore, was very much interested in reading an ELEANOR article written by J.

C. Furnas, in Look Magazine, which describes the work done in Philadelphia along these lines. The City of Brotherly Love has taken seriously the fact that one can actually do something about human relations. In the new city charter is included a Commission on Human Relations "to protect people against discrimination on the grounds of race, color, religion and national origin." I understand that since World War II this has been done by a number of other cities, but in many cases not much actually has been done to implement any commission's work. In Philadelphia, though, the decree has been made part of the City's fundamental laws.

In some cities very promising results have been thus far attained, and with both young and old the keynote has been calmness and fairness in meeting situations as they arose. Such situations, of course, generally arise in schools and playgrounds, in housing, restaurants and in and public theatres. places such One of the places where the greatest progress has been made is in unions. I think that is because where men work together they get to know each other better. They cease to be just a colored man, a Jew or a "wop." They are fellow workers and they frequently have to depend on one another.

New York City, with its great mixture of populations, Boston, San Francisco and Los Angeles seem to me important cities for work of this kind to 1 be begun and carried through. An alert and recases as and sponsible commission to are report deal with them promptly would, I am sure, be of very great help. GARDEN GOSSIP Glory Bush Adds Flowering Zest To Home Gardens By MARY GILCHRIST The tibouchina tree certainly is living up to its common name "glory bush." At this time of year when our gardens are needing a stimulus to their morale, no more effective plant could be had. It bears its purple flowers in attention. One delightful feature profusion; they demand about the glory bush is that it begins flowering when small in size.

Two different species are found in our local gardenstibouchina granulosa tibouchina semidecandra. Both are similar in general appearance, though the former is preferred. Flowers on the latter are fresh but one day. On tibouchina granulosa they have proved admirable for cut flowers. According to Mrs.

L. G. Stallkamp they lend themselves easily to flower arrangements. The foliage is handsome with its dark green leaves marked with prominent veining. Tibouchina granulosa is a more robust grower than the other and requires pruning after several years.

No insect pests or diseases have been Among home gardeners who have included this desirable tree Miss Hazel Spence, Mesdames L. G. Stallkamp, Burton Robbins, Frank Walmsley, H. L. Byers, L.

C. Oakley and G. K. Palmer; also, in Turner's Sunken Garden. Miss Spence, who has a weakness for native plants, is now reaping the reward of a profusion of bloom on her snowberry vine.

This vine, which may also be trained as a shrub, should appeal to our residents as it likes to be beach, the coast. The small flowers precede the white berrylike fruits, continuing over a longer period the charms of the plant. Our Latin neighbors South of the border call it "tears of St. Peter." -PEOPLE YOU KNOWSusan Davis, Bride-Elect, Honored At Northrup Home Club members of Bahama Shores Yacht Club and their guests will be attending an open house at the Club today from 5:30 to 6:30 o'clock. After dinner there will be a floor show and dancing.

Northrup Home Scene Of Crystal Shower Mrs. B. J. Northrup and daughter, Jean, entertained yesterday afternoon with a crystal shower at the Northrup home honoring bride-elect, Susan Davis. Assisting in hospitalities were Mrs.

G. H. West Mrs. Joe W. Davis Jr.

and Dot Dean. Susan and David D. Houghton of West Palm Beach will be married 1 Sept. 6 in Fifth Avenue Baptist Church. A pink and white motif was carried out, and the honoree's presents were given her in a large decorated umbrella.

Guests included Mesdames Joseph W. Davis, Harold Davis, F. W. Blanton, Herman Ball, Bernard Donahue, A. J.

Stecker, Paul S. Hubbard, W. S. Lowry, L. F.

Becker, R. G. Blanc, W. D. Speight, Ian Boyer, S.

R. McIntosh, C. C. Brinson, Eugene Williams Robert Northrup, George West James Locke, J. W.

Davis Miss Carol Lowry. Here From Louisville Guests of Judge and Mrs. W. F. Way are their son-in-law and daughter, Col.

wand Mrs. I. B. Anderson and of their children, Gretchen, 4, and Tom, 14. Their third child, William, 18, is confined at Cosair Hospital in Louisville, where he has been all of this Summer.

leathe next Andersons week, are when here they until will Col. Anderson stationed as an return car Louisville, where node to. instructor of Air ROTC at the University of Louisville. En route here the Andersons stopped over in Spartanburg, S. to visit Mrs.

