Maplestory GMS Reboot 22* Equipment Guide - Gamerstips (2025)


Table of Contents:

  1. Disclaimers
  2. How to Prepare
  3. Armor Progression
  4. Rings
  5. Non-Ring Accessories
  6. Special Classes:
    1. Shields/Warriors 1H vs. 2H
    2. DA
    3. Xenon
    4. Dual Blade for Kataras
  7. Transfer Hammer Options
  8. Estimated Cost for 22*
  9. Misc. Notes for Author


1. Verified for Reboot only, gear may differ on main servers due to scrolling/trading/no-booms. It will most likely be purely Gollux and the same meta as it is right now, with the exception of Arcane set > SW and Meister Ring + 3 Gollux Rings.


  • Nexon recently announced flames transpose over, so for all SW items you want to perfect, make sure to flame the fodder item before you transpose.

– A 22* Absolab weapon becomes weaker than 17* Arcane weapon

– Arcane 19* > Abso 22*, 17-18* ~= 21*

– Safeguarding goes up to 17*

– Although 25* is possible, anything above 22 is unreasonable. (3% success)

– Transfer hammer options are mostly for cost saving, except for Superior Ring

– Transpose a 16* CRA hat onto SW if you still want that for technical advantage (~9 stat and attack difference) and then star to 22

– Otherwise transpose a 22* flamed CRA hat if you don’t want to risk booming your one and only SW Hat

The Progression Guides below have taken flames into account.

How to Prepare:

If you need Absolab Set: (not transposed):

Do Dark World Tree and Scrapyard

If you are transposed:

Do Dark World Tree for Shoulder to 22*

For Daily Bosses:

Chaos Pink Bean: Lv140 Belt / Pocket Item

Arkarium: Primal Essence

Madman Ranmaru: Confusion Frag -> Meister Earring

Hellux: Superior Belt and Pendants

CPQ: Denari for Accessories and SW Katara

For Weekly Bosses:

Chaos Papulatus: Papulatus Mark (transpose to eye)

CRA: Top/Bot/Hat, Fafnir Katara

Cygnus: Deimos Shields for Mages/Shadower

For Mining/Herbs:

Stat crystals (LUK, DEX, Dark, Black, etc.) getting TO meister

Primal Essences/Confusion Fragments

Armor Progression Route

NOTE: Any 22* should ideally only be done AFTER finishing cubing/accessories (probably 27%+)

Personally, I think 17* should be gotten after you finish cubing to ~21% based on rough costs to 21% and to 17*.

17* should enable you to do any boss, paired with the right accessories.

The rent cost is too damn high

If you DO NOT have SW transposed:

  1. 17* 4-set CRA
    1. Weapon
    2. Top, Bottom
    3. Hat
  2. Get a clean Tyrant Cape / Boot for the extra damage (optional)
  3. Enhance 5 Absolab to 17* in the following order:
    1. Weapon
    2. Glove
    3. Shoulder
    4. Cape & Boot
  4. 22* existing equips depending on your mesos:
    1. CRA Top/Bottom
    2. Abso set (optional, very expensive, transfer hammer)
  5. Work towards Arcane weapon (22* Abso wep is optional here)
  6. Get 17* Arcane weapon, replace CRA Hat with 17* Absolab Hat
  7. Upgrade to 22* Absolab armor optional
  8. Slowly work towards 17* Arcane set with Hard Lucid/Droplets

1. Glove

2. Hat / Shoe / Cape equal priority.

This is where you get 3/4/5 set w/ weapon

3. Shoulder should be last.

  1. Finish off with 19*, then 20-22* Arcane set (including wep)

If you ARE transposed or are 12/10 Tyrants:

Abso is slight upgrade, but not really recommended due to cost.

Would go directly to step #8 and get 17* Arcane Set because you should be strong enough to do Arcane farming and maybe Hard Lucid+.

Accessory Progression Route

Note: Ideally you should only 17*+ rings after you get everything else 17* and decently cubed, but accessories can be done whenever tbh.


  1. Obtain the following:
    1. Superior Gollux Ring
    2. Reinforced Gollux Ring
    3. Meister Ring x 2
    4. Solid Gollux Ring | Kanna Treasure Ring
  2. 17* all of the above
    1. If you have a good potential on an Event ring, can hold off on 17* Kanna/Solid for a mere 30 stat loss
      1. Master SS, Synergy, Chaos, etc.
  3. 22* both of the meister rings & Transfer Hammer one onto a Superior Gollux Ring.

