Anchor Bible Dictionary - completo - Pedagogia (2024)

ABD Article Index


Aaron (PERSON) + 1:1-6 Spencer, John R.

Ab. See also Calendar 1:6

Abaddon 1:6 Grether, Herbert G.

Abagtha (PERSON). See Mehuman (PERSON)

Abana (PLACE) 1:6 Roth, Ray Lee

Abarim (Place) 1:6-7 Ferch, Arthur J.

Abba + 1:7-8 Ashton, John

Abda (PERSON) + 1:8 Fretz, Mark J.

Abdeel (PERSON) 1:8 Fretz, Mark J.

Abdi (PERSON) + 1:8 Fretz, Mark J.

Abdiel (PERSON) 1:8 Fretz, Mark J.

Abdon (PERSON) 1-4 + 1:8-9 Boling, Robert G.

Abdon (PLACE) + 1:9 Peterson, John L.

Abednego (PERSON). See Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego

Abel (PERSON) + 1:9-10 Hess, Richard S.

Abel-beth-Maacah (PLACE) + 1:10 Fritz, Volkmar

Abel-Keramim (PLACE) + 1:10-11 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Abel-Meholah (PLACE) + 1:11-12 Edelman, Diana Vikander

Abgar, Epistle of Christ to + 1:12-13 McVey, Kathleen E.

Abi (PERSON) 1:13 Schearing, Linda S.

Abi-Albon (PERSON) + 1:13 Fretz, Mark J.

Abiasaph (PERSON) 1:13 Fretz, Mark J.

Abiathar (PERSON) + 1:13-14 Whitelam, Keith W.

Abib. See Calendars 1:14

Abib, Tel. See Tel-Abib (PLACE)

Abida (PERSON) + 1:14 Fretz, Mark J.

Abidan (PERSON) 1:14 Fretz, Mark J.

Abiel (PERSON) 1-2 + 1:14-15 Edelman, Diana Vikander

Abiezer (PERSON) 1-2 1:15 Schley, Donald G.

Abigail (PERSON) 1-2 + 1:15-16 Schearing, Linda S.

Abihail (PERSON) 1-5 1:16 Schearing, Linda S.

Abihu (PERSON) + 1:16-17 Fretz, Mark J.

Abihud (PERSON) + 1:17 Fretz, Mark J.

Abijah (PERSON) 1-9 + 1:17-18 Petter, Gerald J.

Abijah, King of Judah + 1:18-19 Whitelam, Keith W.

Abijam (PERSON). See Abijah (PERSON)

Abila of the Decapolis (M.R. 231231) + 1:19-20 Mare, W. Harold

Abilene (PLACE) + 1:20 Pattengale, Jerry A.

Abimael (PERSON) + 1:20 Müller, Walter W.

Abimelech (PERSON) 1-2 + 1:20-21 Matthews, Victor H.

Abimelech (PERSON) 3 + 1:21-22 Halpern, Baruch

Abinadab (PERSON) 1-4 + 1:22-23 Edelman, Diana Vikander

Abinoam (PERSON) 1:23 Fretz, Mark J.

Abir. See Names of God (OT)

Abiram (PERSON) 1-2 + 1:23-24 Hutton, Rodney R.

Abishag (PERSON) + 1:24 Schearing, Linda S.

Abishai (PERSON) 1:24-26 Schley, Donald G.

Abishalom (PERSON). See Absalom (PERSON)

Abishua (PERSON) 1-2 + 1:26 Fretz, Mark J.

Abishur (PERSON) 1:26 Fretz, Mark J.

Abital (PERSON) 1:26 Fretz, Mark J.

Abitub (PERSON) 1:26 Fretz, Mark J.

Abiud (PERSON) + 1:26 Fretz, Mark J.

Abner (PERSON) + 1:26-28 Edelman, Diana Vikander

Abode of the Dead. See Dead, Abode of the

Abomination of Desolation + 1:28-31 Wenham, David

Abortion in Antiquity + 1:31-35 Ricks, Stephen D.

Abraham (PERSON) + 1:35-41 Millard, Alan Ralph

Abraham, Apocalypse of + 1:41-43 Rubinkiewicz, Ryszard

Abraham, Testament of + 1:43-44 Mueller, James R.

ABD Article Index


Abram (PERSON). See Abraham (PERSON)

Abron (PLACE) + 1:44-45 Fretz, Mark J.

Abronah (PLACE) + 1:45 Fretz, Mark J.

Absalom (PERSON) 1-3 + 1:45-46 Howard, David M., Jr.

Abu et-Twein, Khirbet (M.R. 158119) + 1:46 Mazar, Amihay

Abu Ghosh (M.R. 160134) + 1:46-47 Lechevallier, Monique

Abu Hamid, Tell (M.R. 192204) + 1:47-48 Dollfus, Genevieve; Kafafi, Zeidan A.

Abu Thawwab, Jebel (M.R. 230174) + 1:48-49 Kafafi, Zeidan A.

Abubus (PERSON) 1:49 Fretz, Mark J.

Abyss, the 1:49 Grether, Herbert G.

Acacia. See Flora

Accad (PLACE) + 1:49-50 Davila, James R.

Accents, Masoretic. See Masoretic Accents

Acco (PLACE) + 1:50-53 Dothan, Moshe

Achaia (PLACE) 1:53 Pattengale, Jerry A.

Achaicus (PERSON) 1:53-54 Gillman, John L.

Achan (PERSON) + 1:54 Greenspoon, Leonard J.

Achbor (PERSON) 1-2 1:54 Fretz, Mark J.

Achim (PERSON) + 1:54-55 Fretz, Mark J.

Achior (PERSON) + 1:55 VanderKam, James C.

Achish (PERSON) + 1:55-56 Christensen, Duane L.

Achor (PLACE) + 1:56 Pressler, Carolyn J.

Achsah (PERSON) + 1:56-57 Fretz, Mark J.

Achshaph (PLACE) 1:57 Benjamin, Paul

Achzib (PLACE) + 1:57-58 Prausnitz, M.W.

Acraba (PLACE) 1:58 Fretz, Mark J.

Acre (PLACE). See Acco (PLACE)

Acrostic + 1:58-60 Soll, Will

Acts of Andrew. See Andrew, Acts of

Acts of Andrew and Mattathias. See Andrew and Mattathias, Acts of

Acts of John (by Prochorus). See John, Acts of (by Prochorus)

Acts of Paul. See Paul, Acts of

Acts of Peter. See Peter, Acts of

Acts of Peter and Paul. See Peter and Paul, Acts of

Acts of Peter and the Twelve. See Peter and the Twelve, Acts of

Acts of Philip. See, Philip, Acts of

Acts of Pilate, See Pilate, Acts of

Acts of the Apostles. See Luke-Acts, Book of

Acts of Thekla. See Thekla, Acts of

Acts of Thomas. See Thomas, Acts of

Acts, Book of. See Luke-Acts, Book of

Adadah (PLACE) + 1:60 Fretz, Mark J.

Adah (PERSON) 1-2 + 1:60 Hübner, Ulrich

Adaiah (PERSON) 1-7 + 1:60-61 Uitti, Roger W.

Adalia (PERSON) + 1:61-62 Bedford, Peter

Adam (PERSON) + 1:62-64 Wallace, Howard N.

Adam (PLACE) + 1:64 Fretz, Mark J.

Adam and Eve, Life of + 1:64-66 Levison, John R.

Adam, Apocalypse of (NHC V,5) + 1:66-68 Hedrick, Charles W.

Adam, the Testament of + 1:68 Robinson, Stephen E.

Adamah (PLACE) 1:69 Fretz, Mark J.

Adami-Nekeb (PLACE) + 1:69 Thompson, Henry O.

Adar. See also Calendars (Hebrew) 1:69

Adasa (PLACE) 1:70 Fretz, Mark J.

Adbeel (PERSON) + 1:70 Fretz, Mark J.

Addan (PERSON) + 1:70 Fretz, Mark J.

Addan (PLACE) 1:70 Fretz, Mark J.

Addar (PERSON) + 1:70 Fretz, Mark J.

Addar (PLACE) + 1:70 Fretz, Mark J.

Addax. See Zoology

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Addi (PERSON) 1-2 + 1:70-71 Fretz, Mark J.

Additions to Daniel. See Daniel, Additions to

Additions to Esther. See Esther, Additions to

Additions to Jeremiah. See Jeremiah, Additions to

Addon (PLACE). See Addan (PLACE) 1:71

Addus (PERSON) 1:71 Fretz, Mark J.

Ader, Khirbet (M.R. 222068) + 1:71-72 Richard, Suzanne

Adida (PLACE) + 1:72 Hardwick, Michael E.

Adiel (PERSON) 1-3 1:72 Fretz, Mark J.

Adin (PERSON) + 1:72-73 Fretz, Mark J.

Adina (PERSON) + 1:73 Fretz, Mark J.

Adithaim (PLACE) + 1:73 Fretz, Mark J.

Adlai (PERSON) 1:73 Fretz, Mark J.

Admah (PLACE) + 1:73 Pressler, Carolyn J.

Admatha (PERSON) 1:73 Fretz, Mark J.

Admin (PERSON) + 1:73-74 Fretz, Mark J.

Adna (PERSON) 1-2 1:74 Fretz, Mark J.

Adnah (PERSON) 1-2 + 1:74 Fretz, Mark J.

Adonai 1:74 O’Brien, Julia M.

Adoni-Bezek (PERSON) + 1:74 Schley, Donald G.

Adoni-Zedek (PERSON) + 1:75 Schley, Donald G.

Adonijah (PERSON) 1:75-76 Christensen, Duane L.

Adonikam (PERSON) 1:76 Fretz, Mark J.

Adoniram (PERSON) 1:76 McMillion,Phillip E.

Adoption + 1:76-79 Knobloch, Frederick W.

Adoraim (PLACE) 1:79 Kotter, Wade R.

Adrammelech (DEITY) + 1:79 Grayson, A. Kirk

Adrammelech (PERSON) + 1:80 Grayson, A. Kirk

Adramyttium (PLACE) + 1:80 Wineland, John D.

Adria, Sea of (PLACE) + 1:80 Stefanovic, Zdravko

Adriel (PERSON) + 1:81 Edelman, Diana Vikander; Fretz, Mark J.

Aduel (PERSON) 1:81 Fretz, Mark J.

Adullam (PLACE) + 1:81 Hamilton, Jeffries M.

Adultery 1:82-86 Adler Goodfriend, Elaine

Adummim (PLACE) + 1:86-87 Thompson, Henry O.

Adversary. See Satan

Advocate 1:87 Grether, Herbert G.

Aeneas (PERSON) 1:87 Grether, Herbert G.

Aenon (PLACE) + 1:87 Pattengale, Jerry A.

Aesora (PLACE) 1:87 White, Sidnie Ann

‘Affula, el- (M.R. 177223) + 1:87-88 Dever, William G.

Agabus (PERSON) + 1:88 Watson, JoAnn Ford

Agag (PERSON) 1-2 + 1:88-89 Christensen, Duane L.

Agagite (PERSON) + 1:89-90 Fretz, Mark J.

Agape Meal + 1:90-91 Ferguson, Everett

Age 1:91 Grether, Herbert G.

Agee (PERSON) + 1:91-92 Fretz, Mark J.

Agia (PERSON) 1:92 Fretz, Mark J.

Aging. See Old Age

Agora (PLACE) 1:92 Grether, Herbert G.

Agrapha + 1:92-95 Stroker, William D.

Agriculture + 1:95-98 Borowski, Oded

Agrippa (PERSON) 1-2 + 1:98-100 Braund, David C.

Ague. See Sickness and Disease

Agur (PERSON) + 1:100 Berry, Donald K.

Ahab (PERSON) 1-2 + 1:100-104 Thiel, Winfried; Elliott, Dietlinde M. (trans.)

Aharah (PERSON) 1:104 Fretz, Mark J.

Aharel (PERSON) + 1:104 Fretz, Mark J.

Ahasbai (PERSON) 1:104 Schley, Donald G.

Ahashtarites. See Haahashtari 1:104

ABD Article Index



7 + 2:137 Oster, Richard E., Jr.

ABD Article Index


Demetrius the Chronographer + 2:137-138 Holladay, Carl R.

Demons: 2:138-142

Old Testament 2:138-140 Kuemmerlin-McLean, Joanne K.

New Testament + 2:140-142 Reese, David George

Demophon (PERSON) 2:142 Nelson, Russell D.

Demotic Chronicle + 2:142-144 Johnson, Janet H.

Den of Lions. See Punishments and Crimes (OT and ANE)

Denarius. See Coinage

Deposit + 2:144 Caulley, Thomas Scott

Derbe (PLACE) + 2:144-145 Wineland, John D.

Descent to the Underworld + 2:145-159 Bauckham, Richard

Desire. See Wanting and Desiring

Desolation, Abomination of. See Abomination of Desolation

Dessau (PLACE) + 2:159 Kampen, John

Destiny. See Meni (DEITY)

Destroyer, The + 2:159-160 Watson, Duane F.

Deuel (PERSON) 2:160 Launderville, Dale F.

Deutero-Isaiah. See Isaiah, Book of (Second Isaiah)

Deuterocanonical. See Apocrypha

Deuteronomic (D) Source. 2:160

See also Deuteronomy, Book of; Torah (Pentateuch); Source Criticism (OT)

Deuteronomistic History + 2:160-168 McKenzie, Steven L.

Deuteronomy, Book of + 2:168-183 Weinfeld, Moshe

Devil + 2:183-184 Watson, Duane F.

Devout + 2:184 Stuehrenberg, Paul F.

Dew. See Palestine, Climate of

DH. See also Deuteronomistic History 2:184

Dhahr Mirzbâneh (M.R. 156182) + 2:184-185 Dever, William G.

Diadem. See Dress and Ornamentation

Dialogue + 2:185-188 Majercik, Ruth

Dialogue of the Savior (NHC III,5) + 2:188-189 Hills, Julian V.

Diatessaron + 2:189-190 Petersen, William L.

Diatribe + 2:190-193 Stowers, Stanley K.

Diblaim (PERSON) 2:193 Pressler, Carolyn J.

Dibon (PLACE) + 2:194-196 Tushingham, A. Douglas

Dibri (PERSON) + 2:197 Viviano, Pauline A.

Didache + 2:197-198 Kraft, Robert A.

Didymus. See Thomas (PERSON)

Diet. See Meal Customs; Zoology

Diklah (PERSON) + 2:198-199 Müller, Walter W.

Dilean (PLACE) 2:199 Kotter, Wade R.

Dill. See Flora

Dimnah (PLACE) 2:199 Herion, Gary A.

Dimon (PLACE) 2:199 Mattingly, Gerald L.

Dimonah (PLACE) + 2:199-200 Zorn, Jeffrey R.

Dinah (PERSON) + 2:200 Meyers, Carol

Dinhabah (PLACE) + 2:200-201 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Diognetus, Epistle to + 2:201 Grant, Robert M.

Dionysius (PERSON) 2:201 Wheeler, Frank E.

Dionysus (DEITY) + 2:201-202 Dillon, John M.

Dioscorinthius + 2:202-203 Kampen, John

Dioscuri + 2:203 Danker, Frederick William

Diotrephes (PERSON) + 2:204 Fry, Virgil R. L.

Direction and Orientation 2:204 Drinkard, Joel F., Jr.

Discharge. See also Holiness; Unclean and Clean + 2:204-207 Wright, David P.; Jones, Richard N.

Disciple, Discipleship + 2:207-210 Weder, Hans; Martin, Dennis (trans.)

Disciple, Manual of. See Community, Rule of the (1QS)

Discourse on the Eighth and Ninth (NHC VI,6) + 2:210-212 Majercik, Ruth

Discourse, Direct and Indirect + 2:212-213 Alter, Robert

Disease. See Sickness and Disease

ABD Article Index


Dishan (PERSON) + 2:214 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Dishon (PERSON) 1-2 2:214 Mariottini, Claude F.

Dismemberment. See Punishments and Crimes

Dives. See Lazarus and Dives

Divination, Diviner. See Magic (OT)

Divine Assembly + 2:214-217 Mullen, E. Theodore, Jr.

Divine Man. See Aretalogy

Divine Names (OT). See Names of God

Divine Warrior. See Warrior, Divine

Diviners’ Oak (PLACE) + 2:217 Toews, Wesley Irwin

Divorce + 2:217-219 Wall, Robert W.

Dizahab (PLACE) + 2:219 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Dodanim + 2:219 Hess, Richard S.

Dodavahu (PERSON) 2:219-220 Dempster, Stephen G.

Dodo (PERSON) 1-3 2:220 Schley, Donald G.

Doe. See Zoology

Doeg (PERSON) 2:220 Hübner, Ulrich

Dog. See Zoology

Dok (PLACE) 2:220 Smith, Robert Wayne

Dolmen 2:220-221 Swauger, James L.

Domestication of Animals. See Zoology

Domitian (EMPEROR) + 2:221-222 Jones, Brian W.

Dophkah (PLACE) + 2:222-223 Zorn, Jeffrey R.

Dor (PLACE) + 2:223-225 Stern, Ephraim

Dorcas (PERSON) + 2:225-226 Witherington, Ben, III

Dorymenes (PERSON) 2:226 Rappaport, Uriel

Dositheus (PERSON) 1-5 + 2:226 Rappaport, Uriel

Dothan (PLACE) + 2:226 Dever, William G.

Douay Version + 2:227-228 Lewis, Jack P.

Double Names. See Names, Double

Dove. See Zoology

Dowry. See Marriage

Drachma. See Coinage

Dragon and Sea, God’s Conflict with + 2:228-231 Day, John

Dreams in the NT and Greco-Roman Literature + 2:231-232 Everts, Janet Meyer

Dress and Ornamentation + 2:232-238 Edwards, Douglas R.

Drinking. See Eating and Drinking

Dromedary. See Zoology

Drowning. See Punishments and Crimes

Drum. See Music and Musical Instruments

Drusilla (PERSON) + 2:238-239 Braund, David C.

Dumah (PERSON) + 2:239-240 Zarins, Juris

Dumah (PLACE) 1-3 2:240 Brodsky, Harold

Dung Gate (PLACE) + 2:240 Mare, W. Harold

Dur-Kurigalzu (PLACE) + 2:240-241 Margueron, Jean-Claude; Sager, Paul (trans.)

Dura (PLACE) + 2:241 Thompson, Henry O.

Dura-Europos (PLACE) + 2:241-243 Thompson, Henry O.

Dwarf. See Sickness and Disease

Dye. See Zoology

Dysentery. See Sickness and Disease

Dysphemism. See also Bible, Euphemism and Dysphemism in the

E. See also Elohist 2:245

Eagle. See Zoology

Earrings. See Jewelry

Earth + 2:245-248 Janzen, Waldemar

Earth, New. See New Earth, New Heaven

Earthworm. See Zoology

East 2:248 Drinkard, Joel F., Jr.

East Country (PLACE) + 2:248 Williams, David Salter

East Gate (PLACE) + 2:248-249 Liid, Dale C.

ABD Article Index


East, People of the + 2:249 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Easter. See Passion Narratives

Eastern Sea (PLACE) + 2:249-250 Lubetski, Meir

Eating and Drinking in the Old Testament + 2:250-254 Jenks, Alan W.

Ebal (PERSON) 2:254 Matthews, Victor H.

Ebal, Mount (PLACE) + 2:255-258 Zertal, Adam

Ebed (PERSON) 1-2 + 2:258-259 Shogren, Gary S.

Ebed-Melech (PERSON) 2:259 Dalglish, Edward R.

Ebenezer (PLACE) 2:259-260 Hamilton, Jeffries M.; Kutsko, John F.

Eber (PERSON) 1-5 + 2:260 Hess, Richard S.

Eber (PLACE) + 2:260 Hess, Richard S.

Ebez (PLACE) 2:260

Ebionites + 2:260-261 Goranson, Stephen

Ebionites, Gospel of the + 2:261-262 Petersen, William L.

Ebla Texts + 2:263-270 Biggs, Robert D.

Ebron (PLACE). See also Abdon (PLACE) 2:270

Ecbatana (PLACE) 2:270-271 Perkins, Larry J.

Ecclesiastes, Book of + 2:271-280 Crenshaw, James L.

Ecclesiasticus, Book of. See Wisdom of Ben-Sira

Ecstasy + 2:280-281 Ringgren, Helmer

ed-Daliyeh, Wadi. See Daliyeh, Wadi ed- (M.R. 189155)

Eddinus (PERSON). See Jeduthun (PERSON)

Eden (PERSON) 2:281 Lowery, Kirk E.

Eden, Garden of (PLACE) + 2:281-283 Wallace, Howard N.

Eder (PERSON) 1-2 2:283-284 Johnson, Siegfried S.

Eder (PLACE) 2:284 Zorn, Jeffrey R.

Eder, Tower of (PLACE) + 2:284 Liid, Dale C.

Edessa (37º08'N; 38º46'E) 2:284-287 McVey, Kathleen E.

Edna (PERSON) 2:287 Redditt, Paul L.

Edom (PLACE): 2:287-301

Edom in History + 2:287-295 Bartlett, John R.

Archaeology of Edom + 2:295-301 MacDonald, Burton

Edomite Language. See Languages (Introductory Survey)

Edrei (PLACE) 1-2 2:301 Mattingly, Gerald L.

Education: 2:301-317

Education in Mesopotamia + 2:301-305 Civil, Miguel

Ancient Israel + 2:305-312 Lemaire, André

Greco-Roman Period + 2:312-317 Townsend, John T.

Egerton Papyrus 2 + 2:317-318 Gamble, Harry Y.

Eglah (PERSON) 2:318-319 Schearing, Linda S.

Eglaim (PLACE) 2:319 Mattingly, Gerald L.

Eglath-Shelishiyah (PLACE) 2:319 Mattingly, Gerald L.

Eglon (PERSON) + 2:319-320 Kutsko, John F.

Eglon (PLACE) + 2:320-321 Ehrlich, Carl S.

Egypt (PERSON) 2:321 Hess, Richard S.

Egypt, Brook of + 2:321 Görg, Manfred

Egypt, History of: 2:321-374

See also Egyptian Relations with Canaan

Chronology + 2:322-331 Kitchen, K. A.

Prehistory + 2:331-336 Wendorf, Fred; Close, Angela E.

Neolithic to Dynasty I + 2:336-342 Williams, Bruce B.

Early Dynastic-1st Intermediate Period (Dyn. 1-11) + 2:342-345 Kadish, Gerald E.

Middle Kingdom-2nd Intermediate Period (Dyn. 11-17) 2:345-348 Leprohon, Ronald J.

New Kingdom (Dyn. 18-20) + 2:348-353 Murnane, William J.

3d Intermediate-Saite


Period (Dyn. 21-26) + 2:353-364 Spalinger, Anthony

Persian Period (Dyn. 27-31) + 2:364-367 Lloyd, Alan Brian

Greco-Roman Period + 2:367-374 Brown, S. Kent

Egypt, Plagues in + 2:374-378 Hoffmeier, James K.

Egypt, River of + 2:378 Görg, Manfred

Egyptian Language. See Languages (Egyptian)

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Egyptian Literature 2:378-399

Survey of Egyptian Literature + 2:378-390 Assmann, Jan

Egyptian Biographies + 2:390-393 Sherman, Elizabeth J.

Egyptian Love Songs + 2:393-395 Fox, Michael V.

Egyptian Wisdom Literature + 2:395-399 Williams, Ronald J.

Egyptian Oracles. See Oracle (Ancient Egypt)

Egyptian Relations with Canaan + 2:399-408 Ward, William A.

Egyptian Religion + 2:408-412 Wente, Edward F.

Egyptian Theology. See Memphite Theology

Egyptian, The (PERSON) + 2:412-413 Brown, S. Kent

Egyptians, Gospel of the (NHC III,2 and IV,2) + 2:413-414 Wisse, Frederik

Ehi (PERSON) 2:414 Johnson, Siegfried S.

Ehud (PERSON) 1 + 2:414 Halpern, Baruch

Ehud (PERSON) 2 2:414 Kutsko, John F.

Ein el-Jarba. See Jarba, ‘Ein el-

Ein Yael Project. See Rephaim, Valley of

Eker (PERSON) + 2:415 Dalglish, Edward R.

Ekron (PLACE) + 2:415-422 Dothan, Trude; Gitin, Seymour

El (DEITY). See Names of God in the OT

el-Areini. See Areini, Tell el-

el-‘Ajjul, Tell. See ‘Ajjul, Tell el-

el-Batashi. See Batashi, Tell el-

El-Berith (DEITY). See Baal-Berith (DEITY)

el-Emir, ‘Iraq. See ‘Iraq el-Emir

el-Ghassul. See Ghassul, Tuleilat el-

el-Hesi, Tell. See Hesi, Tell el-

el-Hiri, Rujm. See Rujm el-Hiri

el-Husn. See Husn, el-

el-Jarba, ‘ein. See Jarba, ‘Ein el-

el-Jib (PLACE). See Gibeon (PLACE)

el-Khalil, Ramat. See Ramat el-Khalil

el-Kheleifeh, Tell. See Kheleifeh, Tell el-

el-Kom, Khirbet. See Kom, Khirbet el-

el-Marjameh, Khirbet. See Marjameh, Khirbet el-

el-Maskhuta, Tell. See Maskhuta, Tell el-

el-Mazar, Tell. See Mazar, Tell el-

el-Meshash, Khirbet. See Meshash, Khirbet el-

el-Milh, Tell. See Malhata, Tel

El-Olam (DEITY). See Names of God in the OT

El-Paran (PLACE) 2:423 Astour, Michael C.

el-Qedah, Tell. See Hazor

el-Qom, Khirbet. See Kom, Khirbet el-

el-Umeiri, Tell. See ‘Umeiri, Tell el-

Ela (PERSON) + 2:423 Glatt, David A.

Elah (PERSON) 2:423 Hübner, Ulrich

Elah, Valley of (PLACE) 2:423 Hamilton, Jeffries M.

Elam (PERSON) 1-6 2:423-424 Hess, Richard S.

Elam (PLACE) + 2:424-429 Vallat, François; Rosoff, Stephen (trans.)

Elasa (PLACE) 2:429 Glatt, David A.

Elasah (PERSON) 1-2 2:429 Glatt, David A.

Elath (PLACE) + 2:429-430 Zorn, Jeffrey R.

Elchasaites + 2:430-431 Strecker, Georg; Martin, Dennis (trans.)

Eldaah (PERSON) + 2:431 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Eldad (PERSON) + 2:431 Slayton, Joel C.

Eldad and Modad + 2:431 Charlesworth, James H.

Elder. See Palestine, Administration of (Post-exilic Judean Officials); Family

Elders, Tradition of the. See Tradition of the Elders 2:432

Elead (PERSON) + 2:432 Davis, M. Stephen

Eleadah (PERSON) 2:432 Davis, M. Stephen

Elealeh (PLACE) 2:432 Mattingly, Gerald L.

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Eleasah (PERSON) 2:432 Johnson, Siegfried S.

Eleazar (PERSON) 1-10 2:432-433 Propp, William H.

Eleazar (PERSON) 11 + 2:433 Porter, Stanley E.

Elect Lady + 2:433-434 Watson, Duane F.

Election 2:434-444

Old Testament + 2:434-441 Patrick, Dale

New Testament + 2:441-444 Shogren, Gary S.

Element, Elemental Spirit + 2:444-445 DeMaris, Richard E.

Eleph. See Ha-Eleph (PLACE)

Elephant. See Zoology

Elephantine Papyri + 2:445-455 Porten, Bezalel

Eleutherus (PLACE) 2:455 Herion, Gary A.

Elhanan (PERSON) 1-2 + 2:455-456 Dempster, Stephen G.

Eli (PERSON) + 2:456-457 Youngblood, Ronald

Eli, Eli, Lama Sabachthani 2:457 Wilcox, Max

Eliab (PERSON) 1-7 2:457-458 Petter, Gerald J.

Eliada (PERSON) 1-3 2:458 Howard, David M., Jr.

Eliahba (PERSON) + 2:458 Bailey, Randall C.

Eliakim (PERSON) 1-3 + 2:458-459 Clem, H. Eldon

Eliakim (PERSON) 4-5 + 2:459 Porter, Stanley E.

Elialis (PERSON) 2:459 McGehee, Michael David

Eliam (PERSON) + 2:459-460 Bailey, Randall C.

Eliasaph (PERSON) 2:460 Slayton, Joel C.

Eliashib (PERSON) 1-7 + 2:460-461 Wright, John W.

Eliasis (PERSON) 2:461 McGehee, Michael David

Eliathah (PERSON) + 2:461 McCann, J. Clinton, Jr.

Elidad (PERSON) 2:461 Panitz, Raphael I.

Eliehoenai (PERSON) 1-2 + 2:461-462 Rogers, Jeffrey S.

Eliel (PERSON) 1-6 2:462 Johnson, Siegfried S.

Elienai (PERSON) 2:462 Johnson, Siegfried S.

Eliezer (PERSON) 1-11 + 2:462-463 Propp, William H.

Elihoreph (PERSON) 2:463 McMillion,Phillip E.

Elihu (PERSON) + 2:463 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Elijah (PERSON) 1 + 2:463-466 Walsh, Jerome T.

Elijah (PERSON) 2-4 2:466 Johnson, Siegfried S.

Elijah, Apocalypse of + 2:466-469 Wintermute, Orval S.

Elika (PERSON) + 2:469 Dempster, Stephen G.

Elim (PLACE) + 2:469 Zorn, Jeffrey R.

Elimelech (PERSON) 2:469 Mathews, Kenneth A.

Elioenai (PERSON) 1-6 2:470 fa*ger, Jeffrey A.

Elionas (PERSON) 2:470 McGehee, Michael David

Eliphal (PERSON) + 2:470 Dempster, Stephen G.

Eliphaz (PERSON) 1 + 2:471 Hübner, Ulrich

Eliphaz (PERSON) 2 + 2:471 Holbert, John C.

Eliphelehu (PERSON) 2:471 Dillard, Raymond B.

Eliphelet (PERSON) 1-6 + 2:471-472 Howard, David M., Jr.

Elisha (PERSON) + 2:472-473 Whitelam, Keith W.

Elishah (PERSON) 2:473 Baker, David W.

Elishama (PERSON) 1-6 2:473 Berridge, John M.

Elishaphat (PERSON) 2:473-474 Lowery, Kirk E.

Elisheba (PERSON) 2:474 Slayton, Joel C.

Elishua (PERSON) 2:474 Howard, David M., Jr.

Eliud (PERSON) + 2:474 Porter, Stanley E.

Elizabeth (PERSON) + 2:474-475 Witherington, Ben, III

Elizaphan (PERSON) 1-2 2:475 Panitz, Raphael I.

Elizur (PERSON) 2:475 Launderville, Dale F.

Elkanah (PERSON) 1-8 + 2:475-476 Youngblood, Ronald

Elkiah (PERSON) 2:476 White, Sidnie Ann

Elkosh (PLACE) 2:476 Kobayashi, Yosh*taka

Ellasar (PLACE) + 2:476-477 Astour, Michael C.

ABD Article Index


Elmadam (PERSON) + 2:477 Porter, Stanley E.

Elnaam (PERSON) + 2:477 Pisano, Stephen

Elnathan (PERSON) 1-4 + 2:478 Berridge, John M.

Elohim. See Names of God in the OT

Elohist + 2:478-482 Jenks, Alan W.

Elon (PERSON) 1-3 + 2:482 Boling, Robert G.

Elon (PLACE) 2:482-483 Glatt, David A.

Elon-Beth-Hanan (PLACE) + 2:483 Glatt, David A.

Eloth (PLACE). See Elath (PLACE)

Elpaal (PERSON) 2:483 Johnson, Siegfried S.

Elpelet (PERSON). See Eliphelet (PERSON)

Eltekeh (PLACE) + 2:483-484 Peterson, John L.

Eltekon (PLACE) + 2:484 Kotter, Wade R.

Eltolad (PLACE) + 2:484 Zorn, Jeffrey R.

Elul. See also Calendars (Ancient Israelite and Early Jewish) 2:484

Elusa (M.R. 117056) + 2:484-487 Negev, Avraham

Eluzai (PERSON) 2:487 Johnson, Siegfried S.

Elymais (PLACE) 2:487 Gasque, W. Ward

Elymas (PERSON) + 2:487-488 Martin, Thomas W.

Elyon. See Most High

Elzabad (PERSON) 1-2 + 2:488 Rogers, Jeffrey S.

Elzaphan (PERSON). See Elizaphan (PERSON)

Emadabun (PERSON) 2:488 Eskenazi, Tamara C.

Emar (36º01'N; 38º05'E) + 2:488-490 Margueron, Jean-Claude; Sager, Paul (trans.)

Emathis (PERSON) 2:490 fa*ger, Jeffrey A.

Embalming + 2:490-496 Jones, Richard N.

Embroidery. See Dress and Ornamentation

Emek Rephaim (Jerusalem). See Rephaim, Valley of (PLACE)

Emek-Keziz (PLACE) 2:496

Emendations, Scribal. See Scribal Emendations

Emesa + 2:496-497 Sullivan, Richard D.

Emim 2:497 Mattingly, Gerald L.

Emir, Iraq el-. See Iraq el-Emir (M.R. 221147)

Emmaus (PLACE) + 2:497-498 Strange, James F.

Emperor Worship. See Roman Imperial Cult

En-Boqeq (M.R. 185067) + 2:498-499 Gichon, Mordechai

En-Dor (PLACE) + 2:499-501 Edelman, Diana Vikander

En-Eglaim (PLACE) + 2:501 Herion, Gary A.

En-Gannim (PLACE) + 2:501-502 Peterson, John L.

En-Gedi (PLACE) + 2:502-503 Hamilton, Jeffries M.

En-Haddah (PLACE) 2:503 Hunt, Melvin

En-Hakkore (PLACE) + 2:503 Lubetski, Meir

En-Hazor (PLACE) + 2:503 Arav, Rami

En-Nasbeh, Tell. See Nasbeh, Tell en

En-Rimmon (PLACE). See Rimmon (PLACE)

En-Rogel (PLACE)


+ 2:503-504 Mare, W. Harold

En-Shadud (M.R. 172229) + 2:504 Braun, Eliot

En-Shemesh (PLACE) 2:504

En-Tappuah (PLACE). See Tappuah (PLACE)

Enaim (PLACE) + 2:505 Oller, Gary H.

Enam (PLACE) 2:505 Kotter, Wade R.

Enan (PERSON) 2:505 Launderville, Dale F.

Enchanter/Enchantments. See Magic (OT)

Encomium + 2:505-506 Shuler, Philip L.

Encratism + 2:506-507 Edwards, O. C., Jr.

Enemessar (PERSON) 2:507 Pietersma, Albert

Engine. See Weapons and Implements of Warfare

English Versions of the Bible. See Versions, English

Engraving. See Jewelry, Ancient Israelite

Enlil (DEITY) + 2:507-508 Fulco, William J.

ABD Article Index


Enoch (PERSON) 1-2 + 2:508 Hess, Richard S.

Enoch, First Book of + 2:508-516 Nickelsburg, George W. E.

Enoch, Second Book of + 2:516-522 Andersen, Francis I.

Enoch, Third Book of + 2:522-526 Alexander, Philip S.

Enos (PERSON). See also Enosh (PERSON) 2:526

Enosh (PERSON) + 2:526 Hess, Richard S.

Enrollment. See Census

Entrance of Hamath. See Hamath, Entrance of

Enuma Elish + 2:526-528 Lambert, W. G.

Envy + 2:528-532 Dickie, Matthew W.

Epaenetus (PERSON) + 2:532 Lampe, Peter

Epaphras (PERSON) + 2:533 Gillman, Florence Morgan

Epaphroditus (PERSON) + 2:533-534 Gillman, John L.

Ephah. See Weights and Measures

Ephah (PERSON) 1-3 + 2:534 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Ephai (PERSON) 2:534 Berridge, John M.

Epher (PERSON) 1-3 + 2:534-535 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Ephes-Dammim (PLACE) 2:535 Hamilton, Jeffries M.

Ephesians, Epistle to the + 2:535-542 Furnish, Victor Paul

Ephesus (PLACE) + 2:542-549 Oster, Richard E., Jr.

Ephlal (PERSON) 2:549-550 Steeger, William P.

Ephod (OBJECT) + 2:550 Meyers, Carol

Ephod (PERSON) 2:551 Panitz, Raphael I.

Ephphatha 2:551 Wilcox, Max

Ephraemi Rescriptus. See Codex (Ephraimi Rescriptus)

Ephraim (PERSON) 2:551-555

Ephraim in the Bible + 2:551-553 Herrmann, Siegfried

Archaeology of Ephraim + 2:553-555 Finkelstein, Israel

Ephraim (PLACE). See also Ephraim (PERSON). 1-2 + 2:556 Thompson, Henry O.

Ephraim Gate (PLACE) + 2:556 Liid, Dale C.

Ephraim, Forest of (PLACE) + 2:557 Thompson, Henry O.

Ephrathah (PERSON) 2:557 Luker, Lamontte M.

Ephrathah (PLACE) + 2:557-558 Luker, Lamontte M.

Ephron (PERSON) + 2:558 Moyer, James C.

Ephron (PLACE) 1-3 + 2:558 Moyer, James C.

Epic of Gilgamesh. See Gilgamesh Epic

Epictetus + 2:558-559 Schmeller, Thomas

Epicureanism + 2:559-561 Asmis, Elizabeth

Epigraphy, Transjordan + 2:561-568 Lemaire, André

Epilepsy. See Sickness and Disease

Epiphanes + 2:568 Martin, Hubert M., Jr.

Epistles, Apocryphal + 2:568-569 Thomason, Dana Andrew

Epistles, Catholic + 2:569-570 Webb, Robert L.

Epithets, Divine. See Names of God in the OT

Epsilon 2:570

Er (PERSON) 1-3 + 2:570 Porter, Stanley E.

Er-Bala, Deir. See Deir Er-Balah (M.R. 088093)

Eran (PERSON) 2:570-571 Launderville, Dale F.

Erastus (PERSON) 1-3 + 2:571 Gillman, Florence Morgan

Erech (PLACE) + 2:571-573 Margueron, Jean-Claude; Sager, Paul (trans.)

Eri (PERSON) 2:573 Nysse, Richard W.

Eridu (PLACE) + 2:573 Margueron, Jean-Claude; Sager, Paul (trans.)

Eruption. See Sickness and Disease

Es-Saidiyeh, Tell. See Saidiyeh, Tell es-

Es-Samra, Khirbet. See Sabra, Khirbet

Esarhaddon (PERSON) 2:574 Grayson, A. Kirk

Esau (PERSON) + 2:574-575 Hübner, Ulrich

Eschatological Midrashim. See Florilegium

Eschatology. 2:575-609

See also Apocalypses and Apocalypticism

ABD Article Index


Old Testament + 2:575-579 Petersen, David L.

Early Jewish Literature + 2:579-594 Nickelsburg, George W. E.

Early Christian Eschatology + 2:594-609 Aune, David E.

Esdar, Tel (M.R. 147064) + 2:609 Kochavi, Moshe

Esdraelon (PLACE) 2:609 White, Sidnie Ann

Esdras, First Book of + 2:609-611 Goodman, William R.

Esdras, Second Book of + 2:611-614 Stone, Michael E.

Esdris (PERSON) + 2:614 Hardwick, Michael E.

Esek (PLACE) + 2:615 Herion, Gary A.

Esh-Shuna, Tell (North). See Shuna (North), Tell esh-

Eshan (PLACE) 2:615 Kotter, Wade R.

Eshbaal (PERSON) + 2:615-617 Edelman, Diana Vikander

Eshban (PERSON) 2:617 Matthews, Victor H.

Eshcol (PERSON) 2:617 Astour, Michael C.

Eshcol (PLACE) 2:617 Toews, Wesley Irwin

Eshek (PERSON) 2:617 Brettler, Marc Zvi

Eshtaol (PLACE) + 2:617 Greenberg, Raphael

Eshtemoa (PERSON). See also Eshtemoa (PLACE). 1-2 2:617 Hamilton, Jeffries M.

Eshtemoa (PLACE) + 2:617-618 Peterson, John L.

Eshton (PERSON) 2:618 Lo, Hing Choi

Esli (PERSON) + 2:618 Porter, Stanley E.

Essene Gate + 2:618-619 Riesner, Rainer; Callaway, Phillip R. (trans.)

Essenes. See also Qumran; Dead Sea Scrolls 2:619-626 Collins, John J.

Esther, Additions to + 2:626-633 Moore, Carey A.

Esther, Book of + 2:633-643 Moore, Carey A.

Et-Twein (PLACE). See Abu et-Twein, Khirbet

Eta 2:643

Etam (PERSON). See also Etam (PLACE) 2:643

Etam (PLACE) 1-2 2:643-644 Kotter, Wade R.

Etam, Rock of (PLACE) 2:644 Ehrlich, Carl S.

Eth-Kazin (PLACE) 2:644 Greenberg, Raphael

Etham (PLACE) + 2:644 Görg, Manfred

Ethan (PERSON) 1-4 2:644-645 Mariottini, Claude F.

Ethanim 2:645

Ethanus (PERSON) 2:645 Han, Jin Hee

Ethbaal (PERSON) + 2:645 Viviano, Pauline A.

Ether (PLACE) 1-2 2:645 Kotter, Wade R.

Ethics: 2:645-665

Old Testament + 2:645-652 Mafico, Temba L. Jackson

New Testament + 2:652-665 Perkins, Pheme

Ethiopia (PLACE) + 2:665-667 Smith, Robert Houston

Ethiopian Eunuch + 2:667 Gaventa, Beverly Roberts

Ethiopic Language. See Languages (Ethiopic)

Ethiopic Versions. See Versions, Ancient (Ethiopic)

Ethnan (PERSON) 2:668 Lo, Hing Choi

Ethnarch. See Palestine, Administration of (Roman Administration)

Ethni (PERSON) 2:668 Willett, Tom Wayne

Eubulus (PERSON) + 2:668 Gillman, Florence Morgan

Euergetes. See Benefactor

Eugnostos and the Sophia of Jesus Christ + 2:668-669 Parrott, Douglas M.

Eumenes (PERSON) + 2:669-670 Nelson, Russell D.

Eunice (PERSON) + 2:670 Gillman, Florence Morgan

Eunuch. See Palestine, Administration of (Postexilic Judean Officials)

Eunuch, Ethiopian. See Ethiopian Eunuch

Euodia (PERSON) + 2:670-671 Gillman, Florence Morgan

Eupator (PERSON). See Antiochus (PERSON)

Euphemism and Dysphemism in the Bible. See Bible, Euphemism and Dysphemism in the

Eupolemus + 2:671-672 Holladay, Carl R.

Eupolemus, Pseudo- + 2:672-273 Holladay, Carl R.

Eusebius of Caesarea (PERSON) + 2:673-676 Chesnut, Glenn F.

ABD Article Index


Eutychus (PERSON) 2:676 Wheeler, Frank E.

Evangelist. See Ministry in the Early Church

Eve (PERSON) + 2:676-677 Wallace, Howard N.

Everlasting God. See Names of God in the OT

Evi (PERSON) + 2:677-678 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Evil + 2:678-679 Watson, Duane F.

Evil One, The 2:679 Watson, Duane F.

Evil-Merodach (PERSON) + 2:679 Sack, Ronald H.

Evodius, Homily of. See Virgin, Assumption of the

Evron (M.R. 160266) 2:679-680 Ronen, Avraham

Ewe. See Sheep, Shepherd; Zoology

Ex Voto + 2:680-681 Danker, Frederick William

Exactor of Tribute. See Taxes and Taxation

Execration and Execration Texts + 2:681-682 Redford, Donald B.

Executioner. See Punishments and Crimes

Exegesis + 2:682-688 Stuart, Douglas

Exegesis on the Soul (NHC II,6) + 2:688-689 Robinson, William C., Jr.

Exile. See Israel, History of

Exodus, Book of + 2:689-700 Sarna, Nahum M.

Exodus, The + 2:700-708 Kitchen, K. A.

Exorcism. See Demons

Expurgations of the Bible. 2:708

See also Bible, Euphemism and Dysphemism in the

Extortion. See Debts

Eye Paint. See Dress and Ornamentation

Eyelids of the Morning. See Shahar (DEITY)

Ezbai (PERSON) + 2:708 Pisano, Stephen

Ezbon (PERSON) 1-2 2:708-709 Johnson, Siegfried S.

Ezekiel the Tragedian + 2:709 van der Horst, Peiter W.

Ezekiel, Apocryphon of + 2:709-711 Mueller, James R.

Ezekiel, Book of + 2:711-722 Boadt, Lawrence

Ezel (PLACE) 2:722 Kobayashi, Yosh*taka

Ezem (PLACE) + 2:722 Zorn, Jeffrey R.

Ezer (PERSON) 1-6 + 2:722-723 Matthews, Victor H.

Ezion-Geber (PLACE) + 2:723-726


Lubetski, Meir

Ezora (PERSON) 2:726 McGehee, Michael David

Ezra (PERSON) + 2:726-728 North, Robert

Ezra, Book of. See Ezra-Nehemiah, Books of

Ezra, Fourth Book of. See Esdras, Second Book of

Ezra, Greek Apocalypse of + 2:728-729 Stone, Michael E.

Ezra, Questions of + 2:729-730 Stone, Michael E.

Ezra, Revelation of + 2:730 Stone, Michael E.

Ezra, Vision of + 2:730-731 Stone, Michael E.

Ezra-Nehemiah, Books of + 2:731-742 Klein, Ralph W.

Ezraite 2:742 McMillion,Phillip E.

Ezri (PERSON) 2:742 Nysse, Richard W.

Fable. See Folklore in the Ancient Near East

Face + 2:743-744 Drinkard, Joel F., Jr.

Faience. See Jewelry, Ancient Israelite

Fair Havens (PLACE) + 2:744 Wineland, John D.

Faith: 2:744-760

Old Testament + 2:744-749 Healey, Joseph P.

New Testament + 2:749-758 Lührmann, Dieter; Hughes, Frank Witt (trans.)

Faith of Christ + 2:758-760 Howard, George E.

Falcon. See Zoology (Fauna)

False Apostles + 2:760-761 Watson, Duane F.

False Christs 2:761 Watson, Duane F.

Family + 2:761-769 Wright, Christopher J. H.

Famine + 2:769-773 Shea, William H.

Fara (North), Tell el-. See Tirzah (PLACE)

ABD Article Index


Fara (South), Tell el-. See Sharuhen (PLACE)

Fast, Fasting + 2:773-776 Muddiman, John Bernard

Fate, Greek Conception of + 2:776-778 Dillon, John M.

Father. See Family

Fathers, Apostolic. See Apostolic Fathers

Fathom. See Weights and Measures

Fauna. See Zoology (Fauna)

Fayum Fragment + 2:778-779 Gamble, Harry Y.

Fear of Isaac + 2:779-780 Puech, Emile; Lind, Sarah (trans.)

Feinan, Wadi + 2:780-782 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Fejja (M.R. 141165) 2:782-783 Kaplan, Jacob

Felix (PERSON) 2:783 Braund, David C.

Felix, Minicius (PERSON). See Minucius Felix

Fellowship, Table. See Table Fellowship

Feminist Hermeneutics + 2:783-791 Schüssler Fiorenza, Elisabeth

Fertility Cults + 2:791-793 Healey, Joseph P.

Festal Garment/Robe. See Dress and Ornamentation

Festivals, Greco-Roman + 2:793-794 Cole, Susan Guettel

Festus, Porcius (PERSON) + 2:794-795 Green, Joel B.

Fever. See Sickness and Disease

Fibula. See Jewelry, Ancient Israelite

Fiery Serpent. See Serpent, Bronze

Fig Tree. See Flora

Filigree + 2:795-796 Meyers, Carol

Fillet 2:796 Meyers, Carol

Finger. See Weights and Measures

Fir Tree. See Flora

Fire, Pillar of. See Pillar of Fire and Cloud

Firepan 2:796 Meyers, Carol

First and Last. See Alpha and Omega

First Fruits + 2:796-797 Rigsby, Richard O.

Firstborn. See Family

Fish. See Zoology (Fauna)

Fish Gate (PLACE) + 2:797-798 Liid, Dale C.

Fisher Owl. See Zoology (Fauna)

Five Scrolls, The. See Megilloth

Flax. See Flora; Dress and Ornamentation

Flea. See Zoology (Fauna)

Fleet. See Travel and Communication (NT)

Flocks. See Zoology (Fauna)

Flogging. See Punishments and Crimes

Flood + 2:798-803 Lewis, Jack P.

Flora + 2:803-817 Jacob, Irene; Jacob, Walter

Florilegium (4QFlor) + 2:817-818 Brooke, George J.

Flute. See Music and Musical Instruments

Fly/Flies. See Zoology

Folklore in the Ancient Near East + 2:818-828 Ben-Amos, Dan

Folly. See Virtue/Vice Lists

Food. See Zoology; Meal Customs; Eating and Drinking

Footwashing + 2:828-829 Weiss, Herold

Foreigner + 2:829-830 Begg, Christopher T.

Forerunner + 2:830-831 Collins, Raymond F.

Forest of Ephraim. See Ephraim, Forest of

Forest of Lebanon, House of the (PLACE) + 2:831 Herion, Gary A.

Forgiveness: 2:831-838

Old Testament + 2:831-833 Kselman, John S.

Early Judaism. See also Prayer in Early Judaism. + 2:833-835 Charlesworth, James H.

New Testament + 2:835-838 Shogren, Gary S.

Form Criticism: 2:838-844

Old Testament + 2:838-841 Barton, John

ABD Article Index


New Testament + 2:841-844 Robbins, Vernon K.

Fornication. See Sex and Sexuality

Fortifications (Levant) + 2:844-852 Herzog, Ze’ev

Fortunatus (PERSON) + 2:852-853 Gillman, John L.

Forum. See Cities (Greco-Roman)

Forum of Appius (PLACE) 2:853 Wineland, John D.

Foundation Gate (PLACE) + 2:853 Liid, Dale C.

Fountain Gate (PLACE) + 2:853-854 Liid, Dale C.

Fowl. See Zoology

Fox. See Zoology

Fragment, Muratorian. See Muratorian Fragment

Frankincense + 2:854 Müller, Walter W.

Freedmen, Synagogue of the + 2:855 Olson, Mark J.

Freedom + 2:855-859 Jones, F. Stanley

Fringe. See Dress and Ornamentation

Frit. See Jewelry

Frog. See Zoology

Frontlets. See Jewelry

Fruits, First. See First Fruits

Fuller. See Dress and Ornamentation

Fuller’s Field (PLACE) + 2:859 Liid, Dale C.

Funerary Inscriptions. See Palestinian Funerary Inscriptions

Gaal (PERSON) + 2:861 Lowery, Kirk E.

Gaash (PLACE) 2:861 Dyck, Elmer H.

Gabael (PERSON) 1-2 + 2:861-862 Schmidt, Frederick W.

Gabatha (PERSON) 2:862 McKenna, John E.

Gabbai (PERSON) 2:862 Schmidt, Frederick W.

Gabbatha (PLACE) + 2:862 McRay, John

Gabrias (PERSON) + 2:862-863 Schmidt, Frederick W.

Gabriel (ANGEL) + 2:863 Newsom, Carol A.

Gad (DEITY) + 2:863-864 Maier, Walter Arthur, III

Gad (PERSON) 1 + 2:864-865 de Geus, C. H. J.

Gad (PERSON) 2 2:865-866 Petter, Gerald J.

Gad, Valley Toward (PLACE) 2:866 Younker, Randall W.

Gadarenes: 2:866-868

Gadarenes, Fields I-II + 2:866-867 Holm-Nielsen, Svend

Gadarenes, Fields III-VI + 2:867-868 Wagner-Lux, Ute; Vriezen, Karel J. H.

Gadarenes, Bibliography 2:868 Holm-Nielsen, Svend; Wagner-Lux, Ute;

Vriezen, Karel J. H.

Gaddi (PERSON) 2:868 Rappaport, Uriel

Gaddiel (PERSON) 2:868 Paulien, Jon

Gadi (PERSON) + 2:868 Hobbs, T. R.

Gaham (PERSON) 2:868 Slayton, Joel C.

Gahar (PERSON) + 2:868-869 Shearer, Rodney H.

Gai (PLACE) + 2:869 Ehrlich, Carl S.

Gaius (PERSON) 1-4 + 2:869 Gillman, John L.

Galal (PERSON) 1-2 2:870 Dunston, Robert C.

Galatia (PLACE) + 2:870-872 Mitchell, Stephen

Galatians, Epistle to the + 2:872-875 Betz, Hans Dieter

Galbanum. See Perfumes and Spices

Galeed (PLACE) + 2:876 Thompson, Henry O.

Galileans + 2:876-879 Freyne, Seán

Galilee: 2:879-901

Prehellenistic Galilee + 2:879-895 Frankel, Rafael

Hellenistic/Roman Galilee + 2:895-899 Freyne, Seán

Galilee, Sea of (PLACE) + 2:899-901 Freyne, Seán

Gall (Liver). See Sickness and Disease

Gallim (PLACE) 1-2 + 2:901 Hamilton, Jeffries M.

Gallio (PERSON) + 2:901-903 Haacker, Klaus

Gamad (PLACE) + 2:903 Thompson, Henry O.

ABD Article Index


Gamael (PERSON). See Daniel (PERSON) 2:903

Gamaliel (PERSON) 1-2 + 2:903-906 Chilton, Bruce

Gamma 2:906

Gamul (PERSON) + 2:906 Wright, John W.

Gangrene. See Sickness and Disease

Garden of Eden. See Eden, Garden of (PLACE)

Garden of God (PLACE) + 2:906-907 Wallace, Howard N.

Gareb (PERSON) + 2:907 Dempster, Stephen G.

Gareb (PLACE) 2:907 Herion, Gary A.

Garlic. See Flora

Garmite 2:907 Smith, David Channing

Gas (PERSON) 2:907 McGehee, Michael David

Gatam (PERSON) 2:907 Hübner, Ulrich

Gate, City. See Cities (Levant); Fortifications (Levant)

Gate Between the Two Walls (PLACE) + 2:907-908 Liid, Dale C.

Gate of the Guard (PLACE) + 2:908 Liid, Dale C.

Gath (PLACE) + 2:908-909 Seger, Joe D.

Gath-Hepher (PLACE) + 2:909-910 Greenberg, Raphael

Gath-Rimmon (PLACE) + 2:910-911 Peterson, John L.

Gaulanitis (PLACE) + 2:911 Longstaff, Thomas R.W.

Gauls + 2:911-912 Kampen, John

Gaza (PLACE): 2:912-921

Prehellenistic Gaza + 2:912-915 Katzenstein, H. J.

Gaza in the Greco-Roman Period + 2:915-917 Kasher, Aryeh

Byzantine Gaza + 2:917-921 Glucker, Carol A. M.

Gazelle. See Zoology

Gazez (PERSON) + 2:921 Evans, Craig A.

Gazzam (PERSON). See also Akkub 2:921 Bergdall, Chaney R.

Geba (PLACE) + 2:921-922 Arnold, Patrick M.

Gebal (PLACE) + 2:922-923 Roth, Ray Lee

Geber (PERSON). See Ben-Geber McMillion,Phillip E.

Gebim (PLACE) 2:923 Herion, Gary A.

Gecko (LIZARD). See Zoology

Gedaliah (PERSON) 1 2:923 Dalglish, Edward R.

Gedaliah (PERSON) 2-5 + 2:923-924 Althann, Robert

Geder (PLACE) + 2:924-925 Ehrlich, Carl S.

Gederah (PLACE) + 2:925 Ehrlich,


Carl S.

Gederoth (PLACE) + 2:925 Ehrlich, Carl S.

Gederothaim (PLACE) 2:925 Ehrlich, Carl S.

Gedor (PERSON) + 2:925 Ehrlich, Carl S.

Gedor (PLACE) 1-4 + 2:925-926 Ehrlich, Carl S.

Gehazi (PERSON) + 2:926 Christensen, Duane L.

Gehenna (PLACE) + 2:926-928 Watson, Duane F.

Gemalli (PERSON) 2:928 Paulien, Jon

Gemara + 2:928-929 Brooks, Roger

Gemariah (PERSON) 1 + 2:929 Lundbom, Jack R.

Gemariah (PERSON) 2 + 2:929 Taylor, J. Glen; Taylor, Marion Ann

Genealogy, Genealogies + 2:929-932 Wilson, Robert R.

Genesis Apocryphon + 2:932-933 White, Richard T.

Genesis, Book of + 2:933-941 Hendel, Ronald S.

Genesis, The Narrative of: 2:941-962

The Genesis Narrative + 2:941-956 Scullion, John J.

Literary Forms in Genesis + 2:956-962 Scullion, John J.

Geneva Bible + 2:962-963 Lewis, Jack P.

Genitalia. See also Bible, Euphemism and Dysphemism in the 2:963

Genizah, Cairo. See Damascus Rule

Gennaeus (PERSON) 2:963 Lillie, Betty Jane

Gennesaret (PLACE) 1-3 + 2:963 Edwards, Douglas R.

Genre. See Form Criticism

Gentiles, Court of the + 2:963-964 Edwards, Douglas R.

ABD Article Index


Genubath (PERSON) + 2:964 Viviano, Pauline A.

Geography and the Bible: 2:964-988

Geography of Palestine + 2:964-977 Raphael, C. Nicholas

Early Jewish Geography + 2:977-988 Alexander, Philip S.

Geometry. See Mathematics, Algebra, and Geometry

Georgian Versions. See Versions, Ancient (Gregorian)

Ger. See Sojourner 2:988

Gera (PERSON) 1-6 2:988-989 Nysse, Richard W.

Gerah. See Weights and Measures

Gerar (PLACE) + 2:989-991 Oren, Eliezer D.

Gerasenes + 2:991-992 McRay, John

Gergesite. See Girgash*te

Gerisa, Tel (M.R. 132166) + 2:922 Herzog, Ze’ev

Gerizim, Mount (PLACE) 2:993 Lott, Jeffrey K.

Geron. See Senator

Gershom (PERSON) 1-3 + 2:993-994 Wright, John W.

Gershon (PERSON) + 2:994-995 Propp, William H.

Geruth-Chimham (PLACE) 2:995 Dempster, Stephen G.

Geshan (PERSON) 2:995 Evans, Craig A.

Geshem (PERSON) + 2:995 Williams, Nora A.

Geshur (PLACE) + 2:996 Ma‘oz, Zvi Uri

Geshur Bnot Yaacov. See Jisr Banat Ya‘aqub

Geshurites 1-2 + 2:996-997 Petter, Gerald J.

Gether (PERSON) 2:997 Baker, David W.

Gethsemane (PLACE) 2:997-998 Thorsen, Donald A. D.

Geuel (PERSON) 2:998 Brensinger, Terry L.

Gezer (PLACE) + 2:998-1003 Dever, William G.

Ghassul, Tuleilat el- (M.R. 207135) + 2:1003-1006 Hennessy, John B.

Ghazza, Khirbet. See ‘Uza, Horvat

Ghosh (PLACE). See Abu Ghosh (M.R. 160134)

Ghost. See Magic (OT)

Ghrareh (M.R. 191956) + 2:1006 Hart, Stephen

Giah (PLACE) 2:1006 Dyck, Elmer H.

Giants, Gigantism. See Sickness and Disease

Gibbar (PERSON) 2:1006 Swanson, Steven R.

Gibbethon (PLACE) + 2:1006-1007 Peterson, John L.

Gibea (PERSON) 2:1007 Evans, Craig A.

Gibeah (PLACE) 1-4 + 2:1007-1009 Arnold, Patrick M.

Gibeath-Elohim (PLACE) + 2:1009 Arnold, Patrick M.

Gibeath-Haaraloth (PLACE) 2:1009-1010 Thompson, Henry O.

Gibeon (PLACE) + 2:1010-1013 Arnold, Patrick M.

Giddalti (PERSON) 2:1013 McCann, J. Clinton, Jr.

Giddel (PERSON) 1-2 + 2:1013 McGehee, Michael David

Gideon (PERSON) + 2:1013-1015 Boling, Robert G.

Gideoni (PERSON) 2:1015 Launderville, Dale F.

Gidom (PLACE) 2:1015 Herion, Gary A.

Gifts, Spiritual + 2:1015-1018 Martin, Ralph P.

Gihon (PLACE) 1-2 + 2:1018-1019 Görg, Manfred

Gil‘adi, Kefar. See Kefar Gil‘adi

Gilalai (PERSON) 2:1019 Augustin, Gary C.

Gilboa, Mount (PLACE) + 2:1019 Hamilton, Jeffries M.

Gilead (PERSON) 1-3 + 2:1019-1020 Graham, M. Patrick

Gilead (PLACE) + 2:1020-1022 Ottosson, Magnus

Gilead, Balm of. See Balm

Gilgal (PLACE) 1-5 + 2:1022-1024 Kotter, Wade R.

Gilgal (Prehistoric Sites) + 2:1024 Noy, Tamar

Gilgamesh Epic + 2:1024-1027 Sasson, J. M.

Giloh (PLACE) 2:1027 Herion, Gary A.

Giloh (M.R. 167126) + 2:1027-1028 Mazar, Amihay

Gimel 2:1028

ABD Article Index


Gimzo (PLACE) + 2:1028 Ehrlich, Carl S.

Ginath (PERSON) 2:1028 Viviano, Pauline A.

Ginnethon (PERSON) 2:1028 Schmidt, Frederick W.

Girdle. See Dress and Ornamentation

Girgash*te 2:1028 Baker, David W.

Girzites + 2:1028 Ehrlich, Carl S.

Giscala (M.R. 191270) + 2:1029-1030 Meyers, Eric M.

Gishpa (PERSON) 2:1030 Augustin, Gary C.

Gittaim (PLACE) + 2:1030 Toews, Wesley Irwin

Gizonite + 2:1030 Endres, John C.

Glacis. See Fortifications (Levant)

Glad Tidings + 2:1030-1031 O’Day, Gail R.

Glaphyra (PERSON) 1-2 + 2:1031-1032 Sullivan, Richard D.

Glassy Sea. See Sea of Glass

Gleaning. See Harvests, Harvesting; Agriculture

Glosses, Textual + 2:1032-1033 Sweeney, Marvin A.

Gluttony. See Virtue/Vice Lists

Gnat. See Zoology

Gnosticism + 2:1033-1040 Rudolph, Kurt

Goah (PLACE) 2:1040 Herion, Gary A.

Goat, Goatherd + 2:1040-1041 Vancil, Jack W.

Gob (PLACE) + 2:1041 Ehrlich, Carl S.

God. 2:1041-1055

See also Dragon and Sea, God’s Conflict with; Image of God (OT); Kingdom of God/Heaven; Names of God in the OT;

Son of God; Will of God in the Old Testament; Word of God; Works of God; Wrath of God

God in the Old Testament + 2:1041-1048 Scullion, John J.

God in the New Testament + 2:1049-1055 Bassler, Jouette M.

God Most High. See Names of God in the OT; Most High

Goel Haddam. See Blood, Avenger of

Gog (PERSON) 1-3 2:1056 Cuffey, Kenneth Hugh

Gog and Magog + 2:1056 Reddish, Mitchell G.