Anderson's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Cantrell.

Mrs. Cantrell is the former Miss Laura Way of this city, Mrs. Anderson was Miss Adelle Way before her marriage. Christians Visit Mr. and Mrs.

Albert Roberts 422 Disston Boulevard North, are having a reunion of their immediate family as their children Miss Hart Plans Church Wedding To Hugh S. Hill Wedding plans of Miss Marilyn Hart are being announced today by Dr. and Mrs. Dean W. Hart, 756 16th Avenue North, parents of the bride-elect.

Miss Hart and Hugh Stanley Hill, son 0" Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hill, 744 20th Avenue North, will be married at 3:30 p.m. Aug. 31 in Gilbert Memorial Chapel of First Methodist Church.

Dr. Robert L. Allen will perform the ceremony after a program of nuptial music by Mrs. Ralph Salls, soloist, and Jack Mitchell, organist. Dr.

Hart will give his daughter in marriage. Mrs. Harold Jeems Atwater, matron of honor, Miss Ivey Jean Page and Miss Jean Hobbs, bridesmaids, will attend the bride. Jed Alexander, of Tallahassee, be best man, and ushers will be Murray Fadial, of Tampa, and Bill Buell and Elbert Hoover, this city. The bride's parents will be hosts at a reception in their home immediately after the ceremony.

Miss Doris Bondi, of Tampa, will keep the bride's book, and Mrs. Al Stepnenson, Miss Alice Jane Hinds and Miss Mary Lou Wells will assist in serving. Gulfport Mothers Hold Discussion A discussion on the "Do's and Don'ts of Children" was featured when the Gulfport Mothers Club met recently with Mrs. Leo Michaelson. Mrs.

John Potter was presented the welfare award. Prizes were won by Mrs. Elwood Kotil, Mrs. William Rettig and Mrs. Clarence, Allen.

The next be with Mrs. Rettig, 613 Ninth Avenue South, Oct. 1, at 8 p. m. Mound Park Auxiliary Will Meet Thursday of the Wilbur McLin, superintendent Mound Park Hospital, will be a guest when the Women's Auxiliary of the hospital meets in Room 220, City Hall, at 8 p.

m. Thursday. CALENDAR OF EVENTS OF EVENTS School of Art, 5345 Fourth Street South, m. Women, Sunshine Tearoom, Maas, 1 p. m.

FOR YOU ON return to visit. Their daughter, Joy, now Mrs. Lynch Christian and young son, Lynch III, Lynchburg, have been here visiting and will be joined by Mr. Christian this week before returning. Home on leave from Norfolk, where he is stationed with the Navy is Ens.

Albert Roberts III. To make the family group complete, young Arch Roberts is at home until he resumes his college studies in the Fall. Bethesda Visitor Formerly of this city, Hollis Tiedemann son of the Hollis Tiedemanns of Bethesda, is here as the guest of Edwin Smith Jr. at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Edwin R. Smith, 930 35th Street North. Hollis has been here since July 31 and will return to Bethesda Thursday. He and Edwin Jr. attended St.

Paul's School together. Second Birthday The second birthday of Linda Ann Aters will be celebrated today with a family party at the home of her grand a r- ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. T.

McAffry. Linda is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Aters, this city. Her mother is LINDA the former Jean McAffry of St.

Petersburg. Vacationing at Long Beach, Cal. are Mr. and Mrs. G.

T. Mitchell and children, Carol and Kent, this city. Visiting in Daytona Beach are Mr. and Mrs. K.

A. Vaughn and family, 944 First Avenue North. Hanlon-Kimble Betrothal, Plans Are Announced MISS HANLON Mr. and Mrs. F.

J. Hanlon, this city, have announced the betrothal of their daughter, Joan Theresa Hanlon, to Richard Joseph Kimble, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kimble of St. Petersburg.