Note: Attempt to enhance all three (Solid, Kanna, Reinforced) past 17 stars, one star at a time until one of the three booms. Use the remaining two.

If you lost/dropped Kanna Treasure already, just keep 17* Solid Gollux; stats on these rings are almost equal.

Other Accessories:

  1. Obtain the following:
    1. Superior Gollux pendant x 2
    2. Superior Gollux Belt
      1. See transfer hammer options below
      2. Dreamy Belt 22* beats this, keep your Sup Earring
    3. SW Tattoo
    4. Sweetwater Monocle:
      1. BiS: Transpose 16* Papulatus Mark:
        1. Extremely rare, so get 2nd Monocle
        2. Make sure to flame before transposing if flame transpose bug not fixed
      2. 17-22* a spare Monocle, no transposing.
    5. SW Earring:
      1. BiS: Transpose 16* Ocean Glow Earring
        1. Extremely rare from Tower of Oz 40F+
      2. BiS: Transpose 16* Inverse Jewel Earring
        1. 200 Kritias Coins
        2. Kritias is otherwise not needed, so “optional”
      3. Transpose 16* Meister Earring
        1. Most accessible, you need Meister Ring anyway
        2. Lv140 transpose is 2 Stat and 1 ATT less than 150
      4. All these items get Boss Flames, so flame before transposing
    6. Pink Holy Cup
  2. 17* all of the above
  3. 22* all of the above
  4. Obligatory Dark Boss Set:
    1. Damien Eyepatch and Lotus Berserker beats their counterparts at around 20*
    2. Dreamy Belt only beats Superior Belt at 22*
    3. Will Spellbook Pocket Item replaces Pink Holy Cup immediately

Special: DA | Xenon | DB | Shields:



The debate between 1H and 2H is the same as it was before. Do what you want. Just if you’re gonna use a shield, use Deimos.

Mages / Shadower

Deimos 20* Lv130 Shields (Lv10 Smithing)

Demon Avenger

  1. Meister Earring 22* instead of SW Earring Transposed
    1. (2-set 10% HP with Meister Ring)
  2. Transposing 16* Pap Accessory onto SW Monocle is optional
    1. Lose 600 HP, 9 stat, and 8 att if you don’t, which is inconsequential for DA


BiS is the same, however SW transposed can be a viable alternative to Arcane 17*. Arcane 22* > SW.

Tyrant Belt is not better than Gollux (sorry Anta!)

Dual Blade

Can fill in with CRA/Abso/Arcane Katara temporarily

Go for your SW Katara 22*

  • Transpose 16* CRA Katara onto it FIRST
  • Then transfer hammer a 22* CRA Katara onto it
  • Then 22* if you want

Transfer Hammer Options (not an exhaustive list)

Keep in mind all Japanese stuff are dropped wholesale by Madman Ranmaru + confusion frags

Hat: CRA -> Absolab

Eyes: Papulatus transpose -> Sweetwater

Top/Bottom: Pensalir -> CRA

Boots: Antique (RA) / Chaos Zakum -> Absolab

Belt: Reinforced/Golden Cleaver PB Belt -> Superior Gollux

Gloves: Antique -> Absolab

Cape: Pensalir -> Chaos Zakum -> Absolab

Shoulder: Japanese -> Absolab not that great of a hammer option

Pendant: Reinforced -> Superior

Rings: Meister -> Superior Gollux

Solid -> Reinforced Gollux

Solid -> Kanna’s Treasure

Earrings: Shaman -> Superior Gollux Earrings (21)

Costs for 22* (in billions)
Multiply these costs below by ~2.3 (GMS costs are more than doubled)

Maplestory GMS Reboot 22* Equipment Guide - Gamerstips (1)

Notes for Sam below: (y’all can read this :shrug:)

Including set effects and T6 flames

At 17: Arcane vs. 22 Abso: 169 att loss, 88 stat loss (Attack is deflated, so Arcane 17* build is more endgame proof and cost efficient, because you can eventually star and cube for endgame lines. 169 ATT is not that big of a deal because of attack deflation.

At 18: Arcane vs. 22 Abso: 99 att loss, 9 stat loss

At 19: Arcane vs. 22 Abso: 24 att loss, 66 stat gain | Starts to become optimal, due to how accessible attack is after 25* (roughly 1 att = 3 stat eve earring for claw multiplier

At 20: Arcane vs. 22 Abso: 51 att gain, 146 stat gain

Maplestory GMS Reboot 22* Equipment Guide - Gamerstips (2025)
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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.