Goiim (PLACE) + 2:1057 Astour, Michael C.

Golan (PLACE) + 2:1057-1058 Arav, Rami

Golan Heights + 2:1058-1065 Ma‘oz, Zvi Uri

Golden Calf + 2:1065-1069 Spencer, John R.

Golden Gate. See Beautiful Gate (PLACE)

Golden Rule + 2:1070-1071 Collins, Raymond F.

Golgotha (PLACE) + 2:1071-1073 Corbo, Virgilio C.; Elliott, Dietlinde M. (trans.)

Goliath (PERSON) + 2:1073-1074 Ehrlich, Carl S.

Gomer (PERSON) 1-2 2:1074 Baker, David W.

Gomorrah (PLACE). See Sodom and Gomorrah (PLACES)

Good (NT) + 2:1074-1075 Collins, Raymond F.

Goose. See Zoology (Fauna) 2:1075

Gopher Wood. See Flora 2:1075

Gorgias (PERSON) 2:1075-1076 Rappaport, Uriel

Gortyna (PLACE) + 2:1076 Hardwick, Michael E.

Goshen (PLACE) + 2:1076-1077 Ward, William A.

Gospel Genre + 2:1077-1079 Vorster, Willem S.

Gospel Harmony. See Harmony of the Gospels

Gospels, Apocryphal + 2:1079-1081 Patterson, Stephen J.

Gospels, Little Apocalypse in the + 2:1081-1084 Beasley-Murray, George R.

Gothic Versions. See Versions, Ancient (Gothic)

Gotholiah (PERSON). See Athaliah (PERSON)

Gothoniel + 2:1084 White, Sidnie Ann

Gourds. See Flora

Governor. See Palestine,Administration of (Postexilic Judean Officials); Procurator

Grace. See also Love 2:1084-1088

Old Testament + 2:1085-1086 Kselman, John S.

New Testament + 2:1086-1088 Shogren, Gary S.

Granary. See Agriculture

ABD Article Index


Granulation. See Jewelry, Ancient Israelite

Grapes. See Flora

Grass. See Flora

Grasshopper. See Zoology (Fauna)

Grating 2:1089 Meyers, Carol

Graven Image 2:1089 Curtis, Edward M.

Great Assembly + 2:1089 Flesher, Paul V. M.

Great Bible, The + 2:1090 Lewis, Jack P.

Great Commission, The + 2:1090-1091 Luter, A. Boyd, Jr.

Great Power, Concept of. See Concept of Great Power (NHC VI, 4)

Great Sea (PLACE) + 2:1091-1092 Lubetski, Meir

Greece (PLACE) + 2:1092-1098 McRay, John

Greek Language. See Languages (Greek)

Greek Versions. See Septuagint and Versions, Ancient (Greek)

Griesbach Hypothesis. See Two-Gospel Hypothesis

Griffon. See Zoology (Fauna)

Guarantee. See Deposit

Guard, Court of the 2:1099 Herion, Gary A.

Guard, Gate of the. See Gate of the Guard (PLACE)

Guard, Praetorian. See Praetorian Guard

Gull. See Zoology (Fauna)

Guni (PERSON) 1-3 + 2:1099 Graham, M. Patrick

Gur (PLACE) + 2:1099 Zertal, Adam

Gurbaal (PLACE) 2:1100 Younker, Randall W.

Gush Halav. See Giscala (M.R. 191270)

Gymnasium. See Education (Greco-Roman)

H. See Holiness Code 3:1

Ha-Eleph (PLACE). See also Zela (PLACE) 3:1 Herion, Gary A.

Haahashtari (PERSON) 3:1 Cuffey, Kenneth Hugh

Habaiah (PERSON) + 3:1 Shearer,


Rodney H.

Habakkuk, Book of + 3:1-6 Sweeney, Marvin A.

Habazziniah (PERSON) + 3:6 Bracke, John M.

Habiru, Hapiru. See also Hebrew + 3:6-10 Lemche, Niels Peter

Habor (PLACE) 3:10 Herion, Gary A.

Hacaliah (PERSON) 3:10 Schmidt, Frederick W.

Hachilah (PLACE) 3:10 DeVries, LaMoine F.

Hachmoni (PERSON) 1-2 3:10-11 Duke, Rodney K.

Hadad (DEITY) 3:11 Maier, Walter Arthur, III

Hadad (PERSON) 1-4 + 3:11-12 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Hadadezer (PERSON) + 3:12-13 Bailey, Randall C.

Hadadrimmon (DEITY) 3:13 Maier, Walter Arthur, III

Hadar (PERSON). 3:13 Matthews, Victor H.

Hadashah (PLACE) 3:13 Kotter, Wade R.

Hadassah (PERSON) + 3:13-14 Bush, Frederic W.

Hades, Hell 3:14-15 Bauckham, Richard

Hadid (PLACE) + 3:15-16 Arav, Rami

Hadlai (PERSON) + 3:16 Lowery, Kirk E.

Hadoram (PERSON) 1 + 3:16 Müller, Walter W.; Callaway, Phillip R. (trans.)

Hadoram (PERSON) 2-3 + 3:16-17 Fretz, Mark J.

Hadrach (PLACE) 3:17 Roth, Ray Lee

Hadrian (EMPEROR) + 3:17-18 Jones, Brian W.

Hagab (PERSON) 3:18 McGehee, Michael David

Hagabah (PERSON). See also Akkub (PERSON) 3:18 Bergdall, Chaney R.

Hagar (PERSON). See also Ishmael (PERSON); Ishmaelites. + 3:18-19 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Haggadah + 3:19-20 Porton, Gary G.

Haggai, Book of 3:20-23 Meyers, Carol; Meyers, Eric M.

Haggedolim (PERSON) + 3:23 Uitti, Roger W.

Haggi (PERSON) 3:23 Nysse, Richard W.

Haggiah (PERSON) 3:23 Willett, Tom Wayne

Haggith (PERSON) 3:23 Schearing, Linda S.

ABD Article Index


Hagri (PERSON) 3:24 Pisano, Stephen

Hagrites + 3:24 Graf, David F.

Hairnet. See also Dress and Ornamentation 3:24

Hakkatan (PERSON) 3:24 Shogren, Gary S.

Hakkoz (PERSON) 1-3 + 3:24-25 Wright, John W.

Hakupha (PERSON) 3:25 Bergdall, Chaney R.

Halah (PLACE) + 3:25 Thompson, Henry O.

Halak, Mount (PLACE) 3:25-26 Benjamin, Paul

Halakah + 3:26-27 Porton, Gary G.

Halakhic Letter from Qumran. See Miqsat Ma‘ase Hatorah (4QMMT)

Halam, Khirbet el-. See Arubboth (PLACE)

Halhul (PLACE) 3:27 Kotter, Wade R.

Hali (PLACE) + 3:27 Frankel, Rafael

Halicarnassus (PLACE) + 3:27-28 Carroll, Scott T.

Halif, Tell (M.R. 137087) + 3:28-30 Seger, Joe D.

Hall of Judgement. See Judgement, Hall of

Hall of Pillars. See Judgement, Hall of

Hall of the Throne. See Judgement, Hall of

Hall of Tyrannus. See Tyrannus (PERSON)

Hallel + 3:30 Swanson, Steven R.

Hallelujah. See Psalms, Book of

Hallohesh (PERSON) 3:30-31 Schmidt, Frederick W.

Ham (PERSON) + 3:31-32 Isaac, Ephraim

Ham (PLACE) + 3:32 Astour, Michael C.

Haman (PERSON) + 3:33 Wiebe, John M.

Hamath (PLACE) + 3:33-36 Buhl, Marie-Louise

Hamath, Entrance of (PLACE) 3:36-37 Wei, Tom F.

Hamath-Zobah (PLACE) + 3:37 Pitard, Wayne T.

Hamid (PLACE). See Abu Hamid, Tell

Hammath (PERSON) + 3:37 Evans, Craig A.

Hammath (PLACE) + 3:37-38 Herion, Gary A.

Hammedatha (PERSON) + 3:38 Wiebe, John M.

Hammolecheth (PERSON) + 3:38 Graham, M. Patrick

Hammon (PLACE) 1-2 + 3:38-39 Hunt, Melvin

Hammoth-Dor (PLACE) + 3:39 Peterson, John L.

Hammuel (PERSON) 3:39 Nysse, Richard W.

Hammurapi (PERSON) + 3:39-42 Meier, Samuel A.

Hamon-Gog (PLACE) 3:42 Lott, Jeffrey K.

Hamonah (PLACE) 3:42 Thompson, Henry O.

Hamor (PERSON) + 3:42-43 Hostetter, Edwin C.

Hamran (PERSON) 3:43 Matthews, Victor H.

Hamul (PERSON) 3:43 Mariottini, Claude F.

Hamutal (PERSON) + 3:43 Althann, Robert

Hana (PERSON) 3:43 McGehee, Michael David

Hanamel (PERSON) 3:43 Bracke, John M.

Hanan (PERSON) 1-9 + 3:43-45 Brettler, Marc Zvi

Hananel, Tower of (PLACE) + 3:45 Eskenazi, Tamara C.

Hanani (PERSON) 1-5 + 3:45-46 fa*ger, Jeffrey A.

Hananiah (PERSON) 1-15 + 3:46-47 Althann, Robert

Handbreadth. See Weights and Measures

Handpike. See Weapons and Implements of Warfare

Hands, Laying on of: 3:47-49

Old Testament + 3:47-48 Wright, David P.

New Testament + 3:48-49 O’Toole, Robert F.

Hanes (PLACE) + 3:49-50 Thompson, Henry O.

Hanging. See Punishment and Crimes

Hangings + 3:50 Meyers, Carol

Hanina Ben-Dosa + 3:50-51 Charlesworth, James H.

Hannah (PERSON) + 3:51-52 Youngblood, Ronald

Hannathon (PLACE) + 3:52 Greenberg, Raphael

ABD Article Index


Hanniel (PERSON) 1-2 + 3:52 Panitz, Raphael I.

Hanoch (PERSON) 1-2 + 3:52 Hess, Richard S.

Hanukkah. See Dedication, Feast of

Hanun (PERSON) 1-2 + 3:52-54 Edelman, Diana Vikander

Hapax Legomena + 3:54-55 Greenspahn, Frederick E.

Hapharaim (PLACE) + 3:55 Hunt, Melvin

Hapiru. See Habiru, Hapiru

Happizzez (PERSON) 3:55 Wright, John W.

Har, Harif (M.R. 107989) + 3:56 Goring-Morris, Nigel

Har-Heres (PLACE) + 3:56-57 Schunck, Klaus-Dietrich; Green, David E. (trans.)

Hara (PLACE) + 3:57 Thompson, Henry O.

Haradah (PLACE) + 3:57 Zorn, Jeffrey R.

Haran (PERSON) 1-3 + 3:57-58 Hess, Richard S.

Haran (PLACE) 3:58-59 Kobayashi, Yosh*taka

Hararite + 3:59 Dempster, Stephen G.

Harbona (PERSON). See Mehuman (PERSON)

Hare. See Zoology (Fauna)

Hareph (PERSON) 3:59 Evans, Craig A.

Harhaiah (PERSON) 3:59 Ruffin, Michael L.

Harhas (PERSON) 3:59 Viviano, Pauline A.

Harhur (PERSON) 3:60 Swanson, Steven R.

Harif, Har. See Har Harif (M.R. 107989)

Harim (PERSON). See also Annan, Rehum, Akkub. 1-4 3:60 Bergdall, Chaney R.

Hariph (PERSON) 3:60 Williams, Nora A.

Harmon (PLACE) 3:60-61 Dyck, Elmer H.

Harmony of Gospels + 3:61 Patterson, Stephen J.

Harnepher (PERSON) + 3:61-62 Edelman, Diana Vikander

Harness. See Zoology (Fauna) 3:62

Harod (PLACE) + 3:62 Hunt, Melvin

Haroeh (PERSON) 3:62 Evans, Craig A.

Harosheth-Hagoiim (PLACE) + 3:62-63 Hunt, Melvin

Harp. See Music and Musical Instruments

Harsha (PERSON) 3:63 McGehee, Michael David

Harsha, Tel. See Tel-Harsha (PLACE)

Hart. See Zoology (Fauna)

Harum (PERSON) 3:63 Cuffey, Kenneth Hugh

Harumaph (PERSON) 3:63 Ruffin, Michael L.

Haruphite + 3:63 Dillard, Raymond B.

Harvests, Harvesting + 3:63-64 Borowski, Oded

Hasadiah (PERSON) 1-2 3:64 Fuller, Russell

Hashabiah (PERSON) 1-9 3:64 Shogren, Gary S.

Hashabnah (PERSON) 3:64-65 Schmidt, Frederick W.

Hashabneiah (PERSON) 1-2 3:65 Brensinger, Terry L.

Hashbaddanah (PERSON) 3:65 Brensinger, Terry L.

Hashem (PERSON) + 3:65 Endres, John C.

Hashmonah (PLACE) + 3:65 Zorn, Jeffrey R.

Hashubah (PERSON) 3:65 Fuller, Russell

Hashum (PERSON) 1-2 3:65-66 McGehee, Michael David

Hasideans + 3:66 Redditt, Paul L.

Hasidim + 3:66-67 Kampen, John

Hasmonean Dynasty + 3:67-76 Rajak, Tessa

Hasrah (PERSON) 1-2 3:76-77 McGehee, Michael David

Hassenuah (PERSON) 3:77 Schmidt, Frederick W.

Hasshub (PERSON) 1-3 3:77 Schmidt, Frederick W.

Hassophereth (PERSON). See also Sophereth (PERSON) 3:77

Hasupha (PERSON) 3:77 McGehee, Michael David

Hat. See Dress and Ornamentation

Hathach (PERSON) + 3:77 McKenna, John E.

Hathath (PERSON) 3:77-78 Cuffey, Kenneth Hugh

Hatipha (PERSON) 3:78 McGehee, Michael David

ABD Article Index


Hatita (PERSON) 3:78 McGehee, Michael David

Hattil (PERSON) 3:78 McGehee, Michael David

Hattush (PERSON) 1-4 3:78 Fuller, Russell

Hatula (M.R. 148137) 3:78-80 Ronen, Avraham; Lechevallier, Monique

Haustafeln. See also Household Codes + 3:80-81 Fitzgerald, John T.

Havilah (PERSON) 1-2 + 3:81-82 Müller, Walter W.

Havilah (PLACE) + 3:82 Müller, Walter W.

Havvoth-Jair (PLACE) + 3:82-83 Schmitz, Philip C.

Hawk. See Zoology (Fauna)

Hazael (PERSON) + 3:83-84 Pitard, Wayne T.

Hazaiah (PERSON) + 3:84 Schmidt, Frederick W.

Hazar-Enan (PLACE) 3:84 Herion, Gary A.

Hazar-Gaddah (PLACE) 3:84

Hazar-Shual (PLACE) + 3:84 Zorn, Jeffrey R.

Hazar-Susah (PLACE) + 3:84-85 Zorn, Jeffrey R.

Hazarmaveth (PERSON) + 3:85-86 Müller, Walter W.

Hazazon-Tamar (PLACE) + 3:86 Astour, Michael C.

Hazer-Hatticon (PLACE) 3:86 Younker, Randall W.

Hazeroth (PLACE) + 3:86-87 Thompson, Henry O.

Haziel (PERSON) 3:87 Uitti, Roger W.

Hazo (PERSON) + 3:87 Hostetter, Edwin C.

Hazor (PLACE) 1-4 + 3:87-88 Hamilton, Jeffries M.

Hazor-Hadattah (PLACE) + 3:88 Zorn, Jeffrey R.

Hazoroth (PLACE). See Hazeroth



Hazzelelponi (PERSON) 3:88 Cuffey, Kenneth Hugh

He 3:88

Head Covering. See Dress and Ornamentation

Headdress. See Dress and Ornamentation

Healing. See Medicine and Healing

Healing, Gifts of + 3:89-90 Hamm, M. Dennis

Heave Offering. See Sacrifice and Sacrificial Offerings

Heaven 3:90-91 Reddish, Mitchell G.

Heaven, Ascent to + 3:91-94 Tabor, James D.

Heaven, New. See New Earth, New Heaven 3:94

Heaven, Queen of. See Queen of Heaven (DEITY) 3:94

Heber (PERSON) 1-4 3:94-95 Nysse, Richard W.

Hebrew + 3:95 Lemche, Niels Peter

Hebrew Language. See Languages (Hebrew)

Hebrew Narrative. See Narrative, Hebrew

Hebrew Scripts + 3:96-97 McLean, Mark D.

Hebrew Version of Matthew. See Matthew, Hebrew Version of

Hebrews, Epistle to the + 3:97-105 Attridge, Harold W.

Hebrews, Gospel of the + 3:105-106 Cameron, Ron

Hebron (PERSON) 1-2 3:106-107 Uitti, Roger W.

Hebron (PLACE) + 3:107-108 Ferris, Paul Wayne, Jr.

Hecataeus, Pseudo- + 3:108-109 Holladay, Carl R.

Hegai (PERSON) + 3:109-110 Wiebe, John M.

Hegemonides (PERSON) + 3:110 Kampen, John

Hegesippus (PERSON) + 3:110-111 Chesnut, Glenn F.

Hegesippus, Pseudo- + 3:111-112 Bell, Albert A. , Jr.

Heglam (PERSON) + 3:112-113 Harmon, G. Edwin

Hegra (26º47'N; 38º14'E) + 3:113-114 Graf, David F.

Heifer + 3:114-115 Wright, David P.

Heifer, Red + 3:115-116 Wright, David P.

Heilsgeschichte. See Theology (Biblical), History of

Heir. See Family 3:116

Helah (PERSON) 3:116 Cuffey, Kenneth Hugh

Helam (PLACE) + 3:116-117 Thompson, Henry O.

Helbah (PLACE) 3:117 Hunt, Melvin

Helbon (PLACE) 3:117 Herion, Gary A.

ABD Article Index


Heldai (PERSON) 1-2 3:117-118 Duke, Rodney K.

Heleb (PERSON). See Heldai (PERSON)

Helech (PLACE) + 3:118 Thompson, Henry O.

Heled (PERSON). See Heldai (PERSON)

Helek (PERSON) + 3:118 Weis, Richard D.

Helem (PERSON) 1-2 + 3:118-119 Uitti, Roger W.

Helena (PERSON) + 3:119-120 Drijvers, Jan W.

Heleph (PLACE) + 3:120-121 Frankel, Rafael

Helez (PERSON) 1-2 3:121 Duke, Rodney K.

Heli (PERSON) + 3:121 Porter, Stanley E.

Heliodorus (PERSON) + 3:121-122 Hardwick, Michael E.

Heliopolis (PLACE) + 3:122-123 Redford, Donald B.

Helios (DEITY) + 3:123-125 Rudolph, Kurt; Martin, Dennis (trans.)

Helkai (PERSON) 3:125 Augustin, Gary C.

Helkath (PLACE) + 3:125-126 Peterson, John L.

Helkath-Hazzurim (PLACE) 3:126-127 Kobayashi, Yosh*taka

Hell. See Hades, Hell; and Gehenna

Hellenism + 3:127-135 Betz, Hans Dieter

Hellenistic Synagogal Prayers. See Prayers, Hellenistic Synagogal

Hellenists + 3:135-136 Martin, Thomas W.

Helmet. See Weapons and Implements of Warfare

Helon (PERSON) 3:136 Launderville, Dale F.

Hem. See Dress and Ornamentation

Heman (PERSON) 1-3 + 3:136-137 Matthews, Victor H.

Hemdan (PERSON) 3:137 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Hemorrhage. See Sickness and Disease

Hemorrhoids. See Bible, Euphemism and Dysphemism in the; Sickness and Disease

Hemp. See Dress and Ornamentation

Hena (PLACE) 3:137-138 Thompson, Henry O.

Henadad (PERSON) 3:138 Schley, Donald G.

Henna. See Perfumes and Spices; Flora

Hepher (PERSON) 1-3 3:138 Clem, H. Eldon

Hepher (PLACE) + 3:138-139 Zertal, Adam

Hephzibah (PERSON) 3:139 Schearing, Linda S.

Heptapegon (M.R. 200251) + 3:139-141 Loffreda, Stanislao

Herakles (DEITY) See also Hercules (DEITY) + 3:141-143 Aune, David E.

Herbs. See Flora

Hercules (DEITY) See also Herakles (DEITY) + 3:143 Kampen, John

Herdsman + 3:143 Vancil, Jack W.

Heres, Ascent of (PLACE) 3:143 Herion, Gary A.

Heresh (PERSON) 3:144 Dunston, Robert C.

Heresy and Orthodoxy in the NT + 3:144-147 Betz, Hans Dieter

Hereth (PLACE) 3:147 Hamilton, Jeffries M.

Heritage. See Family

Hermas (PERSON) 3:147-148 Lampe, Peter

Hermas’ the Shepherd + 3:148 Snyder, Graydon F.

Hermeneutics + 3:149-154 Lategan, Bernard C.

Hermeneutics, Early Rabbinic + 3:154-155 Visotzky, Burton L.

Hermes (DEITY) + 3:155-156 Martin, Hubert M., Jr.

Hermes (PERSON) 3:156 Lampe, Peter

Hermes Trismegistos + 3:156-157 Trumbower, Jeffrey A.

Hermogenes (PERSON) + 3:157-158 Gillman, Florence Morgan

Hermon, Mount (PLACE) + 3:158-160 Arav, Rami

Herod Antipas + 3:160 Braund, David C.

Herod Philip 3:160-161 Herion, Gary A.

Herod the Great (PERSON) + 3:161-169 Levine, Lee I.

Herod’s Building Program 3:169-172 Netzer, Ehud

Herodian Army + 3:172-173 Gracey, M.H.

Herodian Dynasty + 3:173-174 Braund, David C.

Herodias (PERSON) + 3:174-176 Witherington, Ben, III

ABD Article Index


Herodion (PERSON) + 3:176 Lampe, Peter

Herodium (M.R. 173119) + 3:176-180 Netzer, Ehud

Herodotus (PERSON) + 3:180-181 Yamauchi, Edwin M.

Heron. See Zoology (Fauna)

Heshbon (PLACE) + 3:181-184 Geraty, Lawrence T.

Heshmon (PLACE) + 3:184 Weitzman, Steven

Heshvan. See also Calendars; Marchesvan 3:184

Hesi, Tell el- (M.R. 124106) + 3:184-187 Fargo, Valerie M.

Het 3:188

Heth (PERSON) + 3:188 Baker, David W.

Hethlon (PLACE) 3:188 Roth, Ray Lee

Hexapla of Origen, The + 3:188-189 Parker, D. C.

Hezekiah (PERSON) 1-3 3:189 Herion, Gary A.

Hezekiah King of Judah + 3:189-193 Rosenbaum, Jonathan

Hezion (PERSON) + 3:193 Nelson, Richard D.

Hezir (PERSON) 1-2 3:193 Wright, John W.

Hezro (PERSON) + 3:193 Dempster, Stephen G.

Hezron (PERSON) + 3:193-194 Mariottini, Claude F.

Hezron (PLACE) + 3:194 Kotter, Wade R.

Hiddai (PERSON) + 3:194 Pisano, Stephen

Hiddekel (PLACE) 3:194 Stefanovic, Zdravko

Hiel (PERSON) 3:194 Viviano, Pauline A.

Hierapolis (PLACE) + 3:194-196 Bruce, Frederick Fyvie

Hieroglyphics. See Languages (Egyptian Language and Writing)

Hieronymous (PERSON) 3:196 Lillie, Betty Jane

High Place + 3:196-200 Barrick, W. Boyd

Hilen (PLACE) + 3:200 Dyck, Elmer H.

Hilkiah (PERSON) 1-11 3:200-201 Uitti, Roger W.

Hilkiah the Hasid + 3:201 Charlesworth, James H.

Hillel (PERSON) 3:201

Hillel the Elder + 3:201-202 Goldenberg, Robert

Hin. See Weights and Measures

Hinnom Valley (PLACE) + 3:202-203 Watson, Duane F.

Hirah (PERSON) 3:203 Oller, Gary H.

Hiram (PERSON) 1-2 3:203-205 Whitelam, Keith W.

Hiri, Rujm el-. See Rujm el-Hiri (M.R. 225257)

Historiography: 3:205-219

Mesopotamian Historiography + 3:205-206 Grayson, A. Kirk

Israelite Historiography + 3:206-212 Thompson, Thomas L.

Greco-Roman Historiography + 3:212-219 Lateiner, Donald

History of Joseph. See Joseph, History of

Hittite History + 3:219-225 Houwink ten Cate, Philo H. J.

Hittite Language. See Languages (Hittite)

Hittite Religion + 3:225-228 Gonnet, Hatice; Rosoff, Stephen (trans.)

Hittite Texts and Literature + 3:228-231 McMahon, Gregory

Hittites in the OT + 3:231-233 McMahon, Gregory

Hivites + 3:234 Baker, David W.

Hizki (PERSON) + 3:234 Harmon, G. Edwin

Hizkiah (PERSON) 3:234 Fuller, Russell

Hobab (PERSON) 3:234-235 Launderville, Dale F.

Hobah (PERSON) + 3:235 Thompson, Henry O.

Hobaiah (PERSON). See Habaiah (PERSON) 3:235

Hod (PERSON) + 3:235-236 O’Brien, Julia M.

Hodaviah (PERSON) 1-4 3:236 Fretz, Mark J.

Hodesh (PERSON) 3:236 Willett, Tom Wayne

Hodiah (PERSON) + 3:236-237 Fretz, Mark J.

Hoglah (PERSON) + 3:237 Taylor, Marion Ann

Hoham (PERSON) 3:237 Schley, Donald G.

Holidays. See Calendars

Holiness: 3:237-254

ABD Article Index


Old Testament + 3:237-249 Wright, David P.

New Testament + 3:249-254 Hodgson, Robert, Jr.

Holiness Code + 3:254-257 Sun, Henry T.C.

Holofernes (PERSON) + 3:257 Pietersma, Albert

Holon (PLACE) + 3:257-258 Peterson, John L.

Holy of Holies. See Temple, Jerusalem

Holy One 3:258 Reddish, Mitchell G.

Holy Place. See Temple, Jerusalem

Holy Sepulcher, Church of the + 3:258-260 Nicholson, Oliver

Holy Spirit + 3:260-280 Horn, Friedrich Wilhelm; Elliott, Dietlinde M. (trans.)

Homam (PERSON) 3:280 Matthews, Victor H.

Homer. See Weights and Measures

Homicide. See Punishments and Crimes

Homily Form (Hellenistic and Early Christian) + 3:280-282 Overman, J. Andrew

hom*osexuality. See Prostitution;


Punishments and Crimes; Romans, Epistle to the; and Sex and Sexuality

Honi + 3:282 Charlesworth, James H.

Hook 3:282 Meyers, Carol

Hoopoe. See Zoology

Hope (NT) + 3:282-285 Prendergast, Terrence

Hophni (PERSON) + 3:285-287 Redford, Donald B.

Hor (PLACE) 1-2 3:287 Roth, Ray Lee

Hor-Haggidgad (PLACE) + 3:287 Zorn, Jeffrey R.

Horam (PERSON) 3:287 Viviano, Pauline A.

Horeb, Mount. See Sinai, Mount (PLACE)

Horem (PLACE) 3:287-288 Williams, David Salter

Horesh (PLACE) 3:288 DeVries, LaMoine F.

Hori (PERSON) 1-2 3:288 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Horites + 3:288 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Hormah (PLACE) + 3:288-289 Hamilton, Jeffries M.

Horn. See Music and Musical Instruments 3:289

Horonaim (PLACE) + 3:289 Dearman, J. Andrew

Horse. See Zoology

Horse Gate (PLACE) 3:290 Liid, Dale C.

Horvat Rimmon (PLACE). See Rimmon, Horvat

Hosah (PERSON) 3:290 Rogers, Jeffrey S.

Hosah (PLACE) + 3:290 Hunt, Melvin

Hosanna + 3:290-291 Pope, Marvin H.

Hosea, Book of + 3:291-297 Seow, C. L.

Hoshaiah (PERSON) + 3:297-298 McKenzie, Steven L.

Hoshama (PERSON) 3:298 Fuller, Russell

Hoshea (PERSON) 1-4 + 3:298-299 Kuntz, J. Kenneth

Hospitality + 3:299-301 Koenig, John

Hosts, Host of Heaven + 3:301-304 Mullen, E. Theodore, Jr.

Hosts, Lord of + 3:304-307 Seow, C. L.

Hotham (PERSON) + 3:307-308 Uitti, Roger W.

Hothir (PERSON) 3:308 McCann, J. Clinton, Jr.

House of the Forest of Lebanon. See Forest of Lebanon, House of the

House, Israelite + 3:308-318 Holladay, John S., Jr.

Household Codes. See also Haustafeln + 3:318-320 Balch, David L.

Household Gods. See Idol, Idolatry

Hozai (PERSON) 3:320 Cuffey, Kenneth Hugh

Hukkok (PLACE) 3:320 Herion, Gary A.

Hukok (PLACE) 3:320-321 Herion, Gary A.

Hul (PERSON) 3:321 Baker, David W.

Huldah (PERSON) 3:321 Viviano, Pauline A.

Humanity, NT View of + 3:321-325 Taylor, Walter F., Jr.

Humor and Wit: 3:325-333

Humor and Wit 3:325-326 Herion, Gary A.

Ancient Egypt + 3:326-328 Meltzer, Edmund S.

Mesopotamia + 3:328-330 Foster, Benjamin R.

ABD Article Index


Old Testament + 3:330-333 Greenstein, Edward L.

New Testament + 3:333 Culpepper, R. Alan

Humtah (PLACE) 3:333 Kotter, Wade R.

Hunchback. See Sickness and Disease

Hundred, Tower of the (PLACE) + 3:333-334 Liid, Dale C.

Hunting. See Zoology

Hupham (PERSON) 3:334 Slayton, Joel C.

Huppah (PERSON) 3:334 Wright, John W.

Huppim (PERSON). See Hupham (PERSON)

Hur (PERSON) 1-5 + 3:334 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Hurai (PERSON). See Hiddai (PERSON)

Huram (PERSON). See also Hiram (PERSON) 1-2 3:335 Whitelam, Keith W.

Huramabi (PERSON). See also Hiram (PERSON) 1-2

Huri (PERSON) 3:335 Graham, M. Patrick

Hurrian Language. See Languages (Hurrian)

Hurrians + 3:335-338 Morrison, Martha A.

Husband. See Family

Hushah (PERSON) + 3:338 Liid, Dale C.

Hushai (PERSON) 1-2 3:338-339 Nysse, Richard W.

Husham (PERSON) + 3:339 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Hushathite. See Hushah (PERSON)

Hushim (PERSON) 1-3 3:339 Nysse, Richard W.

Husn, el- (M.R. 232210) + 3:339-340 Richard, Suzanne

Hydaspes (PLACE) 3:340-341 Pietersma, Albert

Hyena. See Zoology

Hyksos: 3:341-348

History + 3:341-344 Redford, Donald B.

Archaeology + 3:344-346 Weinstein, James M.

Bibliography 3:346-348 Redford, Donald B., Weinstein, James M.

Hymenaeus (PERSON) + 3:348-349 Gillman, Florence Morgan

Hymn of the Pearl + 3:349-350 Mirecki, Paul Allan

Hymn of the Three Young Men. See Daniel, Additions to

Hymns, Early Christian + 3:350-351 Bichsel, M. Alfred

Hymns, Thanksgiving. See Thanksgiving Hymns (1QH)

Hypocoristic Names. See Names, Hypocoristic

Hypostasis of the Archons (NHC II, 4) + 3:352 Peel, Malcolm L.

Hypsiphrone (NHC XI, 4) + 3:352-353 Turner, John D.

Hyrax. See Zoology

Hyrcanus (PERSON) 1-3 3:353 Carroll, Scott T.

Hyssop. See Flora

Ibex. See Zoology

Ibhar (PERSON) 3:355 Howard, David M., Jr.

Ibleam (PLACE) + 3:355 Hunt, Melvin

Ibneiah (PERSON) 3:355 Dunston, Robert C.

Ibnijah (PERSON) 3:355 Dunston, Robert C.

Ibri (PERSON) + 3:355-356 Wright, John W.

Ibsam (PERSON) + 3:356 Davis, M. Stephen

Ibzan (PERSON) + 3:356 Boling, Robert G.

Ichabod (PERSON) 3:356 Viviano, Pauline A.

Iconium (PLACE) + 3:357-358 Gasque, W. Ward

Iconography and the Bible + 3:358-374 Keel, Othmar

Idalah (PLACE) 3:374 Hunt, Melvin

Idbash (PERSON) + 3:374-375 Clem, H. Eldon

Iddo (PERSON) 1-7 + 3:375-376 Wright, John W.

Idol, Idolatry + 3:376-381 Curtis, Edward M.

Idrimi + 3:381-382 Oller, Gary H.

Iduel (PERSON). See Ariel

Idumea (PLACE) + 3:382-383 Hübner, Ulrich

Iezer (PERSON) 3:383

Igal (PERSON) 1-3 3:383-384 Fuller, Russell

ABD Article Index


Igdaliah (PERSON) 3:384 Bracke, John M.

Ignatius, Epistles of + 3:384-387 Schoedel, William R.

Iim (PLACE) + 3:387 Zorn, Jeffrey R.

Ijon (PLACE) + 3:387-388 Mullins, Robert A.

Ikkesh (PERSON) 3:388 Duke, Rodney K.

Ilai (PERSON) 3:388 Schley, Donald G.

Iliadun (PERSON) 3:388 McGehee, Michael David

Illyricum (PLACE) + 3:388-389 McRay, John

Image. See Idol, Idolatry; Graven Image 3:389

Image of God (OT) + 3:389-391 Curtis, Edward M.

Imalkue (PERSON) + 3:391 Kasher, Aryeh

Imitate, Imitators + 3:392 Wilkins, Michael J.

Imlah (PERSON) 3:392 Walsh, Jerome T.

Immanuel (PERSON) + 3:392-395 Jensen, Joseph

Immer (PERSON) 1-4 + 3:395-396 Uitti, Roger W.

Immer (PLACE) + 3:396 Arnold, Bill T.

Imna (PERSON) + 3:396-397 Edelman, Diana Vikander

Imnah (PERSON) 1-2 3:397 Mariottini, Claude F.

Impalement. See Punishments and Crimes (OT and ANE)

Impediment of Speech. See Sickness and Disease

Impurity, Water for. See Water for Impurity

Imrah (PERSON) + 3:397 O’Brien, Julia M.

Imri (PERSON) 1-2 3:397 Dunston, Robert C.

Incarnation. See also Christology + 3:397-404 Dunn, James D. G.

Incense + 3:404-409 Nielsen, Kjeld

Incense Altars + 3:409-410 Fowler, Mervyn D.

Incense Dish 3:410 Meyers, Carol

Incest. See Punishments and Crimes (OT and ANE)

India (PLACE) 3:410 Lott, Jeffrey K.

Indus River. See India (PLACE)

Infancy Gospels. See Thomas, Infancy Gospel of

Infancy Narratives in the NT Gospels + 3:410-415 Brown, Raymond E.

Infantry. See Military Organization in Mesopotamia

Ingathering, Feast of. See Calendars (Ancient Israelite) 3:415

Ingots. See Coinage

Inheritance (OT). See Family

Inheritance (NT) + 3:415-417 Hammer, Paul L.

Ink. See Writing and Writing Materials

Inquire of God + 3:417-418 Begg, Christopher T.

Inscriptions, Safaitic + 3:418-423 MacDonald, M. C. A.

Insects. See Zoology (Fauna)

Instruments, Musical. See Music and Musical Instruments

Interest and Usury in the Greco-Roman Period + 3:423-424 Frier, Bruce W.

Interpretation of Knowledge (NHC XI, 1). See Knowledge, Interpretation of (NHC XI, 1)

Interpretation, History of. 3:424

See also Hermeneutics; Hermeneutics, Early Rabbinic; Theology (Biblical), History of

History of OT Interpretation + 3:425-433 Rogerson, J. W.

History of Biblical Hermeneutics + 3:433-443 Jeanrond, Werner G.

Iob (PERSON) + 3:443-444 Mariottini, Claude F.

Iota 3:444

Iotape (PERSON) 1-7 + 3:444 Sullivan, Richard D.

Iotape (PLACE). See also Iotape (PERSON); Jotbah (PLACE). 1-3 + 3:444-445 Sullivan, Richard D.

Iphdeiah (PERSON) + 3:445 Harmon, G. Edwin

Iphtah (PLACE) 3:445 Kotter, Wade R.

Iphtahel (PLACE) + 3:445 Frankel, Rafael

Ir (PERSON) + 3:445-446 Harmon, G. Edwin

Ir-Shemesh (PLACE). See also Beth-Shemesh (M.R. 147128) 3:446 Greenberg, Raphael

Ira (PERSON) 1-3 3:446 Duke, Rodney K.

‘Ira, Tel (M.R. 148071) + 3:446-448 Beit-Arieh, Itzhaq

Irad (PERSON) + 3:448-449 Hess, Richard S.

ABD Article Index


Iram (PERSON) 3:449 Hübner, Ulrich

Iram (29º34'N; 35º24'E) + 3:449-450 Graf, David F.

Iran, Prehistory of + 3:450-454 Dyson, Robert H., Jr.

‘Iraq el-Emir (M.R. 221147) + 3:454-456 Will, Ernest

Irbid, Tell (M.R. 229218) + 3:456-457 Lenzen, C. J.

Irenaeus + 3:457-461 Donovan, Mary Ann

Iri (PERSON) + 3:461


Harmon, G. Edwin

Irijah (PERSON) + 3:462 Bracke, John M.

Irnahash (PLACE) + 3:462 Seely, Jo Ann H.

Irpeel (PLACE) 3:462 Herion, Gary A.

Iru (PERSON) 3:462 Cuffey, Kenneth Hugh

Isaac (PERSON) + 3:462-470 Martin-Achard, Robert; Prendergast,

Terrence (trans.)

Isaiah Scroll, The (1QIsa


) + 3:470-472 Gonçalves, Francolino J.

Isaiah, Book of: 3:472-507

First Isaiah + 3:472-488 Seitz, Christopher R.

Isaiah 24-27 (Little Apocalypse) + 3:488-490 Millar, William R.

Second Isaiah + 3:490-501 Clifford, Richard J.

Third Isaiah + 3:501-507 Seitz, Christopher R.

Isaiah, Martyrdom and Ascension of + 3:507-509 Trafton, Joseph L.

Iscah (PERSON) + 3:509 Hess, Richard S.

Iscariot. See Judas Iscariot

Ish-Bosheth (PERSON) + 3:509-510 Edelman, Diana Vikander

Ish-Hai (PERSON) 3:510 Viviano, Pauline A.

Ishbah (PERSON) 3:510 Cuffey, Kenneth Hugh

Ishbak (PERSON) 3:510 Nysse, Richard W.

Ishbi-Benob (PERSON) + 3:510 Ehrlich, Carl S.

Ishhod (PERSON) 3:510 Graham, M. Patrick

Ishi (DEITY) 3:510-511 Maier, Walter Arthur, III

Ishi (PERSON) 1-4 + 3:511 Whitelam, Keith W.

Ishma (PERSON) 3:511-512 Cuffey, Kenneth Hugh

Ishmael (PERSON) 1-2 + 3:512 Berridge, John M.

Ishmael (PERSON) 3-6 + 3:512-513 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Ishmael, Rabbi + 3:513 Goldenberg, Robert

Ishmaelites + 3:513-520 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Ishmaiah (PERSON) + 3:520 Kennedy, James M.

Ishmerai (PERSON) + 3:520 Harmon, G. Edwin

Ishpah (PERSON) + 3:520-521 Harmon, G. Edwin

Ishpan (PERSON) + 3:521 Harmon, G. Edwin

Ishtar (DEITY) + 3:521-522 Fulco, William J.

Ishvah (PERSON) + 3:522 Mariottini, Claude F.

Ishvi (PERSON) 1-2 + 3:522 Edelman, Diana Vikander

Iskander, Khirbet (M.R. 223107) + 3:523-526 Richard, Suzanne

Ismachiah (PERSON) 3:526 Cuffey, Kenneth Hugh

Israel Court. See Temple, Jerusalem

Israel, History of. 3:526-576

See also Chronology (Hebrew Bible); Court Narrative; Covenant; Ephraim; Exodus, the; Galilee; King and Kingship;

Mesha Stele; Negeb; Palestine, Administration of; Palestine, Archaeology of; Syro-Ephraimite War; Maccabean Revolt;

Jewish War; Bar Kokhba Revolt

Premonarchic Period + 3:526-545 Lemche, Niels Peter; Cryer, Frederick (trans.)

Archaeology and the Israelite "Conquest" + 3:545-558 Dever, William G.

Monarchic Period + 3:558-567 Hoppe, Leslie J.

Post-Monarchic Period + 3:567-576 Carroll, Robert P.

Israel, Sociology of Ancient. See Sociology (Ancient Israel)

Issachar (PERSON) 1 + 3:577 Herion, Gary A.

Issachar (PERSON) 2 + 3:577-578 Thompson, David L.

Isshiah (PERSON) 1-3 + 3:578 Wright, John W.

Isshijah (PERSON) 3:578 fa*ger, Jeffrey A.

Istalcurus (PERSON) + 3:578 McGehee, Michael David

Italian Cohort + 3:578-579 Olson, Mark J.

ABD Article Index


Italy (PLACE) 3:579 Thorsen, Donald A. D.

Itch. See Sickness and Disease

Ithai (PERSON) 3:579 Schley, Donald G.

Ithamar (PERSON) + 3:579-581 Propp, William H.

Ithiel (PERSON) 1-2 + 3:581 Schmidt, Frederick W.

Ithlah (PLACE) 3:582 Herion, Gary A.

Ithmah (PERSON) 3:582 Duke, Rodney K.

Ithnan (PLACE) + 3:582 Zorn, Jeffrey R.

Ithra (PERSON) + 3:582 Dempster, Stephen G.

Ithran (PERSON) 1-2 3:582 Matthews, Victor H.

Ithream (PERSON) 3:582 Howard, David M., Jr.

Ithrite + 3:582-583 Dempster, Stephen G.

Ittai (PERSON) 1-2 + 3:583 Ehrlich, Carl S.

Ituraea (PLACE) + 3:583-584 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Ivory + 3:584-587 Liebowitz, Harold A.

Ivvah (PLACE) 3:587-588 Avalos, Hector

Iye-Abarim (PLACE) 3:588 Mattingly, Gerald L.

Iyyar. See also Calendars (Ancient Israelite) 3:588

‘Izbet Sartah (M.R. 146167) + 3:588-589 Finkelstein, Israel

Izhar (PERSON) + 3:589 Uitti, Roger W.

Izliah (PERSON) + 3:590 Harmon, G. Edwin

Izrahiah (PERSON) 3:590 Kennedy, James M.

Izrahite 3:590 Duke, Rodney K.

Izri (PERSON) + 3:590 McCann, J. Clinton, Jr.

Izziah (PERSON) 3:590 fa*ger, Jeffrey A.

J. See Yahwist ("J") Source 3:591

Jaakan (PERSON) + 3:591 Matthews, Victor H.

Jaakobah (PERSON) 3:591 Pike, Dana M.

Jaala (PERSON) 3:591 McGehee, Michael David

Jaar (PLACE) + 3:591 Luker, Lamontte M.

Jaareshiah (PERSON) 3:591-592 Pike, Dana M.

Jaasiel (PERSON) 1-2 3:592 Edelman, Diana Vikander

Jaasu (PERSON) 3:592 Pike, Dana M.

Jaazaniah (PERSON) 1-4 + 3:592-593 Berridge, John M.

Jaaziah (PERSON) 3:593 Pike, Dana M.

Jaaziel (PERSON) 3:593 Pike, Dana M.

Jabal (PERSON) + 3:593 Hess, Richard S.

Jabbok (PLACE) + 3:593-594 Younker, Randall W.

Jabesh (PERSON) 3:594 Viviano, Pauline A.

Jabesh-Gilead (PLACE) + 3:594-595 Edelman, Diana Vikander

Jabez (PERSON) 3:595 Lo, Hing Choi

Jabez (PLACE) 3:595 Kobayashi, Yosh*taka

Jabin (PERSON) 1-2 3:595-596 Benjamin, Paul

Jabneel (PLACE) 1-2 3:596 Liebowitz, Harold A.

Jabneh (PLACE). See Jabneel (PLACE); Jamnia (Jabneh), Council of

Jacan (PERSON) 3:596-597 Graham, M. Patrick

Jachin (PERSON) 1-3 + 3:597 Mariottini, Claude F.

Jachin and Boaz + 3:597-598 Meyers, Carol

Jackal. See Zoology 3:598

Jackal’s Well (PLACE) 3:598-599 Herion, Gary A.

Jacob (PERSON) 1-2 + 3:599 Porter, Stanley E.

Jacob Narrative + 3:599-608 Walters, Stanley D.

Jacob’s Well (PLACE) + 3:608-609 Stefanovic, Zdravko

Jacob, Ladder of + 3:609 Charlesworth, James H.

Jacob, Prayer of + 3:609 Charlesworth, James H.

Jada (PERSON) + 3:609-610 Steeger, William P.

Jaddai (PERSON). See Iddo 3:610

Jaddua (PERSON) 1-2 + 3:610 Schmidt, Frederick W.

Jaddus (PERSON) 3:610 McGehee, Michael David

Jadon (PERSON) 3:610 Ruffin, Michael L.

ABD Article Index


Jael (PERSON) + 3:610-611 Lowery, Kirk E.

Jagur (PLACE) + 3:611 Zorn, Jeffrey R.

Jah/Jahveh/Jahweh. See Yahweh

Jahath (PERSON) 1-4 + 3:611-612 Wright, John W.

Jahaz (PLACE) + 3:612 Dearman, J. Andrew

Jahaziel (PERSON) 1-5 + 3:612-613 Shearer, Rodney H.

Jahdai (PERSON) 3:613 Evans, Craig A.

Jahdiel (PERSON) 3:613 Graham, M. Patrick

Jahdo (PERSON) 3:613 Graham, M. Patrick

Jahleel (PERSON) 3:613-614 Mariottini, Claude F.

Jahmai (PERSON) 3:614 Davis, M. Stephen

Jahzah (PLACE). See Jahaz

Jahzeel (PERSON) 3:614 Mariottini, Claude F.

Jahzeiah (PERSON) 3:614 fa*ger, Jeffrey A.

Jahzerah (PERSON) 3:614 Hutton, Rodney R.

Jahziel (PERSON). See Jahzeel

Jailor, Philippian. See Philippian Jailor

Jair (PERSON) 1-4 + 3:614-615 Boling, Robert G.

Jairite + 3:615 Dempster, Stephen G.

Jairus (PERSON) + 3:615 Setzer, Claudia J.

Jakeh (PERSON) 3:615 Berry, Donald K.

Jakim (PERSON) 1-2 + 3:616 Wright, John W.

Jalam (PERSON) 3:616 Hübner, Ulrich

Jalon (PERSON) 3:616 Lo, Hing Choi

Jamb 3:616 Meyers, Carol

Jambres (PERSON). See Jannes and Jambres

Jambri (PERSON) + 3:616 Hardwick, Michael E.

James (PERSON) 1-4 + 3:616-618 Hagner, Donald A.

James, The Apocryphon of (NHC I,2) + 3:619-620 Cameron, Ron

James, Brother of Jesus + 3:620-621 Gillman, Florence Morgan

James, Epistle of + 3:621-628 Laws, Sophie

James, First Apocalypse of (NHC V,3) + 3:628-629 Schoedel, William R.

James, Protevangelium of + 3:629-632 Vorster, Willem S.

James, Second Apocalypse of (NHC V,4) + 3:632-633 Hedrick, Charles W.

Jamin (PERSON) 1-3 3:633-634 Mariottini, Claude F.

Jamlech (PERSON) 3:634 Evans, Craig A.

Jamnia (Jabneh), Council of + 3:634-637 Lewis, Jack P.

Janai (PERSON) 3:637-638 Graham, M. Patrick

Janim (PLACE) 3:638 Dyck, Elmer H.

Jannai (PERSON) + 3:638 Porter, Stanley E.

Jannes and Jambres (PERSONS) + 3:638-640 Pietersma, Albert

Janneus (PERSON) 3:640 Carroll, Scott T.

Janoah (PLACE) 1-2 3:640-641 Frankel, Rafael

Jaoel (ANGEL) + 3:641 McKenzie, Steven L.

Japanese Biblical Scholarship. See Biblical Scholarship, Japanese

Japheth (PERSON) 3:641-642 Isaac, Ephraim

Japheth (PLACE) + 3:642 Schmidt, Frederick W.

Japhia (PERSON) 1-2 3:642 Howard, David M., Jr.

Japhia (PLACE) 3:642-643 Howard, David M., Jr.

Japhlet (PERSON) 3:643 Willett, Tom Wayne

Japhletites 3:643 Reed, Stephen A.

Jar Handle Stamps, Royal. See Stamps, Royal Jar Handle

Jarah (PERSON) + 3:643 Brettler, Marc Zvi

Jarba, ‘Ein el- (M.R. 162227)


+ 3:643-644 Kaplan, Jacob

Jared (PERSON) + 3:644 Hess, Richard S.

Jarha (PERSON) + 3:644 Steeger, William P.

Jarib (PERSON) 1-3 3:644 Shearer, Rodney H.

Jarmuth (PLACE) 1 + 3:644-645 Manor, Dale W.

Jarmuth (PLACE) 2 + 3:645-646 de Miroschedji, Pierre

Jaroah (PERSON) 3:646 Graham, M. Patrick

ABD Article Index


Jashar, Book of + 3:646-647 Christensen, Duane L.

Jashen (PERSON) + 3:647 Dempster, Stephen G.

Jashobeam (PERSON) + 3:647-648 Duke, Rodney K.

Jashub (PERSON) 1-2 3:648 fa*ger, Jeffrey A.

Jason (PERSON) 1-2 + 3:649 Gillman, Florence Morgan

Jathan (PERSON) + 3:649 Redditt, Paul L.

Jathniel (PERSON) 3:649 Rogers, Jeffrey S.

Jattir (PLACE) + 3:649-650 Peterson, John L.

Javan (PERSON) + 3:650 Baker, David W.

Javelin. See Weapons and Implements of Warfare

Jazer (PLACE) + 3:650-651 Peterson, John L.

Jaziz (PERSON) 3:651-652 Nysse, Richard W.

Jearim, Mount (PLACE) 3:652 Fanwar, Wann Marbud

Jeatherai (PERSON) 3:652 Willett, Tom Wayne

Jebel 3:652

Jeberechiah (PERSON) 3:652 Hull, John H., Jr.

Jebus (PLACE) + 3:652-653 Reed, Stephen A.

Jecoliah (PERSON) + 3:653 Schearing, Linda S.

Jeconiah (PERSON) 1-3 3:653

Jedaiah (PERSON) 1-5 3:653-655 Hutton, Rodney R.

Jediael (PERSON) 1-4 + 3:655 Rogers, Jeffrey S.

Jedidah (PERSON) 3:655 Althann, Robert

Jedidiah (PERSON) + 3:655 Bailey, Randall C.

Jeduthun (PERSON) + 3:655-656 Barnes, William Hamilton

Jegar-Sahadutha (PLACE) 3:656 Kobayashi, Yosh*taka

Jehallelel (PERSON) 1-2 3:657 McKenzie, Steven L.

Jehdeiah (PERSON) 1-2 3:657 Nysse, Richard W.

Jehezkel (PERSON) 3:657 Wright, John W.

Jehiah (PERSON) + 3:657 Dillard, Raymond B.

Jehiel (PERSON) 1-9 3:657-658 Nysse, Richard W.

Jehizkiah (PERSON) 3:658 Lowery, Kirk E.

Jehoaddah (PERSON) + 3:658 Brettler, Marc Zvi

Jehoaddin (PERSON) 3:658-659 Schearing, Linda S.

Jehoahaz (PERSON) 1-2 + 3:659-660 Hobbs, T. R.

Jehoahaz (PERSON) 3 + 3:660 Althann, Robert

Jehohanan (PERSON) 1-8 + 3:660-661 Rogers, Jeffrey S.

Jehoiachin (PERSON) + 3:661-663 Berridge, John M.

Jehoiada (PERSON) 1-4 3:663-664 McMillion,Phillip E.

Jehoiakim (PERSON) + 3:664-666 Berridge, John M.

Jehoiarib (PERSON) 1-2 3:666 Hutton, Rodney R.

Jehonathan (PERSON) 1-3 3:666 Augustin, Gary C.

Jehoram (PERSON). See Joram 3:666

Jehoshabeath (PERSON). See Jehosheba 3:666

Jehoshaphat (PERSON) 1-4 + 3:666-668 Kuntz, J. Kenneth

Jehoshaphat, Valley of (PLACE) + 3:668-669 Mare, W. Harold

Jehosheba (PERSON) 3:669 Schearing, Linda S.

Jehovah. See Yahweh

Jehozabad (PERSON) 1-3 3:669 Rogers, Jeffrey S.

Jehozadak (PERSON) 3:670 fa*ger, Jeffrey A.

Jehu (PERSON) 1-5 + 3:670-673 Thiel, Winfried; Muenchow, Charles (trans.)

Jehubbah (PERSON) + 3:673 O’Brien, Julia M.

Jehucal (PERSON) + 3:673-674 Berridge, John M.

Jehud (PLACE) 3:674 Greenberg, Raphael

Jehudi (PERSON) + 3:674 Berridge, John M.

Jeiel (PERSON) 1-11 + 3:674-676 Brettler, Marc Zvi

Jekabzeel (PLACE). See Kabzeel

Jekameam (PERSON) + 3:676 Wright, John W.

Jekamiah (PERSON) 1-2 3:676 Fuller, Russell

Jekuthiel (PERSON) 3:676 Lo, Hing Choi

Jemimah (PERSON) + 3:676 Holbert, John C.

ABD Article Index


Jemmeh, Tell (M.R. 097088) + 3:676-678 Van Beek, Gus W.

Jemuel (PERSON). See Nemuel

Jenin (M.R. 178207) + 3:678-680 Glock, Albert E.

Jephthah (PERSON) + 3:680-682 Boling, Robert G.

Jephunneh (PERSON) 1-2 3:682-683 Panitz, Raphael I.

Jerah (PERSON) + 3:683 Müller, Walter W.

Jerahmeel (ANGEL). See Jeremiel

Jerahmeel (PERSON) 1-2 3:683-684 Uitti, Roger W.

Jerahmeel (PERSON) 3 + 3:684 Lundbom, Jack R.

Jerash (PLACE). See Gerasenes

Jered (PERSON) 3:684 Hess, Richard S.

Jeremai (PERSON) 3:684 fa*ger, Jeffrey A.

Jeremiah (PERSON) 1-10 3:684 Althann, Robert

Jeremiah (PROPHET) + 3:684-698 Lundbom, Jack R.

Jeremiah, Additions to + 3:698-706 Moore, Carey A.

Jeremiah, Book of + 3:706-721 Lundbom, Jack R.

Jeremiah, Epistle of 3:721-722 Mendels, Doron

Jeremiel (ANGEL) + 3:722-723 Nickelsburg, George W. E.

Jeremoth (PERSON). See Jerimoth

Jeriah (PERSON) + 3:723 Wright, John W.

Jeribai (PERSON) 3:723 Endres, John C.

Jericho (PLACE) 3:723-740

Jericho (PLACE):

A-D: (Tell es-Sultan) 3:723-737 Holland, Thomas A.

E: Roman Jericho (Tulul Abu el-‘Alayiq) 3:737-739 Netzer, Ehud

Bibliography 3:739-740 Holland, Thomas A.; Netzer, Ehud

Jeriel (PERSON) 3:740 Davis, M. Stephen

Jerimoth (PERSON) 1-12 + 3:740-741 Wright, John W.

Jerioth (PERSON) + 3:741-742 Hostetter, Edwin C.

Jeroboam (PERSON) 1 + 3:742-745 Evans, Carl D.

Jeroboam (PERSON) 2 + 3:745-746 Whitelam, Keith W.

Jeroham (PERSON) 1-7 3:746 McKenzie, Steven L.

Jerubbaal (PERSON) + 3:746-747 Lowery, Kirk E.

Jerubbesheth (PERSON) + 3:747 Bailey, Randall C.

Jeruel (PLACE) 3:747 Kobayashi, Yosh*taka

Jerusalem (PLACE) + 3:747-766 King, Philip J.

Jerusalem, Council of + 3:766-768 Cousar, Charles B.

Jerusha (PERSON) + 3:768 Schearing, Linda S.

Jeshaiah (PERSON) 1-6 + 3:768-769 Rogers, Jeffrey S.

Jeshanah (PLACE) + 3:769 Hamilton, Jeffries M.

Jesharelah (PERSON). See Asharelah (PERSON)

Jeshebeab (PERSON) 3:769 Wright, John W.

Jesher (PERSON) 3:769 Lo, Hing Choi

Jeshimon (PLACE) 1-2 + 3:769 DeVries, LaMoine F.

Jeshishai (PERSON) 3:769 Graham, M. Patrick

Jeshohaiah (PERSON) 3:769 Evans, Craig A.

Jeshua (PERSON) 1-6 + 3:769-771 Eskenazi, Tamara C.

Jeshua (PLACE) 3:771 Kotter, Wade R.

Jeshurun + 3:771-772 Jeansonne, Sharon Pace

Jesimiel (PERSON) 3:772 Evans, Craig A.

Jesse (PERSON) + 3:772-773 Whitelam, Keith W.

Jesus (PERSON). 3:773-819

See also Wisdom of Ben-Sira; Justus

Jesus Christ + 3:773-796 Meyer, Ben Franklin

Quest for the Historical Jesus + 3:796-802 Wright, N.T.

The Actual Words of Jesus + 3:802-804 Riches, John

The Teaching of Jesus Christ + 3:804-812 Borg, Marcus J.

The Worship of Jesus + 3:812-819 Bauckham, Richard

Jesus Christ, Sophia of (NHC III,4). See Eugnostos and the Sophia of Jesus Christ

Jesus, Brothers and Sisters of + 3:819-820 Brashler, James A.

ABD Article Index


Jether (PERSON) 1-5 3:820-821 Lo, Hing Choi

Jetheth (PERSON) 3:821 Hübner, Ulrich

Jethro (PERSON) + 3:821 Slayton, Joel C.

Jetur (PERSON) + 3:821-822 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Jeuel (PERSON) 1-3 3:822 Shearer, Rodney H.

Jeush (PERSON) 1-5 + 3:822 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Jeuz (PERSON) + 3:822-823 Harmon, G. Edwin

Jewelry, Ancient Israelite + 3:823-834 Platt, Elizabeth E.

Jewish Christianity. See Christianity (Early Jewish); Ebionites; Nazarenes

Jewish Versions of the Bible. See Versions, Jewish

Jewish-Christian Relations 70-170 C.E. + 3:834-839 Wilson, Stephen G.

Jewish War (66-73 C.E.) + 3:839-845 Levine, Lee I.

Jews in the NT + 3:845-848 Chilton, Bruce

Jezaniah (PERSON) 1-2 3:848 Berridge, John M.

Jezebel (PERSON) 1-2 + 3:848-849 Yee, Gale A.

Jezer (PERSON) + 3:849 Mariottini, Claude F.

Jeziel (PERSON) + 3:849 Dillard, Raymond B.

Jezrahiah (PERSON) 3:849 Williams, Nora A.

Jezreel (PERSON) 1-2 3:849-850 Pressler, Carolyn J.

Jezreel (PLACE) 1-2 + 3:850 Hunt, Melvin

Jib, el. See Gibeon (PLACE)

Jidlaph (PERSON) + 3:851 Hostetter, Edwin C.

Jilat, Wadi al- + 3:851 Andrew N. Garrard

Jisr Banat Ya‘aqub (M.R. 209268) + 3:851-852 Goren-Inbar, Naaha

Joab (PERSON) 1-3 + 3:852-854 Schley, Donald G.

Joah (PERSON) 1-4 + 3:854 Rogers, Jeffrey S.

Joakim (PERSON) 1-3 + 3:854 Schmidt, Frederick W.

Joanan (PERSON) + 3:854-855 Porter, Stanley E.

Joanna (PERSON) + 3:855 Witherington, Ben, III

Joarib (PERSON) 3:855 Redditt, Paul L.

Joash (PERSON) 1-8 + 3:855-858 Schearing, Linda S.

Job, Book of + 3:858-868 Crenshaw, James L.

Job, Targums of + 3:868-869 Zuckerman, Bruce

Job, Testament of + 3:869-871 Spittler, Russell P.

Jobab (PERSON) 1 + 3:871 Müller, Walter W.

Jobab (PERSON) 2-5 3:871 Fretz, Mark J.

Jochebed (PERSON) + 3:871-872 Burns, Rita J.

Joda (PERSON) 1-2 + 3:872 Fretz, Mark J.

Jodan (PERSON) 3:872 McGehee, Michael David

Joed (PERSON) + 3:872 Schmidt, Frederick W.


Ahasuerus (PERSON) 1-3 + 1:105 Yamauchi, Edwin M.

Ahava (PLACE) + 1:105-106 Fretz, Mark J.

Ahaz (PERSON) 1 + 1:106 Brettler, Marc Zvi

Ahaz (PERSON) 2 + 1:106-107 Whitelam, Keith W.

Ahaziah (PERSON) 1-2 + 1:107-109 Thiel, Winfried; Callaway, Phillip R. (trans.)

Ahban (PERSON) 1:109 Fretz, Mark J.

Aher (PERSON) + 1:109-110 Fretz, Mark J.

Ahi (PERSON) 1:110 Fretz, Mark J.

Ahiah (PERSON) + 1:110 Fretz, Mark J.

Ahiam (PERSON) + 1:110 Fretz, Mark J.

Ahian (PERSON) + 1:110 Fretz, Mark J.

Ahiezer (PERSON) 1-2 + 1:111 Fretz, Mark J.

Ahihud (PERSON) 1-2 + 1:111 Panitz, Raphael I.

Ahijah (PERSON) 1-9 + 1:111-112 Whitelam, Keith W.

Ahikam (PERSON) + 1:112-113 Berridge, John M.

Ahikar/Ahiqar (PERSON) + 1:113-115 VanderKam, James C.

Ahilud (PERSON) 1-2 + 1:115 Fretz, Mark J.

Ahimaaz (PERSON) 1-3 + 1:115-116 Knobloch, Frederick W.

Ahiman (PERSON) 1-2 1:116-117 Dunston, Robert C.

Ahimelech (PERSON) 1:117 Moyer, James C.

Ahimoth (PERSON) 1:117 Fretz, Mark J.

Ahinadab (PERSON) 1:117 Fretz, Mark J.

Ahinoam (PERSON) 1-2 + 1:117-118 Edelman, Diana Vikander

Ahio (PERSON) 1-3 + 1:118-119 Brettler, Marc Zvi

Ahiqar, Book of + 1:119-120 VanderKam, James C.

Ahira (PERSON) 1:120 Fretz, Mark J.