The bride-elect was born in St. Petersburg and attended St. Paul's elementary and high school. Mr. Kimble, now with the St.

Petersburg Independent, is a native of this city and also attended St. P.ul's Higr School. The couple will be married at 2 p. m. Sept.

21 in St. Paul's Catholic Church. Dorothy Hallock Will Be Married In Washington Plans told today by Mr. and Mrs. Robert E.

Hallock, this city, announce that their daughter, Dorothy Lee, will be married Sept. 1. She and Lt. Lee Forrest Merriam, USAF, will be wed in a 7:30 p. m.

single-ring ceremony in the Transfiguration Episcopal Church of Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Weaver Merriam of Washington, parents of the bridegroom will give a their home immediately after the rites. Miss Hallock will be given in marriage by her father.

She has selected Miss Joan Sloan, this as her maid of honor and Mrs. Russell Merriam Washington, as bridesmaid. Russell Weaver Merriam will serve as his brother's best man, and Robert Higbie will be the usher. OF FRIENDS RESTAURANT BUFFET LUNCHEON DAILY 12:00 4:00 COMPLETELY AIR-CONDITIONED CENTRAL AVE. AT FIRST ST.

PAGE 26 Figure- Wise R9213 by Ilarian Martin on both sides. Add wine. Place allow steam to flow from vent 5 minutes with stem at Cook cooker at once. Place liver on hot. Add remaining ingredients cooker.

Boil a few minutes to over liver and serve. Ikard-Phillips Wedding Planned For Sept. 14 MISS IKARD Announcement of the betrothal of Miss Jean Ikard to Leslie Edher ward Phillips the has been Polk made Ikards by of a Avenue North. Mr. barentin, Phillips is the son of Mr.

and Mrs. Merritt A. Phillips of 426 17th Avenue Northeast. A double-ring ceremony at 4 p. m.

Sept. 14 in the Gilbert Memorial Chapel of First Methodist Church will join the couple in marriage. Dr. Robert L. Allen officiate.

Mr. and Mrs. Ikard will entertain afterward with a reception at their home. Born in Tampa, the bride-elect attended schools in Miami and St. Petersburg and was graduated with the Class of 1950 from St.

Petersburg High School. She is a junior at the University of Florida, majoring in sociology. Mr. Phillips, formerly of Elgin, is a 1948 graduate of St. Petersburg High School and has just received his degree in chemical engineering from the University of Florida.

Having been in ROTC at the university, he is a second lieutenant in the Air Force Reserve awaiting orders. Sorority Names Unit Honor Girl MISS FOGARTY Miss Patricia Fogarty, 2811 Fourth Avenue North, has been selected as Unit Honor Girl for Eta Chapter, Nu Phi Mu. The membership is presented annually by Lynn Terry, founder of the sorority, to an outstanding girl chosen as an example fo teen-agers. Miss Fogarty attended Rollins College where she was active in student affairs. She is now associated with Sears, Roebuck Company.

SURPRISE Pattern R9213: Misses' Sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20; 30, 32, 34, 36, 38 40, 42. Size 16 takes 4 yards 39 inch fabric; yard contrast. Send THIRTY FIVE cents in coins for this pattern to Marian Martin, care of THE ST. PETERSBURG TIMES 169 Pattern Department, 232 West 18th Street, New York 11, N. Y.

Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS with ZONE, SIZE and STYLE NUMBER. Dressmakers Glamorize Tots' Wear NEW YORK (LP) The custom dressmakers are taking high style to the children. This Fall, at least three wellknown designers have added collections in miniature to their regular lines and now the young miss from 2 to 12 can go shopping with mother and come home with a wardrobe bearing the same labels and somewhat smaller but still high price tags. A small girl can have a hat made by Sally Victor, a coat and dress combination by Vera Maxwell, and an evening frock by Philip Hulitar. Her outfit can approximate her mother's in style, color and materials.

The works would cost approximately $153. her mother's about $319. "It was my who put me in the children's hat business." said Mrs. Victor. "They were always asking me to make something pretty for their children." This Fall, Mrs.

Victor is turnins, out features her first fluffy complete angoras line. and soft velours, velveteens and felts in cloche and helmet style. They bear such names as "peppermint stick," "orange ice" and "cherry flip." A child's hat, made to order, costs around $40. Mother's are $50 and up. Typical of the line is a dashing tweed coat, fitted or full and lined with jersey.

It is worn with a jersey dress of the same color as the lining. The costume sells for around $89 for the child, in duplicate for mother, around $140. Philip Hulitar, well-known designer of co*cktail and evening clothers, added children's, party finery to his after he had shopped unsuccessfully for a gift frock for a friend's daughter. He has approximated mother's silk co*cktail dress in sand beige with a high neck, flared skirt and built in petticoat which peeks out from the yards of silk. The small version sells for about $25.

The one for the grown-up is about $110. Child's Bed? Due to circ*mstances beyond our control our young daughter had to go to live with her grandparents in the North. Now, unexpectedly, she has to return to live with me. While I am very happy about it, I am in a spot. I need something for her to sleep on.

Does anyone have a rollaway bed they don't need or could, lend me until I can afford a bed? also have a lovely pithlacolobium tree about three feet tall for anyone who wants it. Thank you for your wonderful column. (Mrs. W. Phone 32-1193) Baby Sister I want to thank all those kind people who had comics, books and for Alton and his three games brothers.

Sorry, I could not get back to Mrs. for the magazines. The books and games were enjoyed by all of us and were certainly appreciated. Thank you for printing our request. We were very good and have a new baby sister.

(Alton) Cleaning Tub? I have bought a home here which has a square tile bath tub. have tried to clean the corners with bleach and several things. Will someone please tell me through The Woman's Exchange just what will clean it? Thank you. (M. A.

Mrs. John Barnacle was host- Sunshine City to the 4L Club Wednesday ters of America, ess evening when projects for the mage in coming year were discussed. is a patriotic Richard Corl was honored proceeds are for Mrs. stork shower following We would with a meeting. much if any of the business THERE IS BABY CARRIAGES "BY THAYER" 12 Models $13.45 to $34.95 "LOOK TO THE LEADER" Jack Jill SALES RENTAL 2745 CENTRAL PH.

75-4984 YOU CAN LOOK YEARS YOUNGER THIS SUMMER Amazing Cream Makes Many Look Younger Enjoy fun in the sun but after every exposure, before burn shows apply many purpose, medicated Mexsana Skin Cream. Over-exposure gives skin a rough, leathery look emphasizes wrinkles, furrows, makes eyelids look crepey, brings out freckles, often causes puffiness and ugly, splotchy peeling. Use Mexsana Skin Cream after every exposure- -before burn shows! Gain the full benefits of its medicated active ingredients that soothe, cool, lubricate and protect injured skin. Also the perfect make-up base and night cream promotes healing as it beautifies. Today, get many-purpose, medicated Mexsana Skin Cream.

Rummage Sale Sale Council, Daughwill have a rumnear future. This organization and the our orphans. appreciate it very your readers would SATURDAY Art class for children, Pinellas Point 9 a. m. to noon.

Sunshine City Boat Club, 6 p. American Association of University TODAY A ADVERTIsem*nT.

Tampa Bay Times from St. Petersburg, Florida (2024)


Where can I get the Tampa Bay Times? ›

You can find the Tampa Bay Times' e-Newspaper at enewspaper.tampabay.com or search for "Tampa Bay Times" in the Google or Apple store to download the app.

Is it cheaper to stay in Tampa or St Petersburg? ›

The average daily cost (per person) in Saint Petersburg is $204, while the average daily cost in Tampa is $179. These costs include accommodation (assuming double occupancy, so the traveler is sharing the room), food, transportation, and entertainment.

Which city is bigger Tampa or St Petersburg? ›

Tampa is a larger city and has more job opportunities - and traffic. St. Petersburg is smaller and is closer to the beach. The best city for you will depend on what you are looking for in a place to live - and the budget for your next home.

Is Tampa Bay Times liberal or conservative? ›

As reported by other local media outlets in the Tampa Bay area at the time of this acquisition, for many years the Tampa Tribune was considered to be the more conservative newspaper in the region, while the Tampa Bay Times was thought of as more liberal.