Ahiram (PERSON) 1:120-121 Johnson, Siegfried S.

Ahisamach (PERSON) 1:121 Reed, Stephen A.

Ahishahar (PERSON) + 1:121 Harmon, G. Edwin

Ahishar (PERSON) 1:121 Cuffey, Kenneth Hugh

Ahithophel (PERSON) + 1:121-122 Schley, Donald G.

Ahitub (PERSON) 1-4 + 1:122-123 Uitti, Roger W.

Ahlab (PLACE) + 1:123 Fretz, Mark J.

Ahlai (PERSON) 1-2 + 1:123-124 Steeger, William P.

Ahlamu. See Arameans

Ahoah (PERSON) 1:124 Johnson, Siegfried S.

Ahohi (PERSON) + 1:124 Schley, Donald G.

Ahriman. See Zoroaster, Zoroastrianism

Ahumai (PERSON) 1:124 Lo, Hing Choi

Ahura Mazda (DEITY) + 1:124-125 Boyce, Mary

Ahuzzam (PERSON) 1:125 Lo, Hing Choi

Ahuzzath (PERSON) + 1:125 Williams, David Salter

Ahzai (PERSON) 1:125 Uitti, Roger W.

Ai (PLACE) + 1:125-130 Callaway, Joseph A.

Aiah (PERSON) 1-2 + 1:130-131 Dempster, Stephen G.

Aiath (PLACE). See Ai (PLACE)

Aijalon (PLACE) + 1:131 Peterson, John L.

Ain (PLACE) 1-2 + 1:131-132 Peterson, John L.

‘Ain Ghazal + 1:132-133 Rollefson, Gary O.

‘Ajjul, Tell el- (M.R. 093097) + 1:133-134 Liid, Dale C.

Akan (PERSON) 1:134 Matthews, Victor H.

Akeldama (PLACE) + 1:134-135 Smith, Robert Wayne

Akhenaten + 1:135-137 Redford, Donald B.

Akhetaten (PLACE). See Amarna, Tell el-

Akiba, Rabbi + 1:137-138 Goldenberg, Robert

Akitu + 1:138-140 Klein, Jacob

Akkadian Language. See Languages (Akkadian)

Akko (PLACE). See Acco (PLACE)

Akkub (PERSON) 1-4 + 1:140 Bergdall, Chaney R.

Akrabattene (PLACE) + 1:140-141 Görg, Manfred

ABD Article Index


Akrabbim (PLACE) + 1:141 Görg, Manfred

Al ’Ubaid (30º59'N; 46º03'E) + 1:141-142 Margueron, Jean-Claude; Sager, Paul (trans.)

al-‘Ula. See Dedan

Alalakh. See also Amuq Plain + 1:142-145 Astour, Michael C.

Alcimus (PERSON) 1:145 Rappaport, Uriel

Alema (PLACE) + 1:145 Redditt, Paul L.

Alemeth (PERSON) 1-2 + 1:145-146 Brettler, Marc Zvi

’Alep 1:146

Alexander the Great (PERSON) + 1:146-150 Milns, R.D.

Alexander (PERSON) 1 + 1:150-151 Pacwa, Mitchell C.

Alexander (PERSON) 2-6 + 1:151-152 Green, Joel B.

Alexandra Salome (PERSON) + 1:152 Pacwa, Mitchell C.

Alexandria (PLACE) + 1:152-157 Pearson, Birger A.

Alexandrinus. See Codex Alexandrinus

Algebra. See Mathematics, Algebra, and Geometry

‘Ali, Tell (M.R. 202234) + 1:157-158 Prausnitz, M.W.

Alia Airport (PLACE) + 1:158 Ibrahim, Moawiyah M.

Aliah (PERSON). See Alvah (PERSON)

‘Alla, Deir. See Deir ‘Alla

Allammelech (PLACE) 1:158 Hunt, Melvin

Allogenes (NHC XI,3) + 1:158-159 King, Karen L.

Allon (PERSON) 1:160 Clem, H. Eldon

Allon-Bacuth (PLACE) 1:160 Herion, Gary A.

Almighty + 1:160 Lillie, Betty Jane

Almodad (PERSON) + 1:160-161 Müller, Walter W.

Almon (PLACE) + 1:161 Thompson, Henry O.

Almon-Diblathaim (PLACE) 1:161 Younker, Randall W.

Almond. See Flora

Aloes. See Perfumes and Spices; Flora

Alpha 1:161

Alpha and Omega + 1:161-162 Reddish, Mitchell G.

Alphaeus (PERSON) 1-2 + 1:162 Wheeler, Frank E.

Altar + 1:162-167 Haak, Robert D.

Altar of Witness. See Witness, Altar of (PLACE)

Altars, Incense. See Incense Altars

Alush (PLACE) 1:167 Herion, Gary A.

Alvah (PERSON) + 1:167 Hübner, Ulrich

Alvan (PERSON) 1:167 Matthews, Victor H.

Am Ha’arez + 1:168-169 Healey, Joseph P.

Amad (PLACE) 1:169 Hunt, Melvin

Amal (PERSON) 1:169 O’Brien, J. Randall

Amalek (PERSON) + 1:169-171 Mattingly, Gerald L.

Amam (PLACE) + 1:171-172 Ehrlich, Carl S.

Amana (PLACE) 1:172 Roth, Ray Lee

Amanuensis + 1:172-173 Gamble, Harry Y.

Amariah (PERSON) 1-10 + 1:173 Uitti, Roger W.

Amarna Letters + 1:174-181 Na’aman, Nadav

Amarna, Tell el- (27º38'N; 30º52'E) + 1:181-182 Redford, Donald B.

Amasa (PERSON) 1-2 1:182 Nelson, Richard D.

Amasai (PERSON) 1-4 + 1:182-183 Dillard, Raymond B.

Amashsai (PERSON) 1:183 Uitti, Roger W.

Amasiah (PERSON) 1:183 Lowery, Kirk E.

Amaw (PLACE) + 1:183 Thompson, Henry O.

Amaziah (PERSON) 1-4 + 1:183-184 Fuller, Russell

Amen + 1:184-186 Chilton, Bruce

American Schools of Oriental Research, History of the. + 1:186-188 King, Philip J.

American Versions. See Versions., English (American Versions)

Ami (PERSON). See also Amon (PERSON) 1:188

Amittai (PERSON) 1:189 Weis, Richard D.

Ammah (PLACE) + 1:189 McGarry, Susan E.

ABD Article Index


Amman (M.R. 238151) + 1:189-192 Hadidi, Adnan

Ammidians + 1:192 McGehee, Michael David

Ammiel (PERSON) 1-4 1:192-193 Paulien, Jon

Ammihud (PERSON) 1-5 1:193 Panitz, Raphael I.

Amminadab (PERSON) 1-4 + 1:193 Dillard, Raymond B.

Ammishaddai (PERSON) + 1:193 Slayton, Joel C.

Ammizabad (PERSON) 1:193-194 Schley, Donald G.

Ammon (PERSON) + 1:194-196 de Tarragon, Jean-Michel; Norton, Gerard J. (trans.)

Ammon (PLACE). See Rabbah (Ammon)

Ammonite Languages. See Languages (Introductory Survey)

Amnon (PERSON) 1-2 + 1:196-197 Howard, David M., Jr.

Amok (PERSON) 1:197 Barnes, William Hamilton

Amon (DEITY) + 1:197-198 Lewis, Theodore J.

Amon (PERSON) 1-3 + 1:198-199 Lewis, Theodore J.

Amora, Amoraim + 1:199 Flesher, Paul V. M.

Amorites + 1:199-202 Mendenhall, George E.

Amos (PERSON) 1-3 1:203 Porter, Stanley E.

Amos, Book of + 1:203-212 Willoughby, Bruce E.

Amoz (PERSON) + 1:212 Hull, John H., Jr.

Amphictyony + 1:212-216 Mayes, A. D. H.

Amphipolis (PLACE) + 1:216-217 Wineland, John D.

Ampliatus (PERSON) 1:217 Lampe, Peter

Amram (PERSON) 1-2 + 1:217 Wright, John W.

Amraphel (PERSON) + 1:217-218 Astour, Michael C.

Amulet. See Magic (ANE)

Amuq Plain + 1:218-219 Margueron, Jean-Claude; Sager, Paul (trans.)

Amzi (PERSON) 1-2 1:219 Uitti, Roger W.

Anab (PLACE) 1:219 Benjamin, Paul

Anael (PERSON) 1:219 Redditt, Paul L.

Anafa, Tel (M.R. 210286) + 1:219-221 Herbert, Sharon C.

Anah (PERSON) + 1:221 Hübner, Ulrich

Anaharath (PLACE) + 1:221-222 Frankel, Rafael

Anaiah (PERSON) 1:222 Augustin, Gary C.

Anak (PERSON) + 1:222 Mattingly, Gerald L.

Anamim + 1:222-223 Hess, Richard S.

Anammelech (DEITY) + 1:223 Fulco, William J.

Anan (PERSON) 1:223 Schmidt, Frederick W.

Anani (PERSON) + 1:223 Fuller, Russell

Ananiah (PERSON) + 1:223 Schmidt, Frederick W.

Ananiah (PLACE) + 1:224 McGarry, Susan E.

Ananias (PERSON) 1-5 + 1:224-225 O’Toole, Robert F.

Ananiel (PERSON) + 1:225 Redditt, Paul L.

Anasib (PERSON) + 1:225 McGehee, Michael David

Anath (DEITY) + 1:225-227 Maier, Walter Arthur, III

Anath (PERSON) + 1:227 Lowery, Kirk E.

Anathoth (PLACE) + 1:227-228 Peterson, John L.

Anatolia: 1:228-240

See also Hitttites

Prehistory of Anatolia + 1:228-233 Gorny, Ronald L.

History of Ancient Anatolia + 1:233-236 McMahon, Gregory

Anatolian Mythology + 1:236-240 McMahon, Gregory

Anatolian Languages. See Languages (Introductory Survey)

Ancestor Worship + 1:240-242 Lewis, Theodore J.

Ancient Versions.


Joel (PERSON) 1-15 + 3:872-873 McKenzie, Steven L.

Joel, Book of + 3:873-880 Hiebert, Theodore

Joelah (PERSON) + 3:880 Dillard, Raymond B.

Joezer (PERSON) 3:880 Dillard, Raymond B.

Jogbehah (PLACE) + 3:880 Franklyn, Paul Nimrah

Jogli (PERSON) 3:880 Panitz, Raphael I.

Joha (PERSON) 3:881 Uitti, Roger W.

Johanan (PERSON) 1-5 3:881 McKenzie, Steven L.

Johanan (PERSON) 6 + 3:881-882 Berridge, John M.

Johanan (PERSON) 7-9 + 3:882 McKenzie, Steven L.

Johannine Comma + 3:882-883 Osburn, Carroll D.

John (Disciple) + 3:883-886 Collins, Raymond F.

John (PERSON) 1-2 + 3:886 Carroll, Scott T.

John (PERSON) 3-7 3:886 Herion, Gary A.

John (PERSON) 8-9 3:886-887 Collins, Raymond F.

John the Baptist + 3:887-899 Hollenbach, Paul W.

John the Divine, Discourse of. See Virgin, Assumption of the

John, Acts of (By Prochorus) + 3:899 Thomason, Dana Andrew

John, Apocryphon of (NHC II,1; III, 1; IV,1; and BG 8502, 2) + 3:899-900 Wisse, Frederik

John, Epistles of + 3:900-912 Kysar, Robert

ABD Article Index


John, The Gospel of + 3:912-931 Kysar, Robert

Joiada (PERSON) 1-2 + 3:931 Augustin, Gary C.

Joiakim (PERSON) 3:932 Kennedy, James M.

Joiarib (PERSON) 1-3 + 3:932 Shearer, Rodney H.

Jokdeam (PLACE) 3:932-933 Kotter, Wade R.

Jokim (PERSON) 3:933 Smith, David Channing

Jokmeam (PLACE) 3:933 Toews, Wesley Irwin

Jokneam (PLACE) + 3:933-935 Amnon Ben-Tor

Jokshan (PERSON) + 3:935 Matthews, Victor H.

Joktan (PERSON) + 3:935 Hess, Richard S.

Joktheel (PLACE) 1-2 3:935-936 Kotter, Wade R.

Jonadab (PERSON) 1 3:936 Miller, Robert D., II

Jonadab (PERSON) 2 + 3:936 Bracke, John M.

Jonah (PERSON) 1-2 3:936 McGehee, Michael David

Jonah, Book of + 3:936-942 Magonet, Jonathan David

Jonam (PERSON) + 3:942 Porter, Stanley E.

Jonathan (PERSON) 1-20 + 3:942-944 Berridge, John M.

Jonathan, Son of Saul + 3:944-946 Edelman, Diana Vikander

Joppa (PLACE) + 3:946-949 Kaplan, Jacob; Kaplan, Haya Ritter

Jorah (PERSON) + 3:949 Bergdall, Chaney R.

Jorai (PERSON) 3:949 Graham, M. Patrick

Joram (PERSON) 1-6 + 3:949-953 Thiel, Winfried; Muenchow, Charles (trans.)

Jordan River + 3:953-958 Thompson, Henry O.

Jordan Valley + 3:958-960 Ibrahim, Moawiyah M.

Jordan, Jungle of (PLACE) + 3:960-961 Thompson, Henry O.

Jordan, Prehistory of + 3:961-966 Rollefson, Gary O.

Jorim (PERSON) + 3:966-967 Porter, Stanley E.

Jorkeam (PLACE) 3:967 Dyck, Elmer H.

Josech (PERSON) 3:967 Porter, Stanley E.

Joseph (PERSON) 1-8 3:967 Lillie, Betty Jane

Joseph (PERSON) 9-16 + 3:967-969 Porter, Stanley E.

Joseph and Aseneth + 3:969-971 Chesnutt, Randall D.

Joseph of Arimathea + 3:971-972 Porter, Stanley E.

Joseph of Arimathea, Narrative by. See Virgin Assumption of the; Pilate, Acts of

Joseph, History of + 3:973-974 Zervos, George T.

Joseph, Husband of Mary + 3:974-975 Porter, Stanley E.

Joseph, Prayer of + 3:976 Robinson, Stephen E.

Joseph, Son of Jacob + 3:976-981 Coats, George W.

Josephus (PERSON) + 3:981-998 Feldman, Louis H.

Joses (PERSON) 1-2 3:998 co*ckerill, Gareth Lee

Joshah (PERSON) 3:998 Evans, Craig A.

Joshaphat (PERSON) 1-2 + 3:998 Dillard, Raymond B.

Joshaviah (PERSON) 3:998 Endres, John C.

Joshbekashah (PERSON) 3:998-999 McCann, J. Clinton, Jr.

Josheb-Basshebeth (PERSON) 3:999 Schmitz, Philip C.

Joshibiah (PERSON) 3:999 Evans, Craig A.

Joshua (PERSON) 1 + 3:999-1000 Ramsey, George W.

Joshua (PERSON) 2-5 + 3:1000-1001 Porter, Stanley E.

Joshua (PERSON) 6 + 3:1001-1002 Green, William Scott

Joshua, Book of + 3:1002-1015 Boling, Robert G.

Joshua, Psalms of (4Q378-379) + 3:1015 Newsom, Carol A.

Josiah (PERSON) 1-2 + 3:1015-1018 Althann, Robert

Josiphiah (PERSON) 3:1018 Shearer, Rodney H.

Josippon, Book of + 3:1018-1020 Flusser, David

Jotapata (PLACE). See Iotape (PLACE) 3:1020

Jotbah (PLACE) + 3:1020 Frankel, Rafael

Jotbathah (PLACE) + 3:1021 Zorn, Jeffrey R.

Jotham (PERSON) 1-3 + 3:1021-1022 Kuntz, J. Kenneth

Joy + 3:1022-1023 Arnold, Clinton E.

Jozabad (PERSON) 1-6 + 3:1023-1024 Wright, John W.

ABD Article Index


Jozacar (PERSON) 3:1024 Viviano, Pauline A.

Jozadak (PERSON) 3:1024 fa*ger, Jeffrey A.

Jubal (PERSON) + 3:1024-1025 Hess, Richard S.

Jubilee, Year of + 3:1025-1030 Wright, Christopher J. H.

Jubilees, Book of + 3:1030-1032 VanderKam, James C.

Jucal (PERSON). See Jehucal (PERSON)

Judah (PERSON) 1-7 + 3:1032-1033 Hamilton, Victor P.

Judah (PERSON) 8 + 3:1033 Porter, Stanley E.

Judah (PLACE) + 3:1033-1036 de Geus, C. H. J.

Judah the Maccabee. See Judas Maccabeus (PERSON)

Judah the Prince, Rabbi + 3:1036 Goldenberg, Robert

Judah, Administration of (Postexile). See Palestine, Administration of (Postexilic Judean Officials)

Judah, Hill Country of (PLACE) 3:1036-1037 Ferris, Paul Wayne, Jr.

Judah, Wilderness of (PLACE) 3:1037 Ferris, Paul Wayne, Jr.

Judaism: 3:1037-1089

Judaism in the Greco-Roman Period + 3:1037-1054 Overman, J. Andrew; Green, William Scott

Palestinian Judaism + 3:1054-1061 Fraade, Steven D.

Judaism in Egypt + 3:1061-1072 Borgen, Peder

Jews in North Africa + 3:1072-1073 Appelbaum, Shimon

Judaism in Rome + 3:1073-1076 Penna, Romano

Babylonian Judaism + 3:1076-1083 Beer, Moshe; Erez, Menahem (trans.)

Judaism in the Mishnaic Period + 3:1083-1089 Zahavy, Tzvee

Judaizing + 3:1089 Aageson, James W.

Judas (PERSON) 1-5 + 3:1089-1090 Redditt, Paul L.

Judas (PERSON) 6-9 + 3:1090 Miller, Robert D., II

Judas (PERSON) 10 3:1090-1091 co*ckerill, Gareth Lee

Judas Iscariot + 3:1091-1096 Klassen, William

Judas Maccabeus 3:1096-1098 Rappaport, Uriel

Jude, Epistle of + 3:1098-1103 Bauckham, Richard

Judea (PLACE). See Judah (PLACE)

Judea, Ridge of. See Ridge of Judea (PLACE)

Judeideh, Tell (M.R. 141115) + 3:1103-1104 Broshi, Magen

Judge, Judging 3:1104-1106 Mafico, Temba L. Jackson

Judges, Book of + 3:1107-1117 Boling, Robert G.

Judgment, Day of. See Day of Judgement

Judgment, Hall of (PLACE) + 3:1117 Herion, Gary A.

Judith (PERSON) 1-2 + 3:1117 Moyer, James C.

Judith, Book of + 3:1117-1125 Moore, Carey A.

Julia (PERSON) 3:1125 Lampe, Peter

Julius (PERSON) + 3:1125-1126 Olson, Mark J.

Julius Caesar + 3:1126-1127 Marshall, Bruce A.

Junias (PERSON) + 3:1127 Lampe, Peter

Jushab-Hesed (PERSON) 3:1127 Fuller, Russell

Just, Justice + 3:1127-1129 Mafico, Temba L. Jackson

Justification + 3:1129-1133 Hays, Richard B.

Justin Martyr (PERSON) + 3:1133-1134 Grant, Robert M.

Justus (PERSON) 1-3 + 3:1134-1135 Gillman, John L.

Juttah (PLACE) + 3:1135 Peterson, John L.

Kab. See Weights and Measures

Kabzeel (PLACE) 4:1 Willett, Tom Wayne

Kadesh-Barnea (PLACE) + 4:1-3 Manor, Dale W.

Kadesh-on-the-Orontes + 4:3-4 Avalos, Hector

Kadmiel (PERSON) 4:4 Brensinger, Terry L.

Kadmonites + 4:4 Reed, Stephen A.

Kain (PLACE) 4:4 Toews, Wesley Irwin

Kaiwan (DEITY). See Sakkuth and Kaiwan (DEITIES)

Kallai (PERSON) 4:4 Barnes, William Hamilton

Kamon (PLACE) + 4:5 Thompson, Henry O.

Kanah (PLACE) + 4:5 Thompson, Henry O.

Kap 4:5

ABD Article Index


Kappa 4:5

Kareah (PERSON) 4:6 Bracke, John M.

Karka (PLACE) 4:6 Kotter, Wade R.

Karkor (PLACE) + 4:6 Thompson, Henry O.

Karnaim (PLACE). See Ashteroth-Karnaim (PLACE)

Kartah (PLACE) + 4:6-7 Peterson, John L.

Kartan (PLACE) + 4:7 Peterson, John L.

Kashruth. See Meal Customs (Jewish Dietary Laws)

Kassite Language. See Languages (Introductory Survey)

Kattath (PLACE) 4:7-8 Hunt, Melvin

Kebara Cave (M.R. 144218) + 4:8-9 Schick, Tamar

Kedar (PERSON) + 4:9-10 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Kedemah (PERSON) + 4:10 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Kedemoth (PLACE) + 4:10-11 Peterson, John L.

Kedesh (PLACE) 1-2 + 4:11 Arav, Rami

Kedesh (PLACE) 3 + 4:11-12 Peterson, John L.

Kedron (PLACE) 4:12 Herion, Gary A.

Kefar Bir‘am (M.R. 189272) + 4:12 Meyers, Eric M.

Kefar Gil‘adi (M.R. 203294) + 4:12-13 Kaplan, Jacob

Kehelathah (PLACE) + 4:13 Zorn, Jeffrey R.

Keilah (PLACE) 4:13-14 DeVries, LaMoine F.

Keisan, Tell (M.R. 164253) +


4:14-16 Humbert, Jean-Baptiste

Kelaiah (PERSON) 4:16 fa*ger, Jeffrey A.

Kelita (PERSON) 4:16 Brensinger, Terry L.

Kemuel (PERSON) 1-3 4:16 Panitz, Raphael I.

Kenan (PERSON) + 4:16 Hess, Richard S.

Kenath (PLACE) + 4:16-17 Mattingly, Gerald L.; Franklyn, Paul Nimrah

Kenaz (PERSON) 1-3 + 4:17 Kuntz, J. Kenneth

Kenites + 4:17-22 Halpern, Baruch

Kenizzite. See Kenaz (PERSON)

Kerak (M.R. 217066) + 4:22-24 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Keren-Happuch (PERSON) 4:24 Holbert, John C.

Kerioth (PLACE) 4:24 Mattingly, Gerald L.

Kerioth-Hezron (PLACE) + 4:24 Zorn, Jeffrey R.

Kermes Insect. See Zoology

Keros (PERSON) 4:24 McGehee, Michael David

Kerygma Petrou. See Peter, Preaching of

Ketab (PERSON) 4:24 McGehee, Michael David

Kethib and Qere. See also Masoretic Text + 4:24-30 Morrow, William S.

Kethubim 4:31

Keturah (PERSON) + 4:31 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Keys of the Kingdom + 4:31 Collins, Raymond F.

Keziah (PERSON) + 4:31-32 Holbert, John C.

Khafaje + 4:32-33 Margueron, Jean-Claude; Rosoff, Stephen (trans.)

Khalil, Ramat el-. See Ramat el-Khalil (M.R. 160107)

Kheleifeh, Tell el-. (M.R. 147884) + 4:33-34 Pratico, Gary D.

Khirbet 4:34

Khirbet Kerak Ware + 4:34-35 Pfann, Stephen J.

Khorsabad + 4:35 Margueron, Jean-Claude; Rosoff, Stephen (trans.)

Kibroth-Hattaavah (PLACE) + 4:36 Zorn, Jeffrey R.

Kibzaim (PLACE) + 4:36-37 Peterson, John L.

Kid. See Zoology

Kidron, Brook of + 4:37-38 Mare, W. Harold

Kilan (PERSON) 4:38 McGehee, Michael David

Kiln + 4:38-39 Wood, Bryant G.

Kinah (PLACE) + 4:39-40 Liwak, Rüdiger

King and Kingship + 4:40-48 Whitelam, Keith W.

King James Version. See Versions, English

King’s Garden (PLACE) + 4:48 Mare, W. Harold

King’s Highway (PLACE) + 4:48-49 Carroll, Scott T.

ABD Article Index


King’s Pool (PLACE) + 4:49 Mare, W. Harold

King’s Valley (PLACE). See Shaveh, Valley of; Kidron, Brook of

Kingdom of God, Kingdom of Heaven + 4:49-69 Duling, Dennis C.

Kingdoms, Books of 4:69

Kingfisher. See Zoology

Kings, Book of 1-2 + 4:69-83 Holloway, Steven W.

Kingship, Sacral. See Sacral Kingship

Kinship. See Family

Kir (PLACE) 1 4:83 Mattingly, Gerald L.

Kir (PLACE) 2 + 4:83-84 Thompson, Henry O.

Kir-Hareseth (PLACE) 4:84 Mattingly, Gerald L.

Kiriath-Arba (PLACE) + 4:84 Hamilton, Jeffries M.

Kiriath-Baal (PLACE). See Kiriath-Jearim

Kiriath-Huzoth (PLACE) 4:84 Brensinger, Terry L.

Kiriath-Jearim (PLACE) + 4:84-85 Hamilton, Jeffries M.

Kiriath-Sannah (PLACE) + 4:85 Herion, Gary A.

Kiriath-Sepher (PLACE) 4:85 Kotter, Wade R.

Kiriathaim (PLACE) 1-2 4:85 Mattingly, Gerald L.

Kiriatharim (PLACE). See Kiriath-Jearim

Kish (PERSON) 1-5 + 4:85-87 Edelman, Diana Vikander

Kish (PLACE) + 4:87-88 Margueron, Jean-Claude; Rosoff, Stephen (trans.)

Kishi (PERSON). See Kushaiah (PERSON)

Kishion (PLACE) + 4:88-89 Peterson, John L.

Kishon (PLACE) + 4:89 Frankel, Rafael

Kiss (NT) + 4:89-92 Klassen, William

Kite. See Zoology (Fauna)

Kitron (PLACE) + 4:93 Hunt, Melvin

Kittim + 4:93 Baker, David W.

Knowledge, Interpretation of (NHC XI,1) + 4:93-95 Turner, John D.

Knowledge, Tree of. See Tree of Knowledge and Tree of Life

Koa + 4:95 Allen, Leslie C.

Kohath (PERSON) + 4:95-97 Propp, William H.

Kola (PLACE) 4:97 White, Sidnie Ann

Kolaiah (PERSON) 1-2 + 4:97 Schmidt, Frederick W.

Kom, Khirbet el- (M.R. 146104): 4:97-100

Archaeology + 4:97-99 Holladay, John S., Jr.

Ostraca + 4:99-100 Geraty, Lawrence T.

Kona (PLACE) + 4:100 White, Sidnie Ann

Korah (PERSON) 1-3 + 4:100-101 Hutton, Rodney R.

Kore (PERSON) 1-2 4:102 Barnes, William Hamilton

Kosher. See Meal Customs (Jewish Dietary Laws)

Koz (PERSON) 4:102 Lo, Hing Choi

Kue (PLACE) + 4:102-103 Avalos, Hector

Kuntillet ‘Ajrud (M.R. 094954) + 4:103-109 Meshel, Ze’ev

Kush (PLACE) + 4:109-111 Redford, Donald B.

Kushaiah (PERSON) 4:111 Willett, Tom Wayne

L. See Synoptic Problem

Laadah (PERSON) 4:113 Smith, David Channing

Laban (PERSON) + 4:113-114 Mariottini, Claude F.

Laban (PLACE) + 4:114 Zorn, Jeffrey R.

Laccunus (PERSON) 4:114 Han, Jin Hee

Lace. See Dress and Ornamentation

Lacedaemonians 4:114 Carroll, Scott T.

Lachish (PLACE) + 4:114-126 Ussishkin, David

Lachish Letters + 4:126-128 Di Vito, Robert A.

Ladan (PERSON) 1-2 4:128 Davis, M. Stephen

Ladder of Tyre (PLACE) 4:128 Smith, Robert Wayne

Lady, Elect. See Elect Lady

Lael (PERSON) 4:128 Weis, Richard D.

Lagash + 4:128-129 Margueron, Jean-Claude; Rosoff, Stephen (trans.)

ABD Article Index


Lahad (PERSON) 4:129

Lahav (PLACE). See Halif, Tel

Lahmam (PLACE) 4:129-130 Kotter, Wade R.

Lahmi (PERSON) 4:130 Ehrlich, Carl S.

Laish (PERSON) 4:130 Dempster, Stephen G.

Laish (PLACE) + 4:130-131 Manor, Dale W.

Laishah (PLACE) + 4:131 Liwak, Rüdiger

Lakkum (PLACE) + 4:131 Williams, David Salter

Lamb + 4:132-134 Miles, John R.

Lambda 4:135

Lame, Lameness + 4:135-136 Jones, Richard N.

Lamech (PERSON) + 4:136-137 Hess, Richard S.

Lamed 4:137

Lamentations, Book of + 4:137-141 Hillers, Delbert R.

Lampstand + 4:141-143 Meyers, Carol

Lance. See Weapons and Implements of Warfare

Land + 4:143-154 Janzen, Waldemar

Land Laws. See Law, Biblical and ANE; Family

Languages: 4:155-229

Introductory Survey + 4:155-170 Huehnergard, John

Akkadian + 4:170-173 Caplice, Richard I.

Aramaic + 4:173-178 Kaufman, Stephen A.

Byblos Syllabic Inscriptions + 4:178-180 Mendenhall, George E.

Coptic + 4:180-188 Emmel, Stephen

Egyptian Language and Writing + 4:188-193 Allen, James P.

Ethiopic + 4:193-195 Perkins, Harry Lee

Greek + 4:195-203 Mussies, Gerard

Hebrew + 4:203-214 Schramm, Gene M.

Hittite + 4:214-216 Beckman, Gary

Hurrian + 4:216-217 Huehnergard, John

Languages of Ancient Iran + 4:217-220 Windfuhr, Gernot L.

Latin + 4:220-222 Bruce, Frederick Fyvie

Phoenician + 4:222-223 Krahmalkov, Charles R.

Pre-Islamic South Arabian + 4:223-226 Beeston, A. F. L.

Ugaritic + 4:226-229 Healey, John F. ; Craigie, Peter C.

Laodicea (PLACE) + 4:229-231 Bruce, Frederick Fyvie

Laodiceans, Epistle to the + 4:231-233 Anderson, Charles P.

Lappidoth (PERSON) 4:233 Lowery, Kirk E.

Larsa + 4:233-234 Margueron, Jean-Claude; Rosoff, Stephen (trans.)

Lasea (PLACE) + 4:234 Wineland, John D.

Lasha (PLACE) + 4:234 Oller, Gary H.

Lasharon (PLACE) 4:234 Hunt, Melvin

Last Supper + 4:234-241 O’Toole, Robert F.

Lasthenes (PERSON) + 4:241 Pattengale, Jerry A.

Latin Language. See Languages (Latin)

Latin Versions. See Versions, Ancient (Latin)

Laver + 4:241-242 Meyers, Carol

Law : 4:242-265

Biblical and ANE Law + 4:242-252 Greengus, Samuel

Forms of Biblical Law + 4:252-254 Sonsino, Rifat

Law in Judaism of the NT Period + 4:254-265 Sanders, E. P.

Law, Tablets of the. See Tablets of the Law

Laying on of Hands. See Hands, Laying on of

Lazarus (PERSON) + 4:265-266 Collins, Raymond F.

Lazarus and Dives + 4:266-267 Hock, Ronald F.

Leah (PERSON) + 4:268 Yee, Gale A.

Leather. See Dress and Ornamentation

Leaven. See Meal Customs (Jewish Dietary Laws)

Lebana (PERSON) 4:268 Swanson, Steven R.

Lebanon + 4:269-270 Smith, Robert Houston

ABD Article Index


Lebanon, House of. See Temple, Jerusalem

Lebaoth (PLACE). See Beth-Labaoth (PLACE)

Lebbaeus (PERSON). See Thaddeus (PERSON)

Lebonah (PLACE) 4:270 Dyck, Elmer H.

Lecah (PLACE) 4:270 Dyck, Elmer H.

Lectionary: 4:270-273

Early Jewish Lectionaries + 4:270-271 Aageson, James W.

Early Christian Lectionaries + 4:271-273 Junack, Klaus; Thomas, Ronald B., Jr. (trans.)

Leeks. See Flora

Left, Left Hand + 4:273-274 Drinkard, Joel F., Jr.

Legate. See Palestine, Administration of (Roman)

Legion. See Roman Army

Lehabim 4:274 Baker, David W.

Lehem (PLACE) 4:274 Fanwar, Wann Marbud

Lehi (PLACE) + 4:274-275 Lubetski, Meir

Lehun (M.R. 231097) + 4:275-276 Homès-Fredericq, Denyse

Lejjūn (M.R. 228072) + 4:276-277 Parker, S. Thomas

Lemuel (PERSON) + 4:277 Berry, Donald



Lend. See Interest and Usury in the Greco-Roman Period

Leopard. See Zoology

Leprosy + 4:277-282 Wright, David P.; Jones, Richard N.

Lesbos (PLACE). See Mitylene (PLACE)

Leshem (PLACE) 4:282 Manor, Dale W.

Lethech. See Weights and Measures

Letters: 4:282-293

Hebrew Letters + 4:282-285 Pardee, D.

Aramaic Letters + 4:285-290 Dion, Paul E.

Greek and Latin Letters + 4:290-293 Stanley K. Stowers

Letushim + 4:293 Matthews, Victor H.

Leucius (PERSON). See John, Acts of

Leummim + 4:293-294 Matthews, Victor H.

Levi (PERSON) 1 + 4:294 Spencer, John R.

Levi (PERSON) 2-4 + 4:294-295 Porter, Stanley E.

Leviathan + 4:295-296 Day, John

Levirate Law + 4:296-297 Kalmin, Richard

Levites and Priests + 4:297-310 Rehm, Merlin D.

Levitical Cities + 4:310-311 Spencer, John R.

Leviticus, Book of + 4:311-321 Levine, Baruch A.

Lex Talionis + 4:321-322 Huffmon, Herbert B.

Liber de Infantia. See Matthew, Gospel of Pseudo-

Libnah (PLACE) + 4:322-323 Peterson, John L.

Libni (PERSON) 1-3 + 4:323-324 Propp, William H.

Libya (PLACE) 4:324 Heard, Warren J., Jr.

Lice. See Zoology

Licentiousness. See Virtue/Vice Lists

Life, Author of. See Author of Life

Life, Tree of. See Tree of Knowledge and Tree of Life

Likhi (PERSON) 4:324 Graham, M. Patrick

Lilith (DEITY) + 4:324-325 Handy, Lowell K.

Lily. See Flora

Lily-Work. See Capital

Limes, Roman (In Palestine) + 4:325-327 Gichon, Mordechai

Linear B. See Languages (Introductory Survey)

Linen. See Dress and Ornamentation; Flora

Linguistics and Biblical Studies + 4:327-333 Bodine, Walter R.

Linus (PERSON) + 4:333 Gillman, Florence Morgan

Lion. See Zoology

Literacy: 4:333-340

Ancient Near East + 4:333-337 Baines, John

Ancient Israel + 4:337-340 Millard, Alan Ralph

ABD Article Index


Literature. See Egyptian Literature; Hittite Texts and Literature; Literature, Early Christian; Sumerian Literature; and Ugarit (Texts and Literature)

Literature, Early Christian + 4:340-345 Bruce, Frederick Fyvie

Little Apocalypse in the Gospels. See Gospels, Little Apocalypse in the

Liturgy, Angelic (4QShirShabb). See Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice

Lives of the Prophets. See Prophets, Lives of the

Living Creatures. See Zoology

Lizard. See Zoology

LMLK Jar Handles. See Stamps, Royal Jar Handle

Lo-Ammi (PERSON). See Not My People (PERSON)

Lo-Debar (PLACE) + 4:345-346 Edelman, Diana Vikander

Lo-Ruhamah (PERSON). See Not Pitied (PERSON)

Loan. See Interest and Usury in the Greco-Roman Period

Locust. See Zoology

Lod (PLACE) A: Historical Sources 4:346-347 Hunt, Melvin

Lod (PLACE) B + 4:347 Kaplan, Jacob

Log. See Weights and Measures

Logia + 4:347-348 Patterson, Stephen J.

Logos + 4:348-356 Tobin, Thomas H.

Lois (PERSON) + 4:356 Gillman, Florence Morgan

Loops 4:356 Meyers, Carol

Loosing. See Binding and Loosing

Lord. See Names of God (OT); Yahweh (DEITY)

Lord’s Prayer + 4:356-362 Houlden, J. L.

Lord’s Supper. See also Last Supper + 4:362-372 Klauck, Hans-Josef; Ewert, David (trans.)

Lord, Day of the. See Day of the Lord

Lost Tribes, The + 4:372 Charlesworth, James H.

Lot (PERSON) + 4:372-374 Spina, Frank Anthony

Lotan (PERSON) + 4:374-375 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Lothasubus (PERSON) 4:375 McGehee, Michael David

Lotus. See Flora, Biblical

Love: 4:375-396

Old Testament + 4:375-381 Sakenfeld, Katherine Doob

NT and Early Jewish Literature + 4:381-396 Klassen, William

Lower Criticism. See Textual Criticism

Lozon (PERSON). See Darkon (PERSON)

Lubim. See Lehabim; Libya (PLACE)

Lucius (PERSON) 1-2 + 4:396-397 Gillman, John L.

Lud (PERSON) + 4:397 Baker, David W.

Luhith (PLACE) 4:397 Mattingly, Gerald L.

Luke (PERSON): 4:397-403

Luke as Historian + 4:398-402 Plümacher, Eckhard; Martin, Dennis (trans.)

Luke as Theologian + 4:402-403 Marshall, I. Howard

Luke-Acts, Book of + 4:403-420 Johnson, Luke Timothy

Luminaries, Words of the. See Words of the Luminaries (4QDibHam)

Lunatic. See Sickness and Disease; Demons

Lute. See Music and Musical Instruments

Luwian Language. See Languages (Introductory Survey)

Luz (PLACE) 1-2 + 4:420 Toews, Wesley Irwin

LXX. See Septuagint

Lycaonia (PLACE) + 4:420-422 Bruce, Frederick Fyvie

Lycia (PLACE) 4:422 Carroll, Scott T.

Lycian Language. See Languages (Introductory Survey)

Lydia (PERSON) + 4:422-423 Witherington, Ben, III

Lydia (PLACE) + 4:423-425 McLauchlin, Barbara Kelley

Lyre. See Music and Musical Instruments

Lysanias (PERSON) 1-2 4:425 Carroll, Scott T.

Lysias (PERSON) 1-2 + 4:425-426 Redditt, Paul L.

Lysimachus (PERSON) 1-2 + 4:426 Hardwick, Michael E.

Lystra (PLACE) + 4:426-427 Potter, David S.

M. See Synoptic Problem; Matthew, Gospel of

ABD Article Index


Ma‘in (PLACE). See Meunim

Maacah (PERSON) 1-9 4:429-430 Schearing, Linda S.

Maacah (PLACE) 4:430 Schley, Donald G.

Maadai (PERSON) 4:430 fa*ger, Jeffrey A.

Maadiah (PERSON) 4:430-431 Barnes, William Hamilton

Maai (PERSON) 4:431 Williams, Nora A.

Maarath (PLACE) 4:431 Kotter, Wade R.

Maasai (PERSON) 4:431 Hutton, Rodney R.

Maaseiah (PERSON) 1-21 4:431-432 McKenzie, Steven L.

Maasmas (PERSON) 4:432 Han, Jin Hee

Maath (PERSON) + 4:432-433 Porter, Stanley E.

Maaz (PERSON) + 4:433 Steeger, William P.

Maaziah (PERSON) 4:433 Schmidt, Frederick W.

Maccabean Revolt + 4:433-439 Rappaport, Uriel

Maccabee. See Maccabeus 4:439

Maccabees, Books of: 4:439-454

First and Second Maccabees + 4:439-450 Fischer, Thomas; Cryer, Frederick (trans.)

Third Maccabees + 4:450-452 Anderson, Hugh

Fourth Maccabees + 4:452-454 Anderson, Hugh

Maccabeus 4:454 Rappaport, Uriel; Redditt, Paul L.

Macedonia (PLACE) + 4:454-457 Bruce, Frederick Fyvie

Machaerus (M.R. 209108) + 4:457-458 Loffreda, Stanislao

Machbannai (PERSON) + 4:458 Dillard, Raymond B.

Machbenah (PLACE) 4:458 Williams, David Salter

Machi (PERSON) 4:458 Brensinger, Terry L.

Machir (PERSON) 1-2 + 4:458-460 Graham, M. Patrick

Machnadebai (PERSON) 4:460 fa*ger, Jeffrey A.

Machpelah (PLACE) + 4:460-461 DeVries, LaMoine F.

Macron (PERSON) + 4:461-462 Kampen, John

Madaba (PLACE). See Medeba (PLACE)

Madai (PERSON) + 4:462 Baker, David W.

Mada’in Salih. See Hegra

Madmannah (PLACE) 4:462 Brodsky, Harold

Madmen (PLACE) 4:462-463 Bracke, John M.

Madmenah (PLACE) 4:463 Herion, Gary A.

Madness. See Demons; Sickness and Disease 4:463

Madon (PLACE) 4:463 Benjamin, Paul

Magadan (PLACE) + 4:463 Heard, Warren J., Jr.

Magbish (PERSON) 4:463 Herion, Gary A.

Magdala (M.R. 198247) 4:463-464 Strange, James F.

Magdalene. See Mary (PERSON); Magdala (PLACE) 4:464

Magdiel (PERSON) 4:464 Hübner, Ulrich

Maggot. See Zoology

Magi. See Infancy Narratives in the NT Gospels

Magic: 4:464-471

Ancient Near East + 4:464-468 Scurlock, J. A.

Old Testament + 4:468-471 Kuemmerlin-McLean, Joanne K.

Magistrate. See City Authorities

Magog (PERSON) + 4:471 Baker, David W.

Magpiash (PERSON) + 4:471 Schmidt, Frederick W.

Magus, Simon. See Simon (PERSON), 13 4:471

Mahalab (PLACE) + 4:471-472 Frankel, Rafael

Mahalalel (PERSON) 4:472 Hess, Richard S.

Mahalath (PERSON) 4:472 Schearing, Linda S.

Mahanaim (PLACE) + 4:472-473 Edelman, Diana Vikander

Mahaneh-Dan (PLACE) + 4:473-474 Irwin, Brian P.

Maharai (PERSON) 4:474 Duke, Rodney K.

Mahath (PERSON) 4:474 Porter, Stanley E.

Mahavite, The 4:474 Johnson, Siegfried S.

Mahazioth (PERSON) 4:474 McCann, J. Clinton, Jr.

ABD Article Index


Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz (PERSON) 4:475 Jensen, Joseph

Mahlah (PERSON) 1-2 + 4:475-476 Graham, M. Patrick

Mahli (PERSON) 1-2 4:476 Shearer, Rodney H.

Mahlon (PERSON) + 4:476-477 Mathews, Kenneth A.

Mahol (PERSON) + 4:477 Berry, Donald K.

Mahseiah (PERSON) 4:477 Bracke, John M.

Mail, Coat of. See Weapons and Implements of Warfare

Makaz (PLACE) 4:477 Herion, Gary A.

Maked (PLACE) + 4:477 Redditt, Paul L.

Makheloth (PLACE) + 4:478 Zorn, Jeffrey R.



(PLACE) + 4:478 Kotter, Wade R.

Malachi, Book of + 4:478-485 Hill, Andrew E.

Malcam (PERSON) + 4:485 Harmon, G. Edwin

Malchiah (PERSON). See Malchijah

Malchiel (PERSON) + 4:485-486 Mariottini, Claude F.

Malchijah (PERSON) 1-13 + 4:486 Berridge, John M.

Malchiram (PERSON) 4:486 Fuller, Russell

Malchishua (PERSON) + 4:486-487 Edelman, Diana Vikander

Malchus (PERSON) 1-2 + 4:487 Watson, JoAnn Ford

Malhata, Tel (M.R. 152069) + 4:487-488 Kochavi, Moshe

Mallothi (PERSON) 4:488 McCann, J. Clinton, Jr.

Mallow. See Flora, Biblical

Malluch (PERSON) 1-6 + 4:488 Schmidt, Frederick W.

Malluchi (PERSON) 4:488 Barnes, William Hamilton

Mallus (PLACE) + 4:489 Hardwick, Michael E.

Malta (PLACE) + 4:489-490 Gasque, W. Ward

Mamdai (PERSON) 4:490

Mammon 4:490 Wilcox, Max

Mampsis (M.R. 156048) + 4:490-492 Negev, Avraham

Mamre (PERSON-PLACE) + 4:492-493 Arbeitman, Yoël L.

Manaen (PERSON) + 4:493 Watson, JoAnn Ford

Manahath (PERSON) + 4:493 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Manahath (PLACE) + 4:493-494 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Manahathites + 4:494 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Manasseh (PERSON) 1-5 + 4:494 Schmidt, Frederick W.

Manasseh (PLACE) + 4:494-496 de Geus, C. H. J.

Manasseh, King of Judah + 4:496-499 Evans, Carl D.

Manasseh, Prayer of + 4:499-500 Charlesworth, James H.

Mandaeism + 4:500-502 Rudolph, Kurt

Mandrakes. See Perfumes and Spices; Flora, Biblical

Mani (PERSON). See Bani 4:502

Manichaeans and Manichaeism + 4:502-511 Mirecki, Paul Allan

Manius, Titus (PERSON) 4:511 Lillie, Betty Jane

Manna + 4:511 Slayton, Joel C.

Manneans. See Minni (PLACE)

Manoah (PERSON) + 4:511-512 Exum, J. Cheryl

Mantelet. See Weapons and Implements of Warfare

Mantle. See Dress and Ornamentation

Manual of Discipline. See Community, Rule of the (1QS)

Maoch (PERSON) 4:512 Viviano, Pauline A.

Maon (PERSON) 4:512 Evans, Craig A.

Maon (PLACE) 1-2 + 4:512-513 DeVries, LaMoine F.

Mara (PERSON) 4:513 Mathews, Kenneth A.

Marah (PLACE) + 4:513 Thompson, Henry O.

Maranatha 4:514 Wilcox, Max

Marcheshvan. See also Calendars (Ancient Israelite and Early Jewish) 4:514

Marcion + 4:514-516 Clabeaux, John J.

Marcion, Gospel of + 4:516-520 Grant, Robert M.

Marcionite Prologues to Paul + 4:520-521 Clabeaux, John J.

Marcus Aurelius (EMPEROR) + 4:521-522 Whitehorne, John

ABD Article Index


Marduk (DEITY) + 4:522-523 Handy, Lowell K.

Mareal (PLACE) 4:523 Greenberg, Raphael

Mareshah (PERSON) 1-2 4:523 Smith, David Channing

Mareshah (PLACE) + 4:523-525 Kloner, Amos

Mari: 4:525-538

Archaeology 4:525-529 Margueron, Jean-Claude; Rosoff, Stephen (trans.)

Texts 4:529-536 Durand, Jean-Marie; Davis, Jennifer L. (trans.)

Bibliography 4:536-538 Keck, Brian E.

Mariamme (PERSON) 1-6 4:538-539 Sullivan, Richard D.

Mariamme (PLACE) 1-2 4:539-540 Sullivan, Richard D.

Marisa (PLACE). See Mareshah (PLACE)

Marjamah, Khirbet el- (M.R. 181155) + 4:540-541 Mazar, Amihay ; Zohar, Mattanyah

Mark Antony (PERSON) 4:541 Marshall, Bruce A.

Mark, Gospel of + 4:541-557 Achtemeier, Paul J.

Mark, John (PERSON) + 4:557-558 Jefford, Clayton N.

Mark, Secret Gospel of + 4:558-559 Meyer, Marvin W.

Marketplace. See Trade and Commerce (ANE)

Maroth (PLACE) 4:559 Luker, Lamontte M.

Marriage: 4:559-572

Old Testament and Ancient Near East + 4:559-569 Hamilton, Victor P.

New Testament + 4:569-572 Collins, Raymond F.

Marriage, Sacred. See Sacred Marriage

Marsanes (NHC X,1) + 4:572-573 Pearson, Birger A.

Marsena (PERSON) + 4:573 Bush, Frederic W.

Marsh. See Geography and the Bible (Palestine)

Martha (PERSON) + 4:573-574 Collins, Raymond F.

Martyr, Martyrdom + 4:574-579 Tabor, James D.

Mary (PERSON) 1-2 + 4:579-581 Collins, Raymond F.

Mary (PERSON) 3 + 4:581-582 Collins, Raymond F.

Mary (PERSON) 4-6 + 4:582 Witherington, Ben, III

Mary (PERSON) 7 4:582-583 Lampe, Peter

Mary, Birth of + 4:583 Corley, Kathleen E.

Mary, Descent of. See Mary, Birth of

Mary, Gospel of + 4:583-584 Perkins, Pheme

Mary, Gospel of the Birth of 4:584 Corley, Kathleen E.

Mary, Mother of Jesus + 4:584-586 Pazdan, Mary Margaret

Masada (M.R. 183080) + 4:586-587 Netzer, Ehud

Mash (PERSON) + 4:587-588 Baker, David W.

Mashal (PLACE). See Mishal

Masiah (PERSON) + 4:588 Bowman, Craig D.

Maskhuta, Tell el- (30º33' N; 32º06'E) + 4:588-592 Holladay, John S., Jr.

Masorah + 4:592-593 Revell, E. J.

Masoretes + 4:593-594 Revell, E. J.

Masoretic Accents + 4:594-596 Revell, E. J.

Masoretic Studies + 4:596-597 Revell, E. J.

Masoretic Text + 4:597-599 Revell, E. J.

Masrekah (PLACE) + 4:600 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Massa (PERSON) + 4:600 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Massa (PLACE) + 4:600

Massah and Meribah (PLACES) + 4:600-602 Propp, William H.

Massebah + 4:602 Manor, Dale W.

Mathematics, Algebra, and Geometry + 4:602-612 Høyrup, Jens

Matred (PERSON) + 4:612 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Matred, Ramat. See Ramat Matred (M.R. 118020)

Matrites (PEOPLE) + 4:613 Reed, Stephen A.

Mattan (PERSON) 1-2 + 4:613 Porter, Stanley E.

Mattanah (PLACE) + 4:613 Ferch, Arthur J.

Mattaniah (PERSON) 1-10 + 4:613-615 Hobbs, T. R.

Mattatha (PERSON) + 4:615 Porter, Stanley E.

Mattathiah (PERSON) 4:615 Kutsko, John F.

ABD Article Index


Mattathias (PERSON) 1-3 4:615-616 Rappaport, Uriel

Mattathias (PERSON) 4-5 + 4:616 Porter, Stanley E.

Mattattah (PERSON) 4:616 Porter, Stanley E.

Mattenai (PERSON) + 4:616 Porter, Stanley E.

Matthan (PERSON) + 4:616-617 Porter, Stanley E.

Matthat (PERSON) 1-2 + 4:617-618 Porter, Stanley E.

Matthew (Disciple) + 4:618-622 Duling, Dennis C.

Matthew, Gospel of + 4:622-641 Meier, John P.

Matthew, Gospel of Psuedo- + 4:641-642 Newport, Kenneth G. C.

Matthew, Hebrew Version of + 4:642-643 Howard, George E.

Matthew, Martyrdom of + 4:643-644 Newport, Kenneth G. C.

Matthias (PERSON) + 4:644 Martin, Thomas W.

Matthias, Acts of. See Andrew and Matthias, Acts of

Matthias, Traditions of 4:644 Daniels, Jon B.

Mattithiah (PERSON) + 4:645 Brensinger, Terry L.

Maul. See Weapons and Implements of Warfare

Mayor. See Palestine, Administration of (Postexlic Judean Officials)

Mazar, Tell el- (M.R. 207181) + 4:645-646 Yassine, Khair N.

Mazor, the Mausoleum (M.R. 145161) + 4:646-648 Kaplan, Jacob

Me-Jarkon (PLACE) + 4:648 Mullins, Robert A.

Meal Customs: 4:648-655

Jewish Dietary Laws + 4:648-650 Schramm, Gene M.

Greco-Roman Meal Customs + 4:650-653 Smith, Dennis E.

Greco-Roman Sacred Meals + 4:653-655 Smith, Dennis E.

Mearah (PLACE) 4:655 Roth, Ray Lee

Measure, Measurement. See Weights and Measures

Meat. See Meal Customs (Jewish Dietary Laws); Zoology

Mebunnai (PERSON) + 4:655 Thompson, David L.

Mecherathite 4:655 Duke, Rodney K.

Meconah (PLACE) 4:655-656 Kotter, Wade R.

Medad (PERSON) 4:656 Weis, Richard D.

Medan (PERSON) + 4:656 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Medeba (PLACE) + 4:656-658 Piccirillo, Michele

Media (PLACE) 4:658-659 Young, T. Cuyler, Jr.

Medicine and Healing + 4:659-664 Kee, Howard Clark

Mediterranean Sea + 4:664-666 Lubetski, Meir

Medium. See Magic

Megadim, Tel (M.R. 145236) + 4:666 Broshi, Magen

Megiddo (PLACE) + 4:666-679 Ussishkin, David

Megiddo, Plain of (PLACE) + 4:679-680 Hunt, Melvin

Megiddo, Waters of (PLACE) + 4:680 Hunt, Melvin

Megilloth 4:680 Clem, H. Eldon

Mehetabel (PERSON) 1-2 + 4:680 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Mehida (PERSON) 4:680-681 Swanson, Steven R.

Mehir (PERSON) 4:681 Lo, Hing Choi

Meholathite 4:681 Edelman, Diana Vikander

Mehri Language. See Languages (Introductory Survey)

Mehujael (PERSON) + 4:681 Hess, Richard S.

Mehuman (PERSON) + 4:681-682 Wiebe, John M.

Meinim. See Meunim 4:682

Meiron (M.R. 191265) + 4:682-683 Meyers, Eric M.

Melatiah (PERSON) 4:683 Ruffin, Michael L.

Melchi (PERSON) + 4:684 Porter, Stanley E.

Melchias (PERSON). See Malchijah (PERSON) 4:684

Melchiel (PERSON) 4:684 White, Sidnie Ann

Melchizedek (PERSON) + 4:684-686 Astour, Michael C.

Melchizedek (11QMelch) + 4:687-688 Brooke, George J.

Melchizedek (NHC


IX,1) + 4:688 Pearson, Birger A.

Melea (PERSON) + 4:688-689 Porter, Stanley E.

Melech (PERSON) + 4:689 Brettler, Marc Zvi

ABD Article Index


Melons. See Flora

Mem 4:689

Memmius, Quintus (PERSON) 4:689 Lillie, Betty Jane

Memphis (PLACE) + 4:689-691 Redford, Donald B.

Memphite Theology + 4:691-692 Miosi, Frank T.

Memucan (PERSON) + 4:692 Wiebe, John M.

Menahem (PERSON) + 4:692-693 Hobbs, T. R.

Menander, Syriac. See Syriac Menander

Menelaus (PERSON) + 4:694 Rappaport, Uriel

Menestheus (PERSON) + 4:694-695 Hardwick, Michael E.

Meni (DEITY) + 4:695 Maier, Walter Arthur, III

Menna (PERSON) + 4:695 Porter, Stanley E.

Menorah. See Lampstand

Menuhoth + 4:695-696 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Meonothai (PERSON) 4:696 Lo, Hing Choi

Mephaath (PLACE) + 4:696 Peterson, John L.; Piccirillo, Michele

Mephibosheth (PERSON) + 4:696-697 Edelman, Diana Vikander

Merab (PERSON) 4:697 Schearing, Linda S.

Meraiah (PERSON) 4:697 Williams, Nora A.

Meraioth (PERSON) 1-3 + 4:697 Willett, Tom Wayne

Merari (PERSON) 1-2 + 4:697-698 Propp, William H.

Merarites + 4:698-699 Reed, Stephen A.

Merathaim (PLACE) + 4:699 Arnold, Bill T.

Mercenary. See Military Organization in Mesopotamia

Merchant. See Trade and Commerce

Mercy. See Love

Mered (PERSON) 4:699 Lo, Hing Choi

Meremoth (PERSON) 1-3 + 4:699-700 Shearer, Rodney H.

Merenptah (PERSON) + 4:700-701 Redford, Donald B.

Meres (PERSON) + 4:701 Bush, Frederic W.

Merib-Baal (PERSON) + 4:701-702 Edelman, Diana Vikander

Meribah (PLACE) + 4:702-704 Propp, William H.

Meribath-Kadesh (PLACE) 4:704 Herion, Gary A.

Merkabah Mysticism. See Enoch, Third Book of; Job, Testament of

Merneptah (PERSON). See Merenptah (PERSON)

Merodach (DEITY). See Marduk (DEITY)

Merodach-Baladan (PERSON) + 4:704-705 Sack, Ronald H.

Meroitic Language. See Languages (Introductory Survey)

Merom, Waters of (PLACE) + 4:705 Liid, Dale C.

Meronothite 4:705 Nysse, Richard W.

Meroz (PLACE) + 4:705-706 Hunt, Melvin

Merran (PLACE) 4:706 Schmitt, John J.

Mesad Hashavyahu (M.R. 120146) + 4:706 Stern, Ephraim

Mesaloth (PLACE) + 4:706-707 Hardwick, Michael E.

Mesha (PERSON) 1 4:707 Mattingly, Gerald L.

Mesha (PERSON) 2 4:707 Harmon, G. Edwin

Mesha (PLACE) 4:708 Oller, Gary H.

Mesha Stele 4:708-709 Dearman, J. Andrew; Mattingly, Gerald L.

Meshach (PERSON). See Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego

Meshash, Khirbet el- (M.R. 146069) 4:709-710 Fritz, Volkmar

Meshech (PERSON) + 4:711 Baker, David W.

Meshelemiah (PERSON) + 4:711-712 Barnes, William Hamilton

Meshezabel (PERSON) 1-3 4:712 Schmidt, Frederick W.

Meshillemoth (PERSON) 1-2 4:712 Hutton, Rodney R.

Meshobab (PERSON) 4:712 Evans, Craig A.

Meshullam (PERSON) 1-19 4:712-714 Kennedy, James M.

Meshullemeth (PERSON) + 4:714 Schearing, Linda S.

Mesopotamia (PLACE) 4:714 Grayson, A. Kirk

Mesopotamia, History of: 4:714-777

Mesopotamian Chronology + 4:714-720 Knapp, A. Bernard

ABD Article Index


Prehistory of Mesopotamia + 4:720-724 Wright, Henry T.

Mesopotamia in the Third Millennium B.C. + 4:724-732 Steinkeller, Piotr

History and Culture of Assyria + 4:732-755 Grayson, A. Kirk

History and Culture of Babylonia + 4:755-777 Grayson, A. Kirk

Messenger. See Travel and Communication

Messiah + 4:777-788 de Jonge, Marinus

Messianic Banquet + 4:788-791 Smith, Dennis E.

Messianic Movements in Judaism + 4:791-797 Horsley, Richard A.

Messianic Secret + 4:797-800 Tuckett, C. M.

Methegh-Ammah 4:800 Kobayashi, Yosh*taka

Methuselah (PERSON) + 4:800-801 Hess, Richard S.

Methushael (PERSON) + 4:801 Hess, Richard S.

Meunim + 4:801-802 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Mevorakh, Tell (M.R. 143215) 4:802-804 Stern, Ephraim

Mezahab (PERSON) + 4:804-805 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Mezobaite 4:805 Duke, Rodney K.

Mibhar (PERSON) 4:805 Pisano, Stephen

Mibsam (PERSON) + 4:805 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Mibzar (PERSON) 4:805-806 Hübner, Ulrich

Mica (PERSON) 1-3 + 4:806 Schmidt, Frederick W.

Micah (PERSON) 1-9 + 4:806-807 Brettler, Marc Zvi

Micah, Book of + 4:807-810 Hillers, Delbert R.

Micaiah (PERSON) 1-5 + 4:810 Schearing, Linda S.

Micaiah (PERSON) 6-7 + 4:810-811 Fretz, Mark J.

Michael (ANGEL) + 4:811 Watson, Duane F.

Michael (PERSON) 1-10 4:811-812 Wright, John W.

Michal (PERSON) + 4:812-813 Schearing, Linda S.

Michal, Tel (M.R. 131174) + 4:813-814 Herzog, Ze’ev

Michmash (PLACE) + 4:814-815 Arnold, Patrick M.

Michmethath (PLACE) 4:815 Dyck, Elmer H.

Michri (PERSON) 4:815 Barnes, William Hamilton

Middin (PLACE) + 4:815 Kotter, Wade R.

Midian (PERSON) + 4:815-818 Mendenhall, George E.

Midrash + 4:818-822 Porton, Gary G.

Migdal-el (PLACE) + 4:822 Williams, David Salter

Migdal-Gad (PLACE) 4:822 Kotter, Wade R.

Migdol (PLACE) 4:822 Lott, Jeffrey K.

Mighty Men. See David’s Champions

Mighty One. See Names of God in the OT

Migron (PLACE) + 4:822-823 Arnold, Patrick M.

Mijamin (PERSON) 1-4 4:823-824 Brensinger, Terry L.

Mikloth (PERSON) 1-2 + 4:824 Brettler, Marc Zvi

Mikneiah (PERSON) 4:824 Dillard, Raymond B.

Milalai (PERSON) 4:824 Williams, Nora A.

Milcah (PERSON) + 4:824-825 Hess, Richard S.

Milcom (DEITY). See Molech (DEITY)

Mildew. See Leprosy

Mile. See Weights and Measures

Milestones. See Roads and Highways

Miletus (PLACE) + 4:825-826 McRay, John

Milh, Tell el. See Malhata, Tel

Military Organization in Mesopotamia + 4:826-831 Malbran-Labat, F.; Davis, Jennifer L. (trans.)

Milk. See Zoology

Mill, Millstone + 4:831-832 van der Toorn, Karel

Millennium + 4:832-834 Ford, J. Massyngbaerde

Millo (PLACE) + 4:834-835 Mare, W. Harold

Minaean Language. See Languages (Introductory Survey)

Minah. See Coinage; Weights and Measures

Miniamin (PERSON) 1-3 4:835 Williams, Nora A.

Minim. See Ebionites

ABD Article Index


Ministry in the Early Church + 4:835-842 Schweizer, R. Eduard

Minni (PLACE) + 4:842 Arnold, Bill T.

Minnith (PLACE) + 4:842 Younker, Randall W.

Mint. See Flora

Minucius Felix + 4:842-843 Petersen, William L.

Miqsat Ma‘ase Hatorah (4QMMT) 4:843-845 Qimron, Elisha

Miracle: 4:845-869

Old Testament + 4:845-856 Zakovitch, Yair

New Testament + 4:856-869 Remus, Harold E.

Miriam (PERSON) 1-2 + 4:869-870 Burns, Rita J.

Mirmah (PERSON) 4:870 Harmon, G. Edwin

Mishael (PERSON) + 4:870-871 Brensinger, Terry L.

Mishal (PLACE) 4:871 Baker, David W.