What days are the Tampa Bay Times delivered? ›

  • Home Delivery: Sunday and Wednesday print editions.
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For questions about your digital or print subscriptions, please contact our customer service department at help@tampabay.com or call 1-800-888-7012. To sign up for a digital or print subscription, visit tampabay.com/subscribe.

What is the best beach town in Tampa? ›

Beach towns near Tampa for families
  • Holmes Beach. De-stress at a Holmes Beach vacation rental. ...
  • Anna Maria. Just down the road from Holmes Beach, you'll find Anna Maria, the island's namesake. ...
  • Bonita Springs. ...
  • Fort Myers Beach. ...
  • Marco Island. ...
  • St. ...
  • Naples. ...
  • Sarasota.

Which beach is better, St. Pete or Clearwater? ›

If you prefer a relaxed, laid-back atmosphere with a focus on the beach and water activities, St. Pete Beach might be your pick. If you're looking for a more vibrant scene with a mix of beach fun, shopping, and entertainment, Clearwater Beach could be the one for you.

Is St Pete expensive to live? ›

St. Petersburg, Florida's cost of living is 5% lower than the national average. The cost of living in any area can vary based on factors such as your career, its average salary and the real estate market of that area.

What percentage of Tampa is white? ›

Tampa Race Breakdown

White: 58.8% (44.4% of people identify as white and not Hispanic or Latino) Hispanic or Latino: 26.2%

What is the nickname for St. Petersburg Florida? ›

Nicknamed “The Sunshine City,” St. Petersburg, Florida offers a vibrant mix of tropical weather, arts and culture, shopping, dining, sports, and outdoor recreation all along a stunning shoreline that features some of the nation's top-ranked beaches.

What is the best area to live in St. Petersburg, Florida? ›

Snell Isle - A Top Choice Among the Best Neighborhoods in St Petersburg FL. Snell Isle is a luxurious, suburban neighborhood located in northeast St. Petersburg, Florida. Known for its waterfront properties and upscale homes, Snell Isle offers a serene environment with easy access to downtown amenities.

What sport is Tampa known for? ›

Often referred to as “the Bucs,” the Tampa Bay Buccaneers are Tampa's National Football League team, established in 1976. Since then, they've gone through the thrilling ups and downs that are typical of professional sports teams, hitting a high point as Super Bowl champions in 2003.

Is American blue or red at Tampa? ›

Airlines such as Southwest, JetBlue, and Frontier operate from here. On the other hand, the Blue side or Terminal B is home to Airside 3 and Airside 4. This terminal hosts airlines like Delta, American Airlines, and United.

Why is Tampa called Tampa Bay? ›

The Spanish correspondingly referred to present-day Charlotte Harbor as the “Bay of Tanpa.” Fontaneda listed one or two towns that were probably located in Tampa Bay as we know it today, including “Tocobaga.” The Spanish referred to the estuary we know as Tampa Bay mainly as the “Bay of the Holy Spirit” or the “Bay of ...

Is the Tampa Bay Times a daily paper? ›

The Tampa Bay Times, formerly the St. Petersburg Times, is a daily newspaper based in St. Petersburg, Florida, that serves the larger Tampa Bay area.

Where to buy Tampa Bay Times newspaper near Brandon, FL? ›

Pick up tb-two* at these locations
  • Music Showcase, 402 Oakfield Dr., Brandon, 33511.
  • Stubbs Orthodontics, 929 Oakfield Dr., Brandon, 33511.
  • Grove 16 Cinema, 6333 Wesley Grove Blvd., Wesley Chapel, 33544.
  • Patel Conservatory, 1010 N. W.C. MacInnes Place, Tampa, 33602.
  • Paragon Music, 2119 W Hillsborough Ave., Tampa, 33603.
Oct 3, 2013

How can I get my newspaper delivered? ›

Your local independent papersdirect newsagent delivers national and local newspapers to your door, 7 days a week and usually by 7am (later in rural areas).

How much does a Sunday newspaper cost? ›

The average price of a Sunday newspaper typically falls between $6.00 and $10.00, influenced by the recent digital shift and decline in ad revenue for print media.

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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

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Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.