Misham (PERSON) 4:871 Willett, Tom Wayne

Mishma (PERSON) 1-2 + 4:871 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Mishmannah (PERSON). See also Machbannai (PERSON) 4:871 Dillard, Raymond B.

Mishnah + 4:871-873 Brooks, Roger

Mishraites + 4:873 Hostetter, Edwin C.

Mispar (PERSON) 4:873 Bergdall, Chaney R.

Misrephoth-Maim (PLACE) 4:873-874 Benjamin, Paul

Mitanni + 4:874-876 Morrison, Martha A.

Mite. See Coinage

Mithkah (PLACE) + 4:876-877 Zorn, Jeffrey R.

Mithnite (PERSON) + 4:877 Duke, Rodney K.

Mithras, Mithraism + 4:877-878 Merkelbach, Reinhold

Mithredath (PERSON) 1-2 + 4:878 Suiter, David E.

Mitre. See Dress and Ornamentation

Mitylene (PLACE) 4:878-879 Wineland, John D.

Mizar (PLACE) + 4:879 Raabe, Paul R.

Mizmor. See Psalms, Book of 4:879

Mizpah (PLACE) 1-5 + 4:879-881 Arnold, Patrick M.

Mizzah (PERSON) 4:881 Hübner, Ulrich

MMŠT + 4:881 Lance, H. Darrell

Mnason (PERSON) + 4:881-882 Paulien, Jon

Moab (PLACE) + 4:882-893 Miller, J. Maxwell

Moab, City of (PLACE) 4:893 Mattingly, Gerald L.

Moabite Language. See Languages (Introductory Survey)

Moabite Stone. See Mesha‘ Stele

Moadiah (PERSON) 4:893 Williams, Nora A.

Mochmur (PLACE) + 4:893-894 White, Sidnie Ann

Modad. See Eldad and Modad

Modein (PLACE) + 4:894-895 Longstaff, Thomas R.W.

Modern Versions of the Bible. See Versions (Modern Era)

Moeth (PERSON). See Noadiah

Moladah (PLACE) 4:895 Kotter, Wade R.

Molding 4:895 Meyers, Carol

Molech (DEITY) + 4:895-898 Heider, George C.

Molid (PERSON) 4:898 Steeger, William P.

Mollusks. See Zoology

Moloch (DEITY). See Molech

Molten Image. See Idol, Idolatry


Molten Sea. See Temple, Jerusalem

Money. See Coinage

Monkey. See Zoology

Montanus, Montanism + 4:898-902 Heine, Ronald E.

Month. See Calendars

Monuments, Christian (Rome). See Rome, Christian Monuments at

Moossias (PERSON). See Maaseiah

Mordecai (PERSON) 1-2 + 4:902-904 Clines, David J. A.

Moreh (PLACE) + 4:904 Hunt, Melvin

ABD Article Index


Moresheth (PLACE) 4:904-905 Luker, Lamontte M.

Moriah (PLACE) 1-2 + 4:905 Davila, James R.

Mortar, The (PLACE) 4:905 Herion, Gary A.

Mosaic Covenant + 4:905-909 Guinan, Michael D.

Moserah (PLACE) 4:909 Thompson, Henry O.

Moses (PERSON): 4:909-920

Old Testament + 4:909-918 Beegle, Dewey M.

New Testament + 4:918-920 Gillman, Florence Morgan

Moses, Assumption of. See, Moses Testament of

Moses, Testament of + 4:920-922 Priest, John F.

Most High + 4:922 Schmidt, Frederick W.

Mot (DEITY) + 4:922-924 Lewis, Theodore J.

Moth. See Zoology

Mother. See Family

Mound, Siege. See Weapons and Implements of Warfare

Mount of Olives (PLACE). See Olives, Mount of

Mount, Sermon on the. See Sermon on the Mount/Plain

Mouse. See Zoology

Moza (PERSON) 1-2 + 4:924-925 Brettler, Marc Zvi

Mozah (PLACE) + 4:925 Mullins, Robert A.

Mu 4:926

Mughayyir, Tell el- (M.R. 238225) + 4:926 Mittmann, Siegfried; Ibrahim, Moawiyah M.

Mulberries. See Flora

Mule. See Zoology

Muppim (PERSON) + 4:926 Mariottini, Claude F.

Murashû, Archive of + 4:927-928 Stolper, Matthew W.

Muratorian Fragment + 4:928-929 Robbins, Gregory Allen

Murex. See Purple; Zoology 4:929

Mushi (PERSON) + 4:930 Viviano, Pauline A.

Music and Musical Instruments:

Music in the Bible + 4:930-934 Matthews, Victor H.

Musical Instruments + 4:934-939 Jones, Ivor H.

Mustard Seed. See Flora

Muster Gate (PLACE) + 4:939 Liid, Dale C.

Mutilation. See Punishments and Crimes

Mycenaean Language. See Languages (Introductory Survey)

Myndos (PLACE) 4:939 Herion, Gary A.

Myra (PLACE) + 4:939-940 Yamauchi, Edwin M.

Myrrh. See Perfumes and Spices; Flora; Incense; and Frankincense

Myrtle. See Flora

Mysia (PLACE) 4:940-941 Carroll, Scott T.

Mystery Religions + 4:941-945 Meyer, Marvin W.

Mysticism + 4:945-946 Ringgren, Helmer

Myth and Mythology: 4:946-965

Mythology + 4:946-956 Oden, Robert A., Jr.

Myth in the OT + 4:956-960 Oden, Robert A., Jr.

Myth in the Greco-Roman World + 4:961-965 Graf, Fritz

Naam (PERSON) 4:967 Smith, David Channing

Naamah (PERSON) 1-2 4:967 Schearing, Linda S.

Naamah (PLACE) 4:967 Kotter, Wade R.

Naaman (PERSON) 1-2 + 4:967-968 Hobbs, T. R.

Naamathite + 4:968 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Naarah (PERSON) 4:969 Lo, Hing Choi

Naarah (PLACE) + 4:969 Thompson, Henry O.

Naarai (PERSON) 4:969 Pisano, Stephen

Naathus (PERSON) 4:969 Han, Jin Hee

Nabal (PERSON) + 4:969-970 Pisano, Stephen

Nabariah (PERSON) 4:970 Han, Jin Hee

Nabateans + 4:970-973 Graf, David F.

Nabonidus (PERSON) + 4:973-976 Sack, Ronald H.

ABD Article Index


Nabonidus, Prayer of (4QPrNab) + 4:976-977 Collins, John J.

Nabopolassar (PERSON) + 4:977-978 Sack, Ronald H.

Naboth (PERSON) + 4:978 Walsh, Jerome T.

Nabratein (M.R. 197267) + 4:978-979 Meyers, Eric M.

Nacon (PERSON) + 4:979-980 Bailey, Randall C.

Nadab (PERSON) 1-5 + 4:980-981 Brettler, Marc Zvi

Nadabath (PLACE) 4:981-982 Smith, Robert Wayne

Nag Hammadi (26º03'N; 32º15'E): 4:982-993

Archaeology + 4:982-984 Lease, Gary

Nag Hammadi Codices + 4:984-993 Pearson, Birger A.

Naggai (PERSON) + 4:993 Porter, Stanley E.

Nahal Oren (M.R. 148241) + 4:993-994 Noy, Tamar

Nahalal (PLACE) + 4:994-995 Peterson, John L.

Nahaliel (PLACE) 4:995 Younker, Randall W.

Naham (PERSON) 4:995 Lo, Hing Choi

Nahamani (PERSON) 4:995 Swanson, Steven R.

Naharai (PERSON) 4:995 Pisano, Stephen

Nahariyeh (M.R. 159267) + 4:995-996 Dever, William G.

Nahash (PERSON) 4:996 Nelson, Richard D.

Nahath (PERSON) 1-3 4:996 Hübner, Ulrich

Nahbi (PERSON) 4:996 Paulien, Jon

Nahor (PERSON) 1-2 + 4:996-997 Hess, Richard S.

Nahor (PLACE) + 4:997 Hess, Richard S.

Nahshon (PERSON) + 4:998 Launderville, Dale F.

Nahum (PERSON) 1-2 + 4:998 Porter, Stanley E.

Nahum, Book of + 4:998-1000 Cathcart, Kevin J.

Naidus (PERSON) 4:1000 Kutsko, John F.

Nain (PLACE) 4:1000-1001 Strange, James F.

Naioth (PLACE) + 4:1001 Hamilton, Jeffries M.

Name. See Family

Names, City. See City Names; Toponyms and Toponymy

Names of God in the OT + 4:1001-1011 Rose, Martin

Names, Double + 4:1011-1017 Horsley, G. H. R.

Names, Hypocoristic + 4:1017-1018 Pike, Dana M.

Names, Theophoric + 4:1018-1019 Pike, Dana M.

Nanea (DEITY) + 4:1019-1020 Pietersma, Albert

Naomi (PERSON) 4:1020 Mathews, Kenneth A.

Naphish (PERSON) + 4:1020 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Naphoth-Dor (PLACE) 4:1020-1021 Benjamin, Paul

Naphtali (PERSON) + 4:1021-1022 Jeansonne, Sharon Pace

Naphtha 4:1022 Herion, Gary A.

Naphtuhim + 4:1022 Baker, David W.

Narcissus (PERSON) 4:1022-1023 Lampe, Peter

Nard. See Perfumes and Spices; Flora

Narrative, Court. See Court Narrative (2 Samuel 9-1 Kings 2)

Narrative, Hebrew 4:1023-1027 Fewell, Danna Nolan; Gunn, David M.

Nasbeh, Tell en- (M.R. 170143) + 4:1027-1029 Broshi, Magen

Nasi. See Sanhedrin

Nathan (PERSON) 1-6 4:1029-1030 Howard, David M., Jr.

Nathan-Melech (PERSON) 4:1030 Viviano, Pauline A.

Nathanael (PERSON) 1-2 + 4:1030 Schmidt, Frederick W.

Nathanael (PERSON) 3 + 4:1030-1031 Collins, Raymond F.

Nationality and Political Identity + 4:1031-1037 Liverani, Mario

Nations + 4:1037-1049 Christensen, Duane L.

Nave. See Temple, Jerusalem

Nazaraeans, Gospel of. See Nazoraeans Gospel of the

Nazarenes + 4:1049-1050 Goranson, Stephen

Nazareth (PLACE) + 4:1050-1051 Strange, James F.

Nazoraeans, Gospel of the + 4:1051-1052 Petersen, William L.

Neah (PLACE) 4:1052 Greenberg, Raphael

ABD Article Index


Neapolis (PLACE) 4:1052-1053 Gempf, Conrad

Neariah (PERSON) 1-2 4:1053 Fuller, Russell

Nebai (PERSON) + 4:1053 Schmidt, Frederick W.

Nebaioth (PERSON) + 4:1053 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Neballat (PLACE) + 4:1053-1054 Herion, Gary A.

Nebat (PERSON) + 4:1054 Walsh, Jerome T.

Nebiim 4:1054

Nebo (DEITY) 4:1054-1056 Dalglish, Edward R.

Nebo (PERSON). See also Nebo (PLACE) 2 4:1056

Nebo (PLACE) 1-2 + 4:1056 Ferch, Arthur J.

Nebo, Mount (PLACE). See also Nebo (PLACE) 1 + 4:1056-1058 Piccirillo, Michele

Nebuchadnezzar (PERSON) + 4:1058-1059 Sack, Ronald H.

Nebushazban (PERSON) 4:1059-1060 Bracke, John M.

Nebuzaradan (PERSON) 4:1060 Bracke, John M.

Necklace. See Jewelry

Neco (PERSON) + 4:1060-1061 Hobbs, T. R.

Necromancy. See Magic

Nedabiah (PERSON) 4:1061 Fuller, Russell

Negeb: 4:1061-1068

Bronze Age + 4:1061-1064 Rosen, Steven A.

Iron Age + 4:1064-1066 Beit-Arieh, Itzhaq

Hellenistic-Roman Period + 4:1066-1068 Negev, Avraham

Nehelam (PLACE) + 4:1068 Bracke, John M.

Nehemiah (PERSON) 1-2 4:1068-1069 Swanson, Steven R.

Nehemiah (PERSON) 3 + 4:1069-1071 North, Robert

Nehemiah, Book of. See Ezra-Nehemiah, Books of

Nehum (PERSON) 4:1071 Williams, Nora A.

Nehushta (PERSON) 4:1071 Schearing, Linda S.

Nehushtan. See Serpent, Bronze; Hezekiah 4:1071

Neiel (PLACE) 4:1071 Williams, David Salter

Nekoda (PERSON) 1-2 4:1071 Cuffey, Kenneth Hugh

Nemuel (PERSON) 1-2 4:1071-1072 Slayton, Joel C.

Neolithic. See Prehistory

Nepheg (PERSON) 1-2 4:1072 Howard, David M., Jr.

Nephilim + 4:1072-1073 Hess, Richard S.

Nephisim (PERSON) + 4:1073 Cuffey, Kenneth Hugh

Nephthar 4:1073 Herion, Gary A.

Nephtoah (PLACE) 4:1073 Toews, Wesley Irwin

Nephushesim (PERSON). See also Nephisim; Naphish 4:1073

Ner (PERSON) 1-2 + 4:1073-1074 Edelman, Diana Vikander

Nereus (PERSON) 4:1074 Lampe, Peter

Nergal (DEITY) + 4:1074 Fulco, William J.

Nergal-Sharezer (PERSON) + 4:1074-1075 Bracke, John M.

Neri (PERSON) + 4:1075 Porter, Stanley E.

Neriah (PERSON) + 4:1075-1076 Porter, Stanley E.

Nero (Emperor) + 4:1076-1081 Griffin, Miriam Tamara

Nerva (Emperor) + 4:1081-1082


Jones, Brian W.

Nessana (M.R. 095031) + 4:1082-1084 Negev, Avraham

Netaim (PLACE) + 4:1084 Williams, David Salter

Nethanel (PERSON) 1-10 4:1084-1085 Eades, Keith L.

Nethaniah (PERSON) 1-5 + 4:1085 Dalglish, Edward R.

Nethinim + 4:1085-1086 Healey, Joseph P.

Netophah (PLACE) + 4:1086 Younker, Randall W.

Nets. See Zoology

Network 4:1086 Meyers, Carol

New + 4:1086-1088 Collins, Raymond F.

New Commandment + 4:1088 Collins, Raymond F.

New Covenant + 4:1088-1094 Lundbom, Jack R.

New Earth, New Heaven + 4:1094-1095 Watson, Duane F.

New Gate (PLACE) 4:1095 Liid, Dale C.

ABD Article Index


New Jerusalem + 4:1095-1096 Watson, Duane F.

New Moon. See Calendars

New Testament Semiticisms. See Semiticisms in the NT

New Testament, OT Quotations in the + 4:1096-1104 Hübner, Hans; Schatzmann, Siegfried S. (trans.)

New Year Festival. See Akitu

Neziah (PERSON) 4:1104 Swanson, Steven R.

Nezib (PLACE) 4:1104 Kotter, Wade R.

Nibhaz (DEITY) + 4:1104 Fulco, William J.

Nibshan (PLACE) + 4:1104 Kotter, Wade R.

Nicanor (PERSON) 1-2 + 4:1105 Rappaport, Uriel

Nicanor Gate. See Beautiful Gate

Nicodemus (PERSON) + 4:1105-1106 Paulien, Jon

Nicodemus, Gospel of. See Pilate, Acts of

Nicolaitans + 4:1106-1107 Watson, Duane F.

Nicolaus (PERSON) + 4:1107-1108 Martin, Thomas W.

Nicopolis (PLACE) 4:1108 Smith, Robert Wayne

Niger 4:1108 Martin, Thomas W.

Night Hag. See Lilith (DEITY)

Nile (PLACE): 4:1108-1116

Old Testament + 4:1108-1112 Huddlestun, John R.

Geography + 4:1112-1116 Williams, Bruce B.

Nimrim, The Waters of (PLACE) + 4:1116 Ferch, Arthur J.

Nimrod (PERSON) + 4:1116-1118 Machinist, Peter

Nimshi (PERSON) + 4:1118 Walsh, Jerome T.

Nineveh (PLACE) 4:1118-1119 Grayson, A. Kirk

Ninlil (DEITY) + 4:1119 Fulco, William J.

Ninurta (DEITY) + 4:1119 Fulco, William J.

Nippur (32º08'N; 45º03'E) + 4:1119-1122 Franke, Judith A.

Nisan. See also Calendars (Ancient Israelite and Early Jewish) 4:1122

Nisroch (DEITY) 4:1122 Grayson, A. Kirk

Noadiah (PERSON) + 4:1122 Shearer, Rodney H.

Noah (PERSON) 1-2 + 4:1122-1123 Taylor, Marion Ann ; Taylor, J. Glen

Noah and the Ark: 4:1123-1131

The Hero of the Flood + 4:1123-1131 Kikawada, Isaac M.

Noah’s Ark + 4:1131 Bailey, Lloyd R.

Noah, Apocalypse of + 4:1132-1133 Thomason, Dana Andrew

Nob (PLACE) + 4:1133 Hamilton, Jeffries M.

Nobah (PERSON) 4:1133 Franklyn, Paul Nimrah

Nobah (PLACE) 1-2 4:1133 Slayton, Joel C.

Nobles. See Palestine, Administration of (Postexilic Judean Officials)

Nod (PLACE) 4:1133-1134 Davila, James R.

Nodab (PERSON) + 4:1134 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Nogah (PERSON) 4:1134 Howard, David M., Jr.

Nohah (PERSON) 4:1134 Willett, Tom Wayne

Nophah (PLACE) + 4:1134-1135 Ferch, Arthur J.

Norea, Thought of (NHC IX,2) + 4:1135 Pearson, Birger A.

North 4:1135-1136 Drinkard, Joel F., Jr.

North African Christianity. See Christianity (North African)

North African Judaism. See Judaism (North African)

North Country, The (PLACE) + 4:1136 Arnold, Bill T.

Northwest Semitic Languages. See Languages (Introductory Survey)

Nose Ring. See Jewelry

Not My People (PERSON) 4:1136-1137 Pressler, Carolyn J.

Not Pitied (PERSON) 4:1137 Pressler, Carolyn J.

Novels, Greek and Latin + 4:1137-1139 Alexander, Loveday C. A.

Nu 4:1139

Numbers and Counting + 4:1139-1146 Friberg, Jöran

Numbers, Book of + 4:1146-1155 Milgrom, Jacob

Numenius (PERSON) + 4:1155 Hardwick, Michael E.

Nun 4:1155

ABD Article Index


Nun (PERSON) 4:1155 Viviano, Pauline A.

Nunc Dimittis + 4:1155-1156 Danker, Frederick William

Nuts. See Flora

Nuzi 4:1156-1162 Morrison, Martha A.

Nympha (PERSON) + 4:1162 Gillman, Florence Morgan

Oak of Tabor (PLACE). See Tabor, Oak of

Oak Tree. See Flora

Oak, Diviner’s. See Diviner’s Oak

Obadiah (PERSON) 1-2 + 5:1-2 Kennedy, James M.

Obadiah, Book of 5:2-4 Ackroyd, Peter R.

Obal (PERSON) + 5:4-5 Müller, Walter W.

Obed (PERSON) 1-6 + 5:5 Mathews, Kenneth A.

Obed-Edom (PERSON) 1-4 + 5:5-6 Thompson, David L.

Obelisk. See Massebah 5:6

Obil (PERSON) Nysse, Richard W.

Oblation 5:6 Flesher, Paul V. M.

Oboda (M.R. 128022) + 5:6-7 Negev, Avraham

Oboth (PLACE) + 5:7 Ferch, Arthur J.

Obscene Language. See Bible, Euphemism and Dysphemism in the

Ochiel (PERSON). See Jeiel

Ochran (PERSON) 5:7 Launderville, Dale F.

Ocina (PLACE) 5:8 White, Sidnie Ann

Octopus. See Zoology

Oded (PERSON) 1-2 + 5:8 Clem, H. Eldon

Odomera (PERSON) + 5:8 Hardwick, Michael E.

Odor + 5:8-9 Carrez, Maurice

Offerings. See Sacrifice and Sacrificial Offerings

Offset 5:9 Meyers, Carol

Og (PERSON) + 5:9 McMillion,Phillip E.

Ohad (PERSON) + 5:9 Mariottini, Claude F.

Ohel (PERSON) + 5:10 Fuller, Russell

Oholiab (PERSON) 5:10 Hostetter, Edwin C.

Oholibamah (PERSON) 5:10 Hübner, Ulrich

Old Age + 5:10-12 Harris, J. Gordon

Old Gate (PLACE) + 5:12 Liid, Dale C.

Old Testament Quotations in the NT. See New Testament, OT Quotations in

Olive Oil. See Perfumes and Spices

Olive Tree. See Flora

Olives, Mount of (PLACE) + 5:13-15 Heard, Warren J., Jr.

Olympas (PERSON) 5:15 Lampe, Peter

Olympian Zeus, Temple of + 5:15 Kampen, John

Omar (PERSON) 5:15 Hübner, Ulrich

Omega 5:15

Omens in the Ancient Near East + 5:15-17 Starr, Ivan

Omer. See Weights and Measures

Omicron 5:17

Omri (PERSON) 1-4 5:17-20 Thiel, Winfried; Muenchow, Charles (trans.)

On (PERSON) 5:20 de Groot van Houten, Christina

On (PLACE). See Helipolis

Onager. See Zoology

Onam (PERSON) 1-2 5:20 Matthews, Victor H.

Onan (PERSON) + 5:20-21 Mariottini, Claude F.

Onesimus (PERSON) + 5:21-22 Lampe, Peter

Onesiphorus (PERSON) + 5:22-23 Gillman, Florence Morgan

Onias (PERSON) 1-4 + 5:23-24 Rappaport, Uriel

Onion. See Flora

Ono (PLACE) + 5:24-25 Shearer, Rodney H.

Onycha. See Perfumes and Spices

Ophel (PLACE) + 5:26 Mare, W. Harold

Ophir (PERSON) + 5:26 Baker, David W.

ABD Article Index


Ophir (PLACE) + 5:26-27 Baker, David W.

Ophni (PLACE) 5:27 Dyck, Elmer H.

Ophrah (PERSON) 5:27 Lo, Hing Choi

Ophrah (PLACE) + 5:27-28 Hamilton, Jeffries M.

Oracle: 5:28-30

See also Prophecy; Sibylline Oracles; Woe

Old Testament + 5:28-29 Weis, Richard D.

Ancient Egypt + 5:29-30 Miosi, Frank T.

Oral Tradition: 5:30-37

See also Form Criticism (OT); Genesis, The Narrative of; Joshua, Book of; Judges, Book of; Scandinavian School (OT);

Tradition History

New Testament + 5:30-34 Kelber, Werner H.

Early Judaism + 5:34-37 Avery-Peck, Alan J.

Oratory. See Rhetoric and Rhetorical Criticism

Ordain, Ordination + 5:37-40 Ferguson, Everett

Ordeal + 5:40-42 van der Toorn, Karel

Oreb and Zeeb (PERSONS) 5:42 Mendenhall, George E.

Oren (PERSON) 5:42 Smith, David Channing

Orientation. See Direction and Orientation

Origen (PERSON) + 5:42-48 Trigg, Joseph W.

Origen’s Hexapla. See Hexapla of Origen

Origin of the World (NHC II,5). See World, on the Origin of (NHC II,5)

Ornaments. See Dress and Ornamentation

Ornan (PERSON). See Araunah

Orpah (PERSON) + 5:48 Mathews, Kenneth A.

Orphism + 5:48-50 Alderink, Larry J.

Orthosia (PLACE) 5:50 Smith, Robert Wayne

Osnappar (PERSON) 5:50 Grayson, A. Kirk

Osprey. See Zoology

Ostraca, Semitic + 5:50-51 Lemaire, André

Ostrich. See Zoology

Othni (PERSON) + 5:51 Endres, John C.

Othniel (PERSON) + 5:51-52 Boling, Robert G.

Othoniah (PERSON) 5:52 Han, Jin Hee

Ovens, Tower of the (PLACE) + 5:52 Liid, Dale C.

Overlay 5:52 Meyers, Carol

Owl. See Zoology

Ox (ANIMAL). See Zoology

Ox (PERSON) 5:52 White, Sidnie Ann

Oxyrhynchus Sayings. See Sayings of Jesus, Oxyrhynchus

Oysters. See Zoology

Ozem (PERSON) 1-2 5:53 Smith, David Channing

Oziel (PERSON) 5:53 White, Sidnie Ann

Ozni (PERSON) 5:53 de Groot van Houten, Christina

P. See Priestly ("P") Source; Torah (Pentateuch); Source Criticism (Old Testament)

Paarai (PERSON) + 5:55 Dempster, Stephen G.

Paddan-Aram (PLACE) + 5:55 Pitard, Wayne T.

Padon (PERSON)


+ 5:55-56 Eskenazi, Tamara C.

Pagans. See Nations

Pagiel (PERSON) 5:56 Launderville, Dale F.

Pahad. See Names of God in the OT

Pahath-Moab (PERSON) 5:56 Schley, Donald G.

Pai (PLACE). See also Pau (PLACE) 5:56

Palace + 5:56-58 Dever, William G.

Palaeography + 5:58-60 McLean, Mark D.

Palal (PERSON) 5:60 Ruffin, Michael L.

Paleo-Hebrew Script. See Hebrew Scripts

Paleolithic. See Prehistory

Paleopathology + 5:60-69 Jones, Richard N.

Palestine, Administration of: 5:69-99

ABD Article Index


Assyrian and Babylonian Administration + 5:69-81 Machinist, Peter

Persian Administration + 5:81-86 Williamson, H. G. M.

Postexilic Judean Officials + 5:86-90 North, Robert

Ptolemaic Administration + 5:90-92 Bagnall, Roger S.

Seleucid Administration + 5:92-96 Fischer, Thomas; Cryer, Frederick (trans.)

Roman Administration + 5:96-99 Bruce, Frederick Fyvie

Palestine, Archaeology of: 5:99-119

Prehistoric Periods + 5:99-109 Bar-Yosef, Ofer

Bronze and Iron Ages + 5:109-114 Dever, William G.

Persian Period + 5:114-116 Stern, Ephraim

New Testament Period + 5:116-119 Strange, James F.

Palestine, Climate of + 5:119-126 Frick, Frank S.

Palestine, Geography and Geology of. See Geography and the Bible (Geography of Palestine)

Palestinian Funerary Inscriptions + 5:126-135 Puech, Emile; Rosoff, Stephen (trans.)

Palestinian Judaism. See Judaism (Palestinian)

Pallu (PERSON) 5:136 Mariottini, Claude F.

Palm Trees, City of. See City of Palm Trees

Palmyra (34º33'N; 38º17'E) + 5:136-137 Gawlikowski, Michael

Palsy. See Sickness and Disease

Palti (PERSON) 1-2 5:138 Schearing, Linda S.

Paltiel (PERSON) 1-2 5:138 Schearing, Linda S.

Paltite, The + 5:138 Thompson, David L.

Pamphylia (PLACE) + 5:138-139 Carroll, Scott T.

Panel 5:139 Meyers, Carol

Pantheons, Mesopotamian + 5:139 Lambert, W. G.

Panther. See Zoology

Paphos (PLACE) + 5:139-140 Gempf, Conrad

Papias (PERSON) + 5:140-142 Schoedel, William R.

Papyri, Early Christian + 5:143-146 Pickering, Stuart Richard

Papyri, Papyrus. See Bodmer Papyri; Chester Beatty Papyri; Elephantine Papyri; Samaria (Papyri); Egerton Papyrus;

Flora; Writing and Writing Materials

Parable + 5:146-152 Crossan, John Dominic

Paraclete + 5:152-154 Ashton, John

Paradise 5:154-155 Charlesworth, James H.

Parah (PLACE) 5:155 Dyck, Elmer H.

Paraleipomena Ieremiou. See Baruch, Book of 4

Parallelism + 5:155-162 Berlin, Adele

Paralysis. See Sickness and Disease

Paran (PLACE) + 5:162 Hamilton, Jeffries M.

Paran, El-. See El-Paran (PLACE)

Parapet. See Temple, Jerusalem

Paraphrase of Shem. See Shem, Paraphrase of (NHC VII,1)

Parbar + 5:162 Willett, Tom Wayne

Parenesis and Protreptic + 5:162-165 Fiore, Benjamin

Pareve. See Meal Customs (Jewish Dietary Laws)

Parmashta (PERSON) + 5:165 Bedford, Peter

Parmenas (PERSON) + 5:165 Paulien, Jon

Parnach (PERSON) 5:166 Panitz, Raphael I.

Parosh (PERSON) + 5:166 Bergdall, Chaney R.

Parousia + 5:166-170 Rowland, Christopher

Parshandatha (PERSON) + 5:170 Bedford, Peter

Parthians 5:170-171 Olson, Mark J.

Partition/Dividing Wall. See Temple, Jerusalem

Partridge. See Zoology

Paruah (PERSON) 5:171 McMillion,Phillip E.

Parvaim (PLACE) + 5:171 Baker, David W.

Pas-Dammim (PLACE). See Ephes-Dammim 5:171

Pasach (PERSON) + 5:171 O’Brien, Julia M.

Paseah (PERSON) 1-3 5:171 Ruffin, Michael L.

Pashhur (PERSON) 1-5 5:171-172 Bracke, John M.

ABD Article Index


Passion Narratives + 5:172-177 Nickelsburg, George W. E.

Passover, Meal. See Unleavened Bread and Passover, Feasts of

Patara (PLACE) + 5:177-178 Wineland, John D.

Pathology. See Paleopathology

Pathros (PLACE): Pathrusim 5:178 Baker, David W.

Pathros (PLACE): (Upper Egypt) 5:178 Redford, Donald B.

Patmos (PLACE) 5:178-179 Carroll, Scott T.

Patriarchate + 5:179-180 Goodblatt, David

Patriarchs, Testament of the Three + 5:180-181 Sanders, E. P.

Patriarchs, Testaments of the Twelve + 5:181-186 de Jonge, Marinus

Patrimony. See Family

Patrobas (PERSON) 5:186 Lampe, Peter

Patroclus (PERSON) 5:186 Kampen, John

Pau (PLACE) 5:186 Hübner, Ulrich

Paul (PERSON) + 5:186-201 Betz, Hans Dieter

Paul’s Nephew + 5:201-202 O’Toole, Robert F.

Paul and Seneca, Epistles of + 5:201 Thomason, Dana Andrew

Paul, Acts of + 5:202-203 Sellew, Philip

Paul, Apocalypse of + 5:203-204 Perkins, Pheme

Paul, Martyrdom of 5:204-205 Sellew, Philip

Paul, Passion of. See Peter and Paul, Passion of; Paul, Martyrdom of

Paul, Prayer of the Apostle (NHC I,1) + 5:205 Attridge, Harold W.

Paulus, Sergius (PERSON) + 5:205-206 Martin, Thomas W.

Pavilion. See Art and Architecture 5:206

Peace: 5:206-212

Old Testament + 5:206-207 Healey, Joseph P.

New Testament + 5:207-212 Klassen, William

Peacemaking, Peacemakers + 5:212-213 Beutler, Johannes

Pearl, Hymn of the. See Hymn of the Pearl

Pearls. See Dress and Ornamentation

Pedahel (PERSON) 5:213 Panitz, Raphael I.

Pedahzur (PERSON) 5:213 Launderville, Dale F.

Pedaiah (PERSON) 1-7 5:213-214 Fuller, Russell

Pedestal 5:214 Meyers, Carol

Pediment 5:214 Meyers, Carol

Pegai. See Fejja 5:214

Pekah (PERSON) + 5:214-215 Olson, Dennis T.

Pekahiah (PERSON) + 5:215-216 Olson, Dennis T.

Pekod (PLACE) + 5:216-217 Dalglish, Edward R.

Pelaiah (PERSON) 1-2 5:217 Fuller, Russell

Pelaliah (PERSON) + 5:217 Hutton, Rodney R.

Pelatiah (PERSON) 1-4 5:217 Fuller, Russell

Peleg (PERSON) + 5:217-218 Hess, Richard S.

Pelet (PERSON) 1-2 5:218 Dillard, Raymond B.

Peleth (PERSON) 1-2 + 5:218 Hutton, Rodney R.

Pelethites + 5:219 Ehrlich, Carl S.

Pella (M.R. 207206) + 5:219-221 Smith, Robert Houston

Pelonite 5:221 Duke, Rodney K.

Pelusium (PLACE) + 5:221-222 Meltzer, Edmund S.

Pendants. See Jewelry, Ancient Israelite

Peninnah (PERSON) 5:222 Youngblood, Ronald

Pentateuch. See Torah; Samaritan Penateuch

Pentecost + 5:222-223 Olson, Mark J.

Penuel (PERSON) 1-2 5:223 Smith, David Channing

Penuel (PLACE) + 5:223 Slayton, Joel C.

People of the East. See East, People of the

People of the Land. See Am Ha’arez

Peor (PLACE) 1-2 5:223-224 Brensinger, Terry L.

Perazim, Mount. See Baal-Perazim (PLACE)

Perea (PLACE) + 5:224-225 Treacy-Cole, Diane I.

ABD Article Index


Peresh (PERSON) 5:225 Graham, M. Patrick

Perez (PERSON) + 5:225-226 Mariottini, Claude F.

Perez-Uzzah (PLACE) 5:226 Thompson, David L.

Perfumes and Spices + 5:226-228 Matthews, Victor H.

Perga (PLACE) + 5:228 Gasque, W. Ward

Pergamum (PLACE) + 5:228-230 Potter, David S.

Perida (PERSON). See Peruda (PERSON)

Periphrasis. See Bible, Euphemism and Dysphemism in the

Perizzite + 5:231 Reed, Stephen A.

Persecution of the Early Church + 5:231-235 Potter, David S.

Persepolis (PLACE) 5:236 Young, T. Cuyler, Jr.

Perseus (PERSON) + 5:236 Pacwa, Mitchell C.

Persian Art. See Art and Architecture (Persian Art)

Persian Empire + 5:236-244 Briant, Pierre; Rosoff, Stephen (trans.)

Persian Language. See Languages (Languages of Ancient Iran)

Persis (PERSON) 5:244 Lampe, Peter

Personality, Corporate. See Corporate Personality

Peruda (PERSON) + 5:244 Eskenazi, Tamara C.

Pesach. See also Unleavened Bread and Passover, Feasts of 5:244

Pesharim, Qumran + 5:244-251 Dimant, Devorah

Pesh*tta. See Versions, Ancient (Syriac); Christianity (Syria)

Pestilence. See Sickness and Disease; Palestine, Climate of

Peter (PERSON) + 5:251-263 Donfried, Karl P.

Peter and Paul, Acts of + 5:263-264 Stoops, Robert F., Jr.

Peter and Paul, Passion of + 5:264 Stoops, Robert F., Jr.

Peter and the Twelve Apostles, The Acts of (NHC VI,1) + 5:264-265 Parrott, Douglas M.

Peter to Philip, Letter of (NHC VIII,2) + 5:265-266 Meyer, Marvin W.

Peter, Act of 5:266-267 Goehring, James E.

Peter, Acts of + 5:267-268 Stoops, Robert F., Jr.

Peter, Apocalypse of (NHC VII,3) + 5:268-269 Wisse, Frederik

Peter, First Epistle of + 5:269-278 Elliott, John H.

Peter, Gospel of + 5:278-281 Mirecki,


Paul Allan

Peter, Martyrdom of + 5:281 Stoops, Robert F., Jr.

Peter, Passion of + 5:281-282 Stoops, Robert F., Jr.

Peter, Preaching of + 5:282 Corley, Kathleen E.

Peter, Second Epistle of + 5:282-287 Elliott, John H.

Pethahiah (PERSON) 1-3 5:287-288 Brensinger, Terry L.

Pethor (PLACE) 5:288 Brensinger, Terry L.

Pethuel (PERSON) 5:288 Weis, Richard D.

Petra (PLACE). See Nabateans

Peullethai (PERSON) 5:288 Rogers, Jeffrey S.

Phaltiel (PERSON) 5:288

Phanuel (PERSON) 5:288 Watson, JoAnn Ford

Pharakim (PERSON) + 5:288 Bowman, Craig D.

Pharaoh + 5:288-289 Redford, Donald B.

Pharathon (PLACE). See Pirathon

Phares (PERSON). See Perez

Pharisees + 5:289-303 Saldarini, Anthony J.

Pharison (PERSON) 5:303 Hardwick, Michael E.

Pharpar (PLACE) + 5:303-304 Thompson, Henry O.

Phaselis (PLACE) 5:304 Wineland, John D.

Phicol (PERSON) 5:304 Williams, David Salter

Philadelphia (PALCE) + 5:304-305 Gasque, W. Ward

Philemon, Epistle to + 5:305-310 Bartchy, S. Scott

Philetus (PERSON) 5:310 Gillman, Florence Morgan

Philip (PERSON) 1-4 5:310 Redditt, Paul L.

Philip (PERSON) 5 + 5:310-311 Braund, David C.

Philip (PERSON) 6 + 5:311-312 Watson, JoAnn Ford

Philip, Acts of + 5:312 Bovon, François

Philip, Gospel of (NHC II,3) + 5:312-313 Isenberg, Wesley W.

ABD Article Index


Philippi (PLACE) + 5:313-317 Hendrix, Holland L.

Philippian Jailor + 5:317-318 O’Toole, Robert F.

Philippian Slave Girl. See Slave Girl at Philippi

Philippians, Epistle to + 5:318-326 Fitzgerald, John T.

Philistines: 5:326-333

History + 5:326-328 Katzenstein, H. J.

Archaeology + 5:328-333 Dothan, Trude

Philo of Alexandria + 5:333-342 Borgen, Peder

Philo of Byblos + 5:342-344 Baumgarten, Albert I.

Philo, Pseudo- + 5:344-345 Harrington, Daniel J.

Philologus (PERSON) 5:345 Lampe, Peter

Philometor (PERSON) + 5:346 Hardwick, Michael E.

Philosophy + 5:346 DeMaris, Richard E.

Phinehas (PERSON) 1-3 5:346-347 Spencer, John R.

Phlegon (PERSON) 5:347 Lampe, Peter

Phocylides, Pseudo- 5:347-348 van der Horst, Peiter W.

Phoebe (PERSON) + 5:348-349 Gillman, Florence Morgan

Phoenicia, History of + 5:349-357 Peckham, Brian

Phoenician Language. See Languages (Phoenician)

Phoenician Religion + 5:357-363 Schmitz, Philip C.

Phoenix (Bird and Poem) + 5:363-365 Alderink, Larry J.

Phoenix (PLACE) 5:365 Hoffman, Daniel Lee

Phrygia (PLACE) + 5:365-368 Bruce, Frederick Fyvie

Phrygian Language. See Languages (Introductory Survey)

Phygelus (PERSON) 5:368 Gillman, Florence Morgan

Phylacteries + 5:368-370 fa*gen, Ruth Satinover

Pi-Beseth (PLACE) + 5:370-371 Redford, Donald B.

Pi-Hahiroth (PLACE) + 5:371 Redford, Donald B.

Pig. See Zoology

Pigeon. See Zoology

Pilate, Acts of + 5:371-372 Jefford, Clayton N.

Pilate, Pontius. See Pontius Pilate

Pildash (PERSON) + 5:372 Hostetter, Edwin C.

Pilha (PERSON) 5:372 Schmidt, Frederick W.

Pillar of Fire and Cloud + 5:372-373 Slayton, Joel C.

Pillars, Hall of (PLACE). See Judgement, Hall of

Piltai (PERSON) 5:373 Williams, Nora A.

Pin. See Dress and Ornamentation

Pine Tree. See Flora

Pinnacle. See Temple, Jerusalem

Pinon (PERSON) 5:373 Hübner, Ulrich

Pipe. See Music and Musical Instruments

Piram (PERSON) 5:373 Schley, Donald G.

Pirathon (PLACE) 5:373 Smith, Robert Wayne

Pisgah (PLACE) 5:373-374 Mattingly, Gerald L.

Pishon (PLACE) + 5:374 Müller, Walter W.

Pisidia (PLACE) + 5:374-375 Gasque, W. Ward

Pispa (PERSON) + 5:375 O’Brien, Julia M.

Pistachio. See Flora

Pistis Sophia (Codex Askewianus) + 5:375-376 Perkins, Pheme

Pit. See Dead, Abode of the

Pithom (PLACE) + 5:376-377 Wei, Tom F.

Pithon (PERSON) + 5:377 Brettler, Marc Zvi

Plagues. See Sickness and Disease; Egypt, Plagues in

Plane Tree. See Flora

Plank 5:378 Meyers, Carol

Plants. See Flora

Plato: Republic 588B-589B (NHC VI,5) + 5:378 Majercik, Ruth

Platonism + 5:378-381 Dillon, John M.

Pledge. See Debts

ABD Article Index


Pliny the Younger + 5:381-382 Jones, Brian W.

Plow, Plough. See Zoology

Plutarch + 5:382-384 Martin, Hubert M., Jr.

Pocherieth-Hazzebaim (PERSON) + 5:384 Eskenazi, Tamara C.

Poetry, Hebrew. See Psalms, Book of; Parallelism; Budde Hypothesis

Polis. See Cities (Greco-Roman)

Politarchs + 5:384-389 Horsley, G. H. R.

Political Identity. See Nationality and Political Identity

Polycarp (PERSON) + 5:389-390 Wilson, J. Christian

Polycarp, Epistle of + 5:390-392 Schoedel, William R.

Polycarp, Martyrdom of + 5:392-395 Schoedel, William R.

Pomegranate. See Flora

Pompey (PERSON) + 5:395 Marshall, Bruce A.

Pontius Pilate (PERSON) + 5:395-401 Schwartz, Daniel R.

Pontus (PLACE) + 5:401-402 Sullivan, Richard D.

Pool of Shelah. See Shelah, Pool of

Pool of Siloam. See Siloam, Pool of

Poor, Poverty: 5:402-424

Old Testment + 5:402-414 Pleins, J. David

New Testament + 5:414-424 Hanks, Thomas D.

Poplar. See Flora

Poratha (PERSON) + 5:424 Bedford, Peter

Porch. See also Temple, Jerusalem 5:424 Meyers, Carol

Porcius Festus (PERSON). See Festus, Porcius

Porcupine. See Zoology

Portico, Solomon’s. See Solomon’s Portico

Posidonius (PERSON) 5:424 Kampen, John

Poststructural Analysis + 5:424-426 Davies, Margaret

Potiphar (PERSON) + 5:426-427 Redford, Donald B.

Potiphera (PERSON) + 5:427 Mariottini, Claude F.

Potsherd Gate (PLACE) + 5:427 Liid, Dale C.

Potter’s Wheel + 5:427-429 Wood, Bryant G.

Pottery: 5:428-444

Pottery Technology in Ancient Palestine 5:428-433 Franken, H.J.

Pottery Chronology of Palestine + 5:433-444 Lapp, Nancy L.

Pound. See Weights and Measures

Poverty. See Poor, Poverty

Power, NT Concept of + 5:444-446 Arnold, Clinton E.

Praetor. See City Authorities

Praetorian Guard + 5:446-447 Keppie, Lawrence

Praetorium + 5:447-449 Pixner, Bargil (Virgil)

Prayer in Early Judaism + 5:449-450 Charlesworth, James H.

Prayer of Azariah. See Daniel, Additions to

Prayer, Lord’s. See Lord’s Prayer

Prayers, Hellenistic Synagogal + 5:450-451 Fiensy, David A.

Pre-existence of Souls. See Souls, Preexistence of 5:451

Preacher, The. See Ecclesiastes, Book of

Preaching + 5:451-454 Craddock, Fred B.

Precinct. See Parbar

Prefect. See Palestine, Administration of (Roman); Praetorium; Procurator

Prehistory. See Anatolia; Arabia; Egypt; Iran; Mesopotamia; Palestine, Archaeology of; Syria

Presence, Bread of the. See Bread of the Presence

Pride. See Virtue/Vice Lists

Priestly ("P") Source + 5:454-461 Milgrom, Jacob

Priests. See Levites and Priests

Primeval History + 5:461-466 Kikawada, Isaac M.

Prince. See Palestine, Administration of (Postexilic Judean Officials)

Principalities and Powers + 5:467 Arnold, Clinton E.

Prisca (PERSON) + 5:467-468 Lampe, Peter

Prison + 5:468-469 van der Toorn, Karel

ABD Article Index


Prison, Spirits in. See Spirits in Prison

Processions + 5:469-473 Duff, Paul Brooks

Prochorus (PERSON) + 5:473 Paulien, Jon

Proconsul. See Palestine, Administration of (Roman)

Procurator + 5:473-474 Hall, John F.

Prologues, Gospel (Anti-Marcion). See Anti-Marcion (Gospel) Prologues

Pronouncement Story. See Apophthegm

Propaganda + 5:474-477 Liverani, Mario

Prophecy: 5:477-502

Ancient Near Eastern Prophecy + 5:477-482 Huffmon, Herbert B.

Preexilic Hebrew Prophecy + 5:482-489 Schmitt, John J.

Postexilic Hebrew Prophecy + 5:489-495 John Barton

Early Christian Prophecy + 5:495-502 Boring, M. Eugene

Prophets, Lives of the + 5:502-503 Hare, Douglas R. A.

Proselyte + 5:503-505 Stuehrenberg, Paul F.

Prostitution: 5:505-513

Old Testament + 5:505-510 Adler Goodfriend, Elaine

Cultic Prostitution + 5:510-513 van der Toorn, Karel

Proto-Luke. See Luke-Acts, Book of

Protreptic. See Parenesis and Protreptic

Proverbs, Book of + 5:513-520 Crenshaw, James L.

Providence + 5:520-521 Dillon, John M.

Province. See Palestine, Administration of (Roman)

Prusa (40º12'N; 29º04'E) + 5:521-522 Sheppard,


Anthony R. R.

Psalms, Book of + 5:522-536 Limburg, James

Psalms, Syriac (Apocryphal) + 5:536-537 Piguè, Stanley C.

Psalter. See Psalms, Book of

Pseudepigrapha, OT + 5:537-540 Charlesworth, James H.

Pseudo- 5:540

Pseudonymity and Pseudepigraphy + 5:540-541 Charlesworth, James H.

Ptolemais (PLACE). See Acco (PLACE)

Ptolemy (PERSON) 1-23 + 5:541-544 Whitehorne, John

Ptolemy Macron (PERSON). See Macron (PERSON)

Puah (PERSON) 1 + 5:544-545 Hostetter, Edwin C.

Puah (PERSON) 2-3 + 5:545 Mariottini, Claude F.

Publius (PERSON) + 5:545 Paulien, Jon

Pudens (PERSON) + 5:546 Gillman, Florence Morgan

Pul (PERSON). See also Tiglath-Pileser 5:546 Grayson, A. Kirk

Punic Language. See Languages (Phoenician)

Punishment and Crimes (OT and ANE) + 5:546-556 Westbrook, Raymond

Punites + 5:556 Reed, Stephen A.

Punon (PLACE) + 5:556-557 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Purah (PERSON) 5:557 Lowery, Kirk E.

Purim. See Esther, Book of

Purple + 5:557-560 Danker, Frederick William

Put (PERSON) + 5:560 Baker, David W.

Puteoli (PLACE) 5:560-561 Carroll, Scott T.

Puthite 5:561 Hostetter, Edwin C.

Puti-el (PERSON) + 5:561 Hostetter, Edwin C.

Puvah (PERSON) 5:561-562 Mariottini, Claude F.

Pyrrhus (PERSON) + 5:562 Martin, Thomas W.

Pythagoreansim + 5:562-565 Thom, Johan C.

Python. See Slave Girl at Philippi

Q (Gospel Source) + 5:567-572 Tuckett, C. M.

Qa‘aqir, Jebel (M.R. 145103) + 5:572-573 Dever, William G.

Qades, Tell (M.R. 200279) + 5:573-575 Ovadiah, Asher; Fischer, Moshe; Roll, Israel

Qashish, Tel (M.R. 160232) + 5:575-577 Amnon Ben-Tor

Qasile, Tell (M.R. 130167) + 5:577 Mazar, Amihay; Kelm, George L.

Qatabanian Language. See Languages (Introductory Survey)

Qedah, Tell el- (M.R.203269) + 5:578-581 Dever, William G.

ABD Article Index


Qedeis, Ain. See Hezron (PLACE)

Qedish, Khirbet (M.R. 202237). See Kedesh (PLACE)

Qere. See Kethib and Qere

Qiri, Tell (M.R. 160227) + 5:581-582 Amnon Ben-Tor

Qohelet. See Ecclesiastes, Book of

Qom, Khirbet el-. See Kom, Khirbet el-

Qop 5:582

Qoseimeh, Ain. See Karka

Quadratus + 5:582-583 Grant, Robert M.

Quail. See Zoology

Quart. See Weights and Measures

Quarter, Second (PLACE). See Second Quarter

Quartus (PERSON) 5:583 Gillman, John L.

Queen + 5:583-586 Schearing, Linda S.

Queen of Heaven (DEITY) + 5:586-588 Schmitz, Philip C.

Quest for the Historical Jesus. See Jesus (Quest for the Historical)

Questions of Bartholomew. See Bartholomew, Gospel of (Questions)

Qufin, Khirbet. See Maarath

Quintus Memmius (PERSON). See Memmius, Quintus

Quirinius (PERSON) + 5:588-589 Potter, David S.

Qumran Pesharim. See Pesharim, Qumran

Qumran, Khirbet (M.R. 193127) + 5:590-594 Murphy-O’Connor, Jerome

Quotations of OT in NT. See New Testament, OT Quotations in

Qurayya (28º47’N; 36º00’E) + 5:594-596 Parr, Peter J.

Qutian Language. See Languages (Introductory Survey)

Ra (DEITY). See Re (DEITY)

Raamah (PERSON) + 5:597 Müller, Walter W.

Raamiah (PERSON). See Reelaiah

Raamses (PLACE). See Rameses (PLACE)

Rabah, Wadi (M.R. 144167) + 5:597-598 Kaplan, Jacob

Rabbah (PLACE) 1 + 5:598-600 Younker, Randall W.

Rabbah (PLACE) 2 + 5:600 Kotter, Wade R.

Rabbi + 5:600-602 Lapin, Hayim

Rabbinic Hermeneutics, Early. See Hermeneutics, Early Rabbinic

Rabbinic Literature and the NT + 5:602-604 Saldarini, Anthony J.

Rabbit. See Zoology

Rabbith (PLACE) 5:604-605 Baker, David W.

Rabboni. See Rabbi

Rabmag 5:605 Grayson, A. Kirk

Rabsaris 5:605 Grayson, A. Kirk

Rabshakeh 5:605 Grayson, A. Kirk

Raca 5:605 Wilcox, Max

Racal (PLACE) 5:605 Hamilton, Jeffries M.

Rachel (PERSON) + 5:605-608 Beck, Astrid Billes

Rachel’s Tomb (PLACE) + 5:608-609 Luker, Lamontte M.

Raddai (PERSON) 5:609-610 Kennedy, James M.

Rages (PLACE) + 5:610 Schmidt, Frederick W.

Raguel (ANGEL) + 5:610 Newsom, Carol A.

Raguel (PERSON) 5:610 Schmidt, Frederick W.

Rahab (DRAGON) + 5:610-611 Day, John

Rahab (PERSON) + 5:611-612 Greenspoon, Leonard J.

Raham (PERSON) + 5:612 Hostetter, Edwin C.

Rahel, Ramat. See Ramat Rahel

Rain + 5:612 Frick, Frank S.

Raisins. See Flora

Rakem (PERSON) 5:612 Graham, M. Patrick

Rakkath (PLACE) + 5:612-613 White, Sidnie Ann

Rakkon (PLACE) + 5:613 White, Sidnie Ann

Ram (PERSON) 1-3 5:613 Kennedy, James M.

Ram (Sheep). See Zoology; Sheep, Shepherd

ABD Article Index


Ramah (PLACE) 1-4 + 5:613-614 Arnold, Patrick M.

Ramat el-Khalil (M.R. 160107) + 5:614-615 Appelbaum, Shimon

Ramat Matred (M.R. 118020) + 5:615 Goring-Morris, Nigel

Ramat Rahel (M.R. 170127) + 5:615-616 Younker, Randall W.

Ramath-Lehi (PLACE) + 5:616-617 Lubetski, Meir

Ramath-Mizpeh (PLACE) + 5:617 Franklyn, Paul Nimrah

Ramathaim-Zophim (PLACE). See Ramah

Ramathite 5:617 Nysse, Richard W.

Rameses (PLACE) + 5:617-618 Wente, Edward F.

Ramesses II (PERSON) + 5:618-620 Wente, Edward F.

Ramiah (PERSON) 5:620 fa*ger, Jeffrey A.

Ramoth (PLACE) + 5:620 Arnold, Patrick M.

Ramoth-Gilead (PLACE) + 5:620-621 Arnold, Patrick M.

Rampart. See Fortifications (Levant)

Ramses (PERSON). See Ramesses II

Rape. See Punishments and Crimes (OT and ANE)

Rapha (PERSON) 5:621 Williams, David Salter

Raphael (ANGEL) + 5:621 Schmidt, Frederick W.

Raphah (PERSON) + 5:621-622 Brettler, Marc Zvi

Raphaim (PERSON) 5:622 White, Sidnie Ann

Raphia (PLACE) + 5:622 Keck, Brian E.

Raphon (PLACE) 5:622-623 Redditt, Paul L.

Raphu (PERSON) 5:623 Brensinger, Terry L.

Rapture. See Revalation, Book of; Parousia

Raqqa, Khirbet er-. See Jokdeam

Ras Abu Tabat (PLACE). See Tabbath

Ras et-Tahuna (M.R. 170147). See Zemaraim

Ras Shamra (PLACE). See Ugarit

Rassis (PLACE) + 5:623 White, Sidnie Ann

Rat. See Zoology 5:623

Rathamin (PLACE) 5:623 Smith, Robert Wayne

Raven. See Zoology

Razis (PERSON) + 5:623-624 Kampen, John

Re (DEITY) + 5:624-625 Miosi, Frank T.

Reader Response Theory + 5:625-628 Lategan, Bernard C.

Readings, Conflated. See Conflate Theories in the OT

Reaiah (PERSON) 1-3 5:628 Swanson, Steven R.

Reaping. See Harvests, Harvesting; Agriculture

Reba (PERSON) + 5:628-629 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Rebekah (PERSON) + 5:629-630 Beck, Astrid Billes

Recah (PLACE) 5:630 Williams, David Salter

Rechab (PERSON) + 5:630-632 Frick, Frank S.

Rechabites, History of + 5:632-633 Charlesworth, James H.

Recorder. See Scribes

Red Heifer. See Heifer, Red

Red Sea (PLACE): 5:633-644

Old Testament + 5:633-642 Huddlestun, John R.

Red Sea Trade + 5:642-644 Sidebotham, Steven E.

Redaction Criticism: 5:644-650

Old Testament + 5:644-647 John Barton

New Testament + 5:647-650 Stein, Robert H.

Redemption: 5:650-657

Old Testament + 5:650-654 Untermann, Jeremiah

New Testament + 5:654-657 Shogren, Gary S.

Reed. See Flora

Reelaiah (PERSON) 5:657 Bergdall, Chaney R.

Refuge, Cities of + 5:657-658 Spencer, John R.

Regem (PERSON) 5:658 Hostetter, Edwin C.

Regem-Melech (PERSON) + 5:658-659 Weis, Richard D.

Regeneration + 5:659-660 Gulley, Norman R.

ABD Article Index


Rehabiah (PERSON) 5:660 Berry, Donald K.

Rehob (PERSON) 1-2 + 5:660 Herion, Gary A.

Rehob (PLACE) 1-2 + 5:660-661 Peterson, John L.; Arav, Rami

Rehoboam (PERSON) + 5:661-664 Evans, Carl D.

Rehoboth (PLACE) 1-3 + 5:664 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Rehoboth-Ir (PLACE) + 5:664 Davila, James R.

Rehum (PERSON) 1-5 5:664-665 Bergdall, Chaney R.

Rei (PERSON) + 5:665 Viviano, Pauline A.

Rekem (PERSON) 1-3 5:665 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Rekem (PLACE) 5:665 Dyck, Elmer H.

Release, Year of. See Jubilee, Year of; Sabbatical Year

Religio Licita + 5:665-667 Clarke, G. W.

Religion. See Canaan, Religion of; Egyptian Religion; Hittite Religion; Memphite Theology; Mystery Religions; Phoenician

Religion; Roman Religion; South Arabia, Religion of; Christianity; Judaism; Theology

Remaliah (PERSON) + 5:667 Hull, John H., Jr.

Remember, Remembrance + 5:667-669 Verhey, Allen

Remeth (PLACE) + 5:669 White, Sidnie Ann

Remnant + 5:669-671 Meyer,


See Versions, Ancient

Andrew (PERSON) + 1:242-244 MacDonald, Dennis Ronald

Andrew and Matthias, Acts of + 1:244 MacDonald, Dennis Ronald

Andrew, Acts of + 1:244-247 Prieur, Jean-Marc

Andrew, Fragmentary Story. See Andrew, Acts of

Andronicus (PERSON) 1-2 + 1:247 Nelson, Russell D.

Andronicus (PERSON) 3 + 1:247-248 Lampe, Peter

ABD Article Index


Anem (PLACE) + 1:248 Hunt, Melvin

Aner (PERSON) 1:248 Astour, Michael C.

Aner (PLACE) 1:248 Hunt, Melvin

Angels 1:248-255

Old Testament + 1:248-253 Newsom, Carol A.

New Testament + 1:253-255 Watson, Duane F.

Angels of the Seven Churches + 1:255 Watson, Duane F.

Anger. See Virtue/Vice Lists; Wrath of God

Angle, The (PLACE) + 1:255 Mare, W. Harold

Aniam (PERSON) 1:255-256 Graham, M. Patrick

Anim (PLACE) + 1:256 Kotter, Wade R.

Animal. See Zoology

Anklets + 1:256 Meyers, Carol

Anna (PERSON) 1 + 1:256 Pacwa, Mitchell C.

Anna (PERSON) 2 + 1:257 Witherington, Ben, III

Annan (PERSON). See Harim

Annas (PERSON) + 1:257-258 Chilton, Bruce

Annias (PERSON) 1:258 McGehee, Michael David

Anniuth (PERSON). See Bani

Annunus (PERSON) 1:258 Han, Jin Hee

Anointed, The. See Christ; Messiah.

Ant. See Zoology

Antelope. See Zoology

Anthothijah (PERSON) 1:258 Johnson, Siegfried S.

Anthropology and the OT + 1:258-262 Rogerson, J. W.

Anthropomorphism. See Yahwist ("J") Source

Antilebanon 1:262 Perkins, Larry, J.

Anti-Marcionite (Gospel) Prologues + 1:262-263 McDonald, Lee Martin

Antinomianism + 1:263-264 Wall, Robert W.

Antioch 1:264-269

Antioch of Psidia (PLACE) + 1:264-265 Mitchell, Stephen

Antioch of Syria (PLACE) + 1:265-269 Norris, Frederick W.

Antiochians + 1:269 Pacwa, Mitchell C.

Antiochis (PERSON) 1:269 Carroll, Scott T.

Antiochus (PERSON) 1-11 + 1:269-272 Whitehorne, John

Antipas (PERSON) 1-4 + 1:272 Wheeler, Frank E.

Antipater (PERSON) 1:272 Nelson, Russell D.

Antipatris (PLACE) + 1:272-274 Kochavi, Moshe

Antiphrasis. 1:274

See also Bible, Euphemism and Dysphemism in the

Antonia, Tower of + 1:274 Hall, John F.

Antony, Mark. See Mark Antony

Anub (PERSON) 1:274 Kennedy, James M.

Apame (PERSON) 1:274-275 Pattengale, Jerry A.

Apelles (PERSON) 1:275 Lampe, Peter

Aphairema (PLACE) + 1:275 Pattengale, Jerry A.

Aphek (PLACE) 1-5 + 1:275-277 Frankel, Rafael

Aphekah (PLACE) + 1:277 Kotter, Wade R.

Apherra (PERSON) + 1:277 McGehee, Michael David

Aphiah (PERSON) + 1:277-278 Edelman, Diana Vikander

Aphid. See Zoology

‘Apiru. See Habiru, Hapiru

Apis (DEITY) + 1:278-279 Redford, Donald B.

Apocalypse, Little. See Gospels, Little Apocalypses in the

Apocalypses and Apocalypticism: 1:279-292

The Genre + 1:279-280 Hanson, Paul D.

Introductory Overview + 1:280-282 Hanson, Paul D.

Akkadian "Apocalyptic" Literature + 1:282 Grayson, A. Kirk

Early Jewish Apocalypticism + 1:282-288 Collins, John J.

Early Christian + 1:288-292 Collins, Adela Yarbro

ABD Article Index


Apocrypha. 1:292-297

See also Canon

Old Testament Apocrypha + 1:292-294 Charlesworth, James H.

New Testament Apocrypha + 1:294-297 Patterson, Stephen J.

Apollo (DEITY) + 1:297-298 Danker, Frederick William

Apollonia (M.R. 131178) + 1:298-299 Roll, Israel

Apollonius (PERSON) 1-4 + 1:300 Redditt, Paul L.

Apollophanes (PERSON) 1:300-301 Pacwa, Mitchell C.

Apollos (PERSON) + 1:301 Hurst, L. D.

Apollyon. See also Dead, Abode of the 1:301-302 Grether, Herbert G.

Apologetics, NT + 1:302-307 Droge, Arthur J.

Apophthegm + 1:307-309 Robbins, Vernon K.

Apostasy. See Punishments and Crimes

Apostle + 1:309-311 Betz, Hans Dieter

Apostles, Epistle of + 1:311-312 Hills, Julian V.

Apostolic Constitutions and Canons + 1:312-313 Jefford, Clayton N.

Apostolic Council. See Jerusalem, Council of

Apostolic Fathers + 1:313-316 Schoedel, William R.

Appaim (PERSON) 1:316-317 Steeger, William P.

Appeal to Ceasar + 1:317 Hall, John F.

Apphia (PERSON) + 1:317-318 Gillman, Florence Morgan

Apphus (PERSON) 1:318 Rappaport, Uriel

Appian Way (PLACE) + 1:318 Stambaugh, John E.

Appius, Forum of. See Forum of Appius

Apple. See Flora, Biblical

Apron 1:318-319 Meyers, Carol

Aqiba (PERSON). See Akiba, Rabbi

Aquila (PERSON) + 1:319-320 Lampe, Peter

Aquila’s Version + 1:320-321 Greenspoon, Leonard J.

Ar (PLACE) + 1:321 Mattingly, Gerald L.

Ara (PERSON) 1:321 O’Brien, J. Randall

Arab (PLACE) + 1:321 Kotter, Wade R.

Arabah (PLACE) + 1:321-324 Seely, David R.

Arabah, Brook of the (PLACE) 1:324 Herion, Gary A.

Arabah, Sea of. See Salt Sea

Arabia (PLACE) + 1:324-327 Smith, Robert Houston

Arabia, Languages of (South). See Languages (Introductory Survey) and (Pre-Islamic South Arabian)

Arabia, Prehistory of + 1:327-331 Zarins, Juris

Arabia, Religion of (South). See South Arabia, Religion of

Arabic Language. See Languages (Introductory Survey)

Arad (PERSON) 1:331 Johnson, Siegfried S.

Arad (PLACE) + 1:331-336 Manor, Dale W.; Herion, Gary A.

Arad Ostraca + 1:336-337 Lawton, Robert B.

Aradus (PLACE) + 1:337 Wei, Tom F.

Arah (PERSON) 1-2 + 1:337-338 Bergdall, Chaney R.

Aram (PERSON) 1-4 + 1:338 Pitard, Wayne T.

Aram (PLACE) + 1:338-341 Pitard, Wayne T.

Aram-Maacah (PLACE). See Maacah (PLACE)

Aram-Naharaim (PLACE) + 1:341 Pitard, Wayne T.

Aramaic Language. See Languages (Aramaic)

Aramaic Letters. See Letters (Aramaic)

Aramaic Messianic Text (4QMess ar) + 1:342 Viviano, Benedict Thomas

Aramaic Script + 1:342-345 Naveh, Joseph

Aramean Concubine. See Asriel; Machir; Manasseh (PERSON)

Arameans + 1:345-350 Millard, Alan Ralph

Aran (PERSON) 1:350-351 Matthews, Victor H.

Ararat (PLACE) + 1:351-353 Bailey, Lloyd R.

Aratus (PERSON) 1:353 Grether, Herbert G.

Araunah (PERSON) + 1:353 Nelson, Richard D.

Arba (PERSON) 1:353 Viviano, Pauline A.

ABD Article Index


Arbathite 1:353-354 Schley, Donald G.

Arbatta (PLACE) 1:354 Pattengale, Jerry A.

Arbela (PLACE) + 1:354 Redditt, Paul L.

Arbite 1:354 Schley, Donald G.

Archaeology, Syro-Palestinian and Biblical + 1:354-367 Dever, William G.

Archelaus (PERSON) + 1:367-368 Braund, David C.

Archer. See Military Organization in Mesopotamia 1:368

Archippus (PERSON) + 1:368-369 Gillman, John L.

Archite 1:369 Johnson, Siegfried S.

Architecture. See Art and Architecture articles

Archives of Murashu. See Murashu, Archive of

Archons, Hypostasis of. See Hypostasis of the Archons (NHC II,4)

Ard (PERSON) 1:369 Johnson, Siegfried S.

Ardat (PLACE) 1:369 McGarry, Susan E.

Ardon (PERSON) 1:369 Lo, Hing Choi

Areini, Tell el- (M.R. 129113) + 1:369-370 Dever, William G.

Areli (PERSON) 1:370 Nysse, Richard W.

Areopagus (PLACE) + 1:370-372 Martin, Hubert M., Jr.

Aretalogy + 1:372-373 Tiede, David L.

Aretas 1-4 + 1:373-376 Graf, David F.

Argob (PLACE) + 1:376 Thompson, Henry O.

Argob and Arieh (PERSONS) + 1:376 Viviano, Pauline A.

Arianism. See Arius, Arianism

Ariarathes (PERSON) + 1:377 Nelson, Russell D.

Aridai (PERSON) + 1:377 Bedford, Peter

Aridatha (PERSON) + 1:377 Bedford, Peter

Arieh. See Argob and Arieh 1:377

Ariel (PERSON) + 1:377 Mattingly, Gerald L.

Ariel (PLACE) 1:377-378 Mare, W. Harold

Arimathea (PLACE) 1:378 Pattengale, Jerry A.

Arimathea, Joseph of. See Joseph of Arimathea

Arioch (PERSON) 1-3 + 1:378-379 Astour, Michael C.

Arisai (PERSON) + 1:379 Bedford, Peter

Aristarchus (PERSON) + 1:379-380 Gillman, John L.

Aristeas the Exegete + 1:380 Holladay, Carl R.

Aristeas, Letter of + 1:380-382 Shutt, R. James H.

Aristides (PERSON) + 1:382 Grant, Robert M.

Aristobulus (PERSON) 1-9 1:382-383 Carroll, Scott T.

Aristobulus (OT Pseudepigrapha) + 1:383-384 Holladay, Carl R.

Arius, Arianism + 1:384-386 Groh, Dennis E.

Ark of the Covenant + 1:386-393 Seow, C. L.

Ark, Noah’s. See Noah and the Ark articles

Arkite (PERSON) + 1:393-394 Hess, Richard S.

Armageddon (PLACE) + 1:394-395 Paulien, Jon

Armenia (PLACE) + 1:395-397 Sullivan, Richard D.

Armenian Versions.


Lester V.

Repentance: 5:671-674

Old Testament + 5:671-672 Healey, Joseph P.

New Testament + 5:672-674 Luter, A. Boyd, Jr.

Rephael (PERSON) 5:674 Rogers, Jeffrey S.

Rephah (PERSON) + 5:674 Davis, M. Stephen

Rephaiah (PERSON) 1-5 5:674 Fuller, Russell

Rephaim + 5:674-676 Smith, Mark S.

Rephaim, Valley of (PLACE) 5:676-677 Edelstein, Gershon

Rephan (DEITY) 5:677 Meier, Samuel A.

Rephidim (PLACE) + 5:677-678 Seely, Jo Ann H.

Repoussé. See Jewelry

Reptile. See Zoology

Resaiah (PERSON). See Reelaiah

Resen (PLACE) + 5:678 Davila, James R.

Resh 5:678

Resheph (DEITY) + 5:678-679 Handy, Lowell K.

Resheph (PERSON) 5:679-680 Kennedy, James M.

Resurrection: 5:680-691

Old Testament + 5:680-684 Martin-Achard, Robert; Prendergast, Terrence (trans.)

Early Judaism and Christianity + 5:684-691 Nickelsburg, George W. E.

Resurrection, Treatise on the (NHC I,4) + 5:691-692 Peel, Malcolm L.

Reu (PERSON) + 5:692 Hess, Richard S.

Reuben (PERSON) + 5:692-693 Oller, Gary H.

Reuel (PERSON) 1-5 + 5:693-694 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Reumah (PERSON) + 5:694 Hostetter, Edwin C.

Revelation, Book of + 5:694-708 Collins, Adela Yarbro

Revolt, Maccabean. See Maccabean Revolt

Rezeph (PLACE) 5:708 Thompson, Henry O.

Rezin (PERSON) 1-2 + 5:708-709 Pitard, Wayne T.

Rezon (PERSON) + 5:709 Pitard, Wayne T.

Rhegium (PLACE) 5:709-710 Wineland, John D.

Rheims Version. See Versions, Catholic; Versions, English (Pre-1960)

Rhesa (PERSON) + 5:710 Porter, Stanley E.

Rhetoric and Rhetorical Criticism: 5:710-719

Rhetoric and Oratory in the Greco-Roman World + 5:710-712 Majercik, Ruth

OT Rhetorical Criticism + 5:712-715 Dozeman, Thomas B.

NT Rhetoric and Rhetorical Criticism + 5:715-719 Fiore, Benjamin

Rho 5:719

Rhoda (PERSON) + 5:719 Witherington, Ben, III

Rhodes (PLACE) 5:719-720 Carroll, Scott T.

Rhodocus (PERSON) + 5:720-721 Kampen, John

Ribai (PERSON) + 5:721 Thompson, David L.

ABD Article Index


Riblah (PLACE) 5:721 Kobayashi, Yosh*taka

Riddles + 5:721-723 Crenshaw, James L.

Ridge of Judea (PLACE) 5:723-724 Kutsko, John F.

Right, Right Hand + 5:724 Drinkard, Joel F., Jr.

Righteousness: 5:724-773

Old Testament + 5:724-736 Scullion, John J.

Early Judaism 5:736-742 Reumann, John

Greco-Roman World 5:742-745 Reumann, John

New Testament + 5:745-773 Reumann, John

Righteousness, Teacher of. See Teacher of Righteousness

Rimmon (DEITY) 5:773

Rimmon (PERSON) 5:773 Arnold, Patrick M.

Rimmon (PLACE) 1-4 + 5:773-774 Arnold, Patrick M.

Rimmon, Horvat (M.R. 137086) + 5:774 Kloner, Amos

Rimmon-Perez (PLACE). See Rimmon(PLACE)

Rimmono (PLACE). See Rimmon; Dimnah

Ring 5:775 Meyers, Carol

Rinnah (PERSON) 5:775 Kennedy, James M.

Riphath (PERSON) + 5:775 Hess, Richard S.

Rissah (PLACE) 5:775 White, Sidnie Ann

Rithmah (PLACE) 5:775 White, Sidnie Ann

Rizia (PERSON) + 5:775 O’Brien, Julia M.

Rizpah (PERSON) 5:776 Edelman, Diana Vikander

Roads and Highways: 5:776-787

Pre-Roman Roads and Highways + 5:776-782 Beitzel, Barry J.

Roman Roads + 5:782-787 Graf, David F.; Isaac, Benjamin; Roll, Israel

Robe. See Dress and Ornamentation

Rock of Escape (PLACE) 5:788 DeVries, LaMoine F.

Rock of Etam. See Etam, Rock of

Rodanim + 5:788 Clem, H. Eldon

Rodents. See Zoology

Roebuck. See Zoology

Rogelim (PLACE) + 5:788-789 Thompson, Henry O.

Rohgah (PERSON) 5:789 O’Brien, Julia M.

Romamti-Ezer (PERSON) 5:789 McCann, J. Clinton, Jr.

Roman Army + 5:789-798 Kennedy, David

Roman Christianity. See Christianity (Christianity in Rome)

Roman Colonies (Judea) + 5:798-801 Isaac, Benjamin

Roman Empire + 5:801-806 Wells, Colin M.

Roman Imperial Cult + 5:806-809 Jones, Donald L.

Roman Judaism. See Judaism (in Rome)

Roman Religion + 5:809-816 Gladigow, Burkhard; Martin, Dennis (trans.)

Roman Temples. See Temples and Sanctuaries (Greco-Roman)

Romans, Epistle to the + 5:816-830 Myers, Charles D., Jr.

Rome (PLACE) + 5:830-834 Hall, John F.

Rome, Christian Monuments at + 5:834-835 Snyder, Graydon F.

Rome, Early Christian Attitudes To + 5:835-839 Alexander, Loveday C. A.

Rosettes. See Jewelry

Rosh (PERSON) 5:839 Slayton, Joel C.

Royal Jar Handle Stamps. See Stamps, Royal Jar Handle

Royal Road. See King’s Highway

Rufus (PERSON) + 5:839 Lampe, Peter

Rujm el-Hiri (M.R. 225257) + 5:839-841 Zohar, Mattanyah

Rule of the Community. See Community, Rule of the (1QS)

Rulers of the Synagogue + 5:841-842 Setzer, Claudia J.

Rumah (PLACE) 5:842 White, Sidnie Ann

Ruth, Book of + 5:842-847 Trible, Phyllis

Sabannus (PERSON). See also Binnui 5:849

Sabaoth. See Hosts, Lord of

Sabbaias (PERSON) 5:849 Han, Jin Hee

ABD Article Index


Sabbath + 5:849-856 Hasel, Gerhard F.

Sabbath Sacrifice, Songs of the (4QShirShabb). See Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice

Sabbatical Year + 5:857-861 Wright, Christopher J. H.

Sabeans 5:861 Herion, Gary A.

Sabtah (PERSON) + 5:861-862 Müller, Walter W.

Sabteca (PERSON) + 5:862-863 Müller, Walter W.

Sachar (PERSON) 5:863 Pisano, Stephen

Sachia (PERSON) 5:863 Willett, Tom Wayne

Sackcloth. See Dress and Ornamentation

Sacral Kingship + 5:863-866 Cazelles, Henri

Sacred Marriage + 5:866-870 Klein, Jacob

Sacred Meals (Greco-Roman). See Meal Customs (Greco-Roman Sacred Meals)

Sacred Stone + 5:870 Miller, Robert D., II

Sacrifice and Sacrificial Offerings: 5:870-891

Old Testament + 5:870-886 Anderson, Gary A.

New Testament + 5:886-891 Klauck, Hans-Josef; Fuller, Reginald H. (trans.)

Saddle. See Zoology

Sadducees + 5:892-895 Porton, Gary G.

Sade 5:895

Safaitic Inscriptions. See Inscriptions, Safatic

Safaitic Language. See Languages (Introductory Survey)

Saffron. See Perfumes and Spices; Flora

Safi (M.R. 195147) + 5:895-896 Schaub, R. Thomas

Safiyeh, Wadi es-. See Zephathah

Safut, Tell (M.R. 229160) + 5:896-897 Wimmer, Donald H.

Sahab (M.R. 245142) + 5:897-900 Ibrahim, Moawiyah M.

Sa‘idiyeh, Tell es- (M.R. 204186) + 5:900-904 Tubb, Jonathan N.

Sakkuth and Kaiwan (DEITIES) + 5:904 Meier, Samuel A.

Sala (PERSON). See Salmon

Salamiel (PERSON) 5:904 White, Sidnie Ann

Salamis (PLACE) 5:904-905 Gempf, Conrad

Salathiel (PERSON). See Shealtiel

Salecah (PLACE) 5:905 Franklyn, Paul Nimrah

Salem (PLACE) + 5:905 Astour, Michael C.

Salim (PLACE) + 5:905 Smith, Robert Wayne

Sallai (PERSON) + 5:906 Schmidt, Frederick W.

Sallu (PERSON) 1-2 + 5:906 Schmidt, Frederick W.

Salmon (PERSON) 1-2 5:906 Lowery, Kirk E.

Salmone (PLACE) 5:906 Wineland, John D.

Salome (PERSON) 1-2 + 5:906-907 Witherington, Ben, III

Salt Sea (PLACE) 5:907 Astour, Michael C.

Salt, City of. See City of Salt

Salt, Valley of (PLACE) 5:907 Younker, Randall W.

Salu (PERSON) 5:907 Hardwick, Michael E.

Salvation + 5:907-914 O’Collins, Gerald G.

Samaria (PLACE). 5:914-931

See also Samaritans; Ephraim (PERSON); Daliyeh, Wadi ed-

Samaria the City + 5:914-921 Purvis, James D.

Samaria Ostraca + 5:921-926 Kaufman, Ivan T.

Archaeological Survey of the Region + 5:926-931 Dar, Shimon; Erez, Menahem (trans.)

Papyri + 5:931-932 Gropp, Douglas M.

Samaritan Pentateuch + 5:932-940 Waltke, Bruce K.

Samaritans + 5:940-947 Anderson, Robert T.

Samek 5:947

Samgar-Nebo (PERSON) + 5:947-948 Dalglish, Edward R.

Samlah (PERSON) + 5:948 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Sammuniyeh, Khirbet. See Shimron (PLACE) 5:948

Samos (PLACE) 5:948 Wineland, John D.

Samothrace (PLACE) 5:949 Thorsen, Donald A. D.

Sampsames (PLACE) + 5:949 White, Sidnie Ann

ABD Article Index


Samra, Khirbet es- (M.R. 221086) + 5:949-950 Humbert, Jean-Baptiste

Samson (PERSON) + 5:950-954 Crenshaw, James L.

Samson, Wife of 5:954 Exum, J. Cheryl

Samu‘, es-. See Eshtemoa (PLACE)

Samuel (PERSON) + 5:954-957 Ramsey, George W.

Samuel, Book of 1-2: 5:957-973

Text; Compostion and Content + 5:957-965 Flanagan, James W.

Narrative and Theology + 5:965-973 Brueggemann, Walter

Sanballat (PERSON) + 5:973-975 Williamson,


H. G. M.

Sanctuaries. See Temples and Sanctuaries

Sanhedrin + 5:975-980 Saldarini, Anthony J.

Sansannah (PLACE) 5:980 Brodsky, Harold

Sant, Wadi ed-. See Elah, Valley of

Sapardians. See Ivvah

Saph (PERSON) + 5:980 Dempster, Stephen G.

Sapphira (PERSON) + 5:980-981 O’Toole, Robert F.

Sarah (PERSON) 1-2 + 5:981-982 Yee, Gale A.

Saraph (PERSON) 5:982 Smith, David Channing

Sarasadai (PERSON). See Zurishaddai

Sardis (PLACE) + 5:982-984 Pedley, John Griffiths

Sarea (PERSON) 5:984 Han, Jin Hee

Sargon (PERSON) 5:984-985 Grayson, A. Kirk

Sarid (PLACE) 5:985 Greenberg, Raphael

Sarothie (PERSON) + 5:985 Bowman, Craig D.

Sarsechim (PERSON) 5:985 Bracke, John M.

Sarta, ‘Izbet. See ‘Izbet Sarta (M.R. 146167)

Satan + 5:985-989 Hamilton, Victor P.

Sathrabuzanes (PERSON) 5:989

Satrap 5:989 Young, T. Cuyler, Jr.

Saul (PERSON) + 5:989-999 Edelman, Diana Vikander

Savior, Dialogue of the. See Dialogue of the Savior (NHC III,5)

Saweh, Tell es-. See Jeshua (PLACE)

Sayings of Jesus, Oxyrhynchus + 5:999-1001 Brown, S. Kent

Scab. See Leprosy; Sickness and Disease

Scallops. See Zoology

Scandinavian School: 5:1001-1004

OT Studies + 5:1001-1002 Ringgren, Helmer

NT Studies + 5:1002-1004 Hartman, Lars

Scarab. See Jewelry

Sceva (PERSON) + 5:1004 Gasque, W. Ward

Scholarship, Biblical (Japan). See Biblical Scholarship, Japanese

School of Shammai. See Shammai, School of

Schools. See Education

Schools, Hellenistic + 5:1005-1011 Alexander, Loveday C. A.

Scorpion. See Zoology

Screen 5:1011 Meyers, Carol

Scribal Emendations + 5:1011-1012 Revell, E. J.

Scribes + 5:1012-1016 Saldarini, Anthony J.

Script, Aramaic. See Aramaic Script

Scriptural Authority: 5:1017-1056

Biblical Authority in Judaism 5:1017-1021 Goshen-Gottstein, Moshe

Biblical Authority in Eastern Orthodoxy + 5:1021-1023 Stylianopoulos, Theodore

Biblical Authority in Roman Catholicism + 5:1023-1026 Fogarty, Gerald P.

Biblical Authority in the Early Church + 5:1026-1028 Greer, Rowan A.

Biblical Authority in the Medieval Church + 5:1028-1032 Van Engen, John

Biblical Authority and the Protestant Reformation + 5:1032-1035 McKim, Donald K.

Biblical Authority in the Wake of the Enlightenment + 5:1035-1049 Reventlow, Henning Graf

Biblical Authority in the Post-Critical Period + 5:1049-1056 Brueggemann, Walter

Sculptured Stones. See Idol, Idolatry

Scurvy. See Sickness and Disease

ABD Article Index


Scythe. See Weapons and Implements of Warfare

Scythians + 5:1056-1057 Rubinson, Karen S.

Scythopolis (PLACE). See also Beth-Shan 5:1058

Sea + 5:1058-1059 Follis, Elaine R.

Sea Gull. See Zoology

Sea of Glass, Glassy Sea + 5:1059 Watson, Duane F.

Sea Peoples + 5:1059-1061 Singer, Itmar

Sea, Molten + 5:1061-1062 Meyers, Carol

Seals, Mesopotamian + 5:1062-1064 Magness-Gardiner, Bonnie S.

Season. See Calendars

Seba (PERSON) + 5:1064 Müller, Walter W.

Sebam (PLACE). See Sibmah 5:1064

Sebaoth. See Names of God in the OT 5:1065

Secacah (PLACE) + 5:1065 Kotter, Wade R.

Second Coming. See Parousia

Second Death. See Death, Second

Second Quarter (PLACE) + 5:1065 Herion, Gary A.

Second Treatise of the Great Seth. See Seth, Second Treatise of the Great (NHC VII,2)

Secret, Messianic. See Messianic Secret

Secu (PLACE) 5:1065 Willett, Tom Wayne

Secundus (PERSON) 5:1065 Watson, JoAnn Ford

Sedheq (DEITY) + 5:1065-1066 Handy, Lowell K.

Sedrach, Apocalypse of + 5:1066-1067 Charlesworth, James H.

Sefunim Caves (M.R. 238148) 5:1067-1068 Ronen, Avraham

Segub (PERSON) 1-2 + 5:1068 Hutton, Rodney R.

Seilun, Khirbet (M.R. 177162). See also Shiloh (PLACE) + 5:1069-1072 Finkelstein, Israel

Seir (PERSON) + 5:1072 Reed, Stephen A.

Seir (PLACE) 1-2 + 5:1072-1073 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Seirah (PLACE) 5:1073 Ferch, Arthur J.

Sela (PLACE) 1-3+ 5:1073-1074 Fanwar, Wann Marbud

Selbit (M.R. 148141). See Shaalbim

Seled (PERSON) 5:1074 Steeger, William P.

Selemia (PERSON) 5:1074 Han, Jin Hee

Seleucia (PLACE) 5:1074-1076

Seleucia (PLACE) 1-3 + 5:1074-1075 Smith, Robert Wayne; Hoppe, Leslie J.

Seleucia (PLACE) 4 + 5:1075-1076 Hoppe, Leslie J.

Seleucids. See Seleucus; Palestine, Administration of (Seleucid); Antiochus

Seleucus (PERSON) 1-4 + 5:1076-1077 Whitehorne, John

Semachiah (PERSON) 5:1077 Rogers, Jeffrey S.

Semantics + 5:1077-1081 Louw, Johannes P.

Semeia Source. See Signs/Semeia Source

Semein (PERSON) + 5:1081 Porter, Stanley E.

Semitic Languages. See Languages (Introductory Survey)

Semitic Ostraca. See Ostraca, Semitic

Semiticisms in the NT + 5:1081-1086 Wilcox, Max

Senaah (PERSON) 5:1086 Bergdall, Chaney R.

Senate + 5:1086-1087 Hall, John F.

Senator + 5:1087 Hall, John F.

Seneca, Epistle of. See Paul and Seneca, Epistles of

Seneh (PLACE) 5:1087 White, Sidnie Ann

Senir (PLACE) + 5:1087-1088 Baker, David W.

Sennacherib (PERSON) + 5:1088-1089 Grayson, A. Kirk

Sentences of Sextus. See Sextus, Sentences of (NHC XII,1)

Seorim (PERSON) 5:1089 Berry, Donald K.

Sephar (PLACE) 5:1089 Oller, Gary H.

Sepharad (PLACE) + 5:1089-1090 Wineland, John D.

Sepharvaim (PLACE) + 5:1090 Avalos, Hector

Sepphoris (M.R. 176239) + 5:1090-1093 Strange, James F.

Septuagint + 5:1093-1104 Peters, Melvin K.H.

Sepulchre, Holy. See Holy Sepulchre, Church of the; Golgotha

ABD Article Index


Sera‘, Tel (M.R. 119088). See Ziklag (PLACE)

Serah (PERSON) 5:1104 Mariottini, Claude F.

Seraiah (PERSON) 1 + 5:1104-1105 Lundbom, Jack R.

Seraiah (PERSON) 2-11 + 5:1105 Berridge, John M.

Sered (PERSON) 5:1105 Mariottini, Claude F.

Serek Hayyahad. See Florilegium (4QFlor)

Sergius Paulus (PERSON). See Paulus, Sergius (PERSON)

Sermon on the Mount/Plain + 5:1106-1112 Betz, Hans Dieter

Seron (PERSON) + 5:1112-1113 Rappaport, Uriel

Serpent (Religious Symbol) + 5:1113-1116 Handy, Lowell K.

Serpent’s Stone + 5:1116-1117 Mare, W. Harold

Serpent, Bronze + 5:1117 Handy, Lowell K.

Serug (PERSON) + 5:1117-1118 Hess, Richard S.

Servants. See Slavery

Sesthel (PERSON) 5:1118

Seth (PERSON) + 5:1118 Hess, Richard S.

Seth, Second Treatise of the Great (NHC VII,2) + 5:1118-1119 Wisse, Frederik

Seth, Three Steles of (NHC VII,5) + 5:1119-1120 Goehring, James E.

Sethur (PERSON) 5:1120 Brensinger, Terry L.

Settlement of Canaan + 5:1120-1143 Halpern, Baruch

Seven Churches + 5:1143-1144 Watson, Duane F.

Sex and Sexuality + 5:1144-1146 Frymer-Kensky, Tikva

Sextus, Sentences of (NHC XII,1) + 5:1146-1147 Wisse, Frederik

Sexual Impurites. See Discharge

Shaalbim (PLACE) 5:1147 Toews, Wesley Irwin

Shaalbon (PLACE) 5:1147

Shaalim (PLACE) 5:1147 White, Sidnie Ann

Shaaph (PERSON) 1-2 + 5:1147-1148 Hostetter, Edwin C.

Shaaraim (PLACE) 1-2 + 5:1148 Ehrlich, Carl S.

Shaashgaz (PERSON) 5:1148 Wiebe, John M.

Shabbat. See Sabbath

Shabbethai (PERSON) 5:1148 Brensinger, Terry L.

Shaddai. See Almighty, God in the OT

Shadow + 5:1148-1150 van der Horst, Peiter W.

Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego (PERSONS) 5:1150 Coxon, Peter W.

Shagee (PERSON) + 5:1150 Pisano, Stephen

Shahar (DEITY) + 5:1150-1151 Meier, Samuel A.

Shaharaim (PERSON) 5:1151-1152 Willett, Tom Wayne

Shahazumah (PLACE) + 5:1152 White, Sidnie Ann

Shakers. See Music and Musical Instruments

Shalem (DEITY) + 5:1152-1153 Handy, Lowell K.

Shalishah (PLACE) 5:1153 Dyck, Elmer H.

Shallecheth Gate (PLACE) + 5:1153-1154 Liid, Dale C.

Shallum (PERSON) 1-14 5:1154 Althann, Robert

Shalma + 5:1154 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Shalmai (PERSON) + 5:1154-1155 Eskenazi, Tamara C.

Shalman (PERSON) + 5:1155 Pressler, Carolyn J.

Shalmaneser (PERSON) 5:1155 Grayson, A. Kirk

Shama (PERSON) + 5:1155 Fuller, Russell

Shamgar (PERSON) + 5:1155-1156 Boling, Robert G.

Shamhuth (PERSON) + 5:1156 Duke, Rodney K.

Shamir (PERSON) 5:1156-1157 Berry, Donald K.

Shamir (PLACE) 1-2 + 5:1157 Kotter, Wade R.

Shamlai (PERSON). See also Shalmai (PERSON) 5:1157

Shamma (PERSON) + 5:1157 O’Brien, Julia M.


Shammah (PERSON) 1-4 5:1157 Hübner, Ulrich

Shammai (PERSON) 1-3 5:1157 Lo, Hing Choi

Shammai, School of + 5:1158 Goldenberg, Robert

Shammoth (PERSON) 5:1158 Pisano, Stephen

Shammua (PERSON) 1-4 5:1158 Howard, David M., Jr.

ABD Article Index


Shamsherai (PERSON) 5:1159 Willett, Tom Wayne

Shapham (PERSON) 5:1159 Graham, M. Patrick

Shaphan (PERSON) 1-2 5:1159 Kennedy, James M.

Shaphat (PERSON) 1-6 5:1159-1160 Graham, M. Patrick

Shaphir (PLACE) + 5:1160 Luker, Lamontte M.

Sharai (PERSON) 5:1160 fa*ger, Jeffrey A.

Sharar (PERSON) + 5:1160 Dempster, Stephen G.

Sharezer (PERSON) 1-2 5:1160-1161 Grayson, A. Kirk

Sharon (PLACE) 1-2 + 5:1161-1163 Weeks, Harry R.

Sharuhen (PLACE) + 5:1163-1165 Liwak, Rüdiger

Shashai (PERSON) 5:1165 fa*ger, Jeffrey A.

Shashak (PERSON) 5:1165 Willett, Tom Wayne

Shasu + 5:1165-1167 Ward, William A.

Shaul (PERSON) 1-2 + 5:1167 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Shaveh, Valley of (PLACE) + 5:1168 Astour, Michael C.

Shaveh-Kiriathaim (PLACE) 5:1168 Astour, Michael C.

Shavsha (PERSON) 5:1168 Dempster, Stephen G.

Shavuoth. See Weeks, Festival of

Sheal (PERSON) 5:1168-1169 fa*ger, Jeffrey A.

Shealtiel (PERSON) 5:1169 Fuller, Russell

Shear-Jashub (PERSON) 5:1169 Jensen, Joseph

Sheariah (PERSON) + 5:1169 Brettler, Marc Zvi

Shearing. See Zoology

Sheath. See Weapons and Implements of Warfare

Sheba (PERSON) 1 + 5:1169-1170 Ricks, Stephen D.

Sheba (PERSON) 2-3 + 5:1170 Nysse, Richard W.

Sheba (PLACE) + 5:1170 Williams, David Salter

Sheba, Queen of (PERSON) + 5:1170-1171 Ricks, Stephen D.

Shebaniah (PERSON) 1-4 5:1171 Brensinger, Terry L.

Shebarim (PLACE) + 5:1171-1172 Irwin, Brian P.

Shebat. See Calendars (Ancient Israelite and Early Jewish)

Sheber (PERSON) 5:1172 Hostetter, Edwin C.

Shebna (PERSON) + 5:1172-1173 Hobbs, T. R.

Shebuel (PERSON) 1-2 + 5:1173 McCann, J. Clinton, Jr.

Shecaniah (PERSON) 1-8 5:1173-1174 Fuller, Russell

Shechem (PERSON) 1-3 + 5:1174 Hostetter, Edwin C.

Shechem (PLACE) + 5:1174-1186 Toombs, Lawrence E.

Shechem, Tower of (PLACE) + 5:1186-1187 Zertal, Adam

Shedeur (PERSON) 5:1187 Launderville, Dale F.

Sheep, Shepherd + 5:1187-1190 Vancil, Jack W.

Sheerah (PERSON) 5:1190-1191 Davis, M. Stephen

Shehariah (PERSON) 5:1191 Willett, Tom Wayne

Sheikh Abu Zarad (PLACE). See Tappuah (PLACE); Tephon (PLACE)

Shekel. See also Coinage; Weights and Measures 5:1191

Shelah (PERSON) 1-2 + 5:1191 Hess, Richard S.

Shelah, Pool of (PLACE) + 5:1191 Hess, Richard S.

Shelemiah (PERSON) 1-9 + 5:1191-1192 Dalglish, Edward R.

Sheleph (PERSON) + 5:1192-1193 Müller, Walter W.

Shelesh (PERSON) + 5:1193 O’Brien, Julia M.

Shelomi (PERSON) + 5:1193 Panitz, Raphael I.

Shelomith (PERSON) 1-5 5:1193 Fuller, Russell

Shelomoth (PERSON) 1-5 5:1193-1194 Berry, Donald K.

Shelumiel (PERSON) 5:1194 Launderville, Dale F.

Shem (PERSON) 5:1194-1195 Isaac, Ephraim

Shem, Paraphrase of (NHC VII,1) + 5:1195-1196 Wisse, Frederik

Shem, Treatise of + 5:1196-1197 Charlesworth, James H.

Shema (PERSON) 1-4 5:1197 Brensinger, Terry L.

Shema (PLACE) + 5:1197 Axelsson, Lars A.

Shema‘, Khirbet (M.R. 191264) + 5:1197-1198 Meyers, Eric M.

Shemaah (PERSON) + 5:1198-1199 Dillard, Raymond B.

ABD Article Index


Shemaiah (PERSON) 1-29 + 5:1199-1201 Althann, Robert

Shemariah (PERSON) 1-4 5:1201 fa*ger, Jeffrey A.

Shemeber (PERSON) 5:1201 Astour, Michael C.

Shemed (PERSON) 5:1201 Willett, Tom Wayne

Shemer (PERSON) 1-3 + 5:1201-1202 Willett, Tom Wayne

Shemida (PERSON) + 5:1202 Graham, M. Patrick

Shemiramoth (PERSON) 1-2 5:1202 Dillard, Raymond B.

Shemuel (PERSON) 1-2 5:1202-1203 Panitz, Raphael I.

Shenazzar (PERSON) + 5:1203 Fuller, Russell

Sheol. See Dead, Abode of the

Shepham (PLACE) 5:1203 White, Sidnie Ann

Shephatiah (PERSON) 1-9 + 5:1203 Berridge, John M.

Shephelah (PLACE) + 5:1204 Brodsky, Harold

Shepher, Mount (PLACE) 5:1204 White, Sidnie Ann

Shepherd. See Sheep, Shepherd

Shepherd of Hermas. See Hermas’ the Shepherd

Shepho (PERSON) + 5:1204-1205 Matthews, Victor H.

Shephupham (PERSON) + 5:1205 Graham, M. Patrick

Sherd. See Pottery

Sherebiah (PERSON) 1-3 + 5:1205-1207 Shearer, Rodney H.

Sheresh (PERSON) 5:1207 Graham, M. Patrick

Sheshai (PERSON) + 5:1207 Lowery, Kirk E.

Sheshan (PERSON) + 5:1207 Steeger, William P.

Sheshbazzar (PERSON) + 5:1207-1209 Eskenazi, Tamara C.

Sheth (PERSON) 5:1209 Hutton, Rodney R.

Shethar (PERSON) + 5:1209-1210 Bush, Frederic W.

Shethar-Bozenai (PERSON) + 5:1210 Suiter, David E.

Sheva (PERSON) 1-2 + 5:1210 Pisano, Stephen

Shibah (PLACE) 5:1210 Baker, David W.

Shibboleth + 5:1210-1212 Rendsburg, Gary A.

Shihor (PLACE) + 5:1212 Betz, Arnold

Shihor-Libnath (PLACE) + 5:1212-1213 Frankel, Rafael

Shikkeron (PLACE) 5:1213 Kotter, Wade R.

Shilhi (PERSON) 5:1213 Walsh, Jerome T.

Shilhim (PLACE) + 5:1213 Ehrlich, Carl S.

Shillem (PERSON) 5:1213 Mariottini, Claude F.

Shiloah, Waters of (PLACE). See Siloam, Pool of (PLACE)

Shiloh (PLACE). See also Seilun, Khirbet + 5:1213-1215 Halpern, Baruch

Shilonite 1-2 5:1215-1216 Schmidt, Frederick W.

Shilshah (PERSON) + 5:1216 O’Brien, Julia M.

Shimea (PERSON) 1-4 5:1216 Howard, David M., Jr.

Shimeah (PERSON) 1-2 5:1216 Howard, David M., Jr.

Shimeath (PERSON) 5:1216 Lowery, Kirk E.

Shimeathites 5:1216 Kennedy, James M.

Shimeeah (PERSON). See Shimeah (PERSON)

Shimei (PERSON) 1-16 + 5:1216-1217 Propp, William H.

Shimeon (PERSON) 5:1217 fa*ger, Jeffrey A.

Shimon (PERSON) 5:1217

Shimrath (PERSON) 5:1217-1218 Willett, Tom Wayne

Shimri (PERSON) + 5:1218 Uitti, Roger W.

Shimrith (PERSON) 5:1218 Lowery, Kirk E.

Shimron (PERSON) 5:1218 Mariottini, Claude F.

Shimron (PLACE) 5:1218-1219 Benjamin, Paul

Shimron-Meron (PLACE) 1 5:1219 Kutsko, John F.

Shimron-Meron (PLACE) 2 + 5:1219 Fritz, Volkmar

Shimshai (PERSON) + 5:1219 Suiter, David E.

Shin 5:1219

Shinab (PERSON) + 5:1219-1220 Astour, Michael C.

Shinar (PLACE) + 5:1220 Davila, James R.

Shion (PLACE) + 5:1220 Baker, David W.

ABD Article Index


Shiphi (PERSON) 5:1220 Evans, Craig A.

Shiphmite 5:1220-1221 Nysse, Richard W.

Shiphrah (PERSON) + 5:1221 Hostetter, Edwin C.

Shiptan (PERSON) 5:1221 Panitz, Raphael I.

Shisha (PERSON). See also Seraiah(PERSON) 1; Shavsha; Sheva 5:1221

Shishak (PERSON) + 5:1221-1222 Redford, Donald B.

sh*trai (PERSON) 5:1222 Nysse, Richard W.

sh*ttah Tree. See Flora

sh*ttim (PLACE) + 5:1222-1223 Slayton, Joel C.

Shiza (PERSON) + 5:1223 Fuller, Russell

Shoa (PERSON) + 5:1223 Allen, Leslie C.

Shobab (PERSON) 1-2 5:1223 Howard, David M., Jr.

Shobach (PERSON) + 5:1223-1224 Bailey, Randall C.

Shobai (PERSON) 5:1224 Swanson, Steven R.

Shobal (PERSON) 1-3 + 5:1224 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Shobek (PERSON) 5:1224 Schmidt, Frederick W.

Shobi (PERSON) + 5:1224-1225 Dempster, Stephen G.

Shoham (PERSON) 5:1225 Berry, Donald K.

Shomer (PERSON) + 5:1225 O’Brien, Julia M.

Shophach (PERSON). See Shobach (PERSON)

Shovel 5:1225 Meyers, Carol

Shua (PERSON) + 5:1225 Edelman, Diana Vikander

Shuah (PERSON) + 5:1225-1226 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Shual (PERSON) + 5:1226 Edelman, Diana Vikander

Shual (PLACE) + 5:1226-1227 Edelman, Diana Vikander

Shubael (PERSON). See Shebuel

Shuhah (PERSON) 5:1227 Lo, Hing Choi

Shuham (PERSON) 5:1227 de Groot van Houten, Christina

Shuhite. See Shuah

Shulammite + 5:1227 Huwiler, Elizabeth F.

Shumathite 5:1227 Hostetter, Edwin C.

Shuna (North), Tell esh- (M.R. 207224) + 5:1227-1228 Gustavson-Gaube, Carrie

Shunem (PLACE) + 5:1228-1229 Huwiler, Elizabeth F.

Shuni (PERSON) 5:1229 Mariottini, Claude F.

Shuphamites. See Shephupham

Shuppim (PERSON) 1-3 + 5:1229 Rogers, Jeffrey S.

Shuqba Cave (M.R. 154154) 5:1229-1230 Bar-Yosef, Ofer

Shur, Wilderness of (PLACE) + 5:1230 Seely, David R.

Shuthelah (PERSON) + 5:1230 Davis, M. Stephen

Sia (PERSON) + 6:1 Eskenazi, Tamara C.

Sibbecai (PERSON) 6:1 Duke, Rodney K.

Sibboleth. See Shibboleth

Sibmah (PLACE) + 6:1-2 Franklyn,


Paul Nimrah

Sibraim (PLACE) + 6:2 Avalos, Hector

Sibylline Oracles + 6:2-6 Collins, John J.

Sickness and Disease + 6:6-15 Sussman, Max

Sicyon (PLACE) + 6:15 Stambaugh, John E.

Siddim, Valley of (PLACE) + 6:15-16 Astour, Michael C.

Side (PLACE) + 6:16-17 Thompson, Henry O.

Sidon (PERSON) 6:17 Schmitz, Philip C.

Sidon (PLACE) + 6:17-18 Schmitz, Philip C.

Siege Mound. See Weapons and Implements of Warfare

Sigloi. See Coinage

Sigma 6:18

Signet. See Jewelry, Ancient Israelite; Seals, Mesopotamian

Signs/Semeia Source + 6:18-22 Fortna, Robert T.

Sihon (PERSON) + 6:22 Slayton, Joel C.

Silas (PERSON) + 6:22-23 Gillman, John L.

Silla (PLACE) 6:23 Liid, Dale C.

Siloam Inscription + 6:23-24 Coote, Robert B.

ABD Article Index


Siloam, Pool of (PLACE) + 6:24-26 Mare, W. Harold

Silvanus (PERSON). See Silas (PERSON)

Silvanus, Teachings of (NHC VII,4). See Teachings of Silvanus (NHC VII,4)

Silver. See Jewelry, Ancient Israelite

Silversmith, Demetrius the. See Demetrius (PERSON)

Simeon (PERSON) 1-2 + 6:26 Jeansonne, Sharon Pace

Simeon (PERSON) 3-6 + 6:26-28 Porter, Stanley E.

Simile. See Psalms, Book of

Simon (PERSON) 1-4 6:28 Carroll, Scott T.

Simon (PERSON) 5 6:28-29 Rappaport, Uriel

Simon (PERSON) 6-12 6:29 Carroll, Scott T.

Simon (PERSON) 13 + 6:29-31 Stoops, Robert F., Jr.

Simon (PERSON) 14-17 6:31 Carroll, Scott T.

Simon Peter (DISCIPLE). See Peter (PERSON)

Sin 6:31

Sin, Sinners: 6:31-47

(Old Testament) + 6:31-40 Cover, Robin C.

(New Testament) + 6:40-47 Sanders, E. P.

Sin, Wilderness of (PLACE) + 6:47 Seely, David R.

Sinai, Mount (PLACE) + 6:47-49 Davies, G. I.

Sinaiticus, Codex. See Codex (Sinaiticus)

Sinaiticus, Syrus + 6:49-50 Charlesworth, James H.

Sinites + 6:50-51 Baker, David W.

Sinuhe, Tale of + 6:51 Foster, John L.

Siphmoth (PLACE) 6:51 Kotter, Wade R.

Sippai (PERSON). See Saph (PERSON)

Sippor, Tel (M.R. 125118) + 6:51 Biran, Avraham

Sirach, Book of Jesus Ben-. See Wisdom of Ben-Sira

Sirah, Cistern of (PLACE) 6:51 Willett, Tom Wayne

Sirion (PLACE) + 6:51-52 Baker, David W.

Sirocco. See Palestine, Climate of 6:52

Sisera (PERSON) 1-2 + 6:52-53 Hauser, Alan J.

Sisinnes (PERSON) + 6:53 Bowman, Craig D.

Sismai (PERSON) 6:53-54 Steeger, William P.

Sithri (PERSON) + 6:54 Hostetter, Edwin C.

Sitnah (PLACE) 6:54 Weitzman, Steven

Sivan. See also Calendars (Ancient Israelite and Early Jewish) 6:54

Six Hundred and Sixty-Six + 6:54-55 Watson, Duane F.

Skepticism + 6:55-57 van der Toorn, Karel; Stadhouders, H.A.I.

Slave Girl at Philippi (PERSON) + 6:57-58 O’Toole, Robert F.

Slavery: 6:58-73

Ancient Near East + 6:58-62 Dandamayev, Muhammad A.

Old Testament + 6:62-65 Dandamayev, Muhammad A.

New Testament + 6:65-73 Bartchy, S. Scott

Sling. See Weapons and Implements of Warfare

Slothfulness. See Virtue/Vice Lists

Smuggling. See Trade and Commerce (ANE)

Smyrna (PLACE) + 6:73-75 Potter, David S.

Snail. See Zoology

Snake. See Zoology

Snares. See Zoology

Snuffers 6:75 Meyers, Carol

So (PERSON) + 6:75-76 Meltzer, Edmund S.

Sobata (M.R. 114032) + 6:76-79 Negev, Avraham

Sociology: 6:79-99

Sociology of Ancient Israel + 6:79-89 Gottwald, Norman K.

Sociology of Early Christianity + 6:89-99 Garrett, Susan R.

Socoh (PERSON) 6:99 Lance, H. Darrell

Socoh (PLACE) 1-4 + 6:99 Lance, H. Darrell

Socrates + 6:99 Betz, Hans Dieter

ABD Article Index


Sodi (PERSON) 6:99 Paulien, Jon

Sodom and Gomorrah (PLACE) + 6:99-103 Mulder, Martin Jan

Sodom, Sea of (PLACE). See Salt Sea (PLACE) 6:103

Sojourner + 6:103-104 Spencer, John R.

Solem (PLACE). See Shunem (PLACE)

Solomon (PERSON) + 6:105-113 Ishida, Tomoo

Solomon’s Portico (PLACE) 6:113 Smith, Robert Wayne

Solomon’s Servants + 6:113-114 Healey, Joseph P.

Solomon, Odes of + 6:114-115 Charlesworth, James H.

Solomon, Psalms of + 6:115-117 Trafton, Joseph L.

Solomon, Song of. See Song of Songs, Book of

Solomon, Testament of + 6:117-119 Duling, Dennis C.

Solomon, Wisdom of + 6:120-127 Winston, David

Son. See Family

Son of God + 6:128-137 Fossum, Jarl

Son of Man + 6:137-150 Nickelsburg, George W. E.

Song of Songs, Book of + 6:150-155 Murphy, Roland E.

Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice + 6:155-156 Newsom, Carol A.

Sons of God + 6:156-159 Byrne, Brendan

Soothsayer. See Magic (OT)

Sopater (PERSON) 6:159 Gillman, Florence Morgan

Sophereth (PERSON) + 6:159 Eskenazi, Tamara C.

Sophia of Jesus Christ (NHC III,4). See Eugnostos and the Sophia of Jesus Christ

Sorcerer, Sorcery. See Magic (OT); Punishments and Crimes

Soreg. See Temple, Jerusalem

Sorek, Valley of (PLACE) 6:159-160 Ferris, Paul Wayne, Jr.

Sores. See Sickness and Disease

Sosipater (PERSON) 1-2 6:160 Gillman, Florence Morgan

Sosthenes (PERSON) 6:160 Setzer, Claudia J.

Sostratus (PERSON) + 6:160 Hardwick, Michael E.

Sotai (PERSON) + 6:160-161 Eskenazi, Tamara C.

Soul, Exegesis on the. See Exegesis on the Soul (NHC II,6)

Souls, Pre-existence of + 6:161 Brown, S. Kent

Source Criticism: 6:162-171

Old Testament + 6:162-165 John Barton

New Testament + 6:165-171 Koch, Dietrich-Alex

South 6:171 Drinkard, Joel F., Jr.

South Arabia, Religion of + 6:171-176 Ryckmans, Jacques

South Arabic Languages. See Languages (Pre-Islamic South Arabia)

Spain (PLACE) + 6:176 Heard, Warren J., Jr.

Span. See Weights and Measures

Sparrow. See Zoology

Sparta (PLACE) + 6:176-177 Heard, Warren J., Jr.

Speech Impediment. See Sickness and Disease

Spice. See Perfumes and Spices

Spider. See Zoology

Spikenard. See Flora

Spirits in Prison + 6:177-178 Bauckham, Richard

Spiritual Gifts. See Gifts, Spiritual

Squid. See Zoology

Stable, Stables + 6:178-183 Holladay, John S., Jr.

Stachys (PERSON) 6:183 Lampe, Peter

Stadia. See Weights and Measures

Stag. See Zoology

Stairs of the City of David (PLACE) + 6:183-184 Liid, Dale C.

Stamps, Royal Jar Handle + 6:184-185 Lance, H. Darrell

Stardisks. See Jewelry

Statistical Research on the Bible + 6:185-206 Forbes, A. Dean

Steles of Seth. See Seth, Three Steles of (NHC VII,5)

Stephanas (PERSON) + 6:206-207 Gillman, John L.

ABD Article Index


Stephen (PERSON) + 6:207-210 Boismard, M.-É.; Prendergast, Terrence (trans.)

Stirrup. See Zoology

Stoics, Stoicism + 6:210-214 Schmeller, Thomas

Stoning. See Punishments and Crimes; Stephen

Storax-Gum. See Perfumes and Spices

Stork. See Zoology

Storm God, Semitic. See Hadad (DEITY)

Strangling. See Punishments and Crimes

Straton’s Tower (PLACE). See Caesarea (PLACE)

Stroke. See Sickness and Disease

Structuralism + 6:214-217 John Barton

Suah (PERSON) + 6:217 O’Brien, Julia M.

Subas (PERSON) + 6:217 Bowman, Craig D.

Sucathites 6:217 Hostetter, Edwin C.

Succession Narrative. See Court Narrative

Succoth (PLACE) 1-2 + 6:217-218 Seely, Jo Ann H.

Succoth-Benoth (DEITY) + 6:218 Herion, Gary A.

Sud (PLACE) 6:218-219 Herion, Gary A.

Sudias (PERSON) 6:219

Suetonius (PERSON) + 6:219 Rufe, Joan Brueggeman

Suffering + 6:219-225 Simundson, Daniel J.

Suicide + 6:225-231 Droge, Arthur J.

Sukkoth. See also Calendars (Ancient Israelite and Early Jewish) 6:231

Sumer, Sumerians + 6:231-234 Cooper, Jerrold S.

Sumerian Literature + 6:234-237 Hallo, William W.

Sun + 6:237-239 van der Toorn, Karel

Sun, City of the (PLACE) + 6:239 Schmitt, John J.

Sunstroke. See Sickness and Disease

Superstition + 6:239-241 Hodgson, Robert, Jr.

Suph (PLACE) + 6:241 Huddlestun, John R.

Suphah (PLACE) + 6:241-242 Huddlestun, John R.

Supper, Last. See Last Supper, The

Supper, Lord’s. See Lord’s Supper, The

Sur (PLACE) 6:242 White, Sidnie Ann

Sur Gate (PLACE) + 6:242 Liid, Dale C.

Surety. See Law, Biblical and Ancient Near East; Debts

Susa (PLACE) + 6:242-245 de Miroschedji, Pierre

Susanna (PERSON) 1-2 + 6:245-246 Witherington, Ben, III

Susanna, Book of + 6:246-247 Dayagi Mendels, Michal

Susi (PERSON) 6:247


Brensinger, Terry L.

Susiya, Khirbet (M.R. 159090) + 6:247-250 Negev, Avraham

Swallow. See Zoology

Swift. See Zoology

Swine. See Zoology; Meal Customs (Jewish Dietary Laws)

Sword. See Weapons and Implements of Warfare

Sycamine. See Flora

Sycamore Fig. See Flora

Sychar (PLACE). See Jacob’s Well

Syene (PLACE) + 6:250 Betz, Arnold

Syllabic, Byblos. See Languages (Byblos Syllabic Inscriptions)

Symmachus, Symmachus’s Version + 6:251 Greenspoon, Leonard J.

Synagogal Prayers, Hellenistic. See Prayers, Hellenistic Synagogal

Synagogue: 6:251-263

Introductory Survey + 6:251-260 Meyers, Eric M.

Diaspora Synagogues + 6:260-263 Hachlili, Rachel

Synagogue of the Freedman. See Freedman, Synagogue of the

Synagogue, Rulers of the. See Rulers of the Synagogue

Synoptic Problem + 6:263-270 Tuckett, C. M.

Syntyche (PERSON) 6:270 Gillman, Florence Morgan

Syracuse (PLACE) + 6:270-271 Betz, Arnold

ABD Article Index


Syria (PLACE): 6:271-281

Prehistoric Syria 6:271-274 Cauvin, Jacques; Rosoff, Stephen (trans.)

Bronze Age and Iron Age Syria + 6:274-281 Dorneman, Rudolph H.

Syriac Language. See Language (Introductory Survey); Language (Aramaic)

Syriac Menander + 6:281-282 Baarda, Tjitze

Syriac Psalms. See Psalms, Syriac (Apocryphal)

Syriac Versions. See Versions, Ancient (Syriac Versions)

Syriacus, Codex. See Sinaiticus, Syrus

Syrian Christianity. See Christianity (In Syria)

Syro-Ephraimite War + 6:282-285 Cazelles, Henri

Syro-Hexapla + 6:285-286 Parker, D. C.

Syro-Palestinian Archaeology. See Archaeology, Syro-Palestinian and Biblical

Syro-Phoenician Woman (PERSON) + 6:286 Witherington, Ben, III

Syrtis (PLACE) 6:286 Olson, Mark J.

Taanach (PLACE) + 6:287-290 Glock, Albert E.

Taanath-Shiloh (PLACE) + 6:290-291 Toews, Wesley Irwin

Tabbaoth (PERSON) + 6:291 Eskenazi, Tamara C.

Tabbath (PLACE) + 6:291-292 Thompson, Henry O.

Tabeel (PERSON) 1-2 + 6:292 Hull, John H., Jr.

Taberah (PLACE) 6:292 Baker, David W.

Tabernacle + 6:292-300 Friedman, Richard Elliott

Tabernacles, Festival of. See Booths, Feast of

Tabgha (M.R. 200251) + 6:300-302 Rosenthal-Heginbottom, Renate

Table Fellowship + 6:302-304 Smith, Dennis E.

Tables of the Law + 6:304 Begg, Christopher T.

Tablet. See Writing and Writing Materials

Tabor (PLACE) + 6:304 Frankel, Rafael

Tabor, Mount (PLACE) + 6:304-305 Frankel, Rafael

Tabor, Oak of (PLACE) 6:305 Wei, Tom F.

Tabrimmon (PERSON) 6:305 Viviano, Pauline A.

Tacitus (PERSON) 6:305-307 Carroll, Scott T.

Tadmor (PLACE) + 6:307 White, Sidnie Ann

Tahan (PERSON) + 6:307 Davis, M. Stephen

Tahash (PERSON) + 6:307 Hostetter, Edwin C.

Tahath (PERSON) 1-3 + 6:307-308 Davis, M. Stephen

Tahath (PLACE) 6:308 White, Sidnie Ann

Tahchemonite + 6:308 Thompson, David L.

Tahpanhes (PLACE) + 6:308-309 Jones, Richard N.; Fiema, Zbigniew T.

Tahpenes (PERSON) + 6:309 Viviano, Pauline A.

Tahrea (PERSON). See Tarea

Talent. See also Weights and Measures 6:309

Talionis. See Lex Talionis

Talitha Cumi 6:309-310 Wilcox, Max

Tallit. See also Dress and Ornamentation 6:310

Talmai (PERSON) 1-2 6:310 Raabe, Paul R.

Talmon (PERSON) + 6:310 Barnes, William Hamilton

Talmud + 6:310-315 Porton, Gary G.

Tamar (PERSON) 1-3 + 6:315 Oller, Gary H.

Tamar (PLACE) 6:315-316 Lott, Jeffrey K.

Tamara (M.R. 173048) + 6:316-317 Gichon, Mordechai

Tamarisk. See Flora

Tammuz. See also Calendar (Ancient Israelite and Early Jewish) 6:316

Tammuz (DEITY) 6:318 Handy, Lowell K.

Tanakh 6:318

Tanhumeth (PERSON) 6:318-319 Bracke, John M.

Tanis (PLACE). See Zoan 6:319

Tanna, Tannaim + 6:319 Kraemer, David

Taphath (PERSON) 6:319 Schearing, Linda S.

Tappuah (PERSON) 6:319 Hostetter, Edwin C.

Tappuah (PLACE) 1-3 + 6:319-320 Kotter, Wade R.

ABD Article Index


Taralah (PLACE) + 6:320 White, Sidnie Ann

Tarea (PERSON) + 6:320 Brettler, Marc Zvi

Tares. See Flora

Targum, Targumim + 6:320-331 Alexander, Philip S.

Tarshish (PERSON) 1-3 + 6:331 Bush, Frederic W.

Tarshish (PLACE) + 6:331-333 Baker, David W.

Tarsus (PLACE) + 6:333-334 Gasque, W. Ward

Tartak (DEITY) + 6:334-335 Handy, Lowell K.

Tartan 6:335 Grayson, A. Kirk

Tassel. See Dress and Ornamentation

Tatian + 6:335-336 Edwards, O. C., Jr.

Tattenai (PERSON) + 6:336 Suiter, David E.

Tau 6:336

Taverner’s Bible. See Versions, English (Pre-1900)

Taverns, Three (PLACE). See Three Taverns

Taw 6:336

Tawilan (M.R. 196972) + 6:336-337 Hart, Stephen

Tax Collector + 6:337-338 Donahue, John R.

Tax Office + 6:338 Snell, Daniel C.

Taxes and Taxation + 6:338-340 Snell, Daniel C.

Teacher of Righteousness (Halachic Letter). See Miqsat Ma‘ase Hatorah (4QMMT)

Teachers of Righteousness + 6:340-341 Murphy-O’Connor, Jerome

Teachings of Silvanus (NHC VII,4) + 6:341-343 Schoedel, William R.

Tebah (PERSON) 6:343 Hostetter, Edwin C.

Tebaliah (PERSON) + 6:343 Rogers, Jeffrey S.

Tebeth. See also Calendar (Ancient Israelite and Early Jewish) 6:343

Tefillin. See Phylacteries

Tehillim. See Psalms, Book of

Tehinnah (PERSON) 6:343 Lo, Hing Choi

Tekoa (PLACE) + 6:343-344 Axelsson, Lars A.

Tel-Abib (PLACE) 6:344 Kobayashi, Yosh*taka

Tel-Assar (PLACE) + 6:344-345 Kobayashi, Yosh*taka

Tel-Harsha (PLACE) 6:345 Kobayashi, Yosh*taka

Tel-Melah (PLACE) 6:345 Kobayashi, Yosh*taka

Telah (PERSON) 6:345 Kennedy, James M.

Telaim (PLACE) 6:345 Dyck, Elmer H.

Teleilât el-Ghassûl. See Ghassul, Tuleilat el-

Telem (PERSON) 6:345-346 fa*ger, Jeffrey A.

Telem (PLACE). See Telaim

Telharsha (PLACE). See Tel-Harsha

Tell/Tel 6:346

Telmelah (PLACE). See Tel-Melah

Tema (PERSON) 6:346

Tema (PLACE) + 6:346-347 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Temah (PERSON) 6:347 Swanson, Steven R.

Teman (PERSON) + 6:347-348 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Temanite 6:348 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Temeni (PERSON) 6:348 Lo, Hing Choi

Temple of Olympian Zeus. See Olympian Zeus, Temple of

Temple Scroll + 6:348-350 Schiffman, Lawrence H.

Temple, Jerusalem 6:350-369 Meyers, Carol

Temples and Sanctuaries: 6:369-382

Egypt + 6:369-372 Ward, William A.

Mesopotamia + 6:372-376 Robertson, John F.

Syria-Palestine + 6:376-380 Dever, William G.

Greco-Roman Temples + 6:380-382 Cole, Susan Guettel

Temptation of Jesus + 6:382-383 Collins, Raymond F.

Ten Commandments + 6:383-387 Collins, Raymond F.

Ten Lost Tribes. See Lost Tribes, The

Tenons 6:387 Meyers, Carol

ABD Article Index


Tent of Meeting. See Tabernacle

Tenth Part (of an Ephah). See Weights and Measures

Tephon (PLACE) + 6:387 Kampen, John

Terah (PERSON) + 6:387-388 Hess, Richard S.

Terah (PLACE) 6:388 Hess, Richard S.

Terebinth. See Flora

Teresh (PERSON) 6:388 Bedford, Peter

Terqumiyeh. See Iphtah (PLACE)

Terror on Every Side + 6:388-389 Bracke, John M.

Tertius (PERSON) 6:389 Gillman, Florence Morgan

Tertullian + 6:389-391 Groh, Dennis E.

Tertullus (PERSON) + 6:391 Martin, Thomas W.

Testimonia (4QTestim) + 6:391-392 Brooke, George J.

Testimony of Truth. See Truth, Testimony of (NHC IX, 3)

Tet 6:392

Tetragrammaton in the New Testament 6:392-393 Howard, George E.

Tetrarch. See Palestine, Administration of (Roman)

Tetter. See Leprosy

Texts. See Ebla Texts; Hittite Texts and Literature; Mari (Texts); Nag Hammadi Codices; Ugarit (Texts and Literature); and

Wadi Murabbaat (Texts). See also Letters; and Epigraphy, Transjordanian

Textual Criticism: 6:393-435

Old Testament + 6:393-412 Tov, Emanuel

New Testament + 6:412-435 Epp, Eldon Jay

Textual Glosses. See Glosses, Textual

Textus Receptus + 6:435 Revell, E. J.

Thaddeus (PERSON) 6:435 Watson, JoAnn Ford

Thaddeus, Acts of. See Abgar, Epistle of Christ to

Thamudic Language. See Languages (Introductory Survey)

Thanksgiving + 6:435-438 Wolff, Christian; Fuller, Reginald H. (trans.)

Thanksgiving Hymns (1QH) + 6:438-441 van der Minde, Hans-Jürgen; Callaway, Phillip R. (trans.)

Thanksgiving, The Prayer of (NHC VI,7) + 6:441 Jackson, Howard


Tharra (PERSON) 6:441 Herion, Gary A.

Thassi 6:441-442 Rappaport, Uriel

Theater. See Art and Architecture

Thebes (PLACE) + 6:442-443 Redford, Donald B.

Thebez (PLACE) 6:443 Dyck, Elmer H.

Theft. See Punishments and Crimes (OT and ANE)

Thekla, Acts of + 6:443-444 MacDonald, Dennis Ronald

Theodicy + 6:444-447 Crenshaw, James L.

Theodotion, Theodotion’s Version + 6:447-448 Greenspoon, Leonard J.

Theodotus (PERSON) 1-5 6:448 Carroll, Scott T.

Theology: 6:448-483

Old Testament + 6:449-473 Lemke, Werner E.

New Testament + 6:473-483 Morgan, Robert

Theology (Biblical), History of + 6:483-505 Reventlow, Henning Graf; Cryer, Frederick (trans.)

Theophany in the OT + 6:505-511 Hiebert, Theodore

Theophilus (PERSON) + 6:511-512 O’Toole, Robert F.

Theophoric Names. See Names, Theophoric

Theories of Translation + 6:512-515 Nida, Eugene A.

Theras (PLACE). See Ahava (PLACE)

Thessalonians, First and Second Epistles to the + 6:515-523 Krentz, Edgar M.

Thessalonica (PLACE) + 6:523-527 Hendrix, Holland L.

Theta 6:527

Theudas (PERSON) + 6:527-528 Jefford, Clayton N.

Thiasos. See Associations, Clubs, Thiasoi

Thisbe (PLACE) 6:528 Herion, Gary A.

Thistle. See Flora

Thomas (PERSON) + 6:528-529 Collins, Raymond F.

Thomas the Contender, Book of (NHC II,7) + 6:529-530 Turner, John D.

Thomas, Acts of + 6:531-534 Attridge, Harold W.

ABD Article Index


Thomas, Apocalypse of + 6:534 Thomason, Dana Andrew

Thomas, Gospel of (NHC II,2) + 6:535-540 Cameron, Ron

Thomas, The Infancy Gospel of + 6:540-544 Mirecki, Paul Allan

Thorn. See Flora

Thought of Norea. See Norea, Thought of (NHC IX,2)

Thracia (PLACE) + 6:544 Heard, Warren J., Jr.

Three Steles of Seth. See Seth, Three Steles of (NHC VII,5)

Three Taverns (PLACE) 6:544 Wineland, John D.

Threshing. See Agriculture

Threshold + 6:544-545 Meyers, Carol

Throne, Hall of the (PLACE). See Judgement, Hall of (PLACE)

Thunder, Perfect Mind, The (NHC VI,2) + 6:545-546 Buckley, Jorunn Jacobsen

Thutmose (PERSON). See Egypt, History of (New Kingdom: 18th-20th Dynasty)

Thyatira (PLACE) + 6:546 Stambaugh, John E.

Tiamat (DEITY) + 6:546-547 Handy, Lowell K.

Tiberias (PLACE) + 6:547-549 Strange, James F.

Tiberius (EMPEROR) 6:549-550 Carroll, Scott T.

Tibhath (PLACE) 6:550 Roth, Ray Lee

Tibni (PERSON) + 6:550-551 Cuffey, Kenneth Hugh

Tidal (PERSON) + 6:551-552 Astour, Michael C.

Tiglath-Pileser (PERSON) 6:552 Grayson, A. Kirk

Tikvah (PERSON) 1-2 + 6:552 fa*ger, Jeffrey A.

Tilon (PERSON) 6:552-553 Smith, David Channing

Timaeus (PERSON) 6:553 Watson, JoAnn Ford

Timna (PERSON) 1-2 + 6:553 Williams, David Salter

Timna‘ (PLACE) + 6:553-556 Manor, Dale W.

Timnah (PLACE) + 6:556-557 Kotter, Wade R.

Timnath (PLACE) + 6:557 Kampen, John

Timnath-Heres (PLACE) 6:557-558 Weeks, Harry R.

Timon (PERSON) + 6:558 Paulien, Jon

Timothy (PERSON) + 6:558-560 Gillman, John L.

Timothy and Titus, Epistles to + 6:560-571 Quinn, Jerome D.

Tiphsah (PERSON). See Tappuah (PERSON)

Tiphsah (PLACE) 1-2 6:571 Hull, John H., Jr.

Tiras (PERSON) + 6:571-572 Baker, David W.

Tirathites 6:572 Hostetter, Edwin C.

Tirhakah (PERSON) + 6:572-573 Redford, Donald B.

Tirhanah (PERSON) 6:573 Hostetter, Edwin C.

Tiria (PERSON) 6:573 Lo, Hing Choi

Tirzah (PERSON) 6:573 Taylor, Marion Ann ; Taylor, J. Glen

Tirzah (PLACE) + 6:573-577 Manor, Dale W.

Tishbe (PLACE) + 6:577-578 Walsh, Jerome T.

Tishbite 6:578 Walsh, Jerome T.

Tishri. See also Calendars (Ancient Israelite and Early Jewish) 6:578

Titans 6:578 White, Sidnie Ann

Tithe + 6:578-580 Wilson, J. Christian

Titles, Divine. See Names of God in the OT

Titus (EMPEROR) + 6:580-581 Jones, Brian W.

Titus (PERSON) + 6:581-582 Gillman, John L.

Titus Manius (PERSON). See Manius, Titus (PERSON)

Titus, Epistle to. See Timothy and Titus, Epistles to

Tizite 6:582-583 Uitti, Roger W.

Toah (PERSON) 6:583 Willett, Tom Wayne

Tob (PLACE) + 6:583 Redditt, Paul L.

Tobadonijah (PERSON) + 6:583 Lowery, Kirk E.

Tobiah (PERSON) 1-3 + 6:584-585 Eskenazi, Tamara C.

Tobias (PERSON) 1-2 + 6:585 Schmidt, Frederick W.

Tobiel (PERSON) + 6:585 Schmidt, Frederick W.

Tobijah (PERSON) 1-2 6:585 Lowery, Kirk E.

Tobit, Book of + 6:585-594 Moore, Carey A.

ABD Article Index


Tochen (PLACE) 6:594 Kotter, Wade R.

Toga. See Dress and Ornamentation

Togarmah (PERSON) + 6:594-595 Baker, David W.

Toggle-Pin. See Jewelry, Ancient Israelite

Tohu (PERSON) 6:595 Petter, Gerald J.

Toi (PERSON) + 6:595 Pitard, Wayne T.

Tokhath (PERSON). See Kohath (PERSON)

Tola (PERSON) 1-2 + 6:595-596 Boling, Robert G.

Tolad (PLACE). See Eltolad

Tongues, Gift of + 6:596-600 Johnson, Luke Timothy

Tophel (PLACE) 6:600 Younker, Randall W.

Topheth (PLACE) + 6:600-601 Schmitz, Philip C.

Toponyms and Toponymy + 6:601-605 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Torah (Pentateuch) + 6:605-622 Friedman, Richard Elliott

Tou (PERSON). See Toi (PERSON)

Toubiani + 6:622 Redditt, Paul L.

Towers + 6:622-624 Banning, Edward B.

Town Clerk. See City Authorities

Trachonitis (PLACE) + 6:624-625 Smith, Robert Wayne

Trade and Commerce: 6:625-633

Ancient Near East + 6:625-629 Snell, Daniel C.

Roman Empire + 6:629-633 Sidebotham, Steven E.

Tradition History + 6:633-638 Knight, Douglas A.

Tradition of the Elders + 6:638-639 Setzer, Claudia J.

Trajan (EMPEROR) + 6:639-640 Jones, Brian W.

Trance. See Mysticism

Transfiguration + 6:640-642 Chilton, Bruce

Transjordan + 6:642-643 Thompson, Henry O.

Transjordanian Epigraphy. See Epigraphy, Transjordanian

Translation of the Bible. See Theories of Translation; Versions

Traps. See Zoology

Travel and Communication: 6:644-653

The Old Testament World + 6:644-648 Beitzel, Barry J.

The New Testament World + 6:648-653 Bruce, Frederick Fyvie

Travelers, Valley of the (PLACE) + 6:653 Ferch, Arthur J.

Tray 6:653 Meyers, Carol

Treason. See Punishments and Crimes (OT and ANE)

Treaties in the ANE + 6:653-656 Barré, Michael L.

Treatise of Seth. See Seth, Second Treatise of the Great (NHC VII,2)

Treatise of Shem. See Shem, Treatise of

Treatise on the Resurrection. See Resurrection, Treatise on the (NHC I,4)

Tree of Knowledge and Tree of Life + 6:656-660 Wallace, Howard N.

Trial of Jesus + 6:660-663 Prendergast, Terrence

Tribe. See Family

Tribes, Lost. See Lost Tribes, The

Tribulation, The. See Millennium; Eschatology (Early Christian)

Tribute. See Taxes and Taxation

Trimorphic Protennoia (NHC XIII,1) + 6:663-664 Robinson, Gesine M.

Tripartite Tractate (NHC I,5) + 6:664-665 Attridge, Harold W.

Tripolis (PLACE) 6:665 Smith, Robert Wayne

Trismegistos (Hermes). See Hermes Trismegistos

Triumphal Entry. See Passion Narratives

Troas (PLACE) + 6:666-667 Yamauchi, Edwin M.

Trogyllium (PLACE) + 6:667 Heard, Warren J., Jr.

Trophimus (PERSON) + 6:667-668 Paulien, Jon

Trumpets. See Music and Musical Instruments

Truth, Gospel of (NHC I,3; XII,2) + 6:668 Brown, S. Kent

Truth, Testimony of (NHC IX,3) + 6:668-669 Pearson, Birger A.

Tryphaena and Tryphosa (PERSONS) 6:669 Lampe, Peter

Trypho (PERSON) + 6:669 Pacwa, Mitchell C.

ABD Article Index


Trypho, Dialogue with. See Justin Martyr

Tryphosa (PERSON). See Tryphaena and Tryphosa

Tubal (PERSON) + 6:670 Baker, David W.

Tubal-Cain (PERSON) + 6:670 Hess, Richard S.

Tubas (PLACE). See Thebez

Tuleilat el-Batashi (PLACE). See Batashi, Tuleilat el-

Tuleilat el-Ghassul. See Ghassul, Tuleilat el-

Tumors. See Sickness and Disease

Tunic. See Dress and Ornamentation

Turban. See Dress and Ornamentation

Turtledove. See Zoology

Twelve, The + 6:670-671 Collins, Raymond F.

Twined Linen + 6:671 Meyers, Carol

Two-Gospel Hypothesis + 6:671-679 Dungan, David L.

Two-Source Hyphothesis + 6:679-682 Boismard, M.-É.; Prendergast, Terrence (trans.)

Tychicus (PERSON) + 6:682 Gillman, John L.

Typology + 6:682-685 Alsup, John E.

Tyrannus (PERSON) + 6:686 Yamauchi,


Edwin M.

Tyre (PLACE): 6:686-692

A-C 6:686-690 Katzenstein, H. J.

D Tyre in the Greco-Roman Period 6:690-691 Edwards, Douglas R.

Bibliography 6:691-692 Katzenstein, H. J.; Edwards, Douglas R.

Tyre, Ladder of. See Ladder of Tyre

Tyropoeon Valley (PLACE) 6:692 Smith, Robert Wayne

’Ubaid. See al ’Ubaid

Ubeidiya (M.R. 205232) 6:693 Bar-Yosef, Ofer

Ucal (PERSON) + 6:693-694 Berry, Donald K.

Udhruh (M.R. 207971) + 6:694 Killick, Alistair

Uel (PERSON) 6:694-695 fa*ger, Jeffrey A.

Ugarit (35º35'N; 35º45'E): 6:695-721

History and Archaeology + 6:695-706 Yon, Marguerite; Rosoff, Stephen (trans.)

Texts and Literature + 6:706-721 Pardee, D. ; Bordreuil, Pierre

‘Ula, al- (PLACE). See Dedan (PLACE)

Ulai (PLACE) + 6:721 Arnold, Bill T.

Ulam (PERSON) 1-2 + 6:721-722 Graham, M. Patrick

Ulcer. See Sickness and Disease

Ulla (PERSON) 6:722 O’Brien, Julia M.

‘Umeiri, Tell el- (M.R. 234142) + 6:722-724 Geraty, Lawrence T.; Herr, Larry G.

Umm al-Biyara (M.R. 191970) + 6:724-725 Hart, Stephen

Umm el-Jimal (39º19'N; 36º22'E) + 6:725-728 de Vries, Bert

Ummah (PLACE) 6:728 White, Sidnie Ann

Unclean and Clean: 6:729-745

Old Testament + 6:729-741 Wright, David P.

New Testament + 6:741-745 Hübner, Hans; Thomas, Ronald B., Jr. (trans.)

Underworld. See Dead, Abode of the; Hades, Hell; Descent to the Underworld

Unforgivable Sin 6:745-746 Everts, Janet Meyer

Unity/Unity of Humanity + 6:746-753 Taylor, Walter F., Jr.

Universe. See Cosmogony, Cosmology

Unknown God, Inscription to the + 6:753-755 Wachob, Wesley Hiram

Unleavened Bread and Passover, Feasts of + 6:755-765 Bokser, Baruch M.

Unni (PERSON) 1-2 6:765 Dillard, Raymond B.

Unno (PERSON) 6:765 Kutsko, John F.

Uphaz (PLACE) + 6:765 Baker, David W.

Upper Gate (PLACE) + 6:765 Liid, Dale C.

Upsilon 6:766

Ur (PERSON) 6:766 Fuller, Russell

Ur (PLACE) + 6:766-767 Margueron, Jean-Claude; Rosoff, Stephen (trans.)

Urartian Language. See Languages (Introductory Survey)

Urartu (PLACE). See Ararat (PLACE)

Urbanus (PERSON) 6:767 Lampe, Peter

ABD Article Index


Uri (PERSON) 1-3 + 6:767 fa*ger, Jeffrey A.

Uriah (PERSON) 1-6 + 6:767-769 Althann, Robert

Uriel (ANGEL) + 6:769 Newsom, Carol A.

Uriel (PERSON) 1-2 6:769-770 Dillard, Raymond B.

Usury. See Interest and Usury

Uthai (PERSON) 1-3 + 6:770 Shearer, Rodney H.

Uz (PLACE) + 6:770-771 Knauf, Ernst Axel

‘Uza, Horvat (M.R. 165068) + 6:771-775 Beit-Arieh, Itzhaq

Uzai (PERSON) 6:775 Ruffin, Michael L.

Uzal (PERSON) + 6:775-776 Müller, Walter W.

Uzzah (PERSON) 1-4 6:776 Thompson, David L.

Uzzen-Sheerah (PLACE) 6:776 Davis, M. Stephen

Uzzi (PERSON) 1-7 6:776-777 Hutton, Rodney R.

Uzzia (PERSON) + 6:777 Fuller, Russell

Uzziah (PERSON) 1 + 6:777-779 Kuntz, J. Kenneth

Uzziah (PERSON) 2-6 6:779 Perkins, Larry J.

Uzziel (PERSON) 1-6 + 6:779-780 Hutton, Rodney R.

Vaizatha (PERSON) + 6:781 Bedford, Peter

Valentinian Exposition (NHC XI,2) + 6:781-783 Turner, John D.

Valentinus + 6:783-784 Mirecki, Paul Allan

Valley Gate (PLACE) + 6:784-785 Liid, Dale C.

Vaniah (PERSON) 6:785 fa*ger, Jeffrey A.

Vashti (PERSON) + 6:785 McKenna, John E.

Vaticanus. See Codex (Codex Vaticanus)

Vegetables. See Flora

Veil. See Dress and Ornamentation

Veil of the Temple + 6:785-786 Meyers, Carol

Vengeance + 6:786-787 Pitard, Wayne T.

Verse, Hebrew. See Parallelism

Versions, Ancient. 6:787-813

See also Aquila’s Version; Aristeas, Letter of; Diatessaron; Hexapla of Origen; Septuagint; Symmachus, Symmachus’s

Version; Syro-Hexapla; Targum, Targumim; Theodotion, Theodotion’s Version; Vulgate; See also Textual Criticism;

Dead Sea Scrolls; Nag Hammadi; and Wadi Murabbaat. See also Languages

Introductory Survey + 6:787-793 Birdsall, James Neville

Greek Versions + 6:793-794 Greenspoon, Leonard J.

Syriac Versions + 6:794-799 Brock, Sebastian Paul

Latin Versions + 6:799-803 Bogaert, Pierre-Maurice

Coptic Versions + 6:803 Mills, Watson E.

Gothic Versions + 6:803-805 Birdsall, James Neville

Armenian Versions + 6:805-808 Alexanian, Joseph M.

Ethiopic Versions + 6:808-810 Zuurmond, Rochus

Georgian Versions + 6:810-813 Birdsall, James Neville

Versions, Catholic + 6:813-816 Collins, Raymond F.

Versions, English. 6:816-838

See also Theory of Translation; Versions, American; Versions, Catholic; Versions, Jewish; and Versions, Modern Era

Pre-1960 English Versions + 6:816-829 Lewis, Jack P.

Wycliffe’s Version + 6:830 Lewis, Jack P.

Authorized Versions + 6:830-832 Lewis, Jack P.

King James Version + 6:832-834 Lewis, Jack P.

American Versions + 6:834-838 Frerichs, Ernest S.

Versions, Jewish + 6:838-842 Orlinsky, Harry M.

Versions, Modern Era + 6:842-851 Grether, Herbert G.

Vespasian (EMPEROR) + 6:851-853 Milns, R.D.

Vessels. See Pottery

Vestibule. See Temple, Jerusalem

Vices. See Virtue/Vice Lists

Vine. See Flora

Viper. See Zoology

Virgin + 6:853-854 Schmitt, John J.

Virgin Mary. See Mary, Mother of Jesus

ABD Article Index


Virgin, Apocalypses of the + 6:854-856 Bauckham, Richard

Virgin, Assumption of the + 6:856-857 Esbroeck, Michel V.

Virtue/Vice Lists + 6:857-859 Fitzgerald, John T.

Vision. See Prophecy; Mysticism

Vophsi (PERSON) 6:859-860 Paulien, Jon

Vulgar Language. See Bible, Euphemism and Dysphemism in the

Vulgate + 6:860-862 Parker, D. C.

Vulture. See Zoology

Wadi 6:863

Wadi Murabbaat (M.R. 110185): 6:863-864

Archaeology + 6:863-864 Murphy-O’Connor, Jerome

Texts + 6:864 O’Brien, Julia M.

Wadi Musa (M.R. 196970) + 6:864-865 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Wafer 6:865 Meyers, Carol; Flesher, Paul V. M.

Waheb (PLACE) + 6:865 Ferch, Arthur J.

Wailing Wall. See Temple, Jerusalem

Walls. See Fortifications (Levant)

Wanting and Desiring + 6:866-867 Schunck, Klaus-Dietrich; Callaway, Phillip (trans.)

War and Warfare. See Weapons and Implements of Warfare; Military Organization in Mesopotamia; Deuteronomy, Book of

War in the NT + 6:867-875 Klassen, William

War Rule (1QM) + 6:875-876 Davies, Philip R.

Warrior, Divine + 6:876-880 Hiebert, Theodore

Wars of the Lord, Book of the + 6:880 Christensen, Duane L.

Washingtonianus. See Codex (Codex Washingtonianus)

Wasm (Camel Brand) + 6:880-882 King, Geraldine

Waten, Khirbet el-. See Moladah (PLACE)

Water for Impurity + 6:882 Wright, David P.

Water Gate (PLACE) + 6:882-883 Suiter, David E.

Water Works + 6:883-893 Oleson, John Peter

Waters of Megiddo. See Megiddo, Waters of

Waters of Merom. See Merom, Waters of

Wave Offering. See Sacrifice and Sacrificial Offerings

Waw 6:893

Weapons and Implements of Warfare + 6:893-895 Fretz, Mark J.

Weasel. See Zoology

Weather. See Palestine, Climate of

Wedding. See Marriage

Weeds. See Agriculture

Week. See Calendars

Weeks, Festival of + 6:895-897 VanderKam, James C.

Weights and Measures + 6:897-908 Powell, Marvin A.

West 6:908 Drinkard, Joel F., Jr.

West Semitic Languages. See Languages (Introductory Survey)

Western Sea (PLACE) + 6:908-909 Lubetski, Meir

Western Text + 6:909-912 Epp, Eldon Jay

Western Wall. See Temple, Jerusalem

Wheat. See Agriculture; Flora

Widow. See Levirate Law

Wife. See Family

Wild Goat, Wild Ox. See Zoology

Wilderness Wanderings + 6:912-914 Davies, G. I.

Will of God in the OT + 6:914-920 Fretheim, Terence E.

Willow. See Flora

Willows, Brook of the (PLACE) + 6:920 Ferch, Arthur J.

Wind. See Palestine, Climate of

Winnowing. See Agriculture

Wisdom in the OT + 6:920-931 Murphy, Roland E.

Wisdom of Ben-Sira + 6:931-945 Di Lella, Alexander A.

Wisdom, Book of. See Solomon, Wisdom of

Wise Men. See Infancy Narratives in the NT Gospels

ABD Article Index


Witchcraft. See Magic (OT)

Withered Hand. See Sickness and Disease

Witness, Altar of (PLACE) 6:945 Willett, Tom Wayne

Wizard. See Magic (OT)

Woe: 6:945-947

OT "Woe" Oracles 6:945-946 Clements, Ronald E.

"Woe" in the NT 6:946-947


Collins, Raymond F.

Bibliography 6:947 Clements, Ronald E.; Collins, Raymond F.

Wolf. See Zoology

Women: 6:947-961

Mesopotamia + 6:947-951 Harris, Rivkah

Old Testament 6:951-957 Bird, Phyllis A.

New Testament + 6:957-961 Witherington, Ben, III

Wood. See Flora

Wool. See Dress and Ornamentation; Zoology

Word of God + 6:961-968 Fretheim, Terence E.

Wordplay, Hebrew + 6:968-971 Greenstein, Edward L.

Words of the Luminaries (4QDibHam) + 6:971-972 Davies, Philip R.

Works of God 6:972 Minear, Paul S.

World, On the Origin of (NHC II,5) + 6:972-973 Perkins, Pheme

Worm. See Zoology

Wormwood + 6:973 Reddish, Mitchell G.

Worship, Early Christian + 6:973-989 Aune, David E.

Wrath of God: 6:989-998

Old Testament + 6:989-996 Herion, Gary A.

New Testament + 6:996-998 Travis, Stephen H.

Wreath 6:998 Meyers, Carol

Writing and Writing Materials + 6:999-1008 Lemaire, André

Wyclif’s Version. See Versions, English (Wycliffe’s Version)

Xanthicus + 6:1009 Kampen, John

Xerxes (PERSON) + 6:1009-1010 Young, T. Cuyler, Jr.

Xi 6:1010

Yael, Ein. See Rephaim, Valley of

Yahudiya, el- (PLACE). See Jehud (PLACE)

Yahweh (DEITY) + 6:1011-1012 Thompson, Henry O.

Yahweh, Day of. See Day of Yahweh

Yahwist ("J") Source + 6:1012-1020 de Pury, Albert

Ya‘nin, Khirbet. See Neiel (PLACE) 6:1020

Yavneh (PLACE). See Jamnia (Jabneh), Council of 6:1020

Yavneh-Yam (M.R. 121147) + 6:1020-1021 Kaplan, Jacob

Year. See Calendars

Yeast. See Meal Customs (Jewish Dietary Laws)

Yeruham, Mount (M.R. 139045) + 6:1021 Kochavi, Moshe

Yiftahel (M.R. 171240) + 6:1021-1023 Braun, Eliot

Yin‘am, Tel (M.R. 198235) + 6:1023 Liebowitz, Harold A.

Yiron (PLACE) + 6:1024 Arav, Rami

Yod 6:1024

Yohanan Ben Zakkai + 6:1024-1026 Porton, Gary G.

Yoke + 6:1026-1027 Tyer, Charles L.

Yokefellow (PERSON) + 6:1027 Gillman, Florence Morgan

Yom Kippur. See Day of Atonement

Yoqneam, Tell. See Jokneam (PLACE)

Yuttah (PLACE). See Juttah (PLACE)

Zaanan (PLACE) + 6:1029 Luker, Lamontte M.

Zaanannim (PLACE) 6:1029 White, Sidnie Ann

Zaavan (PERSON) 6:1029 Matthews, Victor H.

Zabad (PERSON) 1-7 + 6:1030 Eades, Keith L.

Zabadeans + 6:1030-1031 Kasher, Aryeh

Zabbai (PERSON) 1-2 6:1031 fa*ger, Jeffrey A.

Zabdi (PERSON) 1-4 6:1031 Nysse, Richard W.

ABD Article Index


Zabdiel (PERSON) 1-3 6:1031-1032 Hardwick, Michael E.

Zabud (PERSON) 6:1032 McMillion,Phillip E.

Zabulon. See Zebulun

Zaccai (PERSON) 6:1032 Bergdall, Chaney R.

Zacchaeus (PERSON) + 6:1032-1033 O’Toole, Robert F.

Zaccur (PERSON) 1-10 + 6:1033-1034 Eades, Keith L.

Zadok (PERSON) 1 + 6:1034-1036 Ramsey, George W.

Zadok (PERSON) 2 + 6:1036 Porter, Stanley E.

Zadokite Fragments (Damascus Document) + 6:1036-1038 Schiffman, Lawrence H.

Zaham (PERSON) + 6:1038 Kennedy, James M.

Zair (PLACE) + 6:1038-1039 Liwak, Rüdiger

Zalaph (PERSON) 6:1039 Williams, Nora A.

Zalmon (PERSON) 6:1039 Schley, Donald G.

Zalmon (PLACE) 6:1039 Schley, Donald G.

Zalmonah (PLACE) 6:1039 Lott, Jeffrey K.

Zalmunna (PERSON) 6:1039

Zanoah (PLACE) 1-2 + 6:1039 Kotter, Wade R.

Zaphenath-Paneah (PERSON) 6:1040 Oller, Gary H.

Zaphon (PLACE) + 6:1040 Franklyn, Paul Nimrah

Zaphon, Mount (PLACE) + 6:1040-1041 Avalos, Hector

Zarephath (PLACE) + 6:1041 Roth, Ray Lee

Zarethan (PLACE) + 6:1041-1043 Thompson, Henry O.

Zarius (PERSON) 6:1043 Bowman, Craig D.

Zattu (PERSON) 6:1043 Swanson, Steven R.

Zayin 6:1043

Zaza (PERSON) 6:1043 Steeger, William P.

Zealots + 6:1043-1054 Rhoads, David

Zebadiah (PERSON) 1-9 + 6:1054-1055 Eades, Keith L.

Zebah and Zalmunna (PERSONS) + 6:1055 Mendenhall, George E.

Zebedee (PERSON) 6:1055 Watson, JoAnn Ford

Zebidah (PERSON) 6:1055 Schearing, Linda S.

Zebina (PERSON) 6:1055 fa*ger, Jeffrey A.

Zeboiim (PLACE) + 6:1055-1056 Pressler, Carolyn J.

Zeboim (PLACE) 1-2 6:1056 Arnold, Patrick M.

Zebul (PERSON) + 6:1056 Lowery, Kirk E.

Zebulun (PERSON) + 6:1056-1057 Jeansonne, Sharon Pace

Zechariah (PERSON) 1-30 + 6:1057-1060 Wright, John W.

Zechariah (PERSON) 31 + 6:1060-1061 Watson, JoAnn Ford

Zechariah, Book of: 6:1061-1068

Zechariah 1-8 + 6:1061-1065 Meyers, Carol; Meyers, Eric M.

Zechariah 9-14 + 6:1065-1068 Petersen, David L.

Zecher (PERSON). See Zechariah (PERSON)

Zedad (PLACE) + 6:1068 Thompson, Henry O.

Zedekiah (PERSON) 1-6 + 6:1068-1071 Althann, Robert

Zeeb (PERSON). See Oreb and Zeeb 6:1071

Zeiraqoun, Khirbet (M.R. 239222) + 6:1071-1072 Ibrahim, Moawiyah M.; Mittmann, Siegfried

Zela (PLACE) + 6:1072 Edelman, Diana Vikander

Zelek (PERSON) + 6:1072 Thompson, David L.

Zelophehad (PERSON) + 6:1072-1073 Taylor, Marion Ann ; Taylor, J. Glen

Zelzah (PLACE) + 6:1073-1074 Edelman, Diana Vikander

Zemaraim (PLACE) 1-2 + 6:1074 Toews, Wesley Irwin

Zemarites + 6:1074 Baker, David W.

Zemer (PLACE) 6:1074 Roth, Ray Lee

Zemirah (PERSON) 6:1074 Willett, Tom Wayne

Zenan (PLACE) + 6:1074 Kotter, Wade R.

Zenas (PERSON) + 6:1074-1075 Gillman, John L.

Zephaniah (PERSON) 1-4 + 6:1075 Berridge, John M.

Zephaniah, Apocalypse of + 6:1075-1077 Wintermute, Orval S.

Zephaniah, Book of + 6:1077-1080 Kselman, John S.

Zephath (PLACE) 6:1080 Baker, David W.

ABD Article Index


Zephathah (PLACE) + 6:1080 Willett, Tom Wayne

Zepho (PERSON) 6:1080 Hübner, Ulrich

Zephon (PERSON) 6:1080 de Groot van Houten, Christina

Zephonites. See Ziphion 6:1080

Zer (PLACE) 6:1080 Frankel, Rafael

Zerah (PERSON) 1-6 + 6:1080-1081 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Zerahiah (PERSON) 1-2 6:1081 Shearer, Rodney H.

Zeraiah (PERSON). See Zebadiah

Zerdaiah (PERSON) 6:1082 fa*ger, Jeffrey A.

Zered, Brook of (PLACE) 6:1082 Herion, Gary A.

Zeredah (PLACE) + 6:1082 Thompson, Henry O.

Zererah (PLACE) + 6:1082-1083 Thompson, Henry O.

Zeresh (PERSON) + 6:1083 Wiebe, John M.

Zereth (PERSON) 6:1083 Lo, Hing Choi

Zereth-Shahar (PLACE) + 6:1083 Franklyn, Paul Nimrah

Zeri (PERSON) 6:1083 McCann, J. Clinton, Jr.

Zeror (PERSON) + 6:1083-1084 Edelman, Diana Vikander

Zeror, Tel (M.R. 147203) + 6:1084 Kochavi, Moshe

Zeruah (PERSON) 6:1084 Schearing, Linda S.

Zerubbabel (PERSON) + 6:1084-1086 Beyer, Bryan E.

Zeruiah (PERSON) 6:1086 Schley, Donald G.

Zeruiah (PERSON) 6:1086 Schley, Donald G.

Zervanism + 6:1086-1087 Hultgård, Anders

Zeta 6:1087

Zetham (PERSON) 6:1087 Kennedy, James M.

Zethan (PERSON) 6:1087 Willett, Tom Wayne

Zethar (PERSON). See Mehuman

Zeus, Friend of Strangers. See Gerizim, Mount

Zeus, Temple of. See Olympian Zeus, Temple of

Zia (PERSON) 6:1087 Graham, M. Patrick

Ziba (PERSON) 6:1087-1088 Bailey, Randall C.

Zibeon (PERSON) 1-2 + 6:1088 Matthews, Victor H.

Zibia (PERSON) 6:1088 Willett, Tom Wayne

Zibiah (PERSON) 6:1088 Schearing, Linda S.

Zichri (PERSON) 1-12 + 6:1088-1089 Uitti, Roger W.

Ziddim (PLACE) + 6:1089-1090 Frankel, Rafael

Ziha (PERSON) 6:1090 Augustin, Gary C.

Ziklag (PLACE) + 6:1090 Kotter, Wade R.

Ziklag (PLACE) II + 6:1090-1093 Oren, Eliezer D.

Zillah (PERSON) + 6:1093-1094 Hess, Richard S.

Zillethai (PERSON) 1-2 6:1094 Dillard, Raymond B.

Zilpah (PERSON) + 6:1094 Mariottini, Claude F.

Zimmah (PERSON) 6:1094 Kennedy, James M.

Zimran (PERSON) 6:1094 Matthews, Victor H.

Zimri (PERSON) 1-4 6:1094-1095 Hutton, Rodney R.

Zimri (PLACE) 6:1095 White, Sidnie Ann

Zin, Wilderness of (PLACE) + 6:1095-1096 Seely, David R.

Zina (PERSON). See Zizah

Zion (PLACE) + 6:1096-1097 Mare, W. Harold

Zion Gospel Edition + 6:1097-1098 Petersen, William L.

Zion Traditions + 6:1098-1102 Levenson, Jon D.

Zion, Daughter of + 6:1103 Follis, Elaine R.

Zior (PLACE) + 6:1103-1104 Kotter, Wade R.

Ziph (PERSON) 1-2 6:1104 Herion, Gary A.

Ziph (PLACE) 1-3 + 6:1104 Lance, H. Darrell

Ziphah (PERSON) 6:1104 Lo, Hing Choi

Ziphion (PERSON) 6:1104 Mariottini, Claude F.

Ziphron (PLACE) 6:1104 Lott, Jeffrey K.

Zippor (PERSON) 6:1104-1105 Hutton, Rodney R.

Zipporah (PERSON) + 6:1105 Burns, Rita J.

ABD Article Index


Ziv. See also Calendars


(Ancient Israelite and Early Jewish) 6:1105

Ziz, Ascent of (PLACE) + 6:1105 Herion, Gary A.

Ziza (PERSON) 1-2 + 6:1105-1106 Uitti, Roger W.

Zizah (PERSON) 6:1106 Rogers, Jeffrey S.

Zoan (PLACE) + 6:1106-1107 Redford, Donald B.

Zoar (PLACE) + 6:1107 Astour, Michael C.

Zobah (PLACE) + 6:1108 Pitard, Wayne T.

Zobebah (PERSON) 6:1108 Lo, Hing Choi

Zohar (PERSON) 1-2 + 6:1108-1109 Moyer, James C.

Zoheleth, Stone of. See Serpent’s Stone

Zoheth (PERSON) 6:1109 Smith, David Channing

Zoldera (PLACE). See Lystra

Zoology (Fauna) + 6:1109-1167 Firmage, Edwin

Zophah (PERSON) + 6:1167 O’Brien, Julia M.

Zophai (PERSON). See Zuph (PERSON)

Zophar (PERSON) + 6:1167-1168 Holbert, John C.

Zophim (PLACE) 6:1168 Brensinger, Terry L.

Zor (PLACE). See Jordan, Jungle of

Zorah (PLACE) + 6:1168 Greenberg, Raphael

Zoroaster, Zoroastrianism + 6:1168-1174 Boyce, Mary

Zostrianos (NHC VIII,1) + 6:1174-1175 Sieber, John H.

Zuar (PERSON) 6:1175 Launderville, Dale F.

Zugoth 6:1175 Flesher, Paul V. M.

Zuph (PERSON) 6:1175 Petter, Gerald J.

Zuph (PLACE) + 6:1175 Petter, Gerald J.

Zur (PERSON) 1-2 + 6:1175-1176 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Zuriel (PERSON) 6:1176 de Groot van Houten, Christina

Zurishaddai (PERSON) 6:1176 Launderville, Dale F.

Zurra‘a, Khirbet el-. See Gath-Hepher 6:1176

Zuzim + 6:1176 Astour, Michael C.




David Noel Freedman




John David Pleins








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DESIGN BY Stanley S. Drate/Folio Graphics Company, Inc.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Anchor Bible dictionary / David Noel Freedman, editor-in-chief;

associate editors, Gary A. Herion, David F. Graf, John David Pleins;

managing editor, Astrid B. Beck

—1st ed.

p. cm.

Includes bibliographical references.

1. Bible—Dictionaries. I. Freedman, David Noel, 1922–.

BS440.A54 1992

220.3—dc20 91–8385


Copyright © 1992 Doubleday,

a division of Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc.

All Rights Reserved


HANS DIETER BETZ (Greco-Roman Religion)

Shailer Mathews Professor of NT Studies, University of Chicago

JAMES H. CHARLESWORTH (Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha)

George L. Collord Professor of NT Language and Literature, Princeton Theological Seminary


Hanco*ck Professor of Hebrew and Other Oriental Languages, Harvard University

WILLIAM G. DEVER (Archaeology)

Professor of Newr Eastern Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Arizona

A. KIRK GRAYSON (Mesopotamia and Assyriology)

Professor, University of Toronto

PETER MACHINIST (Bible and Ancient Near East)

Professor of Near Eastern Languages, Harvard University


Buckingham Professor of New Testament Criticism and Interpretation, The Divintiy School, Yale


BIRGER A. PEARSON (Early Christianity)

Professor of Religious Studies, University of California at Santa Barabara

JACK M. SASSON (Bible and Ancient Near East)

Professor in Religious Studies, University of North Carolina

WILLIAM R. SCHOEDEL (Early Christian Literature)

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign






David F. Graf

John David Pleins









Herbert Grether

John Huddlestun

John Kutsko

Dale Manor

Paul Mirecki

James Mueller

David R. Seely

William Ward

Harry Weeks



Dennis Moser


In view of Gary Herion‘s comprehensive Introduction to the Anchor Bible Dictionary, very little

needs to be added byway of preface, but a few words may be helpful. The project itself was initiated early

in the 1980s by conversations between Robert Heller, then head of the Religion Department at

Doubleday, and me. Because of the widespread acceptance and use of the Anchor Bible Critical

Commentaries, we felt that a companion work, the ABD, was an appropriate undertaking. As a

consequence, I prepared a master plan, which called for a set of fives: five volumes, five years, five

hundred contributors, and five million words. As such, it would have matched generally earlier major

works of the same kind: the justly regarded classic work of the turn of the century, The Hastings‘

Dictionary of the Bible (in five volumes, 1898–1904), and the well-known Interpreter‘s Dictionary of the

Bible (also in five volumes, the first four appearing in 1962, with a fifth, supplemental volume in 1976).

Now, at the end of the first major stage of this enterprise (the submission of the manuscript), the ABD has

turned out to consist of six volumes, with nearly a thousand contributors, well over six million words,

with the completed manuscript submitted to the publisher in just six years. That it was done within this

period is a tribute to the last of the associate editors, Gary Herion, who delivered all six volumes in

manuscript form from the beginning of June to the latter part of August, 1990. While a project of such

magnitude is difficult to manage in its various aspects, the hardest part of all is to finish it and close it

down. Getting started certainly was not easy, but once this huge vehicle was well under way, it threatened

to become a runaway, moving faster and growing larger (like a snowball coursing down a mountainside)

and sweeping everything in its path. It is difficult to imagine how dangerous a prospect this can be, of

continuing and unlimited expansion, a never-ending process. It is not readily recognized that for each

topic assigned there are many more that could be assigned, and between every two entries there could

exist any number of others, all worthy of consideration. Even before the project has reached maximum

speed and efficiency, and manuscripts are pouring in in large numbers, it is necessary to call a halt, turn

off the power, and apply the brakes. The next most dramatic moment in the work comes with the decision

to call a halt and the declaration that the dictionary is done. Of course it isn‘t (and never will be) ―done‖

because the task of scholarship goes on, old entries need to be revised, and new entries need to be written;

but when the deadline arrives, the work is finished. It takes a person of character and courage to make

such a determination in the midst of the endless flow of words, but it is necessary. Not every assigned

article is received within the time limits, and not every one that is received is finally acceptable. But at

some point the declaration must be made, and the editors and the publisher must take what they have and

go on to the second major stage: producing the work of a whole generation of scholars in book form. Gary

Herion proved to be the right person in the right place at the right time. He came onboard after others had

started the project and moved it along. But he finished it, and for that a special accolade is in order. He

organized and coordinated the work force for this powerful push to the finish line, and he himself

contributed a major effort in negotiating with authors, bringing in the manuscripts, reading and editing the

latter. He set an example of conscientiousness and dedication that stirred the rest to emulation as well



embarrassment: he came earlier and stayed later as time wore on and the deadlines approached. He was

the ideal coadjutor and chief of operations, and when the time came and the last whistle blew, he had

successfully completed what others had started.

I wish to add a personal word of gratitude to all those who had a hand in this undertaking, and whose

names are listed in Herion‘s Introduction. I want to mention in particular the administrative officers of the

University of Michigan, who provided substantial material assistance for the ABD, in particular the

several vice presidents for academic affairs who held the office during the life of the ABD project: Billy

Frye, James Duderstadt, Charles Vest, and Gilbert Whitaker. Each VPAA in turn renewed the

commitment and the support, the continuity being established and maintained by that most modest and

self-effacing of associate vice presidents, Robert Holbrook, who has been a faithful backer of this project

since its inception.

A final word of gratitude is owing to Astrid B. Beck, without whose constant and diligent oversight of

the Project and the Program on Studies in Religion, neither would have succeeded or even survived. She

maintained both at the highest levels of efficiency and equanimity during the most trying periods, when

the entire building was being torn apart and rebuilt, and when the work force threatened to overwhelm the

facilities, and the work load reached a crisis point. There is an unpayable debt owed by all of us.



DECEMBER 7, 1990

Ann Arbor, Michigan


Every generation needs its own Dictionary of the Bible. Within its pages one can expect to find

presented the essence of critical scholarship on subjects pertaining to the Bible, as those subjects are

understood by students of that generation. Thus while such encyclopedic reference works provide a

valuable service to their readers, in a larger sense they can never transcend the limits of their own

historical contexts. In time they inevitably become outdated, and after a generation or so they can hope to

achieve a sort of ―second shelf life‖ as a valuable period piece, witness to where the field of biblical

studies was at one point in its history.

It has been thirty years since the last major Bible dictionary appeared in America. The Biblical

Theology movement was in its heyday, and a certain ―consensus‖ on matters pertaining to the history and

literature of both testaments had been established. When reviewing English-language Bible dictionaries of

the time, one cannot help but notice the preponderance of word studies and of sweeping historical

reconstructions that were characteristic of the field at midcentury. One critic at the time noted this and

lamented that more attention was not being devoted to the critical issues of methods and assumptions.

Baldly stated, it seems that scholarship at that time was more interested in presenting ―the facts‖ than in

considering critically how we know them to be ―facts.‖The emphasis in biblical studies has changed

considerably since then. The mainstream American consensus that held in the 1950s and early ‘60s

unravelled during the 1970s. Sweeping historical reconstructions became increasingly rare as OT and NT

scholars alike began to engage in often fierce debates over methods and assumptions (e.g., about the role

and value of archaeology, and about the ―literary‖ nature of biblical historiography).And when syntheses

were attempted, one would very often find scholars moving beyond the venerable limits of the canon

itself: the vocation of ―biblical scholar‖ increasingly required one to be competent in dealing with a wide

range of later, extrabiblical texts attesting to the complex emergence of early Judaism and early

Christianity (or, as many would now insist, ―early Judaisms and early Christianities‖).

The Anchor Bible Dictionary is no less a product of its time. In some respects, the situation since the

1960s is now reversed: scholars now tend to be more preoccupied with considering how we know

something to be a ―fact‖ than in assembling those ―facts‖ into a meaningful whole. Thus the

overwhelming majority of major articles found in the following pages devotes a good deal of space to the

basic epistemological question: ―How do we know what we know about this topic?‖ One will be hard

pressed to find in these pages any sort of sweeping historical synthesis that presumes a scholarly

consensus. Scholarly consensus simply does not exist here at the end of the twentieth century.

Nevertheless in these six volumes there are still many new and refreshing insights one can discover

about biblical texts, about histories and personalities referred to therein, about religious ideas and themes

that find expression in its pages, about ancient Oriental and Hellenistic intellectual and cultural contexts

that almost invariably lie just beneath the surface of the text (if not on the surface itself), and about the

processes that helped to ensure the Bible‘s central place in nascent Judaism and Christianity. In short, the

ABD provides the scholarly world and the general public with an up-to-date and comprehensive treatment

of all biblical subjects and topics. Our goal has been to provide an eminently readable and yet

authoritative reference source for all readers of the Bible. To achieve this, we have assembled an

international host of scholars—including prominent archaeologists, Assyriologists, Egyptologists,

classicists, philosophers, and ancient historians—who have been selected on the basis of their expertise

and special contributions to biblical scholarship. They come with diverse professional and confessional

backgrounds, reflecting the growing pluralism and interdisciplinary interests of the field.

A review of ABD entries should quickly convince the interested student of the Bible that the ABD is

indeed an invaluable reference source and a powerful research tool. Yet the perceptive reader scanning

these pages and comparing its entries with those of other Bible dictionaries will also discover that there is

something to be learned here about the field of biblical studies itself. One may note, for example, the

preponderance of new articles pertaining to the cultural history and social institutions that lie in the

background of ancient Israel and early Christianity; this is so because these days there is a relatively large

number of scholars with social science interests working in these areas. One will also note the large

number of articles dealing with archaeological sites and excavations; this is so because the last twenty-

five years have seen a veritable explosion of archaeological activity in the lands of the Bible. One will

also note specific entries treating pseudepigraphic and apocryphal texts, Nag Hammadi tractates, and

individual Dead Sea scrolls; this is so because the scope of scholarly interest has now extended beyond

the conventional limits of the canon. One will note that the so-called ―minor entries‖ on personal and

place names usually go beyond the one- or two-sentence recapitulations often found in other Bible

dictionaries; this is so because scholars today seem to have a keener interest in the often minute details

associated with genealogies and toponyms, and they appreciate how a careful reexamination of these

details can sometimes lead to fresh insights about the relationship between tradition and history.

Conversely one will not find as many minor or midlevel entries dealing with biblical lexical items; this is

so because we could not find many scholars interested in these subjects or able to push their presentations

beyond those found in other Bible dictionaries. What this means is that in some areas related particularly

to word studies the ABD simply does not replace such major English-language works as the IDB


See Versions, Ancient (Armenian)

Armlet. See Jewelry

Armoni (PERSON) + 1:397-398 Edelman, Diana Vikander

Armory. See Weapons and Implements of Warfare

Army (Mesopotamia). See Military Organization in Mesopotamia

Army, Herodian. See Herodian Army

Army, Roman. See Roman Army

Arna (PERSON) 1:398 Han, Jin Hee

Arnan (PERSON) 1:398 Fuller, Russell

Arni (PERSON) 1:398 Grether, Herbert G.

Arnon (PLACE) + 1:398-399 Mattingly, Gerald L.

Arodi (PERSON) 1:399 Slayton, Joel C.

Aroer (PLACE) 1-4 + 1:399-400 Mattingly, Gerald L.

Arom (PERSON) 1:400 McGehee, Michael David

Aromatic Cane. See Perfumes and Spices

ABD Article Index


Arpachshad (PERSON) 1-2 + 1:400 Hess, Richard S.

Arpad (PLACE) + 1:401 Avalos, Hector

Arphaxad (PERSON) 1-2 + 1:401 White, Sidnie Ann

Array, Battle. See Weapons and Implements of War

Arsaces (PERSON) + 1:401 Pacwa, Mitchell C.

Art and Architecture: 1:401-461

Ancient Near Eastern Art + 1:401-408 Gunther, Ann C.

Ancient Near Eastern Architecture + 1:408-419 Zimansky, Paul E.

Mesopotamian Art and Architecture + 1:419-428 Albenda, Pauline

Egpytian Art and Architecture + 1:428-440 Baines, John

Persian Art + 1:440-447 Root, Margaret Cool

Early Jewish Art and Architecture + 1:447-454 Hachlili, Rachel

Early Christian Art + 1:454-461 Snyder, Graydon F.

Artapanus + 1:461-463 Holladay, Carl R.

Artaxerxes (PERSON) + 1:463-464 Suiter, David E.

Artemas (PERSON) + 1:464 Gillman, Florence Morgan

Artemis (DEITY) + 1:464-465 Martin, Hubert M., Jr.

Arthropods. See Zoology

Arubboth + 1:465-467 Zertal, Adam

Arumah (PLACE) 1:467-468 Thompson, Henry O.

Arvad (PERSON) + 1:468 Hess, Richard S.

Arza (PERSON) 1:468 Viviano, Pauline A.

Arzareth (PLACE) + 1:468 Herion, Gary A.

Asa (PERSON) + 1:468-470 Evans, Carl D.

Asahel (PERSON) 1-5 + 1:470 Schley, Donald G.

Asaiah (PERSON) 1-4 1:470-471 Dillard, Raymond B.

Asaias (PERSON) 1:471 fa*ger, Jeffrey A.

Asaph (PERSON) 1-4 + 1:471 Rogers, Jeffrey S.

Asaramel (PLACE) + 1:471-472 Hardwick, Michael E.

Asarel (PERSON) 1:472 Lo, Hing Choi

Ascension of Christ + 1:472-474 Gulley, Norman R.

Ascent of Heres (PLACE). See Heres, Ascent of (PLACE)

Ascent to Heaven. See Heaven, Ascent to

Asclepius (NHC VI,8) + 1:474-475 Jackson, Howard

Asclepius, Cult of + 1:475-476 Robinson, Thomas L.

Asenath (PERSON) + 1:476 Yee, Gale A.

Ashan (PLACE) + 1:476-477 Hamilton, Jeffries M.

Asharelah (PERSON) + 1:477 McCann, J. Clinton, Jr.

Ashbea (PLACE). See Beth-Ashbea (PLACE)

Ashbel (PERSON) 1:477 Johnson, Siegfried S.

Ashdod (PLACE). See also Azotus (PLACE). + 1:477-482 Dothan, Moshe

Ashdod-Yam (M.R. 114132) + 1:482 Kaplan, Jacob

Asher (PERSON) + 1:482-483 Edelman, Diana Vikander

Asherah (DEITY) + 1:483-487 Day, John

Ashhur (PERSON) + 1:487 Lo, Hing Choi

Ashima (DEITY) + 1:487 Fulco, William J.

Ashkelon (PLACE) + 1:487-490 Esse, Douglas L.

Ashkenaz + 1:490 Hess, Richard S.

Ashnah (PLACE) 1-2 + 1:490 Kotter, Wade R.

Ashpenaz (PERSON) 1:490-491 Coxon, Peter W.

Ashtaroth (DEITY). See Ashtoreth (DEITY)

Ashtaroth (PLACE) + 1:491 Day, John

Ashteroth-Karnaim (PLACE) + 1:491 Astour, Michael C.

Ashtoreth (DEITY) + 1:491-494 Day, John

Ashurbanipal (PERSON) 1:494 Grayson, A. Kirk

Ashurites + 1:494 Edelman, Diana Vikander

Ashvath (PERSON) 1:494-495 O’Brien, J. Randall

Asiarchs + 1:495-497 Kearsley, Rosalind Anne

Asibias (PERSON). See Hashabiah (PERSON)

Asiel (PERSON) 1-3 + 1:497 Redditt, Paul L.

ABD Article Index


Askewianus, Codex. See Pistis Sophia

Asmar, Tell + 1:497-499 Margueron, Jean-Claude; Sager, Paul (trans.)

Asmodeus 1:499 Grether, Herbert G.

Asnah (PERSON) + 1:499 Shearer, Rodney H.

Aspatha (PERSON) + 1:499 Bedford, Peter

Asphar (PLACE) + 1:499 Redditt, Paul L.

Asriel (PERSON) + 1:499 Slayton, Joel C.

Ass. See Zoology

Assar, Tel (PLACE). See Tel-Assar (PLACE)

Assayer. See Interest and Usury in the Greco-Roman Period

Assembly, Divine. See Divine Assembly

Assembly, Great. See Great Assembly

Asshur (DEITY). See Mesopotamia, History of (History and Culture of Assyria)

Asshur (PERSON) + 1:500 Oller, Gary H.

Asshur (PLACE) + 1:500 Grayson, A. Kirk

Asshurim 1:500 Matthews, Victor H.

Assir (PERSON) 1:501 Willett, Tom Wayne

Associations, Clubs, Thiasoi + 1:501-503 Danker, Frederick William

Assos (PLACE) + 1:503 Yamauchi, Edwin M.

Assumption of the Virgin. See Virgin, Assumption of the

Asssyria (History and Culture). See Mesopotamia, History of

Astarte (DEITY). See Ashtoreth (DEITY) 1:504

Astrology in the Ancient Near East + 1:504-507 Rochberg-Halton, Francesca

Astyages (PERSON) + 1:507-508 Yamauchi, Edwin M.

Asur (PERSON) 1:508 McGehee, Michael David

Asyncritus (PERSON) 1:508 Lampe, Peter

Atad (PLACE) + 1:508-509 Oller, Gary H.

Atarah (PERSON) 1:509 Steeger, William P.

Atargatis (DEITY) + 1:509 Carroll, Scott T.

Ataroth (PLACE) 1-2 + 1:510 Franklyn, Paul Nimrah

Ataroth-Addar (PLACE) + 1:510 Franklyn, Paul Nimrah

Ater (PERSON) 1-2 + 1:510 Bergdall, Chaney R.

Athach (PLACE) 1:510-511 Hamilton, Jeffries M.

Athaiah (PERSON) 1:511 Schmidt, Frederick W.

Athaliah (PERSON) 1-3 + 1:511-512 Thiel, Winfried

Atharim (PLACE) + 1:512-513 Herion, Gary A.

Athenobius (PERSON) 1:513 Nelson, Russell D.

Athens (PLACE) + 1:513-518 Martin, Hubert M., Jr.

Athlai (PERSON) 1:518 fa*ger, Jeffrey A.

Atonement in the NT + 1:518-522 Tuckett, C. M.

Atonement, Day of. See Day of Atonement

Atroth-Beth-Joab (PLACE) + 1:522 McGarry, Susan E.

Atroth-Shophan (PLACE) + 1:522-523 Romero, C. Gilbert

Attai (PERSON) 1-3 1:523 Dillard, Raymond B.

Attalia (PLACE) 1-2 1:523 Wineland, John D.

Attalus (PERSON) + 1:523 Nelson, Russell D.

Attharates (PERSON) 1:523 McGehee, Michael David

Attharias (PERSON) 1:523-524 Bowman, Craig D.

Augury. See Magic (Old Testament)

Augustan Cohort + 1:524 Olson, Mark J.

Augustus (EMPEROR) + 1:524-528 Potter, David S.

Auranus (PERSON) 1:528 Nelson, Russell D.

Aurelius, Marcus. See Marcus Aurelius (EMPEROR)

Author of Life 1:528 Grether, Herbert G.

Authoritative Teaching (NHC VI,3) + 1:528-529 Goehring, James E.

Authorities, City. See City Authorities

Authority of Scripture. See Scriptural Authority

Avaran (PERSON) 1:529 Rappaport, Uriel

Aven (PLACE) 1-3 1:529-530 Pressler, Carolyn J.

Avenger of Blood. See Blood, Avenger of

ABD Article Index


Avestan Language. See Languages (Ancient Iran)

Avith (PLACE) + 1:530 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Avot, Khirbet (M.R. 193276) + 1:530-531 Braun, Eliot

Avva (PLACE) 1:531 Herion, Gary A.

Avvim (PLACE) 1-2 + 1:531-532 McGarry, Susan E.

Avvites. See Avva (PLACE)

‘Ayin 1:532

Ayyah (PLACE) + 1:532 Thompson, Henry O.

Azael (PLACE) 1:532 McGehee, Michael David

Azaliah (PERSON) 1:532 Hostetter, Edwin C.

Azaniah (PERSON) 1:532 Schmidt, Frederick W.

Azarel (PERSON) 1-6 1:532-533 Uitti, Roger W.

Azariah (PERSON) 1-29 + 1:533-535 Eades, Keith L.

Azariah, Prayer of. See Daniel, Additions to

Azarias (PERSON) + 1:535-536 Redditt, Paul L.

Azaru (PERSON) 1:536 Bowman, Craig D.

Azaz (PERSON) 1:536 Clem, H. Eldon

Azazel + 1:536-537 Wright, David P.

Azaziah (PERSON) 1-3 + 1:537 Clem, H. Eldon

Azbuk (PERSON) 1:537 Williams, Nora A.

Azekah (PLACE) + 1:537-539 Stern, Ephraim

Azel (PERSON) 1:539 Kennedy, James M.

Azetas (PERSON) 1:539 McGehee, Michael David

Azgad (PERSON) 1:539 Bergdall, Chaney R.

Aziel (PERSON). See Jaaziel (PERSON)

Aziza (PERSON) 1:539 fa*ger, Jeffrey A.

Azmaveth (PERSON) 1-5 1:539 Schley, Donald G.

Azmaveth (PLACE) + 1:539-540 McGarry, Susan E.

Azmon (PLACE) + 1:540 Kotter, Wade R.

Aznoth-Tabor (PLACE) + 1:540 Frankel, Rafael

Azor, Tel (M.R. 131159) + 1:540-541 Ben-Tor, Amnon

Azotus (PLACE). See also Ashdod (PLACE) + 1:541-542 Redditt, Paul L.

Azraq (PLACE) + 1:542-543 Garrard, Andrew N.

Azriel (PERSON) 1-3 + 1:543 Dalglish, Edward R.

Azrikam (PERSON) 1-4 1:543 Fuller, Russell

Azubah (PERSON)


or the

still-incomplete TDOT. This also reveals something about the agenda and the priorities of biblical

scholarship in the 1970s and ‘80s.

One will also appreciate the extent to which biblical studies has become increasingly specialized and

even fragmented during the past thirty years. This first became apparent to us during the assignment phase

of the project, as more and more contributors expressed reservations about taking on assignments that did

not lie within the immediate bounds of their particular ―subject‖ or area of expertise. On the positive side,

this means that most ABDentries devote greater attention to crucial matters of data and methodology, so

that the reader usually gets an expert presentation of the basic issues associated with the study of this or

that topic. However, as noted above, the drawback is a certain reluctance to place a given topic within a

larger picture—to provide the sweeping and definitive synthesis that some readers desire and expect in a

dictionary of the Bible. When presented, syntheses in ABD entries tend to be developed more cautiously

than in earlier Bible dictionaries, and conclusions are frequently hedged with significant qualifications.

That is simply the way responsible critical biblical scholarship tends to be practiced today. One

ramification of this increased specialization is evident in our long list of contributors: those who would

lament all this as ―overspecialization‖ will no doubt delight in noting that in 1962 only 253 contributors

were needed to write more than 7,500 entries for the IDB, while thirty years later almost four times as

many were needed to write 6,200 entries for the ABD. This is an honest reflection of the nature of biblical

scholarship here in the final decades of the second millennium.

If it really will be another generation before the next major English-language dictionary of the Bible is

attempted, one senses that the ABD may in fact be one of the last of its kind. Somehow one suspects that

the next major English-language Bible dictionary may not be something one ―purchases‖ but something

to which one ―subscribes‖ (complete with annual updates and revisions); that—like money—its primary

medium will not be ink-on-paper but electronic impulses (complete with three-dimensional, interactive,

color graphics); that it will not be something you place on your shelf but that you load into your

computer. Despite all the exciting possibilities this presents, it is also a bit discomforting. Perhaps more

than anyone else, we who study the Bible should appreciate the power and the impact of the immutably

printed word that, for better or worse, reflects an age and a perspective that cannot easily be erased or


* * *

One of the happy duties associated with writing ―introductions‖ is to acknowledge all those whose

labors helped to bring these printed words before the reader. In the case of the Anchor Bible Dictionary

this is a particularly happy assignment because of the camaraderie and friendships that developed over the

years as dedicated people applied their respective talents to the common task. This is not to imply that the

production of the ABD was without serious practical challenges. No one affiliated with its production was

a professional ―dictionary maker.‖ Rules and procedures tended to be invented as the need arose. In short,

we learned how to create a Bible dictionary primarily by creating a Bible dictionary.

Challenges such as this (especially when they are associated with omnipresent deadlines) either fray

people‘s nerves and drive them apart or draw them closer together. Fortunately the latter was the case.

Those bonds tended to be strengthened as together we faced hardships such as unpredictable power

failures and periodic fire alarms, incessant jackhammers operating just outside the office door, day after

day of dust, and (not surprisingly) chronic computer malfunctions. But in the long run what held the

bonds intact was the sense that the work was meaningful. Everyone involved in the ABD project soon

came to share David Noel Freedman‘s passionate commitment to the field of biblical studies, and his

belief that the time was right for a new multivolume encyclopedic reference work on the Bible. Few other

scholars can command the worldwide respect and admiration that are prerequisite to a major collaborative

venture such as this. Fewer still possess the ability and skill needed to orchestrate effectively the many

necessary resources and personalities. David Noel Freedman could. If indeed the ABD should reflect the

epitome of biblical scholarship in the last half of this century, who can be surprised that he should be its

chief editor? At the beginning of the project, David F. Graf assisted Freedman as the first associate editor.

One of Graf‘s initial tasks was to draw up a preliminary list of entries and to estimate projected lengths

for each. Graf also expanded the enterprise from a purely textual project to a more comprehensive

purview integrating the perspective of other related disciplines. In particular, there was an expansion of

the archaeological entries for both the Ancient Near East and the Classical world. David R. Seely, a

graduate student in biblical studies at the University of Michigan at the time, helped Graf in this initial

process of preparing lists of entries.

Perhaps Graf‘s most important task was to identify leading scholars who could write the major ABD

entries. He assembled a staff of consultants from leading specialists in various biblical fields and related

disciplines. These scholars were extremely helpful in recommending potential authors for specific

dictionary assignments, not only in the first year of the project but also over the years that followed. In

making contact with potential authors, Graf was a tireless and ubiquitous presence at professional

conferences, not only in the United States but also throughout Europe and the Middle East, cornering

scholars one-on-one and enlisting them for the project. Initially the challenges were formidable: many

scholars needed to be convinced of the need for yet another multivolume Bible dictionary, while almost

all needed to come to terms with the sacrifices they were being asked to make to ensure that this new

dictionary would be available soon and at an affordable price. Graf‘s perseverance and success ensured

not only that the very finest and most appropriate authorities would write the major entries for the ABD; it

also seems to have helped characterize the emerging relationship between the project and its contributors,

most of whom came to envision their association with the ABD not simply as another professional

transaction but as a personal investment in the future of biblical studies.

In 1985 John David Pleins joined Graf and assisted in the administration and organization of the

project, which by then had already expanded to involve almost twice as many contributors as had been

involved in earlier major Bible dictionary projects. In 1986 he assumed the duties of associate editor

while Graf, who had accepted a faculty position at the University of Miami, continued to serve in a

consulting capacity, assisting in the assignment of the remaining major entries. Pleins concentrated on

assigning the midlevel entries, reading the growing number of major entries that were beginning to arrive,

and streamlining office procedures for managing the growing stable of authors and assignments.

During the summer of 1987 Pleins accepted a faculty position at Santa Clara University, and I was

asked to serve as the third associate editor of the ABD. In the months before his departure, Pleins did a

masterful job of orienting me about all the complexities of the project. Together we drafted a

comprehensive style guide for authors, thereby facilitating the editorial process by ensuring that all


contributions would now display a higher level of uniformity and standardization. In the months that

followed, both Pleins and Graf continued to be a valuable and accessible resource to me. Many other

projects would have been jeopardized by the number of staff transitions that affected theABD, but Graf‘s

and Pleins‘ continued cooperation and commitment to the project—and the good rapport that developed

among the three of us—guaranteed significant continuity and made my task of completing the project

much easier.

By early 1988 the ABD project had grown to include more than three times as many contributors as

other dictionary projects, while the bulk of minor entries still remained unassigned. It became obvious

that we would never be able to manage such a growing number of authors and assignments without a

computerized data base. Robert Croninger of the Programs for Educational Opportunity in the University

of Michigan‘s School of Education provided crucial advice and assistance as we initially began setting up

this data base. Two graduate students at the University of Michigan, John Kutsko and Harry Weeks,

played key roles in gathering data for these minor entry subjects and matching them with potential authors

working in related areas of biblical studies. An emphasis in assigning minor entries was to recruit

contributors from among the young scholars, women and men, who will be shaping the next generation of

biblical studies. Mark Fretz, another graduate student, began researching and writing dozens of these

entries to see how they might be improved beyond the usual one- or two-sentence recapitulations of the

biblical text. His important work resulted in an ABD ―Style Guide for Minor Entries,‖ which contributors

clear guidelines on how ideally to proceed. Although everyone realized that many minor entries simply

cannot be expanded beyond one or two sentences, it was gratifying to observe that many of our

contributors were able to provide far more informative―minor entries‖ than those typically found in other

Bible dictionaries. The basic task of editing manuscripts began as soon as the first entries arrived in 1985.

Not surprisingly, the dual responsibilities of reading manuscripts and managing assignments proved more

than any single editor could handle. Especially with the major entries, various consultants and other

editors m specific areas (such as New Testament and Intertestamental literature) had opportunities

initially to read and respond to many manuscripts: among these editors who deserve special thanks are

Herbert Grether, James Mueller, Paul Mirecki, and William Ward. Also, beginning m the fall of 1988,

various graduate students in biblical studies provided part-time assistance, editing the minor entries but

also copy editing other manuscripts to ensure uniform use of abbreviations, bibliographic style, and other

format conventions. In addition to Fretz, Kutsko, and Weeks, these included Arnold Betz, April

DeConick, Marianna Giovino, John Huddlestun, Brian Keck, Glenn LaPoint, Tim LaVallee, Robert

Miller, and Helen Richards. In the last hectic year we added to the ABD staff a number of full-time

assistants to help complete the editing of manuscripts. The first addition was Philip C. Schmitz, who

joined the project full-time in the spring of 1989. In addition to editing a large number of manuscripts,

Schmitz played a crucial role in supervising and coordinating the editorial activities of our various part-

time graduate students and was a strong force in helping to guarantee that the bibliographies

accompanying ABD articles met the most exacting standards of scholarly usefulness. In many respects

Schmitz functioned as a fourth associate editor actively involved in every phase of the project providing

extremely helpful advice and expertise on a wide range of matters.

Dale W. Manor, a doctoral candidate in archaeology at the University of Arizona, moved to Ann

Arbor in the fall of 1989 to work full-time editing a large number of manuscripts dealing with

archaeological and historical geographical matters. In implementing various editorial decisions for

standardizing and improving the presentations of these subjects, Manor helped to set new standards that

future dictionaries covering biblical places and archaeology must now strive to match.

In the spring of 1989 Leslie Barkley joined the project as Production Assistant, essentially serving as a

full-time work coordinator. Within the first two months she learned how to direct the office routine and

personnel better than I had done in the previous two years, as a consequence, our productivity and output

increased significantly. She was extremely effective in identifying and anticipating problems and in

establishing procedures for resolving them. In the year after we submitted manuscripts to the publisher,

she remained on staff to help coordinate the final preparation of illustrations, prefatory material,

corrigenda, and proofreading. She demonstrated a keen interest in the subject matter, an attention to

detail, and a commitment to professional standards that would be the envy of many biblical scholars.

Between 1985 and 1990 the ABD project benefited from a rotating staff of part-time secretaries who

handled the routine clerical duties associated with form letters, manuscripts, files, and phone calls. At

various times this staff included Lisa Anderson, Kathleen Haviland, Amy Polack Catherine Kiah, Lisa

O‘Donnell, Daniel Slager, Paul Slager, Debra Abbott, Shawn Herkimer, Pamela Rejniak, Tina O‘Donnell,

and Sharon Manor. During the sometimes hectic times of transitions, Diane Feikema, Theresa Nehra,

Lynette Lowey, and Jacqueline Phillips provided notable stability and continuity. Shereen Sauer of the

University of Michigan Printing Services took an active interest in the ABD project, and consistently

provided us with reliable and efficient photocopying assistance. In the final six months of the project,

Dennis Moser provided invaluable assistance in the proofreading and in ensuring that the ―mechanics‖ of

the finished product indeed worked as intended.

The impression one may have from all of this is that the ABD office was always a crowded place

buzzing with activity. That was not always the case. During the 1988–89 academic year—a critical phase

in the life of the project—the ABD essentially had two staff persons: myself and my wife Carol. Although

it is common for spouses to be mentioned in introductions, Carol‘s involvement in the project was

uncommon. The year preceding the hiring of several full-time staff members was in many respects the

most demanding (that was what justified the full staff), but Carol was there to handle the enormous

onslaught of mail, the multitude of daily changes that needed to be made on the data base, the problems

that seemed to be surfacing all around us, and all the minute details of managing workflow. She thereby

freed me for the task of reading and editing the rapidly growing stack of manuscripts. While many people,

thankfully, were on hand to share in the satisfactions of bringing this project to a close, I was very glad to

have Carol with me during those months when the future of the project was most in doubt. (In addition,

our third child, Daniel, was born in April of that year, and he became an intimate member of the

―team.‖)Not the least we need to give credit and express appreciation to the donors who made significant

contributions to the dictionary through financial support. First and foremost among these is the University

of Michigan through the office of the vice president for academic affairs, specifically through support

from Robert S. Holbrook, who never wavered in his goodwill for this research project and who lobbied

for us with the higher powers for continued funding. The University of Michigan supported us not only

with funds, but


also with space and equipment. We are indeed grateful. Drs. Charles C. and JoAnne

Walton Dickinson were also very generous with their financial support. Their contributions made it

possible for us to fund our first research assistant for the dictionary, Mark Fretz, and it came at a crucial

time of necessary expansion for the project. They continued their support over time; we owe them a great

vote of thanks. In addition, we received financial help from Joy Ungerleider-Mayerson through the Dorot

Foundation early in the project, again at a crucial time when resources were slim. We heartily thank all

our donors.

A word of appreciation is also due to the Religion Department of the Bantam, Doubleday, Dell

Publishing Group. At various key moments in the life of this project, certain individuals were on hand to

help move this project closer to publication. Theresa D‘Orsogna provided helpful advice throughout most

of the project, and James Bell was instrumental in helping us to coordinate our editorial work with that of

the publisher. Michael Iannazzi was instrumental in steering the ABD through its final production stages.

One colleague stands out as deserving special notice. Dr. Astrid Beck, the Program Associate for the

University of Michigan‘s Program on Studies in Religion, has been a constant source of support to all of

us who worked on the project and a key to its success. Had she done nothing more than serve as chief

financial officer for the project, meticulously ensuring that the costs of editing the ABD were covered, she

would merit abundant accolades. But she has done considerably more. She was our principal liaison with

the university community: in addition to managing the university‘s religious studies curriculum and

maintaining her own teaching load, she provided for all the space, equipment, and personnel needs of the

dictionary project. She was an untiring and effective advocate of the project and a particularly graceful

and calming presence whenever we confronted the frustrations of bureaucratic ―red tape.‖ She always

promised to resolve problems, and she always managed to do so. Astrid was also our principal liaison

with the publisher; she taught all of us the ins and outs of dealing with a major publisher, and she

especially sensitized me to publishing concerns of which I was completely ignorant. Furthermore she

served the project directly as an author and as a translator; and whenever my own writing needed editing,

I regularly turned to her. At every stage of the project—from its inception to its completion, in happy

times and in sad ones—she has been a model of professionalism, a key adviser, and a good friend.

If it is true that one learns how to create a Bible dictionary simply by creating one, then it follows that

the Bible dictionary in question will contain numerous mistakes and reflect occasional bad judgments. So

it is with the Anchor Bible Dictionary. It also follows that the best time to start a major Bible dictionary

project such as the ABD is immediately after one has completed a major Bible dictionary project such as

the ABD—and then to make everything perfect and exactly right. That task, however, is perhaps best left

to the next generation.



DECEMBER 6, 1990

Ann Arbor, Michigan


AARON (PERSON) [Heb ˒ahărōn (ֹאַהֲשן )]. AARONITES. The son of Amram and the brother of

Moses and Miriam who was the eponymous ancestor of the priestly Aaronites and the paradigm for later

priests. He dies at Mount Hur (Deut 32:50) and is succeeded by his son Eleazar (Num 20:22–29).

Aaronites are the priests who claim descent from Levi through Aaron. They are often referred to as the

―sons of Aaron‖ (Heb bĕnê ˒ahărōn) (cf. Lev 3:8; 21:1; Num 10:8; Josh 21:4; 1 Chr 24:1; Neh 12:47) or

as ―belonging to Aaron‖ (Heb lĕ˒ahărōn) (cf. 1 Chr 12:28—Eng12:27; 27:17). The meaning of the name

―Aaron‖ is uncertain, although it is perhaps derived from Egyptian.


A. Introduction

B. Images of Aaron in the Biblical Literature

C. Aaron/Aaronite Relations with Others

D. The Priestly Functions of Aaron and the Aaronites

E. Summary


A. Introduction

The first task in understanding Aaron and the Aaronites is to examine the varied images of them in the

biblical accounts. Sometimes there is a strong positive image of Aaron as the officially ordained priest of

God. At other times, the picture is rather negative, portraying Aaron at odds with Moses and ―mainline‖

religious practices. In examining these portrayals, it becomes clear that positive images appear in the later

biblical materials and negative images are prominent in the earlier materials. It is also true that there is a

significant body of biblical literature (the prophets—especially Ezekiel—and the Deuteronomistic

History) in which priests are present but there is little or no reference to Aaron or his followers. Thus, in

order to understand the images of Aaron and the Aaronites, one needs to be aware of the particular

literature in which these references to Aaron are found, and the specific time frame in which that literature


A second set of concerns when discussing Aaron and the Aaronites focuses on their relationship to other

people or priestly groups. In terms of individuals, the question is primarily Aaron‘s relationship with

Moses. In terms of the Aaronites, the question is how they relate to the Levites and Zadokites, two other

major priestly factions.

Finally, Aaron and his descendants are the preeminent models of what it means to be a priest. They are

the ones who perform the most holy of rituals, who handle the holiest of sacred objects and who enter the

holiest of places. In addition, they are the ones who oversee all priestly functions and groups, and monitor

the activities of the priests at both the temple and the tabernacle.

B. Images of Aaron in the Biblical Literature

It is clear that there is some ambivalence in the biblical texts toward Aaron. On the one hand, he

becomes involved with the construction of the GOLDEN CALF (Exodus 32) and joins Miriam in

opposing Moses (Numbers 12). On the other hand, Aaron and his sons are singled out to serve God as

priests (Exodus 28–29; Leviticus 8–9). Somewhere amid these two perspectives stands a remarkable

silence on the Aaronites (e.g. 1–2 Kings, Ezekiel), in which they are neither good nor bad. There are other

priests or priestly groups present, but Aaron and the Aaronites are not part of that presence.

This confusing portrayal has been the subject of speculation for some period. As early as Wellhausen

(WPHI) and Kennett (1905), it was suggested that the positive portrayal of Aaron emerged only in the

post-exilic period and that the negative or neutral portrayals dated from the pre-exilic period. Since those

early discussions, Meek (1929), Welch (1939), North (1954) and Cody (1969, 1977) have offered slight

variations on the same basic position—that the positive image of Aaron is a product of the post-exilic


Their arguments are based on an examination of the materials in which Aaron appears. There are 346

references to Aaron in the Hebrew Bible (several in the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha and 5 in the NT).

A vast majority (296) appear in Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers. The remainder are spread out in

Deuteronomy (4), Joshua (6), Judges (1), 1 Samuel (2), Micah (1), Psalms (9), Ezra (1), Nehemiah (3), 1

Chronicles (16), and Chronicles (7). The lack of appearances in Ezekiel, who is very concerned with

priests, and the scarcity in Deuteronomy (4), where Moses plays a predominant role, are very curious.

However, prior to drawing any conclusions, specific passages need to be investigated, and this

investigation must be cognizant of the historical situation from which the passages emerge.

A safe place to begin such an examination is the work of


the Chronicler, whose postexilic date is

essentially undisputed. In 1–2 Chronicles one sees a prominent positive role for Aaron. He is the brother

of Moses (1 Chr 5:29—Eng6:3); he and his sons make sacrifices, offerings, and atonement in the most

holy place in the temple (1 Chr 6:34—Eng6:49); and Aaron and his sons are ―set apart‖ to perform the

most sacred of duties—to burn incense, to minister, and to bless (1 Chr 23:13; 24:19). Furthermore, in 2

Chr 26:16–21, it is explicitly indicated that only the sons of Aaron, and not King Uzziah, could burn

incense to Yahweh.

There are many other positive portrayals of Aaron, but most are found in P (Priestly) material, a

collection of material more problematical in terms of dating than the Chronicler‘s materials. The general

consensus, albeit certainly not uniform, is that the present form of the P material reflects the

understandings and perspectives of the early Second Temple period (i.e., postexilic period). Following

that consensus yields a perspective on Aaron which is consistent with what emerged in the postexilic

work of the Chronicler.

When one looks at the P material, one sees a very positive understanding of Aaron. A few examples

from Exodus will support this point. Following the description of the ark and tabernacle (Exod 25:1–

27:20), Aaron and his sons (the Aaronites) are to ―tend‖ the tent of meeting (Exod 27:21), to serve

Yahweh as priests (Exod 28:1), to wear priestly garments (Exod 28:3–43), including the Urim and

Thummim (Exod 28:30), to be consecrated to Yahweh (Exod 29:1) and to be ordained (Exod 29:9, 35).

To celebrate this ordination, a bull and two rams are to be sacrificed in Aaron‘s honor (Exod 29:10–37).

Finally, Aaron and his sons shall be anointed and consecrated as priests of Yahweh with ―holy oil‖ (Exod

30:30–31). This positive image of Aaron continues through most of Exodus (with the exception of

Exodus 32, which will be discussed later), throughout all of Leviticus and most of Numbers.

In Leviticus, much time is spent describing specific offerings and the procedures for those offerings.

Consistently, Aaron, or ―Aaron‘s sons, the priests‖ are specified as the only people authorized to perform

these rituals. In Lev 6:1–9:24—Eng6:8–9:24, Aaron and his sons are instructed as to the law of the

various offerings and their crucial role in these offerings. The ritual for anointing Aaron and his sons is

spelled out in Lev 6:12–16—Eng6:19–23. The actual ceremony for the ordination of Aaron and his sons

is prescribed in Leviticus 8–9. The regulations for the actions of the Aaronites—―the priests, the sons of

Aaron‖—are spelled out in Leviticus 21. The concern is to maintain the holy status of the priests so that

they do not become defiled by such actions as marrying a divorced woman (v 7), letting one‘s hair hang

loose (v 10), or coming in contact with a dead body (v 11). In addition, no person with a blemish may

―offer bread‖ to Yahweh (v 18).

In Numbers 1–4, Moses and Aaron conduct a census of the people in preparation for war. Three factors

should be considered when examining the role of Aaron in this census. First, the Levites, another priestly

group, are numbered separately from the rest of the people (Num 1:47; 3:16–37), and are to be given to

Aaron to stand (Heb ˒md) before and serve (Heb šrt) him (3:6). The second point is that the line of

succession to Aaron is established. In Num 3:2–3 Aaron‘s sons are listed and identified as anointed priests

―ordained to minister in the priest‘s office‖ (literally ―whose hands are filled for the priesthood‖ [Heb ml˒

yd lkhn], ―to fill the hand,‖ is the common Hebrew expression used to indicate ordination). Since Nadab

and Abihu, two of Aaron‘s sons, have died (Leviticus 10), Eleazar and Ithamar, Aaron‘s other sons, are

the successors to Aaron. Finally, only Aaron and his sons are to be priests. All others who seek to come

near the tent of meeting should be killed (Num 3:10).

This perspective on Aaron‘s exclusive role as priest is continued in Numbers 16. The account records

the rebellion of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram against Moses and Aaron (Num 16:1–3) and contains the

statement that only the descendants of Aaron can be priests (Num 17:5—Eng 16:40). This is curious since

Korah, the son of Ishar, and Aaron, the son of Amram, are both seen as descendants of the priestly family

of Levi (Exod 3:16–18; Num 3:17–19; 16:1). However, for the Priestly writer it is only Aaron‘s branch of

the Levitical family which can claim the legitimate right to the priesthood at the temple and tabernacle.

Other material in Numbers (except Numbers 12) conveys the same basic positive evaluation of Aaron. As

with the Chronicler, the Priestly writer presents a positive image of Aaron.

In contrast to that perspective, one can find materials in which there is a negative, or at least neutral,

image of Aaron. One example is in Deuteronomy. This material is examined first because it can be

identified, with a comfortable degree of certainty, as having originated in a pre-exilic context. One

example, in particular, is Deuteronomy 9, which contains part of Moses‘ presentation to the people. Of

interest here is the telling of the story of Moses‘ descent from Mount Horeb after having received the two

tablets of stone. Moses comes upon the people who have sinned and made a GOLDEN CALF (Deut

9:15–16). The story continues with a statement that Yahweh is so angry toward Aaron that he was about

to destroy him. It appears that it is only Moses‘ intercessory prayer and his utter destruction of the Golden

Calf which saves Aaron. It is certainly not a glowing recommendation of Aaron. Indeed, the only other

appearance of Aaron in Deuteronomy is in 32:50, where Aaron is merely mentioned as a brother of

Moses. Thus Deuteronomy neither presents a positive image of Aaron, nor contains a reference to Aaron

as priest (unless one considers Aaron‘s role in the building of the Golden Calf as priestly—but even then

it would not be seen as consistent with the mainline worship of Yahweh).

This negative perspective is not confined to this passage in Deuteronomy. In Exodus 32, although there

is some discussion as to the integrity of the passage, Aaron is portrayed as the villain who receives the

gold from the people (Exod 32:4a), makes the calf (Exod 32:4a, 35), declares, ―These are your gods, O

Israel, who brought you out of the land of Egypt!‖ (Exod 32:4b), and builds an altar before the calf (Exod

32:5). When Moses returns from the mountain, he indicates that Aaron has brought a great sin upon the

people (Exod 32:21) and has allowed the people to ―break loose‖ (Exod 32:25). While Aaron seeks to

redirect Moses‘ anger (Exod 32:22–24), his culpability is clearly indicated.

A third example of this negative image of Aaron is found in Numbers 12. Here Aaron and his sister

Miriam challenge Moses‘ authority (12:1) and claim that Yahweh speaks through them as well as through

Moses (12:2). The response of Yahweh is clear; Moses is the specially chosen spokesperson, and no one

should challenge him (12:5–8). As punishment, Yahweh makes Miriam leprous and subsequently heals

her only after Aaron pleads with Moses to petition Yahweh on their behalf.

All three of these passages which convey either a negative or a nonpriestly image of Aaron are generally

considered to be preexilic in date. The single reference to Aaron in the prophets (Mic 6:4), which is

preexilic, merely refers to Aaron as having been sent to Egypt with Moses and Miriam. In addition, there

are precious few references to Aaron in the pre-exilic and exilic work of the Deuteronomistic Historian,

which is surprising, given the number of times priests or priestly factions are mentioned. It is only in

Joshua, where cities are distributed to the Levites (Josh 21:4, 13, 19), that Aaron is referred to as a priest.

Finally, Ezekiel,


an exilic work which spends much time discussing the roles and functions of the priests

and priestly groups, never refers to Aaron or the Aaronites.

The implication of this examination of the biblical passages which refer to Aaron is that the positive

image of Aaron and the Aaronites, and of their role as priests, arises in the post-exilic period. This may be

expected since it reflects, in general, the prominent position of priests in the postexilic period, and, in

particular, the emergence of the role of the high priest. In contrast, in the pre-exilic period Aaron is

mentioned only a few times, often in a neutral or negative way, and very rarely as a priest. Thus one must

conclude that the prominence of Aaron and the Aaronites as priests is a post-exilic phenomenon.

C. Aaron/Aaronite Relations with Others

A second area of consideration is the relationship of Aaron to other individuals and of the Aaronites to

other priestly groups. Aaron‘s relationship to Moses is of primary importance. In terms of the associations

of the Aaronites, there are two other priestly factions which have a significant role in the Hebrew Bible—

the Zadokites and the Levites. It is clear that there is struggle, conflict, and competition among these three

groups over who is going to have control of the priesthood. As indicated in the previous section, one must

remember that all of these relationships are fluid and that Aaron‘s priority is emphasized in the later

biblical materials.

The close association of Moses and Aaron is a common theme in the Pentateuch (although not

exclusively found there [Josh 24:5; 1 Sam 12:6; Ps 77:21—Eng 77:20, 99:6]), particularly in the later

(Priestly) writings of the Pentateuch. The association begins with the claim that Aaron is Moses‘ brother

(Exod 4:14; 6:20; 28:1; Num 26:59; 27:12–13; Deut 32:50; 1 Chr 5:29—Eng6:3; 23:13). There are also

over 65 instances where the phrase ―Moses and Aaron‖ appears, almost like a word pair, and only a few

instances where the phrase ―Aaron and Moses‖ occurs (Exod 6:26; Num 3:1). What is striking about

many of these instances is that the presence of ―Aaron‖ is not crucial to the passage. It could easily be

removed without a significant impact on the passage or its meaning (cf. Exod 7:8; 10:3; 16:6; Lev 9:23;

11:1; Num 4:1; 14:5; 33:1). So the evidence for a close association of Moses and Aaron is not absolutely

certain, and it is primarily found in the later materials.

In the relationship between Moses and Aaron, it is clear that Moses has a more prominent role. Most

often in the Torah, Yahweh speaks to Moses, who in turn speaks to Aaron (Exod 7:19; 16:32–34; Lev

17:1–2; Num 6:22–23; 8:1–2), or Yahweh speaks to Moses and Aaron at the same time (Exod 12:43; Lev

11:1; 14:33; Num 2:1; 19:1; 20:12). Only rarely does Yahweh speak directly to Aaron (Lev 10:8; Num

18:1). In addition, when one looks at the dynamics of the plague stories, there is a clear but subtle shift in

the relationship between Moses and Aaron. At the beginning, Moses fumbles for words and pleads his

incompetence until in anger Yahweh appoints Aaron to be Moses‘ spokesperson. Even then Aaron

receives Yahweh‘s words through Moses (Exod 4:1–17; 7:19). Thus at the beginning of the plague stories

Aaron has an important role. When both Moses and Aaron appear before Pharaoh (Exod 5:1, 7:10), it is

Aaron‘s rod which becomes the serpent (7:10), swallows the rods of Pharaoh‘s magicians (7:12), is used

to turn the Nile into blood (7:19), causes the plague of frogs (8:1—Eng8:5), and brings about the plague

of gnats (8:16–17). However, with Exodus 9, Aaron begins to fade from the scene, and it is Moses who

brings the boils (9:10) and uses his own rod to bring hail and fire (9:23) and the locusts (10:12–13). One

explanation of this shift is that the earlier plagues tend to be from the P writer and the later plagues tend to

be from the older pentateuchal source, the J writer. Although there is considerable and justifiable

discussion about the degree to which one can identify a particular passage or verse as J or P, the general

perspective suggests that the older materials do not place an emphasis on Aaron whereas the newer

materials do. Thus, like the prominence of Aaron as priest in the postexilic period, it seems that the

association of Aaron with Moses also finds its greatest emphasis in the post-exilic materials.

Moses and Aaron also appear together when the people are ―murmuring‖ during the Exodus. Usually

this murmuring involves the rebellion of the people against the leadership. In Exodus 17 the people

murmur against Moses (v 2). Aaron is not the target of the rebellion and his role in the incident is only

that of holding up Moses‘ arms, along with Hur (v 12). In Numbers 12, the rebellion is again directed at

Moses (v 1). However, this time it is Aaron and his sister Miriam who lead the rebellion against Moses.

Finally, in Numbers 14 and 16, the rebellion is directed not just against Moses but also against Aaron

(Num 14:2, 16:3). This confused situation becomes clear when one realizes that the early materials

(Numbers 12, Exodus 17) either ignore Aaron or are negative toward him, whereas in the later materials

(Numbers 14, 16) there is a positive picture of Aaron and a link with Moses.

When one turns to the priestly groups, it is apparent that the relations between the Zadokites and

Aaronites change over time. During the monarchy, it is the Zadokites who play a prominent role in the

priesthood and little is said about the Aaronites. One merely needs to look at the dearth of references to

Aaron or Aaronites in Kings and Samuel (only 2 Samuel) in contrast to the 26 references to Zadok as the

priest of the monarchy. At the end of David‘s reign, there is a conflict over the succession to the throne

between Solomon and his followers and Adonijah and his followers (1 Kings 1–2). When Solomon is

victorious in the struggle, he appoints Zadok as the priest of the Temple and expels Abiathar (1 Kgs 2:27),

the associate of Adonijah. While there may be some debate over the actual association of Abiathar—

whether he is Levite or Aaronite—it is clear that Zadok and his followers, the Zadokites, are the priests in

good standing. That perspective continues in the late exilic work of Ezekiel; he never mentions the

Aaronites. Rather, it is the Zadokites with the assistance of the Levites who are the priests (Ezek 40:46;

44:15; 48:11).

It is only in the post-exilic material of the Chronicler that any association between Aaron and Zadok

appears, and the perspective is always that Zadok the priest is a descendant of Aaron (1 Chr 5:29–34—

Eng6:3–8; 6:35–38—Eng6:50–53; Ezra 7:1–5), which preserves the priority of Aaron. In addition, the

Chronicler seeks to clarify the relationship of Zadok and Abiathar, the two priests of David (2 Sam 8:17,

cf. 1 Sam 22:20) who are rivals after his death. According to 1 Chr 24:3, Zadok is a descendant of

Eleazar, the son of Aaron, and Abiathar is a descendant of Ithamar, also a son of Aaron. Thus, for the

Chronicler, all priests are descendants of Aaron, which again stresses the post-exilic prominence of the


The relationship between the Aaronites and the Levites is much more confusing and more prone to be

hostile than that between the Aaronites and the Zadokites. Nevertheless, this relationship also shows

development and change. A prime example of the hostility emerges in Exodus 32. The complicity of

Aaron in the Golden Calf apostasy has already been mentioned. At the end of that account, there is the

punishment for those involved in the idolatry (Exod 32:25–29). Moses calls for those ―on Yahweh‘s side‖

to join him in opposition to the people who ―broke loose,‖ and presumably that included Aaron. It is the

Levites who respond to Moses‘ call and slay 3,000 people who participated in the apostasy. As a result of



Levites‘ actions, they are ―ordained‖ to the service of Yahweh (Exod 32:29). The Hebrew text says

―their hands are filled,‖ which is a clear reference to their ordination as priests. It thus appears that the

Levites‘ rise in status is directly related to their opposition to Aaron and his followers.

This same perspective is present when one examines 1 Kings 12. In this passage Jeroboam establishes

two cultic centers in the Northern Kingdom at Dan and Bethel (vv 25–33), and makes two calves of gold

for these centers (v 28). Jeroboam erects these calves and declares, ―Behold your gods, O Israel, who

brought you out of the land of Egypt,‖ the same phrase as was used by Aaron in Exod 32:4. In addition,

when Jeroboam selects priests for his temple he explicitly excludes Levites (1 Kgs 12:31). (According to

2 Chr 13:8–9, Jeroboam excludes both Levites and Aaronites, which reflects the later post-exilic

perspective of the Chronicler in which Aaron is the only true priest and could not have participated in the

apostasy of the Northern Kingdom.) A further piece of data which links these two golden calf incidents of

Exodus 32 and 1 Kings 12 together is that the two eldest sons of Aaron and the sons of Jeroboam have

virtually the same names: Nadab and Abihu for Aaron (Exod 6:23) and Nadab and Abijah for Jeroboam

(1 Kgs 14:1, 20). Furthermore, all four of these sons die as a result of their idolatry (cf. Leviticus 10; 1

Kgs 14:1–14; 15:25–30). So based on these early materials, the improper cultic practices of Jeroboam are

associated with those of Aaron, and the Levites either do not participate or actively oppose those

idolatrous religious practices.

Numbers 16 is another passage in which there is opposition between Aaron and the Levites. However,

in this instance, it is Aaron who is declared the righteous follower of God; and it is Korah, the descendant

of Levi, who revolts against Moses and Aaron. Indeed, the followers of Aaron (Aaronites) are explicitly

identified as the priests of Yahweh to the exclusion of Korah (Num 16:1–5—Eng16:36–40).

This change in perspective on Aaron, where Aaron is now seen as the dominant priest, is reflective of

the post-exilic materials of the Priestly writer and the Chronicler and again exemplifies the post-exilic

relationship of Aaronites and Levites. It also shows that although all priestly factions traced their ancestry

back to Levi, and Levi is considered ordained by God, the Levites‘ primary function is to serve the


When the census of the people is being taken by Aaron and Moses in Numbers, the Levites are

explicitly set aside (Num 1:47) and not numbered at the beginning, since they have special tasks around

the tabernacle. Later, however, the Levites are numbered and chosen by God to stand (Heb ˒md) before

Aaron and to ―minister‖ (Heb šrt) to Aaron, since they are given to Aaron and his sons (Num 3:5–10; cf.

4:27). What is clear in this passage is that there is a distinction between the Aaronites as priests and the

Levites, who, although also ordained, are secondary priests subordinate to Aaron.

Aaron is then to collect the Levites and consecrate them to service (Heb ˓bd) (Num 8:5–26; cf. 18:1–7).

This perspective is continued in Chronicles, where there is a clear distinction between priests, understood

to be Aaronites, and Levites (1 Chr 23:2; 24:31; 28:13, 21; and 2 Chr 7:6; 11:13; 13:9; 19:8; 23:4, 6). The

Levites are to stand (Heb ˒md) before the priests, the sons of Aaron (1 Chr 23:27–28), and guard (Heb

šmr) the sons of Aaron (1 Chr 23:32; cf. 2 Chr 13:10; 35:14; Neh 12:47).

The priority of the Aaronites is illustrated in no better way than in the account in Num 17:16–28—Eng

17:1–13. According to the passage, each of the twelve tribes has a rod or staff, and each is to have the

tribal ancestor‘s name placed on the rod. However, the rod representing Levi‘s tribe has Aaron‘s name

written upon it. When all twelve rods are deposited in the tent of meeting to determine which of them will

be chosen by God, it is the ―rod of Aaron‖ which sprouts and bears ―ripe almonds.‖ This, of course,

indicates Yahweh‘s selection of Aaron over all other (cf. Ps-Philo 17:1–4; 53:9). Finally, Aaron‘s rod,

which is put before the ―testimony‖ in the tent of meeting, is to become a sign that the people should not

murmur against Yahweh (cf. Numbers 16).

In the following chapter (Numbers 18), where Aaron‘s priesthood and the role of the tribe of Levi are

again discussed, the priority of Aaron and his sons as priests and the secondary status of the tribe of Levi

are reiterated. The Levites are to minister to (Heb šrt; Num 18:2), to guard (Heb šmr; Num 18:3), and to

serve (Heb ˓bd; Num 18:6) Aaron and his sons. This role of attending to Aaron and the Aaronites is given

exclusively to the Levites (Num 18:4). However, the Levites are firmly cautioned not to approach the

altar, lest they die (Num 18:3). This material in Numbers is late, again suggesting that the priority of

Aaron and the Aaronites and the secondary status of the tribe of Levi (the Levites) emerges in the time of

the Second Temple. In the material from the earlier periods, the Levites are often preferred, and it is the

Aaronites whose activities are questionable and whose status is secondary to the Levites.

In general, it appears that Aaron‘s relationship with others has had the same mixed history as was seen

in the review of Aaron in the biblical literature. In the monarchical period, Aaron and the Aaronites have a

secondary, nonexistent, or negative status in relation to the other priestly groups. That perspective

changes in the post-exilic period of the high priest, when Aaron and his sons (the Aaronites) become the

high priests and establish their superiority over other groups. They do this by a genealogical link which

traces their ancestry back to Moses and beyond to Levi, and by the accounts of Yahweh‘s selection of

Aaron as the chosen priest, the paradigm—preferred over the other priestly factions (Levites and

Zadokites). Indeed, the other priestly factions became servants to Aaron and the Aaronites.

D. The Priestly Functions of Aaron and the Aaronites

The role of Aaron as priest emerges in the activities and functions he and his descendants, the Aaronites,

perform. Of course, one of their main functions is to preside at cultic ceremonies. However, there are

other related activities in which they are involved.

There are numerous references in which Aaron (or his descendants) officiate at and participate in cultic

rituals. In fact, the majority of the discussion in Leviticus is devoted to the priestly functions of Aaron and

the Aaronites. They perform the ―burnt offering‖ (Lev 1:3–17; 9:12–14), the ―cereal offering‖ (Lev 2:1–

16), and the ―peace offering‖ (Lev 3:1–17; 9:18–21). Aaron is not explicitly mentioned when the ―sin

offering‖ (Lev 4:1–5:13) or ―guilt offering‖ (Lev 5:14–26—Eng5:14–6:7) are discussed. However, when

the laws (Heb tôrāt) of the ―sin offering‖ are presented (Lev 6:17–23—Eng6:24–30; cf. 9:8, 16:6), it is

the Aaronites who are addressed. For the ―guilt offering‖ Aaron is again not specified, but it is always a

priest who officiates (Lev 5:16, 5:25–26—Eng6:6–7, 7:1–5), and Aaron is in charge when the offering of

atonement is made (Leviticus 16). Thus the presumption that this anonymous priest should be understood

as Aaron seems valid (cf. 1 Chr 6:34—Eng6:49).

Another priestly function of the Aaronites is participation in ordination. Indeed, the Aaronites

participate in their own ordination ceremony (Leviticus 8). It is run by Moses at Yahweh‘s command, but

Aaron and his sons participate by laying their hands upon the bull of the ―sin offering‖ (8:14), the ram of

the ―burnt offering‖ (8:18), and the ram of the ―ordination‖ (8:22). Finally, they are to eat from the

ordination offering (8:31–36).

An important passage which


outlines Aaron‘s duties is Leviticus 10:8–11. This passage is unusual

because it is one of the few places where Yahweh speaks directly to Aaron rather than through Moses.

Here Aaron is told to do three things: avoid drinking when going into the tent of meeting; distinguish

between the holy and the common and between the clean and the unclean; and teach the people Yahweh‘s

statutes. One curiosity about the passage is how closely it echoes Ezekiel 44. In Ezekiel the reference is

not to Aaron but to the priests who are the sons of Zadok and who also claim descent from Levi.

Nevertheless, the functions of the priests are very similar: the sons of Zadok are told not to drink before

going into the temple (Ezek 44:21); to distinguish between clean and unclean (Ezek 44:23b); to teach the

people the difference between holy and common (Ezek 44:23a); to act as judge (Ezek 44:24a; cf. Exod

28:29–30); and to keep Yahweh‘s laws (Ezek 44:24b). Although the priestly faction in charge may have

changed, the priestly functions relative to the central shrine remain essentially the same.

The distinction between clean and unclean is the focus of Leviticus 11–14. Moses and Aaron (Lev 11:1)

are to speak to the people about this distinction, and people who are thought to be diseased are to be

brought before Aaron and his sons for examination (Lev 13:1–2). It is Aaron who is to determine clean

and unclean in relation to disease, and to deal with unclean houses and how to cleanse them (Lev 14:33–

57). The same standards of purity apply to the Aaronites themselves. They are to be without blemish and

pure in all ways (Leviticus 21). This is another means of distinguishing Aaron from others, and supports

the contention that Aaron is chosen above the others to be priest (Ps 105:26, 106:16) and to have access to

the holy things (1 Chr 23:13) in the temple (1 Chr 24:19) or in the tent of meeting (Exod 27:21, Num

17:1–5—Eng 16:36–40).

In Joshua 21, the Aaronites are to receive 48 Levitical cities from among the cities recently conquered

by the twelve tribes (vv 4, 10, 13, 19). These cities, along with their pasture lands (but not, presumably,

the agricultural lands [Num 35:1–8]), are to be set aside as land in which the priests can live and raise

herds. This perspective is reiterated in 1 Chr 6:39–66—Eng6:54–81, where there is a special reference to

the sons of Aaron receiving cities of refuge (1 Chr 6:42–45—Eng6:57–60). They are said to receive 13

cities, although only 11 are listed by name, in which a criminal may find refuge from pursuers. In the

other major references to the cities of refuge (Num 35:9–15; Deut 19:1–10; Joshua 20), only 6 cities are

set aside, and there is no mention of the cities being given to Aaron. The Aaronite control of these cities

of refuge may well reflect the Chronicler‘s post-exilic perspective, in which there is a positive image of

Aaron, and the Aaronites are in charge of the priesthood.

Finally, the Aaronites are given the Urim and Thummim (Exod 28:30, Lev 8:5–9). These ―sacred lots‖

are used to determine the will of Yahweh (Num 27:21; 1 Sam 14:36–42, 27:6; cf. 1 Sam 10:20–24) and to

indicate the juridical role of Aaron (Exod 28:29–30a; cf. Ezek 44:24). In Num 27:21, it is Eleazar, the son

of Aaron, the next in the priestly line (cf. Num 20:22–29), who uses the Urim to inquire whether Joshua

should succeed Moses. The Urim and Thummim are thus symbols of special access to God‘s will; and,

according to parts of the biblical tradition, they belong in the hands of the Aaronites.

It is clear that Aaron and the Aaronites play a prominent role as priests. Their fulfillment of that role is

emphasized in the Hebrew Bible, especially in the later materials. That perspective continues in the

intertestamental literature (4 Macc 7:11; 3 En. 2:3; 48A:7), although there are surprisingly few references

to Aaron in this material. In the New Testament, the book of Hebrews speaks of Jesus being called by

God, just like Aaron (Heb 5:4–5). However, to distinguish Jesus from the priests of his contemporary

time, Jesus is said to be of the order of Melchizedek, not that of Aaron and the Levites (Heb 7:4–22).

Thus the writer of Hebrews is claiming a priestly authority for Jesus which predates that of Aaron or Levi

and comes through Melchizedek at the time of Abraham (Gen 14:17–24; Ps 110:4; Heb 7:1–3).

E. Summary

Aaron and the Aaronites play an important role in the religious structure of ancient Israel. The emphasis

upon them and their functions clearly indicates their place as the preeminent priests. However, close

examination of the biblical literature suggests that this prominent role was not present at the beginnings of

Israel and was not won without a struggle. The earlier materials indicate a more significant role for the

Levite and Zadokite priestly factions than for the Aaronites. It is only with the realignment and

reorganization forced upon the Israelites by the trauma of the fall of Jerusalem in 586 B.C.E. that the

Aaronites assume center stage. Then, in the writings of the post-exilic period, the Aaronites are portrayed

as the paradigm of priests, and the other priestly groups are relegated to secondary or servant status. (See



Aberbach, M., and Smolar, L. 1967. Aaron, Jeroboam, and the Golden Calves. JBL 86: 129–40.

Cody, A. 1969. A History of Old Testament Priesthood. AnBib 35. Rome.

———. 1977. Aaron: A Figure with Many Facets. BToday 88: 1089–94.

Gunneweg, A. H. J. 1965. Leviten und Priester. FRLANT 89. Göttingen.

Horbury, W. 1983. The Aaronic Priesthood in the Epistle to the Hebrews. JSNT 19: 43–71.

Judge, H. G. 1956. Aaron, Zadok and Abiathar. JTS n.s. 7: 70–74.

Kennett, R. H. 1905. Origin of the Aaronite Priesthood. JTS 6: 161–86.

Meek, T. J. 1929. Aaronites and Zadokites. AJSL 45: 149–66.

North, F. S. 1954. Aaron‘s Rise in Prestige. ZAW 66: 191–99.

Sabourin, L. 1973. Priesthood: A Comparative Study. SHR 25. Leiden.

Welch, A. C. 1939. The Work of the Chronicler. London.


AB [Heb ˒āb (אָב )]. The fifth month of the Hebrew calendar, roughly corresponding to July and August.


ABADDON [Heb ˒ăbaddôn (אֲבַדֹּון )]. Derived from Heb ˒ābad, ―became lost,‖ ―be ruined,

destroyed,‖ ―perish,‖ Abaddon has a variety of nuanced meanings.

A poetic synonym for the abode of the dead, meaning ―Destruction,‖ or ― (the place of) destruction.‖

Abaddon occurs in parallel and in conjunction with Sheol (Job 26:6 and Prov 15:11; 27:20). It is also

found in conjunction with Death (Job 28:22) and in parallel with the grave (Ps 88:12—Eng 88:11).

Although a place of mystery which is hidden from human eyes, Abaddon is clearly known by God (Job

26:6; Prov 15:11). It is twice personified: (1) along with Death, it speaks (Job 28:22); and (2) along with

Sheol, it is insatiable (Prov 27:20). It is also remote: in Job 31:12, adultery becomes ―a fire that consumes

unto [as far as] Abaddon.‖ See also DEAD, ABODE OF THE.

In Rev 9:11, the word ―Abaddon‖ is personified as ―the angel of the bottomless pit.‖ It is also identified

as the king of the demonic ―locusts‖ described in Rev 9:3, 7–10, and is explained for Greek-speaking

readers as Apollyon (Gk apollyōn), ―destroyer.‖

The LXX usually translates Heb ˒abaddon as Gk apōleia, ―destruction‖; the Vg renders it as Latin

perditio, ―ruin, destruction‖ (whence Eng ―perdition,‖ which ordinarily means ―hell‖); in Syr (Pesh*tta),

the cognate word means ―destruction,‖ and is sometimes used in the Psalms to render ―the Pit,‖ which is

another OT synonym of Sheol.

In rabbinic literature, the word has come to mean the place of punishment reserved for the wicked.

Current English versions render this word variously in the OT: ―Abaddon,‖ ―Destruction/destruction,‖

―the place of destruction,‖ ―Perdition/perdition,‖ ―the abyss,‖ ―the world of the


dead.‖ In the single NT

occurrence, the word is consistently transliterated as ―Abaddon.‖


ABAGTHA (PERSON) [Heb ˒ăbagtā˒ ( בַגְתָאאֲֲ )]. See MEHUMAN (PERSON).

ABANA (PLACE) [Heb ˒ăbānâ (אֲבָנָה )]. One of two rivers of Damascus, which Naaman the Syrian

considered to be superior to the Jordan (2 Kgs 5:12). The Awaj and the Barada are now the chief streams

that flow through the city of Damascus, the former representing the Pharpar of the Hebrew text and the

latter the Abana. The Barada (Abana) has as its source a large pool of great depth on a high plain rising

1149 feet (383 m) in the Anti-Lebanon Mountains, 23 miles (37 km) northwest of Damascus. Making a

rapid descent down the mountains, the stream flows through a picturesque gorge, across a plain, through

Damascus, and loses itself in the marshy lake Bahret el-Kibliyeh about 18 miles (29 km) east of the city.


ABARIM (PLACE) [Heb ˓ăbār m (ףֲבָשִים )]. A mountain range generally located east of the mouth of

the Jordan river and northeast of the Dead Sea forming the northwestern rim of the Moabite tableland,

thus separating the latter from the rift valley (Num 33:47–48). The highest peaks of this range rise about

600 feet above the Moabite plateau and overlook the Dead Sea some 4000 feet below their summits.

The mountains of Abarim, a southern extension of the Transjordan range, are located ―in front of [the

town of] Nebo‖ (Num 33:47). One of the peaks of this ridge is Mount Nebo (see also NEBO, MOUNT),

which Moses ascended from the Plains of Moab (Num 27:12) and from which he viewed the land of

Canaan prior to his death (Deut 32:49). The Israelites camped in the mountains of Abarim after leaving

Almon-diblathaim and before reaching the Plains of Moab, the final stage of the exodus from Egypt (Num


In Jer 22:20 the RSV treats ˓ăbār m as a proper name, assuming it to be a region as are Lebanon to the

north and Basham to the northeast. However, the KJV translates ˓ăbār m by ―passages.‖ Similarly,

several ancient versions (LXX, Vg and Pesh) reflect in their translations of ˓ăbār m in Jer 22:20 the verbal

root meaning ―to cross over‖ or ―to pass over.‖ Abarim may originally have been an appellative (reflected

in the Gk of the LXX translation of Num 27:12 ―to oros to en tō peran‖ i.e. ―[places] on the other side [of

Judah])‖ before it became the proper name ―Abarim.‖ The NEB emends the RSV reading ―valley of the

travelers‖ in Ezek 39:11 to read ―the valley of Abarim‖ (see also TRAVELERS, VALLEY OF).

While most maps confine the Abarim range to the highland north of the river Arnon, several scholars

(GP 1:379; GTTOT: 261; van Zyl 1960: 51) infer from Jer 22:20 and the name of the encampment Iye-

abarim, which by definition appears to be associated with the Abarim range, that the hills of Abarim also

describe the mountains east of the southern end of the Dead Sea. Though the precise location of IYE-

ABARIM is uncertain, scholars generally place it south of the Arnon gorge.

In antiquity Josephus (Ant 4. 8,§48), Jerome and Eusebius made reference to the Abarim hills (Lagarde

1966: 16,5; 89,8; 216,4). For references, see BEER (PLACE).


ABBA. A form of the Aramaic word for ―father‖ found in Gal 4:6; Rom 8:15; and Mark 14:36 alongside

the Greek ho patēr as an address to God. The presence of ho patēr in every case (instead of the vocative

pater) shows that the NT writers saw abba as a determinative form: ˒abbā˒, ―the father‖; cf. Matt 11:16;

Luke 10:21. Such forms are frequently used in Aramaic and Hebrew when a vocative is required: another

example is talitha (Aram. ṭalyētā˒/ṭalyĕtā˒), rendered to korasion in Mark 5:41. Accordingly the

explanation of abba as the determinative form of ab (―father‖) is almost certainly correct.

Alternatively the form has been explained as a rare vocative (in which case it could just as well be

Hebrew as Aramaic) or as derived from children‘s baby talk (cf. ―Papa,‖ ―Daddy‖). If the last explanation

were right, then the use of abba as an address to God in Mark 14:36 might be thought to imply a special,

indeed a unique, intimacy. This view was held at one time by J. Jeremias, but he later came to regard it as

―a piece of inadmissible naivety‖ (1967: 63). Wrong as it is, it deserves mention not only because of its

extensive dissemination beyond the walls of academia but also because its influence can be detected even

in the work of respected scholars such as J. G. D. Dunn (1975: 21–26; 1980: 22–23) and is explicit in the

most recent writing of M. J. Borg (1987: 45). Apart from the intrinsic unlikelihood of the idea that Jesus

ever addressed God as ―Daddy,‖ the suggestion is ruled out of court by one important fact: wherever abba

is found with the meaning ―father‖ or ―my father‖ (in Mishnaic Hebrew or Targumic Aramaic), it is

equally employed of the fathers of grown-up sons. One instance cited by G. Vermes (1983: 42) is Judah‘s

threat to his unrecognized brother, Joseph, in the Tg. Neof. version of Gen 44:18: ―I swear by the life of

the head of abba, as you swear by the life of the head of Pharaoh your master …‖ And as J. Barr (1988)

emphasizes, inferences concerning the meaning of words must be based upon function, not upon origin or


There is no evidence in pre-Christian Palestinian Judaism that God was ever addressed as abba by an

individual Jew in prayer. Jeremias (1967: 59) adduces two instances in the Babylonian (Talmud b. Ta˓an.

23ab) from stories told of sages who lived in the 1st century B.C.; but Schelbert (1981: 398–405) has

shown these attributions to be insecure, a point reemphasized by Fitzmyer (1985: 27) in the most

comprehensive of all recent discussions of the subject. Though God is frequently alluded to as the father

of his people in the OT and elsewhere, the earliest attestation of abba as a personal address to God is Gal

4:6. This should not be taken to imply that the sense of God as the father of the individual supplicant was

not pre-Christian: there are a few passages that perhaps indicate it: Sir 23:1, 4; Wis 2:16; 14:3. This

evidence, however, is neither abundant nor strong.

The question why the Aramaic abba was retained in the Spirit-inspired prayer of Greek-speaking

communities cannot be answered with certainty. But even the single attribution of the term to Jesus (in the

prayer in Gethsemane) lends plausibility to the suggestion that Christian usage was prompted by an

authentic tradition of Jesus‘ own prayer. This is supported by Paul‘s association of the prayer of the

community with the divine sonship of Christ ―God has sent the spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying,

‗Abba! Father!‘ ‖ (Gal 4:6). The fact that Matthew and Luke have different renderings of Jesus‘ prayer to

God in Gethsemane (pater mou, Matt 26:39; pater, Luke 22:42) may be explained in one of two ways:

either the memory of Jesus‘ own prayer did not survive beyond the first written account; or else the use of

abba in Christian prayer was no longer current in the Matthean and Lucan communities.

Finally, what are the christological implications of the use of the term by Jesus? Since the address was

taken over by Christians in their own prayer, they cannot have seen it as evidence of an exclusive

relationship between Jesus and God. Moreover, postbiblical usage (the only comparative material

available) suggests that the nuance of abba as an address is closer to ―Father‖ than the earlier Hebrew and

Aramaic forms (˒āb and ˒ăb respectively), which mean specifically ―my father.‖ These, like abba, can

be used in speaking about one‘s father as well as in addressing him; but unlike abba, they are not used of

another person‘s father. Besides, the Gospels portray Jesus as urging his disciples to regard God as a

father and to address him as their father in prayer. Nevertheless, taken in conjunction


with other gospel

evidence (e.g. Matt 11:25–27 = Luke 10:21–22) for Jesus‘ own awareness of God as Father, the use of

abba constitutes one especially strong argument for the view that the personal sense of the fatherhood of

God was a typically Christian development of the Judaic tradition, and that this probably originated in a

recollection of Jesus‘ teaching and of the example of his own prayer.


Barr, J. 1988. ―Abba‖ Isn‘t ―Daddy,‖ JTS 39: 28–47.

Borg, M. J. 1987. Jesus: A New Vision. San Francisco.

Dalman, G. 1902. The Words of Jesus. Trans. D. M. Kay. Edinburgh.

Dunn, J. G. D. 1975. Jesus and the Spirit. London.

———. 1980. Christology in the Making. London.

Jeremias, J. 1967. The Prayers of Jesus. London.

Fitzmyer, J. A. 1988. Abba and Jesus‘ Relation to God. Pp. 15–38 in À Cause de l‘Évangile. Lectio Divina 123. Paris.

Schelbert, G. 1981. Sprachgeschichtliches zu ―Abba.‖ Pp. 395–447 in Mélanges Dominique Barthélémy, ed. P. Casetti et al.


Vermes, G. 1983. Jesus and the World of Judaism. London.


ABDA (PERSON) [Heb ˓abdā˒ (ףַבְדָֹּא )]. 1. The father of Adoniram (1 Kgs 4:6), an official in charge

of forced labor during King Solomon‘s reign (1 Kgs 5:27—Eng5:14). Abda appears in a list of Solomon‘s

high officials (1 Kgs 4:1–6).

2. The son of Shammua, and descendant of Jeduthun, one of 284 Levites listed among those who

performed their duties in ―the holy city‖ (Jerusalem) under Nehemiah (Neh 11:17; LXX variants of the

name include ōbēb and abdas). As a descendant of Jeduthun, Abda was a member of a family set apart for

musical service by King David (1 Chr 25:1–6). A parallel biblical list (1 Chr 9:14–16) mentions not Abda

but Obadiah (also derived from the Heb root ˓bd), but the Neo-Babylonian Murašu Archive (dated ca.

429–428 B.C.E.) refers to an Ab-da-˒ son of Aplā (Hilprecht 1898: 45.5; Zadok 1976: 17), demonstrating

the contemporaneous use of this name in Babylon.


Hilprecht, H. V., ed. 1898. The Babylonian Expedition of the University of Pennsylvania. Series A: Cuneiform Texts. Vol. 9.


Zadok, R. 1976. The Jews in Babylonia in the Chaldean and Achaemenian Periods in the Light of the Babylonian Sources. Tel



ABDEEL (PERSON) [Heb ˓abdĕ˒ēl ( אֵלףַבְדְֲֹּ )]. The father of Shelemiah, an official of unspecified

status under Jehoiakim, King of Judah (Jer 36:26—LXX 43:26). Together with Jerahmeel and Seraiah,

Shelemiah was ordered by the king to seize Baruch the scribe and Jeremiah the prophet (cf. Jer 26:20–

24—LXX 33:20–24, where Uriah the prophet was similarly seized, and then executed). The MT phrase

including ―Shelemiah the son of Abdeel‖ (Jer 36:26) is missing in the LXX, and was likely lost through

hom*oioteleuton (note the similarities between Heb ben-˓abdĕ˒ēl and the preceding ben-˓azr ˒ēl).


ABDI (PERSON) [Heb ˓abd (ףַבְדִֹּי )]. 1. A Levite of the clan of Merari, and father of Kishi and

grandfather of Ethan (1 Chr 6:29—Eng6:44). His name appears in an extended genealogy listing Levi‘s

descendants (1 Chronicles 1–9). Abdi‘s son Kishi (Heb qyšy) is probably the Kushaiah (Heb qwšyhw) of 1

Chr 15:17. His grandson, Ethan, served as temple singer under King David and eventually supplanted

Jeduthun as head of the third clan of temple singers (1 Chr 6:16–34—Eng6:31–48; see Williamson 1979:


2. The father of Kish, a Levite who helped cleanse the temple during the reign of King Hezekiah (2 Chr

29:12). See KISH. This Abdi is mentioned in a short list of Levites who cleansed the temple, rather than

in an extended genealogy. However, the appearance of the name ―Abdi‖ in lists from both the Davidic-

Solomonic period (see above) and the Hezekiah period is noteworthy: both Abdi‘s were Levites of the

clan of Merari, their sons had similar names (Kish/Kishi), and their descendants appear to have been

involved in various aspects of temple service. On the one hand, this similarity may be historical: there

may well have been two Levites named Abdi living three hundred years apart, the second of whom named

his offspring Kish and thereby recalled the earlier ―golden age‖ of David and Solomon. On the other

hand, the similarity may be a purely literary creation, a technique whereby the Chronicler supported his

portrayal of Hezekiah as a ―second Solomon‖ (Williamson 1977: 119–25). A third view is that ―Kish the

son of Abdi‖ means ―Kish the descendant of Abdi.‖ According to this view, the legitimizing function of

the Levitical genealogies (1 Chronicles 6) was utilized to indicate not a literal, biological father, but a real

or fictive ancestor for this important Levite, who assisted in cleansing the temple in Hezekiah‘s time.

3. A descendant of Elam who returned from Babylonian exile. This Abdi was one of a number of

returnees who married foreign women from ―the people of the land‖ (Ezra 10:26 = 1 Esdr 9:27 [abdia is a

variant of ōabdeios in 9:27]). Under Ezra, he was subsequently forced by a covenant made with God to

separate himself from his foreign wife and her children (Ezra 10:1–44 = 1 Esdr 8:88–9:36; see also Neh



Williamson, H. G. M. 1977. Israel in the Books of Chronicles. Cambridge, MA.

———. 1979. The Origins of the Twenty-four Priestly Courses, A Study of 1 Chronicles xxiii–xxvii. Pp. 251–68 in Studies in

the Historical Books of the Old Testament, ed. J. A. Emerton. VTSup 30. Leiden.


ABDIEL (PERSON) [Heb ˓abd ˒ēl (ףַבְדִֹּיאֵל )]. The father of Ahi, a prominent member of the tribe of

Gad (1 Chr 5:15) in the northern Transjordan during the reigns of King Jotham of Judah and Jeroboam II

of Israel (mid-8th century B.C.E.). According to various LXX manuscripts, Abdiel is not the father of Ahi

but instead the father of either zaboucham, or achibouz, or simply the brother (Heb ˒ḥy) of Buz (Gk bouz).

The name ―Abdiel‖ occurs in an extended genealogy of Israel that also identifies tribal locations within

Palestine (1 Chronicles 2–8).


ABDON (PERSON) [Heb ˓abdôn (ףַבְדֹּון )]. Four individuals mentioned in the OT bear this name,

which is formed on the root ˓bd with an abstract or diminutive ending, thus evoking the sense of ―service‖

or, possibly, ―servile.‖

1. Abdon son of Hillel was from the town of Pirathon in Ephraim (possibly at or near Far˓ata, ca. 10 km

southwest of Shechem). He is one of the tribal leaders who ―judged Israel,‖ for ―eight years,‖ in the

premonarchy period (Judg 12:13–15). Information about him is sketchy. That he had ―forty sons and

thirty grandsons,‖ an odd progression, ―who rode on seventy donkeys‖ may indicate declining wealth and

prominence of one extended family in the central hill country where the territory of Ephraim and

Manasseh merged. Territorial claims were still so unsettled that the area where Abdon lived is also called

―Amalekite hill country‖ (12:15).

2. Another Abdon is the first-mentioned (1 Chr 8:23) of eleven sons of Shashak in a second genealogy

of Benjamin. In contrast to the genealogy in the preceding chapter (1 Chr 7:6–12), chapter 8 is organized

to show distribution of Benjaminite families, at some time not specified, outside as well as within the

―Deuteronomic‖ description of Benjamin‘s territory (Josh 18:11–28; Myers 1 Chronicles AB, 53).

Seemingly contradictory, or inconsistent, genealogies may coexist because they have different functions

(Wilson 1977:203).

3. Another Abdon is the firstborn of Jeiel‘s 9 sons in a list of Saul‘s ancestors which is recorded twice

(1 Chr 8:30 and 9:36).

4. Abdon son of Micah (2 Chr 34:20) is a member of the board of inquiry sent by King Josiah to the

prophetess Huldah, for authentication of the rediscovered ―book of the law.‖ In the parallel account,

however, the name is ACHBOR (2 Kgs 22:14).


Mullen, E. T. Jr. 1982. The ―Minor Judges.‖ CBQ 44: 185–201.


Wilson, R. R. 1977. Genealogy and History in the Biblical World. New Haven.


ABDON (PLACE) [Heb ˓abdôn (ףַבְדֹּון )]. Var. EBRON. Located in the tribe of Asher, Abdon is

mentioned three times in the OT, once in the territorial allotment to Asher in Josh 19:28 (MT ˓ebrōn;

RSV Ebron) and twice in the Levitical City lists, Josh 21:30 and 1 Chr 6:59—Eng6:74. The biblical site

has been identified with Khirbet ˓Abda (M.R. 165272), a site located 6 km E of the coastal city, Tell

˒Achzib. (See Boling and Wright Joshua AB; Noth Joshua HAT; Peterson 1977: 29–39.)

Khirbet ˓Abda is situated in the coastal plain of Acco and on the important Wadi el-Qarn. Tell ˒Achzib

is located at the W end of the wadi, and Khirbet ˓Abda is situated where the wadi emerges from the

Galilean hills. The importance of this site should not be minimized since it appears to have dominated an

important trade route from Phoenicia to the Galilee region. The remains lie on a fairly large natural hill,

and so the tell itself is actually smaller than at first appears. The surrounding countryside is lush, with the

coastal plain able to support much agricultural activity. There is an ample water supply at the site.

Since the mid-18th century many geographers have visited the site, identifying it with different degrees

of probability. They include Guérin (1868: 2:67), Kitchener (1881: 170), Garstang (1931: 98), Saarisalo

(1929: 39–40), a survey team from the Palestine Department of Antiquities, and most recently the

Levitical City survey team. From the surface surveys conducted at Khirbet ˓Abda, there is indication of

occupation in the LB Age, Iron I, Iron II, Roman, Byzantine, and Arabic periods.


Albright, W. F. 1921–23. Contributions to the Historical Geography of Palestine. AASOR 2–3.

Abel, F. M. 1938. Géographie de la Palestine. Vol. 2. Paris.

Conder, C. R., and Kitchener, H. H. 1881. The Survey of Western Palestine. Vol. 1. London.

Garstang, J. 1931. Joshua, Judges. London.

Guérin, M. V. 1868. Description géographique, historique et archéologique de la Palestine. Vol. 2. Paris.

Peterson, J. L. 1977. A Topographical Surface Survey of the Levitical ―Cities‖ of Joshua 21 and I Chronicles 6: Studies on the

Levites in Israelite Life and Religion. Diss. Seabury-Western Theological Seminary.

Saarisalo, A. 1929. Topographical Research in Galilee. JPOS 9: 37–40.


ABEDNEGO (PERSON) [Heb ˓ăbēd nĕgô (ףֲבֵדֲנְגו )]. See SHADRACH, MESHACH,


ABEL (PERSON) [Heb hebel (הֶבֶל )]. Second son of Adam and Eve (Gen 4:2). Abel was a herdsman

who gave as a sacrifice to the Lord the firstborn of his flock and their fat portions. Yahweh‘s acceptance

of this sacrifice and the rejection of the gift of Abel‘s brother, Cain, set the latter at enmity with him,

prompting Cain to murder Abel in a field (Gen 4:8). The subsequent birth of Seth to Adam and Eve is

understood by Eve as a replacement for Abel (Gen 4:25). In the gospels, Jesus assigns the guilt of all

righteous blood—from that of Abel to that of Zechariah—to the Pharisees of his generation (Matt 23:35;

Luke 11:51). The writer of Hebrews notes that by faith Abel brought a more acceptable sacrifice than his

brother, Cain (Heb 11:4). The next chapter of Hebrews argues for the superiority of the blood of Jesus to

that of Abel (Heb 12:24). Three issues surround the figure of Abel in the Bible: the question as to why

God looked with favor on the offering of Abel; the meaning of the phrase ―the blood of Abel‖ as it is used

in the NT; and the meaning of the name ―Abel‖ and its usage in the story of Genesis.

The biblical text gives no explicit reason for God‘s preference for Abel‘s offering. This has given rise to

speculation. Even the writer of Hebrews does little more than observe the offering as characteristic of

faith. Explanations which focus on the difference in the type of offering of Cain and Abel (Gunkel

Genesis HKAT, 37; Skinner Genesis ICC, 105) or on the difference in their disposition, like those which

emphasize the inscrutable choice of God (von Rad Genesis OTL, 104; Westermann Genesis 1–11 BKAT,

403–4), rely upon suppositions not explicit within the text. Nor is there any support for a rivalry between

farmers and herdsmen (as disputed by Sarna 1970: 28). Note that minḥāh, ―offering,‖ can refer to a grain

offering as well as to a meat offering. The text makes a distinction between Abel‘s offering of the ―first‖

and Cain‘s offering of ―some‖ (Cassuto 1961: 206–7; Sarna 1970: 29; Waltke 1986; Wenham Genesis 1–

15 WBC, 103–4). In offering the firstborn, Abel‘s act parallels that of Israelite sacrifices in which the

firstborn represents both that which belongs to God as well as the entirety of the flock. By giving the

firstborn and the best of the animal (i.e., the fat), Abel would be understood as having given everything to


Jesus‘ observation on the blood of Abel refers to the murder of Abel, which is interpreted as similar to

that of a ―prophet‖; and to that of a martyr, apparently due to its association with the worship of God

(Hill, Matthew NCBC, 315; Marshall, Luke NIGTC, 506; Légasse 1982; Fitzmyer, Luke 20–24 AB, 946,


The focus of Heb 11:4 is on the faith of Abel. He represents the first example of the righteous who are

put to death for their faithfulness. In Heb 12:24 Abel‘s blood represents the murder of an innocent victim.

It cries out for vengeance (Gen 4:10). The blood of Jesus could also represent the murder of an innocent

victim. However, instead of a cry for vengeance, the blood of Jesus provides mercy before God (Le Déaut

1961:30–36; Moffatt, Hebrews ICC, 163–65, 218–19; Hughes 1977:453–57, 551–52).

Attempts to trace the meaning of the name ―Abel‖ to the Akkadian aplu, ―heir‖ (IDB 1: 4) or the

Sumerian synonym, ibila (Landersdorfer 1916: 67–68), seem to be speculative. This is true despite the

occurrence of these elements in Mesopotamian personal names. Nor is a relationship with the names Jabal

and Jubal at the end of chapter 4 clear from the text (contra Skinner, Genesis ICC, 103). A simpler origin

for the name can be found in the Hebrew root hbl, those meaning, ―breath,‖ reflects the more basic idea of

that which is transitory (Cassuto 1961:202; von Rad, Genesis OTL, 104; Westermann, Genesis 1–11

BKAT, 398; TWAT 2:337–38; Wenham, Genesis 1–15 WBC, 102). In the narrative of Genesis 4, Abel

represents a figure whose life is cut short before its full time is accomplished. Although one may argue

that Abel‘s name was intended to signify the general condition of humanity as subject to death, it is better

to see the name as an anticipation of Abel‘s premature death.


Cassuto, U. 1961. A Commentary on the Book of Genesis. Pt. 1, From Adam to Noah. Trans. I. Abrahams. Jerusalem.

Hughes, P. E. 1977. A Commentary to the Epistle to the Hebrews. Grand Rapids.

Landersdorfer, S. 1916. Sumerisches Sprachgut im alten Testament. Leipzig.

Légasse, S. 1982. L‘oracle contre ―cette génération‖ (Mt 23, 34–36 par Lc 1,49–51) et la polémique judéo-chrétienne dans la

source des logia. Pp. 237–256 in Logia. Les Paroles de Jésus—The Sayings of Jesus, ed. J. Delobel.

Le Déaut, R. 1961. Traditions targumiques dans le corpus Paluinien? (Hebr 11,4 et 12,24; Gal 4, 29–30; II Cor. 3, 16). Bib 42:


Offord, J. 1916. Archaeological Notes on Jewish Antiquities. PEFQS 138–48.

Sarna, N. 1970. Understanding Genesis. Heritage of Biblical Israel 1. New York.

Waltke, B. K. 1986. Cain and His Offering. WTJ 48: 363–72.


ABEL-BETH-MAACAH (PLACE) [Heb ˒ābēl bêt-ma˓ăkâ (אָבֵלֲבֵית־מַףֲכָה )]. Var. ABEL OF

BETH-MAACAH. A town in the N part of Israel conquered by Ben-hadad at the beginning of the 9th

century B.C. (1 Kgs 15:20) and then by Tiglath-pileser III in 734 B.C. (2 Kgs 15:29). Its identification with

˒bw€ m in the Execration texts (E47)


1-2 1:543 Schearing, Linda S.

Azzan (PERSON) + 1:543 Panitz, Raphael I.

Azzur (PERSON) 1-3 1:543-544 Dalglish, Edward R.

Baal (DEITY) + 1:545-549 Day, John

Baal (PERSON) 1-2 + 1:549-550 Brettler, Marc Zvi

Baal (PLACE). See also Baalath-Beer (PLACE) 1:550

Baal-Berith (DEITY) + 1:550-551 Lewis, Theodore J.

Baal-Gad (PLACE) 1:551 Benjamin, Paul

Baal-Hamon (PLACE) + 1:551 Schmitz, Philip C.

Baal-Hanan (PERSON) + 1:551-552 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Baal-Hazor (PLACE) 1:552 Thompson, Henry O.

Baal-Hermon (PLACE) + 1:532 Franklyn, Paul Nimrah

Baal-Meon (PLACE) + 1:552 Piccirillo, Michele

Baal-Peor (PLACE) + 1:553 Slayton, Joel C.

Baal-Perazim (PLACE) 1:553 Kobayashi, Yosh*taka

Baal-Shalishah (PLACE) + 1:553 Herion, Gary A.

Baal-Tamar (PLACE) + 1:553-554 McGarry, Susan E.

Baal-Zebub (DEITY) + 1:554 Maier, Walter Arthur, III

Baal-Zephon (PLACE) + 1:554-555 Raabe, Paul R.

Baalah (PLACE) 1:555 Ehrlich, Carl S.

Baalath (PLACE) + 1:555 Greenberg, Raphael

Baalath-Beer (PLACE) 1:555-556 Arnold, Patrick M.

Baalbek (PLACE) + 1:556 Smith, Robert Houston

Baale-Judah (PLACE). See Kiriath-Jearim (PLACE)

Baalis (PERSON) + 1:556-557 Geraty, Lawrence T.

ABD Article Index


Baalsamus (PERSON). See Maaseiah

Baana (PERSON) 1-2 + 1:557-558 Knobloch, Frederick W.

Baanah (PERSON) 1-4 + 1:558 Knobloch, Frederick W.

Baara (PERSON) 1:558 Harmon, G. Edwin

Baaseiah (PERSON) 1:558 Willett, Tom Wayne

Baasha (PERSON) 1:558-559 Olson, Dennis T.

Bab Edh-Dhra‘ (M.R. 202074) + 1:559-561 Rast, Walter E.

Babel (PLACE) + 1:561-563 Spina, Frank Anthony

Babylon (PLACE):

A-G. Babylon in the OT, etc. + 1:563-565 Margueron, Jean-Claude; Sager, Paul (trans.)

H. Babylon in the New Testament + 1:565-566 Watson, Duane F.

Babylonia (History and Culture). See Mesopotamia, History of

Babylonian Judaism. See Judaism (Babylonian)

Baca, Valley of (PLACE) 1:566 Kobayashi, Yosh*taka

Bacchides (PERSON) + 1:566-567 Rappaport, Uriel

Bacenor (PERSON) + 1:567 Nelson, Russell D.

Baean (PLACE) + 1:567 Redditt, Paul L.

Bagoas (PERSON) + 1:567-568 White, Sidnie Ann

Bagpipe. See Music and Muscial Instruments

Bahurim (PLACE) 1:568 Schley, Donald G.

Baiterus (PERSON) 1:568 McGehee, Michael David

Bakbakkar (PERSON) 1:568 Dunston, Robert C.

Bakbuk (PERSON) + 1:568 Shearer, Rodney H.

Bakbukiah (PERSON) + 1:568 Augustin, Gary C.

Baker’s Street (PLACE) + 1:568-569 Mare, W. Harold

Balaam (PERSON) + 1:569-572 Hackett, Jo Ann

Baladan (PERSON) + 1:572-573 Hull, John H., Jr.

Balah (PLACE). See also Baalah (PLACE) 1:573

Balah, Deir el- (PLACE). See Deir el-Balah

Balak (PERSON) 1:573 Mattingly, Gerald L.

Balamon (PLACE) + 1:573 Schmidt, Frederick W.

Balas, Alexander (PERSON). See Alexander (PERSON)

Balbaim (PLACE) 1:573 White, Sidnie Ann

Baldness. See Sickness and Disease

Balm + 1:573-574 Jones, Richard N.

Balsam. See Balm

Bamoth (PLACE) + 1:574 Romero, C. Gilbert

Bamoth-Baal (PLACE) + 1:574-575 Mattingly, Gerald L.

Ban (Herem). See Deuteronomy, Book of

Banditry + 1:575-580 Isaac, Benjamin

Bangles. See Jewelry

Bani (PERSON) 1-11 1:580-581 Schley, Donald G.

Banking. See Interest and Usury; Trade and Commerce

Bannas (PERSON). See also Bani; Binnui 1:581 Schley, Donald G.

Banquet, Messianic. See Messianic Banquet

Banqueting Hall/House + 1:581-582 Lewis, Theodore J.

Baptism + 1:583-594 Hartman, Lars

Baptist, John the. See John the Baptist

Baq‘ah Valley (Jordan) + 1:594-598 McGovern, Patrick E.

Bar Kokhba: 1:598-606

Bar Kokhba Revolt + 1:598-601 Isaac, Benjamin; Oppenheimer, Aharon

Bar Kokhba Letters + 1:601-606 Wise, Michael O.

Bar Kosiba. See Bar Kokhba

Bar-Jesus 1:607 Wheeler, Frank E.

Barabbas (PERSON) + 1:607 Wilkins, Michael J.

Barachel (PERSON) + 1:607-608 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Baraita + 1:608 Kraemer, David

Barak + 1:608 Lowery, Kirk E.

Bardaisan of Edessa (PERSON) + 1:608-610 McVey, Kathleen E.

Bariah (PERSON) 1:610 Fuller, Russell

ABD Article Index


Barkos (PERSON) + 1:610 Shearer, Rodney H.

Barley. See Agriculture; Flora

Barnabas (PERSON) + 1:610-611 Daniels, Jon B.

Barnabas, Epistle of + 1:611-614 Treat, Jay Curry

Barodis (PERSON) 1:614 McGehee, Michael David

Barsabbas (PERSON) 1-2 1:614 Fry, Virgil R. L.

Bartacus (PERSON) 1:614-615 Carroll, Scott T.

Bartholomew (PERSON) + 1:615 Wilkins, Michael J.

Bartholomew, Gospel (Questions) of + 1:615-616 Daniels, Jon B.

Bartimaeus (PERSON) + 1:616-617 Fry, Virgil R. L.

Baruch (PERSON) 1 + 1:617 Lundbom, Jack R.

Baruch (PERSON) 2-4 1:617-618 Dalglish, Edward R.

Baruch, Book of + 1:618-620 Mendels, Doron

Baruch, Book of 2 (Syriac) + 1:620-621 Charlesworth, James H.

Baruch, Book of 3 (Greek) + 1:621-622 Charlesworth, James H.

Baruch, Book of 4 + 1:622 Robinson, Stephen E.

Barzillai (PERSON) 1-3 + 1:623 Petter, Gerald J.

Basemath (PERSON) + 1:623 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Bashan (PLACE) 1:623-624 Slayton, Joel C.

Basilides + 1:624-625 Mirecki, Paul Allan

Baskama (PLACE) 1:625 Smith, Robert Wayne

Bastion. See Fortifications 1:625

Bat. See Zoology 1:625

Batashi, Tell el- (M.R. 142132) + 1:625-626 Mazar, Amihay; Kelm, George L.

Batashi, Tuleilat el- (M.R. 142132) + 1:627 Kaplan, Jacob

Bath. See Weights and Measures 1:627

Bath-Rabbim (PLACE) + 1:627 Younker, Randall W.

Bathing. See Unclean and Clean

Bathsheba (PERSON) + 1:627-628 Yee, Gale A.

Bathshua (PERSON) 1-2 1:628 Yee, Gale A.

Bavvai (PERSON) 1:628 Schley, Donald G.

Bawdlerization. See Bible, Euphemism and Dysphemism in the

Bazaar. See Trade and Commerce (ANE)

Bazlith (PERSON) + 1:628 Shearer, Rodney H.

Bdellium. See Perfumes and Spices

Beads, Beadwork. See Jewelry

Bealiah (PERSON) 1:628 Dillard, Raymond B.

Bealoth (PLACE) 1:628-629 Baker, David W.

Beam. See Plank

Bean. See Flora

Bear. See Zoology

Beatitudes + 1:629-631 Collins, Raymond F.

Beatty, Chester (Papyri). See Chester Beatty Papyri

Beautiful Gate (PLACE) + 1:631-632 Pattengale, Jerry A.

Bebai (PERSON) 1-2 1:632 Shogren, Gary S.

Bebai (PLACE) + 1:632 White, Sidnie Ann

Becher (PERSON) 1:632 Johnson, Siegfried S.

Becorath (PERSON) + 1:632-633 Edelman, Diana Vikander

Bectileth (PLACE) 1:633 White, Sidnie Ann

Bedad (PERSON) + 1:633 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Bedan (PERSON) 1-2 + 1:633 Petter, Gerald J.

Bedeiah (PERSON) 1:633 fa*ger, Jeffrey A.

Bedouin and Bedouin States + 1:634-638 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Bee. See Zoology

Beeliada (PERSON) 1:638 Howard, David M., Jr.

Beelzebul + 1:638-640 Lewis, Theodore J.

Beer (PLACE) 1-2 + 1:640 Ferch, Arthur J.

Beer-Elim (PLACE) 1:640 Ferch, Arthur J.

Beer-Lahai-Roi 1:640 Thompson, Henry O.

Beer-Resism (M.R. 109206) + 1:640 Dever, William G.

ABD Article Index


Beer-Sheba (PLACE) + 1:641-645 Manor, Dale W.

Beera (PERSON) 1:645 O’Brien, J. Randall

Beerah (PERSON) + 1:645-646 Graham, M. Patrick

Beeri (PERSON) 1-2 1:646 Pressler, Carolyn J.

Beeroth (PLACE) + 1:646-647 Dorsey, David A.

Beeroth Bene-Jaakan (PLACE) 1:647 Matthews, Victor H.

Beeshterah (PLACE) + 1:647-648 Peterson, John L.

Beit Mirsim, Tell (M.R. 141096) + 1:648-649 Dever, William G.

Beit Ras (M.R. 230222) + 1:649-650 Lenzen, C. J.

Beitin, Tell (M.R. 172148) + 1:651-652 Dever, William G.

Beka. See Weights and Measures

Bel (DEITY) + 1:652-653 Dalglish, Edward R.

Bel and the Dragon. See Daniel, Additions to

Bela (PERSON) 1-3 + 1:653-654 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Bela (PLACE) + 1:654 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Belial + 1:654-656 Lewis, Theodore J.

Belief, Believers (New Testament) + 1:656-657 Wilkins, Michael J.

Bells + 1:657 Meyers, Carol

Belmain (PLACE) 1:657-658 White, Sidnie Ann

Belnuus (PERSON). See Binnui (PERSON)

Beloved Disciple + 1:658-661 Byrne, Brendan

Belshazzar (PERSON) + 1:661 Sack, Ronald H.

Belt. See Dress and Ornamentation

Belteshazzar (PERSON) 1:661-662 Coxon, Peter W.

Beltethmus (PERSON) + 1:662 Bowman, Craig D.

Ben-Abinadab (PERSON) + 1:662 Knobloch, Frederick


(Alt 1941: 33) is doubtful, but it can be identified with ibr no. 92 in

the list of Thutmoses III (LBHG, 150) and thus must have been one of the Canaanite centers in the

country. Its role during the revolt of Sheba (2 Sam 20:14–18) may indicate both a certain independence

during the reign of David and the continuation of the Canaanite population. According to the proverb in 2

Sam 20:18, Beth-Maacah must have been famous for its council. The city has been identified with Tell

Abel el-Qamḥ (M.R. 204296), 7 km WNW of Dan.


Alt, A. 1941. Herren und Herrensitze Palästinas im Anfang des zweiten Jahrtansends v. Chr. ZDPV 64: 21–39.


ABEL-KERAMIM (PLACE) [Heb ˒ābēl kĕrām m (אָבֵלֲכְשָמִים )]. A town on the border of the

Ammonites (Judg 11:33), probably identical with Abila in Eusebius‘ Onomast. (32, 14–16 Klostermann).

According to Eusebius, the distance from Abila to Philadelphia/Rabbath Ammon/Amman is 6 roman

leagues. Based on this reference, suggestions for the location of Abel-Keramim form a circle around

Amman: Nā˓ūr (M.R. 228142; GP 2: 233f), Khirbet es-Suq (KISchr I: 159, n. 3), and Kōm Yājūz (M.R.

237160; Mittmann 1969: 75). These identifications were all ruled out by Redford (1982a; 1982b), who

identified Abel-Keramim with the krmm of Thutmosis‘ III list of Asiatic toponyms (see ANET, 242).

However, Redford‘s own identification of Abel-Keramim at Tell el-˓Umeiri (M.R. 234142) is open to

criticism, since excavations there did not corroborate the LB occupation assumed by Redford on the basis

of his survey. See UMEIRI, TELL EL-. Knauf (1984) adduced evidence from the Islamic conquest

narratives, and proposed identifying Abel-Keramim with Saḥāb. According to early Islamic tradition, in

A.D. 634 a battle was fought between ― bil, Z za˒, and Qasṭal‖ (cf. Donner 1981: 113f). The plain N of

Z za˒, NE of Qasṭal, and S of the Ammonite hill country, now transversed by the Hijaz railway and the

location of Amman‘s international airport, would indeed have formed a splendid battleground for cavalry.

To the N, this plain is dominated by Saḥāb. Sahab was a walled city in the 15th century B.C., and

extensively occupied during the Iron Age. See SAHAB. Its vicinity was densely occupied by hamlets and

farmsteads in the Late Byzantine and Umayyad periods (Gustavson-Gaube and Ibrahim 1986).

Abel-Keramim can be translated ―pasture of vineyards,‖ or since *Karam m/Karamen is previously

attested as this place‘s name, ―the pasture of the vineyard town.‖ Place names containing the abel element

have a high frequency in the OT and in the present toponymy of S Syria, Jordan, and Palestine. These

names seem to have originated among the nonurban population of this area in the course of the LB and

Early Iron Age transition. These names may indicate the sociopolitical change which took place in this

period, i.e. the demise of the city-states and the formation of the Aramaean, Israelite, and Ammonite tribal



Donner, F. M. 1981. The Early Islamic Conquests. Princeton.

Gustavson-Gaube, C., and Ibrahim, M. 1986. Sahab Survey, 1984. AfO 33: 283–86.

Knauf, E. A. 1984. Abel Keramim. ZDPV 100: 119–121.

Mittmann, S. 1969. Aroer, Minnith und Abel Keramim (Jdc. 11, 33). ZDPV 85: 63–75.

Redford, D. 1982a. Contact between Egypt and Jordan in the New Kingdom: Some Comments on Sources. Pp. 115–19 in

Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan I, ed. A. Hadidi. Amman.

———. 1982b. A Bronze Age Itinerary in Transjordan (Nos. 89–101 of Thutmose III‘s List of Asiatic Toponyms). JSSEA 12:



ABEL-MEHOLAH (PLACE) [Heb. ˒ābēl mĕḥôlâ (אָבֵלֲמְחולָה )]. A town located in the western

Jordan ghor (Judg 7:22; 1 Kgs 4:12). It was the hometown of the prophet Elisha, son of Shaphat (1 Kgs

19:16), and probably also of Adriel ben Barzillai the Meholathite, the son-in-law of Saul, the first King of

Israel (1 Sam 18:19; 2 Sam 21:8). The name of the settlement means ―meadow of dancing.‖ It is one of a

group of compound names formed with ˒ābēl, ―meadow, well-watered land,‖ as a descriptive first

element. Other examples include Abel-maim, Abel-sh*ttim, Abel-keramim, Abel-mizraim, and Abel-beth-

maacah. While the present spelling and vocalization of the second element means ―dancing,‖ it is possible

that before the medial waw was added as a vowel marker, the nonvocalized consonantal text mḥlh

designated the Manassite clan of Mahlah (Num 26:33; 27:1; 36:11; Josh 17:3; 1 Chr 7:18), indicating that

the meadow where the town was founded belonged to the Mahlah clan.

The location of the ancient settlement is disputed. 20th-century proposals have included two sites on the

eastern side of the Jordan: Tell Maqlub (M.R. 214201) inland on the north bank of the Wadi el-Yabis

(Glueck 1945–48: 215–23) and Tell el-Meqbereh/Tell Abu Kharaz, in the eastern ghor at the mouth of the

Wadi el-Yabis (Alt 1928:44–46; Noth 1959: 52–60); and four sites in the western Jordan ghor; Ras Umm

el-Harrube (M.R. 196175) in the hills above the north bank of the Wadi Faria (Burney 1914: 94–96); Tell

Abu Sifri (S)/Khirbet Tell el-Hilu, which lies at the junction of Wadi el-Helwah and Wadi el-Malih north

of the Wadi Faria (Albright 1925: 18; Alt 1928:45; GP, 234; Simons 1959: 294; LOB, 284, n. 222); Tell

el-Hamme, which lies at the mouth of the Wadi Losm el-hamme, about 5.25 km north of Tell Abu Sifri

(Hölscher 1910: 17–18); and Tell Abu Sus, which lies about 15 km south of Beth She˒an, at the southern

edge of the Beth She˒an Valley (Naor 1947:90–93; Zobel 1966: 97–101; Mittmann 1970: 128; Rosel

1976: 15; Zori 1977: 38–9; LOB 313; HGB, 63). The town‘s location on the western side of the Jordan

River is clearly indicated by the description of the fifth Solomonic district in 1 Kgs 4:12. The district

included the lowland areas forming an arc around the Gilboa spur, from Taanach in the Esdraelon Plain,

westward, through the Beth She˒an Valley, swinging south to include the western bank of the ghor to the

southern boundary of Abel-Meholah, opposite Jokmeam.

A location in the western ghor is also indicated by the description of the flight of the Midianites from

the Jezreel Valley in Judg 7:22–8:5. Attempting to return to their home in the east, which required the

crossing of the Jordan (Judg 6:33), they are said to have moved southward from the Valley, to Beth-

sh*ttah, as far as the riverbank of Abel-Meholah, near or opposite Tabbath. Gideon is to have sent

mesengers to the inhabitants of the hill country of Ephraim to seize the waters as far as Beth-barah and

also the Jordan against the retreating Midianites, to prevent them from fording the Jordan and escaping

into Gilead or down the eastern ghor to the arabah region south of the Dead Sea. Their failure to act

allowed the Midianites to cross the Jordan, forcing Gideon to cross in pursuit (Judg 8:1–5). Regardless of

one‘s stance as to the historical reliability and date of the Gideon narrative (Payne 1983: 163–72), one can

presume that the author of the story would have been familiar with the geography and the ancient road

systems in the regions depicted in the story, which would not have changed significantly over time. The

information provided requires a location for Abel-Meholah in the western ghor near the Jordan River,

north of Beth-barah and near or opposite Tabbath, and north of the latitude of Succoth on the eastern bank

of the Jordan, which was the first settlement Gideon reached after crossing the river. Eusebius places

Abel-Meholah in the western ghor, identifying it with the Roman settlement known as Bethmaela ten

Roman miles south of Scytholpolis (Beth She˒an). In light of the available information, Tell el-

Meqbereh/Tell Abu Kharaz, Tell Maqlub, and Ras Umm el-Harrube can be eliminated from potential


Archaelogical surveys at Tell Abu Sifri (S)/Khirbet Tell el-Hilu have indicated



Ben-Ammi (PERSON) + 1:662 Slayton, Joel C.

Ben-Deker (PERSON) + 1:662-663 Knobloch, Frederick W.

Ben-Dosa, Hanina (PERSON). See Hanina Ben-Dosa (PERSON)

Ben-Geber (PERSON) + 1:663 McMillion,Phillip E.

Ben-Hadad (PERSON) 1-4 + 1:663-665 Pitard, Wayne T.

Ben-Hail (PERSON) 1:665 Lowery, Kirk E.

Ben-Hanan (PERSON) 1:665 Smith, David Channing

Ben-Hesed (PERSON) + 1:665-666 Knobloch, Frederick W.

Ben-Hinnom, Valley of (PLACE). See Hinnom Valley

Ben-Hur (PERSON) + 1:666 Knobloch, Frederick W.

Ben-Oni (PERSON) + 1:666 Slayton, Joel C.

Ben-Sira, Wisdom of. See Wisdom of Ben-Sira

Ben-Zoheth (PERSON) 1:666 Smith, David Channing

Benaiah (PERSON) 1-11 + 1:666-668 Knobloch, Frederick W.

Bene-Berak (PLACE) + 1:668 Kaplan, Jacob

Bene Qedem. See East, People of the

Bene-Jaakan (PLACE) 1:668 Matthews, Victor H.

Benedictus + 1:669 Danker, Frederick William

Benefactor + 1:669-671 Danker, Frederick William

Beninu (PERSON) 1:671 Schmidt, Frederick W.

Benjamin (PERSON) 1 + 1:671-673 Schunck, Klaus-Dietrich; Callaway, Phillip R. (trans.)

Benjamin (PERSON) 2-4 1:673 Evans, Craig A.

Benjamin Gate (PLACE) 1:673 Mare, W. Harold

Beno (PERSON) 1:673-674 Wright, John W.

Beon (PLACE) 1:674 Romero, C. Gilbert

Beor (PERSON) 1-2 + 1:674 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Bera (PERSON) 1:674 Astour, Michael C.

Beracah (PERSON) 1:674 Dillard, Raymond B.

Beracah, Valley of (PLACE) + 1:674-675 Mullins, Robert A.

Beraiah (PERSON) 1:675 Johnson, Siegfried S.

Berea (PLACE) 1-3 1:675 Pattengale, Jerry A.

Berechiah (PERSON) 1-8 + 1:675-676 Kennedy, James M.

Bered (PERSON) + 1:676 Davis, M. Stephen

Bered (PLACE) 1:676 Herion, Gary A.

ABD Article Index


Beri (PERSON) 1:676-677 Slayton, Joel C.

Beriah (PERSON) 1-4 + 1:677 Mariottini, Claude F.

Berlin Gnostic Codex. See Codex (Berlin Gnostic)

Bernice (PERSON) + 1:677-678 Braund, David C.

Beroea (PLACE) 1-3 1:678-679 Wineland, John D.

Berolinensis, Codex. See Codex (Berlin Gnostic)

Berothah (PLACE) 1:679 Avalos, Hector

Berothai (PLACE) + 1:679 Avalos, Hector

Berries. See Flora

Besai (PERSON) + 1:679 Shearer, Rodney H.

Bescaspamys (PERSON) 1:679

Besodeiah (PERSON) 1:679 Kennedy, James M.

Besor, the Brook (PLACE) + 1:679-680 DeVries, LaMoine F.

bestial*ty. See Punishments and Crimes; Sex and Sexuality

Bet 1:680

Beta 1:680

Betah (PLACE). See also Tebah (PERSON) 1:680

Beten (PLACE) + 1:680 Frankel, Rafael

Beth-Anath (PLACE) + 1:680-681 Lubetski, Meir

Beth-Anoth (PLACE) + 1:681 McGarry, Susan E.

Beth-Arabah (PLACE) 1:681 Thompson, Henry O.

Beth-Arbel (PLACE) + 1:681 Pressler, Carolyn J.

Beth-Ashbea (PLACE) + 1:682 Ehrlich, Carl S.

Beth-Aven (PLACE) + 1:682 Arnold, Patrick M.

Beth-Azmaveth (PLACE). See Azmaveth (PLACE)

Beth-Baal-Meon (PLACE) 1:682 Mattingly, Gerald L.

Beth-Barah (PLACE) 1:682-683 Lott, Jeffrey K.

Beth-Biri (PLACE) 1:683 Herion, Gary A.

Beth-Car (PLACE) + 1:683 Hamilton, Jeffries M.

Beth-Dagon (PLACE) + 1:683 Kotter, Wade R.

Beth-Diblathaim (PLACE) 1:683-684 Mattingly, Gerald L.

Beth-Eden (PLACE) + 1:684 Meier, Samuel A.

Beth-Eglaim (PLACE) + 1:684-685 Ehrlich, Carl S.

Beth-Eked (PLACE) + 1:685 Hunt, Melvin

Beth-Emek (PLACE) + 1:685-686 Frankel, Rafael

Beth-Ezel (PLACE) + 1:686 Luker, Lamontte M.

Beth Gader (PLACE) 1:686 McGarry, Susan E.

Beth-Gamul (PLACE) 1:686 Mattingly, Gerald L.

Beth-Gilgal (PLACE) 1:686 Lott, Jeffrey K.

Beth-Haccherem (PLACE) + 1:686-687 Younker, Randall W.

Beth-Haggan (PLACE) + 1:687 Zertal, Adam

Beth-Haram (PLACE) + 1:687 Franklyn, Paul Nimrah

Beth-Hoglah (PLACE) + 1:687-688 McGarry, Susan E.

Beth-Horon (PLACE) + 1:688-689 Peterson, John L.

Beth-Jeshimoth (PLACE) + 1:689 Romero, C. Gilbert

Beth-le-Aphrah (PLACE) + 1:689 Luker, Lamontte M.

Beth-Lebaoth (PLACE) 1:689-690 Ehrlich, Carl S.

Beth-Maacah (PLACE). See Abel-Beth-Maacah (PLACE)

Beth-Marcaboth (PLACE) + 1:690 Zorn, Jeffrey R.

Beth-Meon (PLACE) 1:690 Mattingly, Gerald L.

Beth-Millo (PLACE) + 1:690 Görg, Manfred

Beth-Nimrah (PLACE) 1:691 Romero, C. Gilbert

Beth-Pazzez (PLACE) 1:691 Hunt, Melvin

Beth-Pelet (PLACE) 1:691 Herion, Gary A.

Beth-Peor (PLACE) 1:691 Mattingly, Gerald L.

Beth-Rapha (PERSON) + 1:691-692 Clem, H. Eldon

Beth-Rehob (PLACE) + 1:692 Herion, Gary A.

Beth-Saida (PLACE) + 1:692-693 Strange, James F.

Beth-Shan (PLACE). See also Scythopolis (PLACE) + 1:693-696 McGovern, Patrick E.

Beth-Shean. See Beth-Shan

ABD Article Index


Beth-Shearim (PLACE). See Burials (Ancient Jewish)

Beth-Shemesh (PLACE) 1 + 1:696-698 Brandfon, Frederic R.

Beth-Shemesh (PLACE) 2-4 + 1:696-698 Manor, Dale W.

Beth-sh*ttah (PLACE) 1:698 Thompson, Henry O.

Beth-Tappuah (PLACE) + 1:699 Kotter, Wade R.

Beth-Yerah (M.R. 204235) + 1:699-700 Edwards, Douglas R.

Beth-Zaith (PLACE) + 1:700 Hardwick, Michael E.

Beth-Zatha (PLACE) + 1:700-701 Strange, James F.

Beth-Zechariah (PLACE) + 1:701 Hardwick, Michael E.

Beth-Zur (PLACE) + 1:701-702 Toews, Wesley Irwin

Bethany (PLACE) 1-3 1:702-703 Perkins, Larry J.

Bethany beyond the Jordan + 1:703-705 Riesner, Rainer; Schatzmann, Siegfried S. (trans.)

Bethasmoth (PLACE). See also Azmaveth (PLACE) 1:705

Bethbasi (PLACE) + 1:705-706 Redditt, Paul L.

Bethel (DEITY) + 1:706-710 Dalglish, Edward R.

Bethel (PLACE) 1-2 + 1:710-712 Brodsky, Harold

Bethel-Sharezer (PLACE). See Sharezer (PERSON)

Bether (PLACE) + 1:712 Thompson, Henry O.

Bethlehem (PLACE) + 1:712-715 Cazelles, Henri

Bethphage (PLACE) 1:715 Carroll, Scott T.

Bethuel (PERSON) + 1:715 Hostetter, Edwin C.

Bethuel (PLACE) + 1:715 Herion, Gary A.

Bethulia (PLACE) + 1:715-716 White, Sidnie Ann

Betomasthaim (PLACE) + 1:716 White, Sidnie Ann

Betonim (PLACE) + 1:716 Franklyn, Paul Nimrah

Beyond the Jordan (PLACE) + 1:716-717 Thompson, Henry O.

Beyond the River (PLACE) + 1:717 Hardwick, Michael E.

Bezae. See Codex (Bezae)

Bezai (PERSON) 1:717 Bergdall, Chaney R.

Bezalel (PERSON) 1-2 1:717 fa*ger, Jeffrey A.

Bezek (PLACE) + 1:717-718 Zertal, Adam

Bezer (PERSON) 1:718

Bezer (PLACE) 1:718-719 Mattingly, Gerald L.

Bible, Bishops’ + 1:719-720 Lewis, Jack P.

Bible, Euphemism and Dysphemism in the + 1:720-725 Pope, Marvin H.

Bible, Statistical Research on the. See Statistical Research on the Bible

Biblical Authority. See Scriptural Authority

Biblical Criticism. 1:725-736

See also Scriptural Authority; Theology (Biblical)

History of Biblical Criticism + 1:726-730 O’Neill, J.C.

New Testament Criticism + 1:730-736 Baird, William

Biblical Scholarship, Japanese 1:737-740

OT Scholarship + 1:737-738 Sacon, Kiyoshi K.

NT Scholarship 1:738-740 Matsunaga, Kikuo

Biblical Theology. See Theology (Biblical), History of

Bichri (PERSON) 1:741 Johnson, Siegfried S.

Bidkar (PERSON) + 1:741 Viviano, Pauline A.

Bigtha (PERSON). See Mehuman; Bigthan

Bigthan (PERSON) + 1:741 Bedford, Peter

Bigvai (PERSON) 1-2 1:741 Bergdall, Chaney R.

Bildad (PERSON) + 1:741-742 Knauf, Ernst Axel; Herion, Gary A.

Bileam (PLACE). See also Ibleam (PLACE) 1:742

Bilgah (PERSON) 1-4 1:742 Wright, John W.

Bilgai (PERSON) 1:742 Schmidt, Frederick W.

Bilhah (PERSON) + 1:742-743 Slayton, Joel C.

Bilhah (PLACE). See also Baalah 2 1:743

Bilhan (PERSON) 1-2 1:743 Matthews, Victor H.

Bilshan (PERSON) 1:743 Bergdall, Chaney R.

Bimhal (PERSON) 1:743 O’Brien, J. Randall

Binding and Loosing + 1:743-745 Collins, Raymond F.

ABD Article Index


Binea (PERSON) + 1:745 Brettler, Marc Zvi

Binnui (PERSON) 1-6 1:745 Schley, Donald G.

Biographies, Egyptian. See Egyptian Literature (Biographies)

Biography, Ancient + 1:745-749 Talbert, Charles H.

Bir‘am, Kefar. See Kefar Bir‘am (M.R. 189272)

Birds. See Zoology

Birsha (PERSON) 1:749 Astour, Michael C.

Birzaith (PERSON) 1:749-750 O’Brien, J. Randall

Bishlam (PERSON) + 1:750 Shearer, Rodney H.

Bishops’ Bible. See Bible, Bishops’

Bit. See Zoology

Bithiah (PERSON) 1:750 Lo, Hing Choi


Bithynia (PLACE) + 1:750-753 Sheppard, Anthony R. R.

Biziothiah (PLACE) 1:753 Herion, Gary A.

Biztha (PERSON). See Mehuman

Blasphemy. See Punishments and Crimes

Blasting/Blight. See Agriculture

Blastus (PERSON) 1:753 Watson, JoAnn Ford

Bless/Blessing + 1:753-755 Richards, Kent Harold

Blessings and Curses + 1:755-761 Urbrock, William J.

Blight. See Agriculture

Blindness. See Sickness and Disease

Blood + 1:761-763 Sperling, S. David

Blood, Avenger of + 1:763-764 Sperling, S. David

Blood, Field of (PLACE). See Akeldama (PLACE)

Blood, Flow of. See Unclean and Clean

Bloodguilt + 1:764-765 Sperling, S. David

Boar. See Zoology

Board. See Plank

Boaz (PERSON) + 1:765 Mathews, Kenneth A.

Bocheru (PERSON) 1:765 Johnson, Siegfried S.

Bochim (PLACE) 1:765 Kobayashi, Yosh*taka

Bodmer Papyri + 1:766-767 Pietersma, Albert

Body + 1:767-772 Schweizer, R. Eduard

Bohan, Stone of (PLACE) + 1:772 Baker, David W.

Boil. See Sickness and Disease

Bond 1:772-773

Old Testament + 1:772-773 Schley, Donald G.

New Testament + 1:773 Cook, John G.

Booths, Feast of. 1:773

See also Calendars (Ancient Israelite and Early Jewish)

Bor-Ashan (PLACE). See Ashan

Borith (PERSON). See Bukki

Bosor (PLACE) + 1:773 Redditt, Paul L.

Bougaean (PLACE) + 1:773-774 Schmidt, Frederick W.

Bowl. See Pottery (Chronology)

Box Tree. See Flora

Bozez (PLACE) 1:774 Hamilton, Jeffries M.

Bozkath (PLACE) + 1:774 Kotter, Wade R.

Bozrah (PLACE): 1:774-776

1: in Edom + 1:774-775 Hart, Stephen; Hübner, Ulrich

2: in Moab; 3: in Hauran + 1:775-776 Hübner, Ulrich

Bracelets. See Jewelry

Bramble. See Flora

Branch + 1:776-777 Bracke, John M.

Brand, Camel. See Wasm (Camel Brand)

Bread + 1:777-780 Reed, Stephen A.

Bread of the Presence + 1:780-781 Flesher, Paul V. M.

Breastpiece + 1:781 Meyers, Carol

Breastplate. See Weapons and Implements of Warfare

ABD Article Index


Breeches. See Dress and Ornamentation

Bridal Jewelry. See Jewelry

Bride. See Marriage

Bride of Christ 1:782 Reddish, Mitchell G.

Bridle. See Zoology

Broad Place 1:782

Broad Wall (PLACE) + 1:782 Mare, W. Harold

Brooch. See Jewelry 1:782

Broom Tree. See Flora 1:782

Brother, Brotherhood (NT) + 1:783-782 Wilkins, Michael J.

Brucianus. See Codex (Brucianus)

Buck. See Zoology

Buckler. See Weapons and Implements of Warfare

Budde Hypothesis + 1:783-784 von Fange, Erich A.

Bukki (PERSON) 1-2 1:784 Panitz, Raphael I.

Bukkiah (PERSON) 1:784-785 McCann, J. Clinton, Jr.

Bul. See also Calendars 1:785

Bull/Bullock. See Zoology

Bunah (PERSON) 1:785

Bunni (PERSON) + 1:785 Schley, Donald G.

Burials: 1:785-794

Israelite + 1:785-789 Bloch-Smith, Elizabeth

Ancient Jewish + 1:789-794 Hachlili, Rachel

Buseirah. See Bozrah

Bushel. See Weights and Measures

Bustard. See Zoology

Butchering Animals. See Zoology

Buz (PERSON) 1-2 + 1:794 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Buz (PLACE) + 1:794 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Buzi (PERSON) 1:794-795 Knauf, Ernst Axel

Buzzard. See Zoology

Byblos (PLACE). See Gebal (PLACE)

Byblos Syllabic. See Languages (Byblos Syllabic Inscriptions)

Cabbon (PLACE) + 1:797 Kotter, Wade R.

Cabul (PLACE) + 1:797 Frankel, Rafael

Caesar + 1:797-798 Jones, Brian W.

Caesar’s Household + 1:798 Hall, John F.

Caesar, Appeal to. See Appeal to Caesar

Caesarea (PLACE) + 1:798-803 Hohlfelder, Robert L.

Caesarea Philippi (PLACE) 1:803 Kutsko, John F.

Caiaphas (PERSON) + 1:803-806 Chilton, Bruce

Cain (PERSON) + 1:806-807 Hess, Richard S.

Cainan (PERSON) 1-2 1:807 Fry, Virgil R. L.

Cairo Genizah. See Damascus Rule (CD)

Calah (PERSON) + 1:807-808 Grayson, A. Kirk

Calamolalus (PERSON) 1:808 McGehee, Michael David

Calamus. See Perfumes and Spices

Calcol (PERSON) + 1:808 Mariottini, Claude F.

Caleb (PERSON) + 1:808-810 Fretz, Mark J.; Panitz, Raphael I.

Calendars: 1:810-820

Ancient Near East + 1:810-814 Rochberg-Halton, Francesca

Ancient Israelite and Early Jewish + 1:814-820 VanderKam, James C.

Calf. See Zoology

Calf, Golden. See Golden Calf

Caligula (Emperor) + 1:820-821 Carroll, Scott T.

Call Stories (GOSPELS) + 1:821-823 Droge, Arthur J.

Callisthenes (PERSON) 1:823 Nelson, Russell D.

Calneh (PLACE) 1:823-824 Meier, Samuel A.

Calvary (PLACE). See Golgotha (PLACE)

Camel + 1:824-826 Zarins, Juris

ABD Article Index


Camel Brands. See Wasm (Camel Brand)

Camel’s Hair. See Dress and Ornamentation

Cana of Galilee (PLACE) + 1:827 Strange, James F.

Canaan (PERSON) + 1:828 Hess, Richard S.

Canaan (PLACE) + 1:828-831 Schmitz, Philip C.

Canaan, Conquest of. See Israel, History of (Premonarchic Period)

Canaan, Egyptian Relations With. See Egyptian Relations with Canaan

Canaan, Religion of + 1:831-837 Day, John

Canaanite Language. See Languages (Introductory Survey)

Candace (PERSON) + 1:837 Witherington, Ben, III

Canneh (PLACE) + 1:837 Meier, Samuel A.

Canon. See also Apocrypha 1:837-861

Hebrew Bible + 1:837-852 Sanders, James A.

New Testament + 1:852-861 Gamble, Harry Y.

Canon, Muratorian. See Muratorian Fragment 1:861

Canonical Criticism + 1:861-866 Sheppard, Gerald T.

Canopy 1:866 Meyers, Carol

Canticles, Book of. See Song of Songs, Book of

Cape. See Dress and Ornamentation

Capernaum (PLACE) + 1:866-869 Corbo, Virgilio C.

Caphar-Salama (PLACE) 1:869 Smith, Robert Wayne

Caphtor (PERSON) + 1:869-870 Hess, Richard S.

Capital + 1:870 Meyers, Carol

Capitolias (PLACE). See Beit Ras (M.R. 230222)

Cappadocia (PLACE) + 1:870-872 Sullivan, Richard D.

Carabasion (PERSON) + 1:872 McGehee, Michael David

Caravan. See Travel and Communication

Caria (PLACE) 1:872 Carroll, Scott T.

Carites + 1:872 Ehrlich, Carl S.

Carkas (PERSON). See Mehuman (PERSON)

Carmel (PLACE) + 1:873 DeVries, LaMoine F.

Carmel Caves (M.R. 146230) 1:873-874 Ronen, Avraham

Carmel, Mount (PLACE) + 1:874-875 Thompson, Henry O.

Carmi (PERSON) 1-2 1:875-876 Mariottini, Claude F.

Carmonians 1:876 Herion, Gary A.

Carnaim (PLACE) + 1:876 Redditt, Paul L.

Carpus (PERSON) + 1:876-877 Gillman, Florence Morgan

Carshena (PERSON) + 1:877 Bush, Frederic W.

Carving. See Art and Architecture

Casemate. See Fortifications

Casiphia (PLACE) + 1:877 Herion, Gary A.

Casluhim + 1:877-878 Hess, Richard S.

Caspin (PLACE) 1:878 Smith, Robert Wayne

Cassia. See Perfumes and Spices; Flora

Castanets. See Music and Musical Instruments

Cat. See Zoology

Catholic Epistles. See Epistles, Catholic

Catholic Versions. See Versions, Catholic

Cathua (PERSON) 1:878 McGehee, Michael David

Cattle. See Zoology

Cauda (PLACE) + 1:878 Wineland, John D.

Cavalry. See Military Organization in Mesopotamia

Cedar. See Flora

Ceiling 1:879

Celibacy 1:879

Celsus (PERSON) + 1:879-881 Burke, Gary T.

Cenchreae (PLACE) + 1:881-882 Hohlfelder, Robert L.

Cendebeus (PERSON) + 1:882 Rappaport, Uriel

Censers + 1:882 Meyers, Carol

Census 1:882-884

ABD Article Index


Ancient Near East + 1:882-883 Fales, Frederick Mario

Roman Census + 1:883-884 Schmitz, Philip C.

Centurion. See Roman Army

Ceremonial Law. See Law, (Biblical and ANE)

Cerinthus (PERSON) 1:885 co*ckerill, Gareth Lee

Chabris (PERSON) 1:885 White, Sidnie Ann

Chadiasans 1:885 McGehee, Michael David

Chaereas (PERSON) 1:885 Nelson, Russell D.

Chaldea (PLACE) + 1:886-887 Hess, Richard S.

Chalkstones. See Geography and the Bible (Palestine)

Chalphi (PERSON) 1:887 Nelson, Russell D.

Champion. See David’s Champions

Chaphenatha (PLACE) + 1:887 Lillie, Betty Jane

Charax (PLACE) + 1:887-888 Smith, Robert Houston

Charea (PERSON). See Harsha (PERSON)

Chariots + 1:888-892 Littauer, Mary Aiken; Crouwel, J. H.

Charismata. See Holy Spirit; Gifts, Spiritual

Charity. See Love (NT and Early Jewish Literature)

Charmer. See Magic (OT)

Charmis (PERSON) 1:892 White, Sidnie Ann

Chasing. See Jewelry

Chaspho (PLACE) + 1:892-893 Redditt, Paul



Chebar (PLACE) + 1:893 Thompson, Henry O.

Checker Work 1:893 Meyers, Carol

Chedorlaomer (PERSON) + 1:893-895 Astour, Michael C.

Cheetah. See Zoology

Chelal (PERSON) 1:895 fa*ger, Jeffrey A.

Chelleans + 1:895 White, Sidnie Ann

Chelous (PLACE) 1:895 White, Sidnie Ann

Chelub (PERSON) 1:895 Nysse, Richard W.

Chelubai (PERSON). See Caleb 1:895

Cheluhi (PERSON). See also Bedeiah 1:895 fa*ger, Jeffrey A.

Chemosh (DEITY) 1:895-897 Mattingly, Gerald L.

Chenaanah (PERSON) 1:897 Johnson, Siegfried S.

Chenani (PERSON) 1:897 Schmidt, Frederick W.

Chenaniah (PERSON) 1-2 + 1:897 Rogers, Jeffrey S.

Chephar-Ammoni (PLACE) + 1:898 McGarry, Susan E.

Chephirah (PLACE) + 1:898 Dorsey, David A.

Cheran (PERSON) 1:898 Matthews, Victor H.

Cherethites + 1:898-899 Ehrlich, Carl S.

Cherith, Brook of (PLACE) 1:899 Younker, Randall W.

Cherub (PERSON) 1:899 McGehee, Michael David

Cherub (PLACE) 1:899 McGehee, Michael David

Cherubim + 1:899-900 Meyers, Carol

Chesalon (PLACE) + 1:900 Mullins, Robert A.

Chesed (PERSON) 1:900 Slayton, Joel C.

Chesil (PLACE) 1:900 Herion, Gary A.

Chester Beatty Papyri + 1:901-903 Pietersma, Albert

Chesulloth (PLACE). See also Chisloth-Tabor (PLACE) 1:903

Chezib (PERSON) 1:903 McGehee, Michael David

Chezib (PLACE) + 1:903-904 Manor, Dale W.

Chi 1:904

Chiasm, Chiasmus. See Psalms, Book of

Chicken. See Zoology

Chidon (PERSON). See also Nacon (PERSON) 1:904

Chidon (PLACE) 1:904 Mullins, Robert A.

Chief. See Palestine, Administration of: Judean Officials (Postexilic)

Child, Children + 1:904-907 Grassi, Joseph A.

Chileab (PERSON) 1:907 Howard, David M., Jr.

Chiliasm + 1:908 Ford, J. Massyngbaerde

ABD Article Index


Chilion (PERSON) + 1:908 Mathews, Kenneth A.

Chilmad (PLACE) + 1:908-909 Thompson, Henry O.

Chimham (PERSON) 1:909 Dempster, Stephen G.

Chinnereth (PLACE) + 1:909-910 Fargo, Valerie M.

Chinnereth, Sea of (PLACE). See Galilee, Sea of

Chios (PLACE) 1:910 Carroll, Scott T.

Chislev. 1:910

See also Calendars (Ancient Israelite and Early Jewish)

Chislon (PERSON) 1:910 Panitz, Raphael I.

Chisloth-Tabor (PLACE) + 1:910-911 Frankel, Rafael

Chitlish (PLACE) + 1:911 Kotter, Wade R.

Chloe (PERSON) + 1:911 Gillman, Florence Morgan

Choba (PLACE) 1:911 White, Sidnie Ann

Chorazin (PLACE) + 1:911-912 Smith, Robert Wayne

Chorbe (PERSON) 1:912 Pacwa, Mitchell C.

Chosamaeus (PERSON) 1:912 McGehee, Michael David

Chreia + 1:912-914 Hock, Ronald F.

Christ + 1:914-921 de Jonge, Marinus

Christ, Body of + 1:921-923 Luter, A. Boyd, Jr.

Christ, Day of. See Day of Christ

Christ, Death of + 1:923-925 Matera, Frank J.

Christian + 1:925-926 Wilkins, Michael J.

Christian Art, Early. See Art and Architecture (Early Christian)

Christian Attitude toward Rome. See Rome, Early Christian Attitudes to

Christian Literature, Early. See Literature, Early Christian

Christian Ministry. See Ministry in the Early Church

Christian Papyri. See Papyri, Early Christian

Christian-Jewish Relations. See Jewish-Christian Relations (70-170)

Christianity 1:926-979

Early Social Life and Organization + 1:927-935 White, L. Michael

Early Jewish Christianity + 1:935-938 Schille, Gottfried

Christianity in Asia Minor + 1:938-954 Oster, Richard E., Jr.

Christianity in Egypt + 1:954-960 Pearson, Birger A.

Christianity in Greece + 1:960-965 McDonald, Lee Martin

North African Christianity + 1:965-968 Petersen, William L.

Christianity in Rome + 1:968-970 Snyder, Graydon F.

Christianity in Syria + 1:970-979 Bundy, David

Christianity, Sociology of Early. See Sociology (Early Christianity)

Christians, Persecution of. See Persecution of the Early Church

Christology (NT) + 1:979-991 Dunn, James D. G.

Chronicles of the Kings (Israel/Judah), Book of the + 1:991-992 Christensen, Duane L.

Chronicles, Book of 1-2 1:992-1002 Klein, Ralph W.

Chronographer, Demetrius the. See Demetrius the Chronographer

Chronology.: 1:1002-1022

See also Egypt, History of (Chronology); Mesopotamia, History of (Chronology)

Hebrew Bible + 1:1002-1011 Cogan, Mordechai

New Testament + 1:1011-1022 Donfried, Karl P.

Churches, Seven. See Seven Churches

Chusi (PLACE) + 1:1022 White, Sidnie Ann

Chuza (PERSON) 1:1022 Fry, Virgil R. L.

Cilicia (PLACE) + 1:1022-1024 Bing, J. Daniel

Cimmerians + 1:1025 Wineland, John D.

Cinnamon. See Perfumes and Spices; Flora

Circumcision + 1:1025-1031 Hall, Robert G.

Circumlocution. 1:1031

See also Bible, Euphemism and Dysphemism in the

Cistern of Sirah (PLACE). See Sirah, Cistern of (PLACE)

Cisterns. See Agriculture

Cities: 1:1031-1048

Cities in the Levant + 1:1031-1043 Herzog, Ze’ev

ABD Article Index


Greco-Roman Cities + 1:1043-1048 Stambaugh, John E.

Cities of Refuge. See Refuge, Cities of

Cities, Levitical. See Levitical Cities

Citizenship + 1:1048-1049 Bruce, Frederick Fyvie

City Authorities + 1:1049-1050 Bruce, Frederick Fyvie

City Names + 1:1050-1052 Arbeitman, Yoël L.

City of David. See David, City of (PLACE)

City of David, Stairs of. See Stairs of the City of David

City of Palm Trees (PLACE) + 1:1052-1053 Kobayashi, Yosh*taka

City of Salt (PLACE) + 1:1053 Thompson, Henry O.

City of the Sun (PLACE). See Sun, City of the

Clams. See Zoology

Clan. See Family

Claromontanus. See Codex Claromontanus

Claudia (PERSON) + 1:1053 Gillman, Florence Morgan

Claudius (EMPEROR) + 1:1054-1055 Jones, Brian W.

Claudius Lysias (PERSON) 1:1055 Watson, JoAnn Ford

Clay. See Pottery (Technology)

Clean. See Unclean and Clean

Clement (PERSON) + 1:1055 Gillman, John L.

Clement, First Epistle of + 1:1055-1060 Welborn, Laurence L.

Clement, Second Epistle of + 1:1061 Grant, Robert M.

Clementines, Pseudo- + 1:1061-1062 Jones, F. Stanley

Cleodemus Malchus + 1:1062-1063 Holladay, Carl R.

Cleopas (PERSON) + 1:1063-1064 O’Toole, Robert F.

Cleopatra (PERSON) 1-4 + 1:1064 Whitehorne, John

Clergy. See Ministry in the Early Church

Client Kings + 1:1064-1066 Braund, David C.

Cloisonne. See Jewelry

Clopas (PERSON) 1:1066 Daniels, Jon B.

Clothing. See Dress and Ornamentation

Cloud, Pillar of. See Pillar of Fire and Cloud

Club, War. See Weapons and Implements of Warfare

Clubs. See Associations, Clubs, Thiasoi

Cnidus (PLACE) + 1:1066-1067 Olson, Mark J.

Coat of Mail. See Weapons and Implements of Warfare

Code. See Law (Biblical and ANE)

Codex: 1:1067-1075

See also Canon (New Testament); Chester Beatty Papyri; Nag Hammadi; Papyri, Early Christian; and Pistis Sophia

The Codex + 1:1067-1069 Gamble, Harry Y.

Codex Alexandrinus + 1:1069 Slayton, Joel C.

Berlin Gnostic Codex + 1:1069-1070 Parrott, Douglas M.

Codex Bezae Cantabrigiensis + 1:1070-1071 Parker, D. C.

Codex Brucianus + 1:1071-1072 Williams, Michael A.

Codex Claromontanus + 1:1072-1073 Robbins, Gregory Allen

Codex Ephraimi Rescriptus + 1:1073-1074 Parker, D. C.

Codex Sinaiticus + 1:1074 Charlesworth, James H.

Codex Vaticanus + 1:1074-1075 Parker, D. C.

Codex Washingtonianus + 1:1075 Hurtado, Larry W.

Coele-Syria (PLACE) + 1:1075-1076 Smith, Robert Wayne

Cohort, Augustan. See Augustan Cohort

Cohort, Italian. See Italian Cohort

Coinage + 1:1076-1089 Betlyon, John W.

Col-Hozeh (PERSON) 1:1089 Augustin, Gary C.

Colonies, Roman. See Roman Colonies

Colossae (PLACE) + 1:1089-1090 Arnold, Clinton E.

Colossians, Epistle to the + 1:1090-1096 Furnish, Victor Paul

Columbaria. See also Zoology 1:1096

Commagene (PLACE) + 1:1096-1097 Sullivan, Richard D.

Commandment + 1:1097-1099 Collins, Raymond F.

ABD Article Index


Commandments, Ten. See Ten Commandments

Commission, Great. See Great Commission

Communication. See Travel and Communication

Communion. See Lord’s Supper; Agape Meal

Community 1:1099-1110

Old Testament + 1:1099-1103 Hanson, Paul D.

New Testament Koinōnia + 1:1103-1110 Wall, Robert W.

Community, Rule of


the (1QS). See also Qumran; Essenes + 1:1110-1112 Murphy-O’Connor, Jerome

Compassion. See Love

Computers and Biblical Studies + 1:1112-1124 Parunak, H. Van Dyke

Conaniah (PERSON) + 1:1124-1125 Lowery, Kirk E.

Concept of Our Great Power, The (NHC VI,4) + 1:1125 Goehring, James E.

Coney. See Zoology

Conflate Readings in the OT + 1:1125-1128 Trebolle, Julio

Conjuring. See Magic (OT)

Conquest of Canaan. See Israel, History of

Conscience + 1:1128-1130 Wall, Robert W.

Constellations. See Astrology in the Near East

Constitution. See Law (in Judaism of the NT Period)

Constitutions and Canons, Apostolic. See Apostolic Constitutions and Canons

Contibution for the Saints + 1:1131 Jervis, L. Ann

Conversion + 1:1131-1133 Gaventa, Beverly Roberts

Coops, Pigeon. See Zoology

Copper Scroll (3Q15) + 1:1133-1134 Pixner, Bargil (Virgil)

Coptic Language. See Languages (Coptic)

Coptic Versions. See Versions, Ancient (Coptic)

Cor. See Weights and Measures

Corban + 1:1134 Wilcox, Max

Corinth (PLACE) + 1:1134-1139 Murphy-O’Connor, Jerome

Corinthians, First Epistle to the + 1:1139-1148 Betz, Hans Dieter; Mitchell, Margaret M.

Corinthians, Second Epistle to + 1:1148-1154 Betz, Hans Dieter

Corinthians, Third Epistle to + 1:1154 Thomason, Dana Andrew

Cormorant. See Zoology

Cornelius (PERSON) + 1:1154-1156 Gaventa, Beverly Roberts

Corner Gate (PLACE) + 1:1156 Liid, Dale C.

Corporate Personality + 1:1156-1157 Rogerson, J. W.

Corpus Hellenisticum Novi Testamenti + 1:1157-1161 van der Horst, Peiter W.

Corrections of the Scribes. See Scribal Emendations; Textual Criticism; Masorah

Corruption, Mount of (PLACE) + 1:1161 Mare, W. Harold

Cos (PLACE) 1:1161-1162 Carroll, Scott T.

Cosam (PERSON) + 1:1162 Porter, Stanley E.

Cosmogony, Cosmology + 1:1162-1171 Oden, Robert A., Jr.

Cotton. See Flora; Dress and Ornamentation

Council. See Sanhedrin

Council of Jamnia. See Jamnia (Jabneh), Council of

Council of Jerusalem. See Jerusalem, Council of

Council, Heavenly. See Divine Assembly; Hosts, Lord of

Counsellors. See Palestine, Administration of: Postexilic Judean Officials

Counting. See Numbers and Counting

Courier. See Travel and Communication (ANE)

Court Narrative (2 Samuel 9-1Kings 2) + 1:1172-1179 Forshey, Harold O.

Court of the Guard. See Guard, Court of the

Courts. See Law, Biblical and ANE

Covenant + 1:1179-1202 Mendenhall, George E.; Herion, Gary A.

Covet, Covetousness. See Wanting and Desiring

Cowardice. See Virtue/Vice Lists

Cozbi (PERSON) + 1:1202 Hutton, Rodney R.

Cozeba (PLACE) + 1:1202 McGarry, Susan E.

Craftsmen, Valley of (PLACE) + 1:1202-1203 Hunt, Melvin

Crates (PERSON) + 1:1203 Hardwick, Michael E.

ABD Article Index


Crawling and Creeping Things + 1:1203 Wright, David P.

Creatures, Living. See Zoology

Creeds, Early Christian + 1:1203-1206 Leith, John H.

Crescens (PERSON) 1:1206 Gillman, Florence Morgan

Crescents. See Jewelry

Crete (PLACE) + 1:1206 Pattengale, Jerry A.

Crimes and Punishments. See Punishments and Crimes

Crispus (PERSON) 1:1206 Gillman, John L.

Criticism, Biblical. See Biblical Criticism

Crocus. See Flora

Crow. See Zoology

Crown. See Jewelry

Crucifixion + 1:1207-1210 O’Collins, Gerald G.

Cruse + 1:1210 Meyers, Carol

Ctesias + 1:1211-1212 Briant, Pierre; Rosoff, Stephen (trans.)

Cub (PLACE). See Libya

Cubit. See Weights and Measures

Cucumber. See Flora

Cummin. See Flora

Cun (PLACE) + 1:1212 Avalos, Hector

Cuneiform + 1:1212-1218 Cooper, Jerrold S.

Curse + 1:1218-1219 Stuart, Douglas

Cush (PERSON) 1-2 1:1219 Johnson, Siegfried S.

Cushan (PLACE) + 1:1219-1220 Baker, David W.

Cushan-Rishathaim (PERSON) + 1:1220 Bartlett, John R.

Cushi (PERSON) 1-2 1:1220 Dalglish, Edward R.

Cuth (PLACE) 1:1220-1221 Meier, Samuel A.

Cutha (PERSON) 1:1221 McGehee, Michael David

Cyamon (PLACE) 1:1221 White, Sidnie Ann

Cyclone. See Palestine, Climate of

Cymbals. See Music and Musical Instruments

Cynics + 1:1221-1226 Hock, Ronald F.

Cypress. See Flora

Cyprian + 1:1226-1228 Clarke, G. W.

Cyprus (PLACE) + 1:1228-1230 McRay, John

Cyrene (PLACE) + 1:1230-1231 Gasque, W. Ward

Cyril of Jerusalem, 20th Discourse of. See Virgin, Assumption of the

Cyrus (PERSON) 1:1231-1232 Young, T. Cuyler, Jr.

D. See also Deuteronomy, Book of 2:1

Dabbesheth (PLACE) 2:1 Greenberg, Raphael

Daberath (PLACE) + 2:1 Peterson, John L.

Dabria (PERSON) + 2:1 Han, Jin Hee

Dagon (DEITY) + 2:1-3 Handy, Lowell K.

Dalet 2:3

Daliyeh, Wadi ed- (M.R. 189155) + 2:3-4 Cross, Frank Moore

Dalmanutha (PLACE) + 2:4 Strange, James F.

Dalmatia (PLACE) + 2:4-5 Pattengale, Jerry A.

Dalphon (PERSON) + 2:5 Bedford, Peter

Damaris (PERSON) + 2:5 Witherington, Ben, III

Damascus (PLACE). See also Aram 2:5-8

Pre-Hellenistic History 2:5-7 Pitard, Wayne T.

The Greco-Roman Period 2:7-8 McRay, John

Damascus Rule (CD) 2:8-10 Davies, Philip R.

Dan (PERSON) + 2:10-12 Whitelam, Keith W.

Dan (PLACE) + 2:12-17 Biran, Avraham

Daniel (PERSON) 1-3 2:17-18 Howard, David M., Jr.

Daniel, Additions to + 2:18-28 Moore, Carey A.

Daniel, Apocalypse of + 2:28-29 Zervos, George T.

Daniel, Book of + 2:29-37 Collins, John J.

Dannah (PLACE) 2:37 Kotter, Wade R.

ABD Article Index


Daphne (PLACE) 2:37 Hardwick, Michael E.

Dara (PERSON) 2:37 Mariottini, Claude F.

Darda (PERSON) 2:37 McMillion,Phillip E.

Daric. See Coinage

Darius (PERSON) 2:37-38 Young, T. Cuyler, Jr.

Darius the Mede (PERSON) + 2:38-39 Koch, Klaus

Darkon (PERSON) + 2:39-40 Shearer, Rodney H.

Dart. See Weapons and Implements of Warfare

Date Palm. See Flora

Dathan (PERSON) + 2:40 Hutton, Rodney R.

Dathema (PLACE) + 2:40 Redditt, Paul L.

Daughter. See Family

Daughters of Philip. See Philip (PERSON)

David (PERSON) + 2:41-49 Howard, David M., Jr.

David’s Champions + 2:49-52 Schley, Donald G.

David, City of (PLACE) + 2:52-67 Tarler, David; Cahill, Jane M.

David, Sons of 2:67-69 Howard, David M., Jr.

Davidic Covenant + 2:69-72 Guinan, Michael D.

Dawn, The. See Shahar (DEITY)

Day of Atonement + 2:72-76 Wright, David P.

Day of Christ + 2:76-79 Hiers, Richard H.

Day of Judgement + 2:79-82 Hiers, Richard H.

Day of the Lord + 2:82-83 Hiers, Richard H.

Day of Yahweh + 2:84-85 Cathcart, Kevin J.

Dead Sea. See Salt Sea (PLACE)

Dead Sea Scrolls. See also Wadi Murabbaat + 2:85-101 Collins, John J.

Dead, Abode of the + 2:101-105 Lewis, Theodore J.

Dead, Cult of the + 2:105-108 Kennedy, Charles A.

Death 2:108-111

Old Testament + 2:108-110 Richards, Kent Harold

New Testament + 2:110-111 Gulley, Norman R.

Death of Christ. See Christ, Death of

Death, Pollution of. See Heifer, Red

Death, Second + 2:111-112 Watson, Duane F.

Debir (PERSON) 2:112 Schley, Donald G.

Debir (PLACE) 1 + 2:112 Herion, Gary A.; Manor, Dale W.

Debir (PLACE) 2-3. See also Lo-Debar 2:112-113 Lott, Jeffrey K.

Deborah (PERSON) 1-3 + 2:113-114 Boling, Robert G.

Debts + 2:114-116 Chilton, Bruce

Decapolis + 2:116-121 Rey-Coquais, Jean-Paul; Rosoff, Stephen (trans.)

Decision, Valley of (PLACE). See also Jehoshaphat, Valley of 2:121 Mare, W. Harold

Deconstruction. See Post-Structuralist Analysis

Dedan (PLACE) + 2:121-123 Graf, David F.

Dedication, Feast of + 2:123-125 VanderKam, James C.

Deep, The + 2:125-126 Seow, C. L.

Deer. See Zoology

Defile. See Unclean and Clean

Deir ‘Alla, Tell (M.R. 209178) 2:126-130

Archaeology + 2:126-129 Franken, H.J.

Texts + 2:129-130 Hackett, Jo Ann

Deir el-Balah (M.R. 088093) + 2:130-133 Dothan, Trude

Deities, Semitic. See Names of God in the OT

Deity Names. See Names of God in the OT

Delaiah (PERSON) 1-3 + 2:133 Wright, John W.

Delilah (PERSON) + 2:133-134 Exum, J. Cheryl

Delos (PLACE) + 2:134 Pattengale, Jerry A.

Delta 2:134

Demas (PERSON) + 2:134-135 Gillman, Florence Morgan

Demetrius (PERSON) 1-6 + 2:135-137 Lillie, Betty Jane

Demetrius (PERSON)

Anchor Bible Dictionary - completo - Pedagogia (2024)
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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

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Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.